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�_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> --,..°T^� . . . _ ... .� .. •.,.�. ._. . . �. , . � .._ - - � . = i�--- � <br /> � � n <br /> j• �+�!��� ]rf��• WIlOMR�1� �IV 1�e101M pt�If�11�Of,�AK.�l�MM���,� • <br /> t,e�t}� iwu�d��as by An. 6�wds t��waia.rMd.16�Me.'.n..ald oorw.�e'.iw,ny a1Mir,�,' ,. _.. . � <br /> i�c�c3s�t.Iivu�+jt:i'�wik�t,�.:J.:f-.yd:�ie.�rtr:.,:Y'i�-�'ss�t'�r..�i�tlz.*at�ir���5��.�.�___-_ -;�- .: <br /> dM1 I.Yi1a�wNita.Tl�e irwra ca�rir prwidiy tbe iaNr�ot aWl�b chore�by Bena�x w6jaal�b�'��r . <br /> w'11ki��II iMt b�Ym�9 wMhWld. It BOrroMro�hdlt W Ori�Mrs oova��de�cribed�bov0� L.�a1deM'��Iq►a.M L���� . <br /> epaoo,ab4iin on+roa�e ea p�c�ect Laide*'s rl�fit�in Iba P�op�atr ia.c�ord�.oa wi�pu�nph 7. . <br /> AU iapu�uoe Pol1�o��nd�pne�v�b�p be aooept�ble w La�ta aod �hdl include a�tw�d�nd ma�tg�e o1�aM. IaeeMr <br /> �W!I�ve d�e d�hc to hdd t1�a polida�nd nanwals.It l.endear nqutm�Hor�o�a�Il proa�tlY�+e ta I.eadnr adl�na�ipls d <br /> P�P�aad reuew�l ao�tres.Ia tho event ot tass.Borrowcr ahall�ve premps notloe to tha ht�ulnnao qnfrkt��nd L�admr. ,, <br /> L.a�d�t oar!'m�ta poof of lo�s U oot m�dt proaoptty by 8nno�ra• <br /> Unla�c Irader�ad Barm�rer odrenvi�e�ree ia writi�. ia�nna prnoeeds slWl be appliod w re�tarNtfau,ar.�n�pld�of the <br /> pi'opatY dra�ed�it�e raQOntion or�ir b eoonandcally fa�ble�od lmndor's iocurity i�nat M�aet�ed.1�'d�a rq�p[Mion or <br /> eep�ir u aot eoonomialtY feasible or t+eo�ier's�eQUity would be ksienod.tbe iruunnoe prooeeda afi�ll6e�pplied b;dle� <br /> ■oa�ted bry'tWs Secucity Ioshttn�ent, rvf�etha ur not tben due. with �►y e�teest p�id W 8on�ower. If BotrriWOr.#blMldwr the <br /> proppty.or dosa not a�wer within 3A dpys�notia fmm Leada tl�t tbe inaunwoe anier hse offarod tn�apl»��cl�im�tl�n <br /> I,eada m�r oouect d� l�unuioe pooeea:. L.ader may ute tbe p�+ocaea�to repiar or ieaorQ tAi►t�+opercy�an.w,�a�y wa�t <br /> sewred by thii Sewdty Inwuaxat.whether or not tLm due.The 30-d�y perbd�vill begin wbem tha aMir.e i��lvett� �' � <br /> UNas I.a�da�nd Botmw�er otl�erwi�e agcoe ia writing. mY APPlic�tion of pmoeedo w prfnclpd clWl rot euta�d a <br /> poapon��be due cWe of tbe mont6ly piymenu r�efemed to in pa�g� 1 and 2 or cfwngo tho amouat of tiw p�yment�. U <br /> under pangraph 21 tt6ee Ptopecty is ac�uirod by I.eader.Bort�ower'�dg6t to aay iowrance polioies�nd prooeed�nesWtin�fram — <br /> duna�e w the Property priar to the Aoquisidoa�11 p�ss to I.eodor to tla exoont of the ium4�ecu�ad bp•thb Seadty Imt�ment <br /> imnediately prior w t6e xquisiNon. <br /> 6.Oaap�ocy.Pr�nv�wt.Maiqtewnoe aod Prote�xfon otti�e Hepaiiy,�Borrowa'�Lv�n�Applic�dont I.e+�eroldr. <br /> � � Horrower ahall aocupy. actaWlsh,and uae tbe Property as Barowet's pdncipaL res�nce within ciaty Ii��,�nfler tde e�aution of . <br /> �d�ie So�vri4Y lasdumali and shall oorainue to axupy thd Pno�erty as�orrowcr's p'rinoi��!�tnit�+ice for at lcspt oac year�ftar ,. <br /> - ..1tk dAte of oavpsm.y, uoleas I.ender dUenvise sgroes in writiqg,wt�cb cuqsent ehell qat be im�easonaWy wlthhdd,or-unl�u <br /> � , :,�oxtpnuatia6 dreum4nnces eaist which are beyond Borrowe�r's oonuaa. 6orrower ahpll��aat rlesaoy. tta�o��e ot impatr;tbe <br /> . .Piqpeity.�low the Property to dae�iPcate. or commit vvasta,'on�h�a•Pnoperty. Bqrrower slwU be in dePnulll�.ariy.fareattune <br /> actitm br pt�nceeding,wfkther civll or criminal,is begun dwt Ip.l;�nder's good feiduaudgmeM oould�ult in t'arfeitat�E of the <br /> , ,;��jiertar or�otherwise nwterially impairlhc lien creatod by this Security Insaument vr i�ender's secudry inten�t.Borrower�my <br /> ' cutx�Uch a default and celnstsae.a�provldal in parAgraph cnusing the s�etion nr p�aceedipg to be dismiued wIW a ruling <br /> that. in Ler+der's good_faith deterauimiUon, Procludea forfeiw�+e of the Bomnwer'a i�Uerest in the Property or c�er rnaterfd <br /> impaimxnt of the iia� cre�wd