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� � <br /> �� . a �3 �� _ :v.;:.�-.__ <br /> . pq,...0 mq aa{a�r b�nqut�ea��t th.op�ba or L�ade�.u n�oey,�e�noe ooven�e c�d�e,awwit.oa br t4 pMioa <br /> d�■14uaer nqulnls)v}�wlda+bp a�l iq�t�,�od by I.�ader�in beoon�..wiWd..�+i�ob.i..a.1o�n�w�r iNt�.. - . <br /> _ ��wu�q�h�d.yn.�orinpib�.wat�.lio�+�or W�f1�s.�[�o p�i��tas e��.���'...�.•..���_- ,._�- <br /> I�xano��i��000rd�noe w�th�+ruY��rriRtao;y*�anait bM�''aio Iloevw�r aad I�wM�cr appiiaib I�w. . � . <br /> !.I�et1aN. l,a�der a i1��/e�N�mq+�•m�ke raroiMbl�eatria upon a�d ia�xxxion�ot�be�+apaty. Ui�der�WI �vs � , <br /> �ru�rer nattoe at tMi tfma af or.pticK•ta an�i�ppedia�N�ecity�ni reMOnoble c�a�e foc�he impeqion. . <br /> 1�.Ca�Aean�tloa. 1ba ptuoeedy aL�ny award ar cLim tor dau�a.diroct a cvrmealoa wifh wy <br /> ao�dn�o�tiaa a athp'taki�y of�►y pMt of tbe Aropeety.a f�or aoovey�noe Li lieu oi ooadram��tion�w bwabY�d�d�nd <br /> �h�!!ba psiW to Lendef. ' <br /> ln tha evept af a w41 t�kina of Ihe►Prq�atY•tbe p�uoeed��ull be appUed to the wma tocurod by thi�Sa�uity In�trum�nt.. <br /> wt�ether ar.nat that due� wltb�ny QxoaR p{�d w Bort�nwer. ln�evem of�p�tWl t�kiaj of tbe Propaty ia wNich tbe fdr <br /> market va{uo of the t�mpaty ImmediMaiS�b�tar�Ihe t�IcinQ i�oqwl w or�rcater than�be unount of tbe wtns reated by U�fs � <br /> Seauiry tiweummt lmmadi�tdy baforo tlrp taldn8�unleac Borrawa arKf l.erder ctlKSrwlsa w�roe in wridnp�tUa wrr�aoarod by <br /> thi�Saariry lniduman r�hal bo mdu�ed-by. the�nwu�u of ti►o pcooeede multipliod by the following fracdon: (a) t6e toal <br /> u:wurr of tho�umr�ecurod immodiptaly� befine�he uking.divlded by (b) tha fdr m�rket v�lue of the Pmpeity imraedlstely <br /> befone ibe WcMg. My b�l�utpa•sludiib0.p#id w Borruwer. In the event of�putial t�kln�of tiw Pmpotty in which ILe fdr <br /> n�arket value of tha Propqty immodiqtely before the tWcing b lesi t6an the wraunt of[he suma:ecured imrt�edi�tety before tbe <br /> Wciog.,unlos�pormwor aod I,tadpr atNerwise agree in wriNng or unlazs applicable law otiurVVlie pt+ovldab tba pmc�e�ed�ahdl <br /> ba qipllad ta�he sum�te�u►ad,bN�thic Secudty Insuument whether or not the euma Are then duo. <br /> Ifl dra Propa�q►•iG pb�ntidntil'by Borrower,or if.after notice by Le�dor to Borrawer thAt tbe a�kmrwr offera w mdce an <br /> �wu�A on,Rettia a.clsiim for�d�n�gas, Honower fnile to respond to Lendor w(thin 30 days aRer the date tl►e notlx ia giveq. <br /> Leadar ia authpdmed W�colidct and apply the proceads,at ite option,eitbor w�tor�tion or repair of Wa.Pra�taKty a[�tq tbe at�q :. <br /> �e+cu�d by•thio 8oauiry Insauma►t.whether or not then duc. • . : <br /> �:nla�i ende� and Borrower otherwise agroe in writing, any appUcatioq of proceeds to principtd ahall not eatet�d ar. . � <br /> pc�one tho due date of the montfily paymaus refert+ed to ln,parag�aphs 1 and 2 or ctiange the amount of suoq•ps�rments. . , <br /> il,BonoM�Not Released;Forbew�aace By Leader Not a Wniv�. Extenaion of'the timo far payment or moditicuion ' <br /> ---- of amo�izatfon of the ayma secural by thie Securlty Instrument grnnud by i.ender to any sucoessor In intares�of Borrower shall. , ' <br /> ---=-= not operate w reJease the liability of the odginal Borrawer or Borrower's succGCSOrs in intcrest. Lender slwll not be roquirod to • • <br /> commence procexdings r�gainst any successor ln intercst or refuse ro extend time for payment or Whcrwise modify ntnortiz�tion � ' <br /> of the suma"securod by this Securiry Insttument by reason of any dertu�nd made by tha original Borrower or Borrower's <br /> auccessors in interest. Any forbeAranoa by Lcnder in caercising any �ight ar rcmody ahall not be a waiver nf or precludo U�a <br /> exacjse of any right or Kmedy. <br /> i2. Su�s aad Assigm► 8�wad;.iui�ut ru�i f�ve� Li�Wl�i Co�setx. '�'he eavc�is atad sgreasx�tts af dti� <br /> Secu�ity