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— �!� .._�' �=i. �' �- - ' 2- <br /> — —.,i:�_ -- - . . . ._ ° - - - — --_ -- <br /> _ ... <br /> . .. <br /> -�,s y�.-- - -- - - - � — --- -- --- - <br /> =�;4 _-.. - _- :�- - - S` _ - --- _ - _ . -�7�� - -._ .-_..-.... <br /> < - . ; _ . . �.��}s�l�i��. <br /> TpGEf'f�R�Yi'i'H tli tbe impcweme�s naw ar bere�fEer erec�d at ide p�opecty.and al��•�• <br /> ` � �od fixuRa aaw ar heratiec a pnt Qf ti��coperty: AI!�at�euts�ad addifions t1a11 alsn be covrmi bSr this 5ecuritY � <br /> , iestr�otal- A!1 dt6e faetoing is tefen+ed�o in tAis Security 6tsduma�t as the"Propetty." . : . . - <br /> � ` BOEiROWFR,�OVENA►NfS tMt Bataw�cr is iawfuUy sefscd af the es�te f�ereDY conv�yed and 6as Ehe ri�At to gant . <br /> wnd cam�ey the PtupQtY and tAu,d�e P�pe�SY is uneecuvnhened.ezapt for�u�sbc�ca oE rcconL Banower wamnts aM � � . <br /> - __---��t��L_!he titie 10 thr Aoopaty a�iost�Il cl�ims a�!de�ands.subject w aay eoeumb�r�eres ai�ecad. <br /> THIS SF.�IKITY'tNS'IRUMF1�1i'oond�ines�ueiiam covenm a att��t�an�anr�i=covaa�itsv�Qrr�:-_ , .:_.-3- <br /> _ � ` lim�ed Yari�tio�si�y j��is�op to c�onstitute a�mifam secwcity uswu�rnv�ng t�cal pmpday. - <br /> - . - _ 1J�QR11�t E�OVENAN75. �ato�rer aod Leader coven�t�d agree as foUovrs: ° . <br /> I; ��,,,,eN d Prwctpd,�I,�,a,ph lrYp.�wt wte C� B«�wer shatr pcompu�r P�Y whe�du�t1�e:: <br /> �of Aod i�adt an the de6t evidencod by the Note aed mY Pr'�WYme+at uid lau cUuges due w�dec the Nom. . . <br /> L �L�it fit'tY�es a�i Lrwra�+�.Subject to applicabk/ak ar to a wtiWd�waiver by l.ender.BortoMra sh�}l.pi�►_fk . <br /> t,enderan�he dsy moorNy_paYmaNS are due u�Wrr ttie Nde.until t1K Nutc is paid in full:a sum{"Rurds"}for(a)Yeatt� ,. <br />-- uxes aqd ass�s,�r�ts which rtwy attaui ptioritY ova this Senuiry.insttua�a�t as a 1'ien on the P�opaty:lb)Yar1Y kasehoid <br />---_ --pa�ts_t,���ssts oa.fl�e AvpeRy. if aay;(cl 7'a�ty t�cd-ar propei;p_t�waoce Pnemiums:_td)Yeart� fl°°d:. , . - <br /> -- inswrance p�iums,if aay;(e3 Y�Y��8�8����F��-if any;and(fl�'�P�Y��Y,�ti°": _ .- • <br /> _- accadance vrtdt the p�ovisi�s of� litu of the paymm�t of matBage in.wr.�ce P�enuu�, T�" _ <br />-_= ikms ae called"Eseraw[te�s." Lendec�ny nmG sdtaet aod twld Funds in us a�nount na to exc�cd the maxiiauin . <br />-= - a�no�mt a teoder far a feda�Ay ietated matgag�Lain may tequire for�So�sowa�s escmw aocount utde�t6e federal Reat� . <br />=_- Fs�rSeplement proced�ttes Act o!19T4�s aa�ended hom tnne to time.IZ U.S.0�260t et seq.("RFSPA"):unttss aaottxr . <br />_'-- taw thu applies to the Tvnds sets a lesser amoun� f�sw Leoder any time,cdkct and hold Fvnds in an amuum aac m. <br />�.._- excerd the kssa amount.�: l.ender may�the atnow�t of Faods due un thc basis of-a�crent da�a and ce�s��`aie = <br />-_�_ - atim�tes of�p�►din�nes of futune F.scmw Itet�ot olhawise in aaorQance with�pplirabk law. ' -- <br />""•'� The fimds sdall be f�eld id an uutitutian whose deposits a�o inwred by a federsd agency.ins�rumentaliry�or e�ty�..�: _- <br /> --- '.�'inctud�ng La�det if L.a�3et is sitch an institatioal or in�Y Ftidenl Flome i.