by this Sccurity Inst�umn�i ur Li�dai's �i�i�;ty intcrsst. Bor•awer iiwf��iso be in 3e�K <br /> Borrower,during the loan epplication prooess.gavo matedally felse or inaavtata inforawtion or sutementa to L,ender(or f�tl� <br /> to provide I.ender wilh nnY materi�l infomntion)in connection with the IaAn avideaoed by�he Note.including,but not limited <br /> to,�ta►ions ooncerning Borrower'r oocupancy of the Propatyr as a principAl�rasidonoc.If thio Sxurity Inctrume�u i�on a <br /> le�cd�old. Borrower shall oomply with nll the provisions of ttia le�se. !F 6omuwer aoquinex fae tiqe W ti� Proparty. ths <br /> (e�eiwld and the fa dde ehall not merge unlecs L.ender Agrew tci tha margor in writing. <br /> 7.Protertiop ot[,ender'�Ri�hb In the Property.if Batrower t'aile to perform the covenentsand og�ntc oonWnal in <br /> thi�Secudty In.wniment.or there ir A legw! prc►¢ceding�hnt may signiBaantly affect Lender's rlghis in the Properiy(wch as s <br /> proceeding in bs�nkruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfaiture a��a enforce laws or rcgulations),then Lender m�y do and <br /> p�y for whatever is ne�x.csory to protect the value of the Propeny rand Lender's r�ghts in 1he PmpeKy. Lender's actiona m�y <br /> include p�ying any sumc secured by a lien which has priori�y ovar�thls Sxurity Instrument. appearing in oourt, pryi� <br /> rcasonable attorneys'fdes u�d entuing on tho Property to�ms�ke�epaiB. AlUtough Lender may take action w�dar d�4 pen�raph <br /> 7,(,ender does not I�ve to do so. <br /> Any am�unts disbursed by Lender under this pa�ngrnph 7 shall became additionol debt of Borcower socurod by this <br /> Secudry Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other urms ot'payment, thes�emounts shall bcar interat from the <br /> date of disbursement at �he Note rate a�xl siwll be payable. with interest, upon notice from L.ender ta Bortower roquesting <br /> PaYment. <br /> S.Mortgage L�surAnce.If Lender required mortgage i�uurance as a condition of mnlcing the lo�n secured by this Securlry <br /> I�tniment, Borrower shail pay the premiums required to maint�in the mortguge insur�nce i� effoct. If, for any rcason, tho <br /> mortgage insurance mver�ge required by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the premiums roquircd w <br /> obtain coverage substanti�lly equivalent tu the mortgnge insurance previously in effect,at u cost subswnti�lly equivdent w the <br /> cost to Bomower of�he mnrtgage insurance prcviou�ly in effect,from an altemate mortgege insurcr epproved by Lender. if <br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insurancc rnverage is not aveilable,Bnrrower sh�ll pay to Lender each monlh a sum oqual to <br /> one-twelflh of the ye�ly mortgage insurance premium being paiJ by Borrower when�he insurance coverage lapsod or ceased to <br /> be io effect. Lender will xcept.use and retain these paymentx as a Idss rc�serve in lieu oi mortgage insuranoe. Loss reserve <br /> Form 3028 s180 <br /> v.o.ade <br /> � <br /> - S �:�.rc�. .� �T�.r....����-�_ -�'.:- ..- - �L �� - - �_� ___ .��t�.�:�._� � <br /> -i.�s�.HTRai' �_7C'l`:;�1'-�_{:.r.h{ia�i�Mlwv'..\`r�.. � ' . : ! � Y'.o �� _— —� ___ <br /> . '_ - . �t�,y}��� I :.b34S'Cl!l�i�►SF'371��a277�'. . <br /> .u��.S.Y,.._ �.�..a:..y'_ �.�.u...`ui.tiw.i-s...wL•.d�r��•u2:et1am6N.'=r,�_..�. .s. — .�s,�Y .Y�...o ,.Hl.�f.1 ���.�'��SSii,idw.. � <br /> .�.�.�u-: - -_ - . .--,. - .._. v n - <br /> aQrul�-`t ._... -- � rv�.ew.n+�_. -xr 7- � �!° - Z � �-.+ .r..w.%(F°i.4ti - . <br /> _ . . . _ l l _t }.���. �,'Y � -S . !"„R�"a��1p��' ' <br /> � � 1 �ST.If -�.. , - � �c- ��.�i - <br /> _ .7�..,R.'la ! Rr `4r�R�` J����Il��:i `�'.x.+n +I�+a�.�14t�WRl•"�!•�"`v.����V�. <br /> IS�{` �:d� 7., � . +-- i� 4 �i�5 y..,,... � r r r�.-•- ..1 <br /> .�amc� 7�8,4 • � .,y�i aue� .r]fii'S.'!!� � tel�t�.NFi1�'wG:_,,,y�tD �hA►��,.Qw�W.�a���t - <br /> __ °_�..' .n�lYeY�y,A d yN.' 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