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Oa�nM�it �IMII irw tM rijAt� � <br /> wforoea�t oP thi� YM�nt+di�ododara��t� �o prior to the aarlir,r oi: (A)3 dyra(or suc�atbas �s <br /> �ppliabla 1sw m�y tpedfy air r�1eM�+A�bibir`�M ot die �1 pura�r�t e4 � po�r o[We aoM�d i�IW <br /> 'ecudey Ir�ae+unenc:or(b)arrY o[r�d�M�[1�±C1n�tA��aewri�'�1�.�[i�ore 000dNlom�n dw Han�:(�)p�� <br /> I+ender�ll a��uhich tbe�would be Qu6 m�der tfi�Sea�rity Ia�meat and tbe Nota a�if oo�cedaadoa dd a000eod:(b) <br /> cuna�ny defiulc oI arry ad�er oove�or yraariena�(c) �II axpene�iaarnd ia euta�iry{this Sec�ritY IaM:ur�at. � <br /> includinQ.but not limited to.�oiaiMe�ttoroe�n' feest ad(�pdww wch�cxion ss Lender niay na�onblY roqMire b�ure <br /> th�t the lien of tbla Socuc�ry IMUUCU�t. Lader s d�hu in t6e Peopaty aAd 8omuwer'� to p�y 16e��xwod bY <br /> Ihia Securiry Ir�uume�n siudt oo� ��od. UPoa r+d�ut� by Borrowu�5ewrity Imsatnoaa�t aad tha <br /> obli�uioiu iecuerd dercby ahdl rem�in tWly effaxlve a�if no aooeluatioo fud oacusrod. Hawever.this ri�t w ninc�o��WI <br /> rotapply ia tbe c�se of aooeleralloa under pus8r�h 17• <br /> 1�. 8ak ot Nate; Ch��e ot Lo�u Servker. The Note or a partial imenst la the Note (togdhet with thia Seairlty <br /> lnscnunera)may be aold one or moro�nxa wj�hauc pdor naice w Bamwer.A sale nuy reault in a ia the e�ity(knuwn <br /> �s the"Loan Servicer")that oollaeta montdly payments due under the Note ard this Se�udry/nglnu��aN�.7Ua�dso uu�y be one <br /> or mone chengea oP the Loan Servicxr unielated w a e�le of the Note.[f there i��change of the Iaau Serviar. Bornower wiQ be , �:.t: <br /> given wrinen notice of the chqnge in arcordaRCC with paragcaph 14 aboVe arxf�pplicable law.The ratice wW sute tha qune s�nd : � '.', <br /> . �dd�+css af the new Loan Servicer wd tLe ddrcss to which PaS�nw:should be�m�de.The notko will atso oo�tain wy ottier ;�.:�•,,`;:' <br />:. � infora�tion roqui�od by applicabk law. � :• ,;,:�,�;,: <br />. . 2�1, N�rdoos Substaaces. Borrower shal!�aot cauae or permit the'preBence. use,�1AP�� �ongo, or niepsp,di s�}r :' . <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the prc�perty. Borrawc�.ahal! not da. nor elbw anyone else.w do. ag affectin�"the � :: <br /> `Propeny that is in vfoladqn of any Envlmmnental The precediag twa sentenc�.v shaQ�not�p ly ta.��ie p�asence.,:ast. w' � .� <br />, . stotage on thc Prop��.rty af Small quantities of Hazardoue Subataticea thet a�'e general�Y rea►��izad to bc APPro�iate to mmml <br /> reaidentlal uses and to mainten� tho Propeny. � . <br /> �onower ahall promptly givo Lender written notia of any inveatigetion,cloim,dertwnd. Itw�uit or otlxr ection bY any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agc.ncy or private party fnvolving tt�e Propc»y ard w►y Haz�doue Substanoe or Envlronmentai Law <br /> of wAich Horrowor has actual luiowledge.If Bortower learns.or ia notifiod by itny gover�unental or regulatory autborlty,tf�rt <br /> any rcmoval or other remediaUon of any Hezandous Substance affecting�he Property i�neces�uy.Borrower�ull pranWiy talce <br /> all nxessuy rcmodial�ctiona in ecco�dancc with EnvlronmentAl Law. <br /> As usod in thi�pa�traph 20, "Hazudoua Subswnces" arc those eubstances defined�wxic ot harardau�wb�oa by <br /> Environmental Law und the fallowing substanas: gasoline. kcrosene, other tUunmibie or toxic petraiearn . toxic <br /> pesticides end herbicides,volatilc solvents,matedals containing ast�estoa or formaldeMyde.and radioactive �.A�usod In <br /> thisp�ag reph 20, "Environmentul Lew'meana federal lows wid Iowe of the judsdiction where the Property ia lacated tIW <br /> relate to health,sufcty or emiranrrx�xal protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. 