�o�n Banl�. Lender stiall apply the�!s to pQy,>: <br /> ° tlw Fscr�w Itans. Leader mzy na cduge Bamwa for holding and apptying tbe Fimds�annualty analyzing�he esau�r,.. . _ <br /> . ' a��oi�vaifying the Esctuw Itans.�kss I.ender pays Barower inte�st an:the Fuo��and applipbk taw pefmits� _��,- <br />":`��' �t= l.eader to malce such a charge. However.lxnder may rWuire Barowa to pay a ano�tiaie�e5uge for an indepe��dera�� �`5°=�'�'^- <br /> � � e�oe a�c repnRins seeviee osed by Lrnder in connoaion with tbis 1n�a.w�1es.�aPPlicable i�►p� ��'�-�.. <br /> - Aes otherwise. llntess an �.,���,-_: - <br /> ''..•�t� agre�enKnt is made a applica6k law rr+e�qu'ues interest ta be paid.Lender skall nat be roquired to pay Bamwer any imerest a . -� t�yi:��;`�:� <br /> •i � eartrmgs on the Cvrds. Bamnwer and i.enda maY agnee in writing.twwever.that intenest shail be paid an the Fuc�ds. Lender � ,w �:.�:l•;-. <br /> � � shatl give tQ Bormwer.witbout annual accaunting of tLe l�unds.slwwiag cnedits and debits to t6e Funds and the ���,.�;�-;: <br /> . � _ p�rtpose far widch each debit to the Funds was made. 71rc Funds arc ptedged as additional securitY for all swns seeiue�by ,. <br /> this Securitytnso�umeni. , V�� <br /> ���.��°.-- <br />� -- If the Fundq heW by l.ender exceeA the�P�ed to be held Iry applicaMe t�w. I.ender shzll aocou�ro �—�_ <br /> BoRUwer fa the e�ccess Funds in aaadanee wnh the�equinert�ents of app1icabte law. It the amount of t�►i C�+u�ds hetd by --�—. <br />' ` I.�te�at any dme is nat mfticient w pay tiu Escrove Items whean due.lxndeT may sa notify Boaower�n writing, ��g�:;_=' <br /> ' : �." "snct�case Bornowec�1I F�Y w Leader tb�amuu�:necessauq.W malct up fhe deficieocy. Sotmvuer:altnll�m�ltC up the. . _�_".�: <br /> �� �� '::.;`r defic'�e�y in no more tbaa twelve�IY PaY��ai Lcnder's solediscretia�.•. . �`-` � - <br /> � ��� UpoR payment in full af att�n.*secuia!6}�his Savrity In.cauma»;i.ender stsa7l p�vu�9�refund to�arrower�;;. x�?, �Y-" - <br /> ���Fht�is he�i by LenAer. If.under��aph 21.Leader shall acquirt or setl tf�e pcogerty.Lenckr.pnor to tt�e acqnisivan ar, � = <br /> , : saTe of t�e Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqnisition or sale as a credit against the r,stms ='�.-',..�,--�. <br /> � sec�uia�Ia��thisSecuritylnsuumen�. ' . `. <br /> �;. �1�rpliption d Rtymea�s�.� Unless applicable law provides atherwise.all payments r�oceived by Lertder uirslet ,..'_ <br />- parag�a�iia;4 and 2 sfiall be appli�:�' anY prepayment chargges due under the anwunts�►yabte c`ndar .. ._:i,'.__ <br /> a <br /> - pua�s-�;sltird.t4�te�st d�fcu�.to princepal due:and la4�td any late charges due unda�tie Note. : . ,�, <br /> ;. 4. C h a r�e�x i�: _8�'�s h a l l P a y a!1 t a a e s.a s s e s s i n r a t s.�c t�u g e s.f i n e s a n d im p o sitions attributabte�a�the ��,� _ <br /> . _ Froperty which m��:sisaz"��io���ct this Security Instrumen�and teasehn�d��Yments ar 8�ound rents..if any. Bu�av�r ,: . �,_�as;',•;;;;-.. <br /> � ''• s h a l l paY t h e s e.o b��.�:�r^�:u r�e:��t�e r p r o v i d e d i n P�S�P h 2.o r i f n o t p 3���i p f i h a t m a n n e r.B o r r ow e s�t p l li P a y!