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<br /> �.�t``- ���'� . -- ; _ - - -- r .t - ' ' , - �.`. -. . . • -- --
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<br /> aandcnn�tian or.ottfjtr t�lcing`of�anyr�l!�cttt�r P�op�rty.ur for ccit�►cyauice in Inen of candemi�atir�t�t�e fiembY���8��_� � —
<br /> . sUali6a�idtpl.ai�ior:.,._ ; .:.: . �. < , _.. .
<br /> ln tha ev�nt af�a;ttx�t;ts�i:ing�of�ihe Ptapeny. t!�pcotad5 shul�be applied ta tha sumw•secueNd 6p,this: Securiqr
<br /> lnsmuneni.wl�ther�ae nat th�1 du�:,with any exeess paid.w Ba�uwer. in the e�errc of a��aKiai•taking of the Ptvperty in
<br /> which tbo fr�ir�ttAtket valuo aF�tllci PtAEletty immediatety Gefae the.Wkutg iti eqvat to or greute�thun t[�umu�nt:of�he sums _
<br /> secured by.this Sacucitu,lKS;rume�t.inittkd�ately befae the takin�.unteg.s Borruwe�and Lender otherwise ag�ee in w�ii�.
<br /> — --=tiie snmssecs�s�cf`iiy:rti�is�aai.��r+�tt��satk�r�rd�tsyi�ns.���he�e�nulti�tir��=3ke=fe4t�s�ing==--=-- —
<br /> _ fro�:.{a?iha ta6at-asnaur�i:of•�bR su�h secu�e4 immediatel�tt�txe thr_taking,;divided t�r lb�the f�ir imil-el vaf ue of the
<br /> Ptopccty:unn�cdiut�i�.6efooc ttfa takitlg�,.Any batance sh�li be paid ta BoRawc�. In�ha,event of a pureial �aking of tbe
<br /> Property in,vrhich.the fair maAces�v�fu�'af the Pmpercy.immed3ately befcae.thc taking i.v iecs[hun tha airxwnt of th�s sums
<br /> secured immedirtci�b¢fae ihe tnS;ia�:unless Bos�awee:and L,endcr.otb�cwise a�e in.,writing.or unt�s upplieabie taw
<br /> othen►ise pm�idnsti the pra�eeds..sbAtl;t�e applied to tl�sums tiecuredby[hiy Secud�r insnvment.�t�etiN:�or not.die.ums are
<br /> the�ndue_ . �..� .
<br /> If:thc[►mperty.i�abandt�e,d-bl���tnsow�er.oc if:a6ee�notice hy.l:e�Wes to Sorro�rer:thutthe consfema�x offet�ur mnke
<br /> an award afsettta a cWim frnschtmpggs�,:8orrowe�f�ii�ca�espond ca Leride�.within.30�.daXs after th�dAre the.na[ice is given,,
<br /> _-- l.ender is autdariz��tu caiiact pnd•a�!}tHe procceds,�i•its uptio+�;eitb�r ta restorstion,�or repair��_�toPpetF or.tu tke —
<br /> --= sumssecu�dby.thi�Stcurit!�insitii�ian�tiv�etherormtlheadue. ` ,
<br />--_- Unlass Lendo��nQ�$tmow�ili��wise a8�me ut�'►Yting.ang.aPR�ieation.of'ppaceeds to p`►ncipat s6ali nnt-extend oe �
<br /> _�_�` P�t�tha duQ da�v ut"tt�a 41rnit7ilj5pa►y���s referred ta in P�ragaPba 1 and��x chnnga fie nrnapn[.of�ach paymenfs..