8ormwcr nrd L.ender funher rnvenent and ogroe as Pollows: <br /> 21.Aaceleratlon;Remedles. I.ender sludl glve notice to Borrower prlor to poceleratlon tdlowiag Borrower's bre�ch <br /> at any covenant or pgreement in this Security Instrument (but �wt prlor W aooeleration underp�ra�n�p6 17 asler <br /> ppplkable law provldes ot6erwlse).The notke shwll speclfy: (a)the default; (b)l6e wctlon reqotred to care tbe defiu�ti <br /> (c) a date.not less tl�n 30 ds+ys irom Ihe date the notice is given to Borrower�by wMkh tt�e tkt�ult must be curedi and <br /> (d) tlwt Patlure to cure the detnult on or betore the date specUkd in the notice may reault in accelet�tbo ot tlk sume <br /> secured by tbts Security Instrument and sele oP the Property. The aotice sh�dl turther tatorm Borrower ot t6e rl�6t to <br /> relnstate after acceleratbn and the rigMt to bH� a rnurl action to pssert the non-ealsteace of a defaWt or aoy at6er <br /> de�c�n.ce ot Borrower to ucceleratbn and sale� It the default Is not cured on or 6efore Ihe date spocltfed ta t6e ootke, <br /> Lendec�, at Its option, m�y require Immedi�te p�+yment in full ot all sums secured by this Security lastnwent wtthout <br /> further demand And may Invoke the power ot sale and Any other remedies permitted by a�icable law.l.ender sd�dl be <br /> entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provlded in tbis p�ragraph 1.iacludla�,but not Il�aited <br /> to, reas�nable attorneys'fi�end��asts of tltle evidence. <br />' It the�ower at sale is invoked, Trustee e�hall �ecord a notice of default ia each county In whkl�any part of the <br /> property lv I�cated nnd shall mall coples of such notice in the manner preacrlbed by applicable I�w to Born►wer pnd to <br /> U�e othe�persaag prescrlbed by appllrable law.Atter the tlme reyuired by applicable law,Tnrstee shall give pubflc potice <br />� of sale to the persons pnd in the manncr prescribed by uppNcable law.Tru4tee, wlthaut demand on Borrower,shall sell <br /> Ithe Property at public aucUon lo the highest bldder at the tlme pnd place and under the tern�deslgnated in the notke of <br /> Isnle In one or more parcels and in any order Trustee detennines.Tn�ster may postpone sale of ell or any p�rcel of t6e <br />, Property by pubNc announcement at the tlme and plecc of any previously scheduled s�le. I.ender or its des�nee may <br /> ipurchase tde Property at any sole. <br /> Fam 3028 9/00 <br /> Pp�6ofB <br /> 7 <br /> _.. r .._ ._ _. . .. -... ��-._....- •'.'T„�`�`R."+^.""'r'+T�"'���-..� . �-'r--`�nTl► ^y� c6� _ <br /> ��",�a R�L ., ' . ' . , - . .r� '- v-U ��s.�n'���':"VIZlMA31tfM��!�ic-_ <br /> E.'�'�Y" . . " • - . _� ��:.,4atS� i - � v7 xs:T'^{�. � ts�!.�_�v:- <br /> —�...,. _, .�-��id��a. L�e,. �c a.,._x�_. _.._J�t�.� <br /> ••,• ..e i.-J ��!Y:M`_�.'diit.��::� s�e�.s_ -- - <br /> . , .. . <br /> .:;i1-.:� � -'_'.. _—.'_._. __--- - __ .__ ____-, _" . � _'_"—'.____—. _ __ " '._ .-� ' .�..'_. <br /> � _�:.A�a• . r � . ' , . . : _ . . . �ti�B�mia�';... <br /> •.. r,y '��JGr�.�d�:i <br /> � �� �n - .. . . .. . :y��i.,�'.�„6 i� a� .i . , �_. �T. <br /> - • - -.,�i � -.� ..w . . . .� -�-- =- �. q:-n: .a•?7 . , e r . <br /> •7� �^'• A <br /> . i -77�86-��,�� — _ —. _'_ . '_—' ""- .-� • . .. .�' { y'� . ' . .i1.�'�� I ,` . <br /> .'�1' F.� ' 1 . 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