&ain�on . � ,f� �:_ <br /> . .time dir�ctiy to the pe:san oae��>:��i�ent. Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender all natir,cg of amapnwait 8e�taidhtida� � <<<f �:r'!��i�- <br /> ` �is�pb. If Bortower makes-�e pay�rtents directiy.8orrower shaA promptly fucmi�'�tid Len4ei'��is rt���ncau�� :; ,,f - <br /> - . , ..�i71i17JE1'£i S• , �:.. � , ;: C . .. ., ' ..,r,s�..rl 'fa,.f..�;r,_ <br /> � 3��ti+�wer shall promptly discharge any lie�,�:5ich 6�s priority ovet this Security Insmiment unless!'y,���r:es '�l � � � ; '. <br /> , in iwr�ting to the pryment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner acc.�ctable to Lender.(b)canit'��tn good faith the E� �-� ,� <br />- . lien by.or defends against enfacement of the lien in.�egal proceedings wt,���i�t�he Lender s opinion opa�Ce to pcevent the -:.:; :. '! ,.._��` <br /> enfacemcnt af tl�t lien:or lc)secures fram the holder of the lien an agae,.�tanx�atisfactory to l.cnder subo�inating the lien :'.•�::r:,:. •.•;E:.�-`-�:; <br /> to this Seeurlry Instrument. {f Lender determines that any patt,'e�ch�Pm�ia'is subject to a lien which may apain pcioafr�t :`;, ;:•�';' . ..�_.: <br /> over this Seeuriry lnstrumen�Lender may give Bortower a tco��t�'entif'yr.�the l ien. Bomower s h a l l sa t i s fy t h e liere c c i�:�.�. ',:;,;':; . . - <br /> one or more of the act5�nns set forth abave witfin 1(}Cays of ths gibing of c��:; . ' ;: .,�.': �';.°',�,..:. • <br /> . �r. �. S. Nuud or Property InsurancG BarrG',v�sha11 keep the impro��,��nts now existing or herea,�tes erected o2 u� ;:': ::. . , <br /> � �. Property insured agairtst loss by fire.hazards inr'ar,�'within the term"eatetrded coverage'and any othx Eraz.�a,,-ds.incN�i��.,,., �;`:.: � <br /> � � • • floods or flooding,for which LeeDcs sr.quires inswance. This insurance shall�be m�intained in the am�uaty an�fur�ii� r . . . <br /> . TA • . ' _ . . . ' " .,r ' . <br /> . r� `Of��� �i�7 i;+1;Y4(•� t!IIL!!) <br /> . �, . .. ��•. <br /> ... :� . . ;1 �. .. <br /> � , f , <br /> i <br /> � <br /> . <br /> ' -.. � . . . . .. � <br /> �F;G.' . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ._� . ..R' _....._....�-ji_' .'s; _ __— _ ,"_ _ _ _ _ ' . . <br />- �!E �. '�'''.-. . � ' . , � . : . " . . Lr�,�: <br /> ,.n� <br /> ��* � . . � ' � .. . - ' , ' . - <br /> , �. . � ' � . • • • ' <br /> ,. ;���_?�'if�'`- ' --, . - . . _ .. - - _ _ . .. - - - - ---..... .. _ _ ,. <br /> ;��;i.�:• .��� � . ' , <br /> � , . <br /> . � _,i: ..r. . ... , .. . .. . - _ <br /> • �1� . • , � . ._. . <br /> . ':S,Iiti.�:•,� . � �' . :• , . . • . � . ' . <br /> :a . • <br /> ��:#:�.;� . . . . '. <br /> —.�. -5 ._._.� —. --._ _— - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> .. <br /> . . : <br /> ... . <br /> . .. <br /> - -- -.-r -- — - _•_- - - —.-. -_-_.__-----.____------- ---------------�-------- _..- -- ---- ---.. <br /> - o • . .. <br /> _�,'•,�',f.�'-''�A, ' ' � . .. • . . . <br /> '� s <br /> Y _ - - • ..__ • �. .. _ � <br /> - _ <br /> , . -.... . <br /> „� . <br /> , .. .. . <br /> �� � <br /> � . . . , . <br /> . <br /> _ �a�.tf ' � <br />