<br />=:��' il:.Burra�vee�3lkrt:-1te�t;;�ar6earao¢t By�;�t�Mder 1Vat ���fi�sa:. Extc�.Sion.:ofitha�timc foc:puyment� oc•
<br /> �� maditicatiu�of•amarti�iiiexi,of�th��5ums secun�d by tIf➢s Secucity(nv�nurrcntgtanted 6y Lenderaaany success�c i�iqtecest
<br /> "�`�`:=�" of 9am�rcesfiaU�nal�a�ti�ts+St1 ta�sci�sc t6c liability of the originat��Burroweros Borrower's auccessors in•intcrest.l.e�der
<br /> :-==�-s:, sfiall�nat�.bt teqpir+cd�1q:c,mnm�!�.P�d�n&s agaiau any sncressoc in mterest,oc refuse to entend rime fx�Pa9menc or
<br />_= : a�l�awi.sa madif�:mi�tt�tir,�ticmtaf tho�urpa secured by this Securitlr Itl�nvment by reac�m of an+}demand m�de isy the original •
<br /> e
<br />_-";z' Bamwec�Burtnwars succro�sor�:iminarcsc Any forbcarrncc by.l.epde�ia exerrising any agt►t or remedy sh�p not tie a —
<br />- waivar�of ar.p�eehxtt the exrtCir,�aif�any right oc remedY• -
<br /> 1�:.Sacc�s a�d�Assi��.Bouwd;loGt and Severa!Liabilit�;Co•kigners. Tha cuveu�nts aad a�caemen�s af tltLc: ----
<br /> Secudc�;[nstnuqnrimi shaq 6ind�aad�benefie the successors and�ccign.s oELender and Barrower.sa6ject s�tfi�i.provisio�s at. ��
<br /> � paru�rnph ll::'��iiU�ver's cov�n,int�and agnemenu shal!6e joim and scveral:�Any Borrower who rasi�ciiis Securiry �--=—y�
<br /> .. �� in.�ttutt�tlt 1Htttdites not eaecut�ificrNate: [a1 is ca-s[gttirtg thir Secarity Irtr.ttumetit only ta mm'tgsge.�t`dflE0411��COQVCy tllII!_- - :•. . _�—--�'-
<br /> Bnanivec�i{�Cpiust in the Ropertyr undev thc terms af this Securiiy IrisTrumenr, tb)is not persanaliy obligated to pay�he�ums - ��`��
<br /> . ' • secur�d:hf!.tfii�Securiry lnstnimen�and(r)agrees th�t t.ender and c;ny�ther Borrau•er mag n�nee to estend.modify.Patbear �'-�-:
<br /> unrfiait�-,dnv,accommodatians wiih rr a�d to the terms af[Bis�curit In�trument or the Nae without that Borroaer� . "�"'p=�=
<br /> L� Y �� -
<br /> canseql;:`= ' •. ��y �
<br /> � i3:z i:1wa Ch�r�. if the tuan zecured by�titiv Srcurit� tnstrument is aubject ta a taw which setc maximum Ictan.': •s-�=- ---
<br /> -' chaigas:;�id tt►at law is finally interpneted so that the interest ar ott�er loan charges collected or to be collected in connecao�i��:- _ _
<br /> � witfi;tliis.lban ezceed the permitted limitc,ttien: (a>any sucb IoAn churge shall 6e reduced by 1he:tmnum necessary to red�ice� , �„�v r__.
<br /> :thp ctjpi�e fo the permitted limi�and(b)any sumr already call�cted fram Bomow4r which eaceeded permitted limits will 6e� --_-�_
<br /> - `;'..`, •• ra�f"unded to Bamnwer. Lende�may choose tomsdce this:�efand-by reducing the p►incip�l awrd hndenha Note ar.by makiag o. —�a---
<br /> • •`r: ` •�.ditect payment td Bnm�wer. [�a refund reduces pFincipal;�he reduction will be tctaied t�s a pttrtial p[eppgment wnhaut s�ny ���"_-_=:
<br /> ���:S •f . ' pnepaymentchargeundecthallote. '���`�'=��.
<br /> � e . �,..
