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_._�...., _ <br /> .�..,L � .T�-.� ��'i►Ul�� , .,,�_ ,atriiti�St�l�d��.aa,�.r-� T , .. -_� -- • - <br /> _.. . • ' .. . �]Al�.;...��:,.. ` �.. _ <br /> . .., . . .,. <br /> , -� <br /> .. , ,. . . �r , .. ' • .�---- — <br /> ..... . . ---. _ . .. . - - - -- — '--- — .-'—. ._— _ . .. . _.s•_ - _. <br /> ----—__'—--=----_- � --"- ' _.. . - <br /> _ ,—---- =�L�'7r11� �tlr�wrr�ww..�-r.. T"�T^�r�-.��__—.,-�-- — <br /> �d llsbu�ro�►�r�11��Aa��t e/rM��r. Aq•I�oiMlq Md i�ioM�iW�Mo M ewMM b�►'�e�iNrfir• � '�: <br /> �Mt, 11r d 1�16N/rY�l�1��b- M�liis�wit�►Lw�rwt�s dr"Propwry." _ <br /> 9oRltawl9t coVBt�tAM'S orc 1lonow�is I�w1Wly�abo�d•d dre atMs brroby oaw�ysd,nd b�w ri�M a rn�t <br /> +Md � aad IWt tla lro�aty b�baied�eaoep�tor�cwabr�aVis at eeca�d. Bono�wt wa�rrw aed . <br /> MW d���dd�b dM!hOp�ty�t fll CLi�s ad dMfnMd�w��a�o ao�►�wn�a da�pa'L <br /> 17�IS SFi�IJR17Y II�5'lRlJb�•u�ifona renannty i��au+mait ooyetin�ro�l pap�ty �� � ' <br /> Y�d vuinlons by jrei�dk�tio� • <br /> t�LJIPQRM G'OVBNANI'8. Hor:owl��td I.ender eaverwu�ad�ee m[dbws: <br /> 1. T1y�at dhi�ei�rt a�i Wer+eMi�'pMl�+�i LYs Cl�ep�. B�m�var dWl P'anP��Y P�Y wbe�dw t�, , <br /> . piiociq�t af�td idarataa.the debt evidencad Mt tha Note md�nY PKP�Y��nd lue chia�es due undet d�e Naae. <br /> � nY�r t�r'l�ca�I lawra�a. Subject toq�p1 bw or to�wciqai waiver by L.aider�Bamwa*irll p�y q <br /> L�and�er oa tba d�Y�Y pY�r+e due�mdar�be-f�l�wuil the Note b pid in fWl�a wm("Hu�d�")fa�:(a)Yariy <br /> axa and��asma�u whkh m�y rnia priarity over this Securi leqarwne�t an a lian m tba Propetty:(by yearly le�dwid <br /> p�yn►etre ar pau�d rents oo the Ptvpaty. U ny:(c) Y'�Y�a ProP�Y imu�aoe pradww: (d)Ye�IY nood <br /> im�w.nce p�ums,u.�r: ee) yar+r mon���an� t�a+�u�tt�.ny: ,�a tfl�m�wr� �r eanower a <br /> I,ende�.iu�ooad�na wit6 tNe peovi�ions of p�pti lieu of tbe p�ymeat of mo�tpge inWUance prem[umr. 7Leso <br /> itaae ue calkd"Fscrow Ircrns." l.endar�ny time.oolloct and bold Wnd�in an�mouot not to exaeed d�e nwclmum . <br /> � amouot a la�des foir n federally nlu�d mortBaBe tain m�y cequ�ne for Sanowerk e�crow socount under the federa!Re�l <br /> SsWa Settkma�t•Ptvadtaea Act ot 1974 a��fi�am tiaie to time.l2 U.S.C.4 2601 n seq.("ltESPA").unku anotixr <br /> !�r that eppUes to tl�e Amda sels a kas�r amouiN. If w.La�der may.�t any dtue.coUect snd hold Ei�Ms!n�n unawit not W <br /> exceul tds lesser wmount. Lmder m�y dNmite tbe amount of limds due on the basia oP cument dat� and naiomble <br /> qstinwtm of�ro�ea of tucure Fscrow Itew a athuwlse in s�oo�dmce witb�pplicable bw. <br /> 'Ilie shaU be hcld in �n instiwtion whoae depo�its ue inaurod by a feder�l auity . <br /> (includiog La�der.if Lender is such on instiwtlon)or in any Frdera!Hane l,oan Banlc. Lender shaU apply the Ei�nds w P�Y <br /> the B�scnow Items. Lender m�y na chaTge Bortowa for holding ond applying�he Ei�Ms,annually analyzin�tue escrow <br /> accoun�ar verifylng Ihe Gscrow[tems. unkss L.e.nder pays Bomower interest on the FLnds and appGcable law permita <br /> L.ender w mike auch a ch�rge. However.Lender nuy requlre Bomawer to p�y a one-time cha�ge fa an independent rcal <br /> estate tax repo�ting savlco used by Lender in connecdoe wlth Ihis loan.unless applicable law providea otltetvvise. lJnle�an <br /> agroement i:made a applicable law requirea tnterest w be paid.L�ender ahall not be required to pay Iiorrnwer any Literat ar <br /> eamings an thc Punds. Bamower and Lender may agra in writing,however,that intercst shaU be paid on the Wnds. Lender <br /> Rhall givo to Borrower.withart cha�e,an anntwl accounting of 1he Wnds.showing cred�ts and deMta to the Funds wid the <br /> purpoce for which eACh debit to the Funde was m�de. The F�nds�plcdgat aa additional securiry for all swiw sxurod by <br /> ihir Sacuiiiy iil5ijiii�l�iu. <br /> If the FUnds ikld by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender slwll x�xount w <br /> Bomower for tt�e excesa FUnds in accadance with the sequircments of applicable law. If the amount of the Ei�nds held by <br /> Lender at�ny tLne ia not sufi�cient to pny the Escrow items when duc,Lender may so notify Bomnwer in writing.and. in <br /> " such case