t�t. ' � �` _ � _ _"— _ � . . - _"_ . _' . . .. ---.'' _ _'
<br /> . �
<br /> � \� .. ' ��— - _ " _ _ ' _ - �
<br /> ..--' �3 t—� — - --- ' � � -— - — —"----' - � --- - -- . . . __ _ . . . .-_ - —. .
<br /> ' k . � . . . . . .. �,
<br /> — � �' -c . . . . � �_' .. - ' . ; _ ' ° . . . . `� 1/�i� ������ ..
<br /> QlIfOdS't1�1R Ldldl�YCQY�Rl. �IG 11�1��A�M��t�IC 114SIQ�OCO 5�1��bt C�IOS!!1�l Bo1L1bWC[j116�GC1 id�t11�!!f!�
<br /> � appvval w6icb s6�U nat be uereato�ably witl�held. If BamNer faits co auiwie coverage describai above.l.ender eisy.at
<br /> , tsroder�s optioo.a6tsia ao+rcrage to pi!olect I.ender a rights in d�e Ptaperty In�wilh p�ragraph 7. ` .
<br /> IUt iruwancs-palicies aod�enewats s6a11 be acccyt�bie to l.ender ao3 sha11 inc�ude a s�rd mortgage ct�use. L�eader
<br /> ` s6�it 6ave�e rigdt to bold tde policies and�aewaLs. If i.ender royui:es.Bo�rower s`hali pranpttY Bive to t.endrr sEt Rceipca
<br /> _ ---� ' --' -�eta_re�wsl �t�odccs. m ihe event of toss.s«rowes sh�li giYe�PramPa�i�ice to thc in�wrrn�e cartie.and
<br /> �ynt�k�po�o of-iasstiaot- - - - - - �-_:-- - -- �==-r ---_ __=�_-- --� — ---
<br /> � Unkss Leader and Sa'�ower atherwise agoee m writing,insorance p�ca�cods shaSi�r:►pptied to re.ciora�t'sh�►or�,cp�i:af
<br /> the pmperty d�nti�.d,if tbt testoratioit or�epaik is economically feasibk�and LendePs•security is t�ot ksseood. if tbe
<br /> cestorYiva or tepiur is noc scananically fasibk ar I.er�der's sociaity would be Irsserted.the insurance peaceeds shali bc
<br /> - appiiad to the smns secwed by this Securit�:lttspumrnt�whether or not then due.with any eacess paid to Bor�uwet [f ---
<br /> Ba�cow2r abaridons tbe Ptuper�y.or does not answa within 3R days a notioc fra�u�drr th�t tl�e insu�ance c:urie�has
<br /> oBaed to sqtle a claim,thea L+endet may colloe�t.thr in�proceeds- Lender may use the Pmceeds ta�ir a sest«e
<br /> --= the prbpetty or to pay sums securod by tLis Sec�arit}�.instru�nent;wi�eti�er as.twt thrn due. 'IUe 30-dap Ferrod wilt begin whrn
<br /> __--
<br /> _._ - -— - t6e mtice is g�vm. � . , -- ----
<br /> =�.� . CJnless Ceideri a�i� SoRO�ver o�ecwise nr,,r-dt in�aTiftrtg..ei►p.applicatinn of procoe�.c m prtncip:tl sitatt not extend or
<br /> __ -= pu�poae tbe due date of the mornhlY P1Y�arnCs`tefest�ad ta.in P�S�Phs.l and 2 ar chauge tbe�nount of the�►ymeMs. If
<br /> estl
<br /> -- unda par�gE'+ph 21 the Ptopeity is ac�d l�I.ender.,$q�rnwer�n�ht to�y insw�nce policies and pr�e�ds resulnng
<br /> _ .: - - • fiioa�.damage to tfic Arope�ty priar tn the ar�s�an s�ail_�p�ss.to Lertdes.ta tbe extent of the sums suured by this Seeurity =
<br /> - � � r�oc�mm�a�ay�c���qo�a«,., � ' ----
<br /> _ �. Oewpucyt Pr�servatio�. Mai�ta�aAOe aed YrotECtjoe d'.:the Propert�; Borro�rec's Iraa Applicatlo�; —_--
<br /> ,-:;�.� Leasei�iis Bwmwer shall accupy,establist�,�i use thc floperty as 8c�mwrEt's p�i'txigai tesidence witbin sixty days after __- _
<br /> --�:-Nr;! th e�ioa of tbis Sa�ur�tY I�wma�t and sha[[coatmue t�aacuP�r ttie Prape�t}''as'Baaower's principal eeaideace fa at =-__
<br />�����,.r�' least,one yea�after the date bf accup,vn�.u�ess �ender alkrwise .agrees ur.,w�iting, w h i c h can s e n t s 1�a 1 1 n o t b e ___- -
<br />°'s'�'<;j_ ur¢easbnaWy w�l�eld.or uakss extrnt�ating carans�ehist which ar+e beyond Barower's con[ml. Barmwer shall�ot -_____
<br /> ;"'y�i?: �y ��_���p�pmy.a(��r tbe Aropesty to deterior.u�.or commit w�ste on the�qperty. Borrdwer shall �_�.