<br /> � �d ; 14. Notices�. Anv�atice to Bomower provided for in this Security In+tn�ment ,hull be giyen by defiverin�it ar bu• _
<br />:«� � � mailing it by first class mail untess appticubla law requires use uf anather methad.Tha notice�huU be dic�cted ta the Prope�tj,�. -
<br />::f;::�`•-= Address or any othe�address Buao+ver designutas by natice ta lxnder. Any nutiue to L.endcr�hall he�iven b}firt ci�.�: ;�• -
<br /> �`< , : ' mail tai�der's�addr�s stated herein ar any other addn:c�l.ender daci�nntes by nntice tn Horrower.Any notice provided for . "
<br /> '�r"" ` ' � this 5ecurity Ins�runrEnt shall be deemed w hnve lxen given to �orroa�er.or 1...-nder when givcn ac p�vided in Ihis ,,, °_`°~�
<br /> �` ;3�:-
<br /> , �:�t .::�: �p�ragraph. " '' f . '�:�.'~=,;:;:,:-;
<br /> • � li�:[:uverning f:aw: SeverabUity. Thir:Security Imtn,ment �hull be gavemed by tedcral taw and th@ law of the -... •- --
<br /> � �� , jurisdic�iaer:in°which tha Rapercy i�tc�c�ced. ln tho evem lhut any:pmvi+ion ur ctau+e��P thiti Security Inswment ar the Note - ,_ •
<br />--_..._ conflicis w�r appticable law,such cmiTict tihull not:�ffecl ather pmvirian�uf tbi�Security In+trwn�ent or the Note whicfi can � . _
<br /> � , be given effect withu�.�..litc confTictiig provisipn. Tu Ihiti end the prc►vi�ionc nf�hi�Sccurity In�trument and the Nate am " � -
<br /> • •' • declared to 6c severn5i�..�.. ' :,�:. • ?°
<br /> • 16. Borrower's ` �Y,- -
<br /> � ��;$orrow.ar�hull6e gi�•en ono cnnfaoned copy of fhc Nuto�nd��f thi+Srcurity Inssn,ment. s:...• "'
<br /> � .: ' 17. 'ilran.cfer olti�re'�iroper�fi`�-a�eneficial lnte�est in Borrow•er. If idl ur uny p�in�,f thc Prnpeny ar uny interest io � .��,_
<br />-_` '�''` it is sold ar�ransfened(ar if a bc,^t�.�aai�l interest in Bur►7i�.ec��y�td or tran+femd und BuRan•er it nat a natural pen�ni; � '•�-� �`�`��':-
<br /> f ' without Lender:s rior written rart�,� f.inder mai ,at its ort'cn,,., uire immediate a mcnt in full uf aU tiums secur�l f���- ' ,� ,;`�"�;;;yn_•
<br /> p =��.` Y �.. it�tl P"y � � (..: .s...�._
<br /> this Securitj�tn�trument. Ha�revet'�'.^.�+'optioq shalt nht:be e:;�;�r;ed by Lender if cxercice i�prohlbited by Eedrral I��:.;��t�: •'�'� -'
<br /> . '.;,,;,` ,:�.�' thedateoi�hisSecuric��n�trument:. ' :. � ' �` , .. . •: .' " ' '._
<br /> : '��:..:
<br /> . � If.l.,�nder exerc"s�+.�:his aptinn.l.�nder tihali�r23��:t�i�riYs,�`�:�'notice of accelersuiun. The n��tice�hall prc�ide�a pt�?�i�ti af _ .
<br />;`, ' not less�iis,nn 30 days from the dute ttte rirnire iti drtivered ar iti3.il'c�d withln wfiich Rnrrower muct pay atl sum�secumd��°t9.n ' `
<br /> �p Securi;fi'�hstrument. If 8orrower t3ifti to ptty the�e �um�yci-;:�r to Ihe expirntiun uf thi. period.Len�er may invoke•s�r% � .
<br /> � �.•;• � remedi�s permiued by this Security fn�:rumem without fudher;_��ti�c nr drmand an Bt�m�a�cr. •
<br /> 18. Burrower's Right ta Retest�te. li'Ba��ver m:e::ccrtain c�mdi�iun+. Honu��•cr �hull hu��r thc right to have � ';
<br />- enfarcement of thls 5ecurity l��trumcnt di+contir,�x�3 e.�.anj•,tintc priur tu Uu carlicr of: (a►S duys lu�yuch uther pctind u� . ..
<br /> 5in�le Fimih•.-Fmtnk!11:1c�1PnfQ�Gie�!'i:�c[;1tSCO$�i l�ti"CNl�1fiX7••CuiturmC�ucn�ntv 4."40 ipd����ntn p:r.L'�'��;
<br /> ��. , . ' � . ��r::
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