Barower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to moke up the deficknry. Borrower ehell make up tho • <br /> ., deficiency in no moR than twelve monthly payments,at[.ender's sole discredon. <br /> - Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secudry Insdument,Lender shell prompdy rcfu�d to Botmwer any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under pnragraph 21.Lender shull acqui�or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the ecquisiNon or <br />� sale of the Avpe�iy,shall apply any Ftinds held by L.ender at the ame of ecquisitbn or eale as a crcdit against the aum4 <br /> _ secured by thia Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Applieatbn ot Ps�ymeals. Unless applicable law provides othenvise, all payments rcceived by Lender unda <br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepoyment charges due under�he Note:second,to amounts payable under <br /> ,�_ par�graph 2;third,to interest due; principal due;end last,to any late charges due under tha Note. <br /> "'� — ' 4. Chor�es; Liena Borrower shall pay a11�axes, assessmen�s, charges, tines and impositions attributable to thc <br /> .- Property which mny attain priority over this Security lnstrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Bomnwer <br /> shall pay these obligetions in Ihe manner provided in paregraph 2,or if nat paid in�hat manncr,Harower shall pay them on <br /> '�!�� �irnr directly ta the person owed payment. Borrower shall pmmptly inmiah In 1 rncM�all �waicea of amounta to Me�nid under � <br /> this paragraph. If Bomower makes chese paymenta dlrectly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender receipta evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Bornuwer shAll promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> in writing to Ute payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptuble to Lender;(b>contests in gaod faith tlie <br />_.._ lien by.or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in,legel procecMings which in the L.ender's opinion operate to p�vent the <br /> ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from U�e holder of the lien on agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Nen <br /> to this Sxurity lnswmen�. lf Lender determirres that siny part of the Property is subject to u lien which may attain pdoriry <br /> - over this Security Inswment,l.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bo�ruwer shall satlsfy the lien or tal�e <br /> _-' � u� ' ' one or more of the actions set forth above widiin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> �_---��''-'-'"`-�• ' S. HAZard or PropeMy Iasurance. Bortower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on 1he <br /> '�T �` ` ` F'roperty insured ag�inst loss by firc.hazards included wi�hin the tertn"extended coverage"and nny other hazarcis,including <br /> - �. j flaods or 800ding. for which Lxnder requires insurance. 7t�is insurance shall be meinteined in the amounls and for the <br /> i <br /> - ] I <br /> •��>7�'�! �' Farm]t2� 1190 (PaR�2 of 6 paRa► <br /> ,� '�':.�_ <br /> � :4 <br /> .�.Ir�y .. <br /> - � • . lo-4- •'C'�. . , _ .t.s. ���.ri:{:54�'�'M;f`l 'S1:'�:"?,a'` srY"- .".:°pY, �t , �. <br /> " - � .£1,^'tt .- _ . - . � . . ... . rt., - . � . ' ....� .'�.�. {,',`ii'`�'� :/���``ut�'4iLb:r�-�':. <br /> o ��« �t:fiVid.�i�uYi.::. . . �- .._ Y'ry. 5"� <br /> -.riii..aavhii�...:a:..`•:�i+.•� 'e�3��e%4!e�Y�rfif�/^�fi.v�:��ti�:Hiieie�C� �.Sc�L�a3..t �Wdi:.o;�£iY�.ad.:i� _ <br /> .: —- �CCpt--s n 4 _� . -.---�--�.-- ��--'- -� - -- Z- ------�-- -- :- �.' _��-- . - - ; ----- - �- - - . . <br />,�a P��M�b++vl• ,,.... . . . - . , . .. • .:'� . ' . ,. <br /> -� f�'�•�—'�'°'y � — — — �'" ' _ - <br />��'�7 ��'L'. '� . ' '� '—f---- -.- - ---. -- ---- - <br /> .. <br /> � ___ _ _ <br /> ��, -�'• , ��, <br /> �. <br /> , ►�`'�:ui�iSrW`.:n:iv�rt�•.,.r:.' . .. . . . . . .. . �!• <br /> ------- .a�,�.T�...,_-� . , <br /> -u.1i�3�w[e<..e��'1: � -. ':' . , ' .. •�ii T s..rix(i.�,�-t; . , . � ..:.s....�_ .o�..a 1: .. . . . - - . <br /> -�. ..a�t.:n'3C"— VT,*' ' . . .�.. . . d . . . . . � .. <br /> —' __'"_�_bZR1L _}3 y',�_ 1 �.r . ,.�t.. ' � � <br /> — ..._a.h ��.,:t •�� • � ..�.c...'...-., .�, . . . 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