Iostrument shall bind ond benefit the sucoeuora and assigns uf I,ender wd Borrower, subjoct to the prov�sbns of <br /> pangraph 17. Borrower•s rnveiwms and ograments sh�ll bo jafnt end several. Any Borrower who co-si�ns this Security <br /> Inatniment but das na exocut¢thc Nae:la) i�co-signing [his Sec:urity Instrument only to martg�e, grant iud convcy that <br /> Borrowcr's interest M tlu Pmpcny unckr �he termr of Ihis 5cxurlty In�trument; Ib)i�nut pen;c►nally abli�ated Io poy the rums <br /> s�cvrod by lhis S�xu�ily Incttument;und lcl ag�thut Lemler unJ uny�Nhcr B��m►wer nwy ugree to eatend,nx�dify, fotbe�u or <br /> make�ny uccammnJa�i�mx wi�h rcQard to �he term��►f this�Securi�y In�tniment�►r the N�Ke with�wt Ihut Bornuwer's rnn�ent. <br /> 13. I.osa CIu�rQer.If ihe I�wn�ecuml by thi�Security In�t�umcnt iv xubjoct tu o law which aet�maxfmum loan charQes. <br /> and�hat law is finWly interprcta! w►that the interewt or�Hhcr I�wn charQea callected ur tu Me collec[ed in rnnnaKion wlth th� <br /> Icwn exceed the permitted limilx,�hen: (u!ony wch loun churgc shull t+e reilucod by the umaunt nocessYry to rcduce the ciwrge <br /> tc�the pennitted lie�it;and(b►ony sums�I�rndy coll�ted Prom Borrower which exceeded permilted limits will be refundod to <br /> Borrowcr. Lcndcr may ch�x►se �o mnke this refund by reducing the prin�ipn� owal under the Note or by mrJcing a diroct <br /> — ps�yment to BoRUwer. If a refund reduces principal. tlxe reduction will be treuted as u purtiel prepayment without any <br /> ----- ps�epayment chnrgc undcr thB Note. <br /> -�-"��-°��� 14, Nolices.Any nutice to Burcower pruviJeJ fur iu Il�ia Sa��ity :�i�trament shull bc givcn by delivcr�ng:t ur by muiliag � <br />�a�f����:�� it by first class mail unle�s applicable I�w requires use of another methaf.The iwtice shall be directed to the P�operty Address <br />��=��=!��`-_`u� or any other address Borrower designu�es by notice to Lender. Any notice to I..ender shall be given by first cless mail to <br /> _- _ Lender's address stated herein ur any Mher address L.ender designates by noticc to Borrowcr. Any notice provided for in lhis <br /> --�'�.; Securi�y Instrument shall be deemed to have t�een given ta Borrowcr or L.ender when given us provided in this paragraph. <br /> __�"- IS.Governing Law; Severabillty. This Security Instrument shall be gaverned by federul law and the law ofthe <br /> -���-- jurisdiction in which the Property is locs�ted. In thc event thnt uny provision or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> v��,,,� conflicts with applirable law,such canflict ahall nnt uffect uther pmvisi�ms of this Securiry lnstrumeM ar the Note which cnn be <br /> �'°°°`� given effcxt without the conflicting pravision.To this end the provisions ut'this Security Instrument and the Note u+e declv+ed <br />`=u"�� to be scverable. <br />_.._.._ a <br />"^�y=T��y li.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shull be given one canti►mx�l capy of the Note und uf this Security Instrument. <br /> �,:� w.m sose aieo <br />� Pp��nl 6 <br /> _::�..� <br /> � --.�'c,tyi -c�--��-•-•-�----=—=�a'n^'"•�7"'.���t�ik1'��:k.i�jY,�v'(1?F�::+A.�iQdC�. • �. , ;��.7i✓'�i��-'�� . <br /> y,�. <br /> � - . .. � . ���,•�• ��i.��, �•• ..+ . .. .. .,i�� � ... � <br />_ _ M. <br /> . 1 .n• <br /> —_ _ . �• _ <br /> .� � . <br /> .. _�T..w..w_ � . /,� . ������y., <br /> . r .:�I vRl•1�• _l''�` <br /> Yi.aL�..1. . . ..- `•-y_�a.�iLLllf.'1�"��'S��iL�iily...b{�l rl °� <br /> . .�' �...1.. . . .w. <br /> ���y�• L Lin.. <br /> - �.. .��L.__ ._ _ i__. . . . � • f�i�SOeI'Y.��a— � <br /> .� ._.__— ---___-_'__.—.____ �_ <br /> -__ ___." <br /> _._. ___.___._ ___- _.-- <br /> --___ _ __._.- <br /> S . __ <br /> .���r.�°�''�-7-. � . _ . ... ..- -----'- - -�L„'.. . .,:.ti d� �i,�"- <br />- —a�.i•a..e.._ � . .. .. ....:G..t..,'t�. •�?' . . �. 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