<br /> .'�:;t.. be in defaalt if an�.foifeiture�actian or pmoe�'utg.whether civil or pri�ni�l.is begun that in Lender's good faith.judgment �:�-�� :
<br /> �.x�,:� ,
<br />. `•j��'`>is cauld resuit na farEeitur�e of the'Prope�ty or qcir�vise materially impaen-(he lien created by this•Securiry tnstrumeni or ...t; `�
<br /> , F-�� - [.eaders securiry iiuecest..Bormwec may curie sutd a dsfaW�i�nd ceinstat+�as pro '��:�-~;-.,
<br /> Y��P�+S�P�..l8.by causing the xtion � "`�� '�"'-�;
<br /> ` `, or�nQeeding to be dismused with a n�i'ing tha�in l.e i�d e f's�g o o d fai t h d e tertnination:p�rc lu d e s f a r f c i t v r e o f t h e B a c s u w e r�s� ,-%_;:f f''_, -
<br /> �T�� �
<br /> ... , unCe�'L irt the Ptoperty ar a[h�material impairment of cEn�lien c�eated by this 5ec�sity Irtstmment or L.ender's security „-,: �:°=r
<br /> �. Borrawer shal[ aLu�'U� in defaait.id Borrocce�during the loan appiiy�i�,��.�rocess. gave materi�tt};�atse or ,. • '. • .
<br /> s�:'��'
<br /> iriaccarate infomtation Qr�¢er�s ta l.e��k(i��f�ited to provide Lender with any r,`,v;��a]infocrt�ttan)�n cannection with f
<br /> �k
<br /> '..: �4'��`-•;�`.=.
<br /> the`loan evideii���:6y.�.►r.e�:"+a.���::�e f 4��t i n f.•�o�limit e d to. r e p r�y u a t ian s,cvII a�g-�l w e r's o cca p a n i.y of the _ :n� -
<br /> • phi�ty as a pmiri��,",�a...-[��iis�a''�,',?:�"favtrument is on a leascdxola:8orra�::�it��1:v:�t�alt the provisions � -
<br /> . e�fi�3ease: If Borrovver ac�r"�s�e titic�a�e Prpperty.the leasehol��t3��i�fe�r'�E�it:�r�'s.'s�`#�Iess LeEUia�:�CS �r �,
<br /> t�i�e rncrger in wnting. �.;,. . ;:;., �:.,:,:.:• " : ;�" .`; •. �
<br /> ���_
<br /> ' ° �`.�., Pr�•of Leedtr's.Rights.iEt�e f'roperty. If Borrot�c�`fr�ifs ta perfoim the-c��-��sit�and���^.a.�u —_� •
<br /> g��,t,.`,y � �ii�ed.irlr.s�;ai:Security Instrumem.ar dsa: is a legal praceedii.�t}"i.;cmay sign�ficant/y aff�� L„°nderti aghts i� the i �� .� .
<br /> ,}��+,,,v �, t y�s�}r��;a proceed�ng in banktuptcy.ptoobate,for candemnatic�F�z;C�orfeiwre or to enforce��a:w4 or regulaaons).then' '�``- .,�s�
<br /> �".�$�if< � - €�may do and pay for whatever is neces.ary to protec�ehe valaeaf�the Pmperty and Lenders�rights in the Property. `'���: -=�,
<br /> �. �:,.�ders actioas may include paying any cums secared by a I�en which has priority over this Security Instrument,Appeanng - ;. . __
<br /> in caun.paying reasonable�ttorneys'fees and entering on the Propeng to make repain.Although Lender may take act�on ,='�;,,-:,, .__:�
<br /> . _i • under this patagraph 7.l.ender does not have ta do w. ' . ;�;
<br /> •��i;'.� • � Any amoun�r•disbursed try Lender unck�this paragr.�pb T�hatl become additionat debt af Bormw'er.ecumd by this s. �._-_.
<br /> ��>�''�=�:` Security instrument. Unless Barrower and Lender agree to athcr tcrtm of payment,these sunounts sTi�fl t5�r interest from the • .;':,,;:;�-
<br />