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_ . :;�^'�=- <br /> .� -- _--__ �„"i���6l50 - <br /> T0087'�lBR wt't1i�1�ttr la�puv«��ow ar hawlMr rnc.,ud un�M pra�ty, �nd�II�.�ppw�+yno�,�0 <br /> Autu�w naw ix 1�IM� � p�rt nf�s prope�ty. All �pl�oon�itr�nd wWitioti �II �la b� o�vwM b�► IW Moriy' <br /> _�._� t�M�Y�t.Ali of t6��aiyoi�i�relbnad b ie thU�aa9ty Ipitn�r�'Prop�tY•' _ <br /> SORRdWBR OOY�AN7�tut dlortowrot b la�fulty MIMO o�qlb eMtMe h�nby oom�aY�'d wd!w dN ri�hf b/nnt MI <br /> oonvsy�he Pmpaety�nd thM the Peripeety i� uaenambarod.exapt tar e�amibw�ra ot rocad. earmwer warniota�sd will <br /> deknd�a�dly the tftle to the Propaty apinst�II cl�inr�nd da�wrdr��bJect to�ny a�cumbrmoe�of reooid. <br /> THIS SBCUItITY IN3TRUMENT oombines uniform covaw►ts for nrtiomi n�o u�d non•uaifam oava�nt+w!W 1imiled <br /> varl�tiom by juridictioo to ca�stiwte�unlfo�m�ecurhy in�wma�t oovuin�real propetty. <br /> UNIFORM CaVBNANT�f.�oc►owusud Lender cove�tt aad a�►ee+s feflowa: <br /> 1. PryreM ot P�I■dp�l a�d Irta+�Ri �'�p�Y� � ��• Borrowu alul! prayt�ptly pey wlx»dae tYe <br /> ptiqc�l of ud iiNereat on the ddx evide��oed by the Note and�nY P�Y�and late d�a due uader t6a Notc. <br /> 2.6Wnd�far Tase�atl LMSr�nc�e.SubJect to�pplicabie I�w a to a wriurn asiva by Le�kr�Bonuwer�hW py W <br /> L.ender an the day monthlY PwY�+�due under Iha Note.uMil the Noto is p�id in full.�sum("Fuoda")Por:(i)Y�Y�p <br /> and assersmans which mry utuin prlarity over�hia Sxurky inurutne�N as A Nen an the Pmpaty:(b)Ysa�d�ka�oW paYme�s <br /> __.-� . or gnound raus on the Property.if any:(c)Yearly h�za�d or property iasurnna premiums:(d)Y�Y��P�. <br /> _- if�ny:(a)Yearly mortg�ga inruana pnaniums� if any:And(�any suma PsYable by Barrower to t�ender�in�wic�• <br /> the provicions of puagnph 8. io 8w of the payma�t of mortgege insuru�oe premiums.TiKSe iteros u+e aol�ed"Btcrorr Iteeas.' <br /> I.ender may. at any time. calloct and hald Funds in an onwunt not w axoeod the maximum aroouot s lerder�foe.a.ted¢�lq <br /> relAtod moAgAge loao moy roquire fa Barrnw�r's esarow awuuat under the federal Rea!F.atatc Sett1¢no�er�t Ft�otedure+��d'� <br /> 1974 sw Amended from dme w dme.12 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. ('RBSPA").unless vwther law tbat appliwts so+tMa�da• • ' <br /> sets n]esser emount. If so, I.ea�der m�►.at any tiaie. call�ct and hold Funds in An smcwnt not m exceed tba i�er�000unt• <br /> Lender may ectimAt�tho anaunt of Funda due on the b�.vis af curnent daw and reasonable esdmrta of exparlsiwes of fwuw <br /> Eccrnw Itams or otherwise in accordance with�plicable I�w. <br /> The Funds a�haU 6e held in an institution whose deposits w+e i�urad by a federal agency. insorumenwliry. or entity ' <br /> (including I.ender.if Lender ia such�institulion)or ip any Federa! Home Loan Bank.l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the • <br /> Escmw Items.I.ender may not charge Horrower for halding and applying trie Funds.annually analyzing tho escrow acouuat,or , <br /> --- verifying the Escruw Items.unleu L,ender p�ys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicuble lAw permits I.ender to make such <br /> —�- a chatge. However,i.ender may�ec�uire Borrower to pay a otx-time chugo for an independem real•estate wx repocting servia <br /> . usad by Lender ia connectiwt with this loan, unless applicable law pravides atherwise. -Unless an agroement is made or <br /> -- -_ epplicable law�equires lnterest to be paid,l.ender shall nat be roquired to pay Bamow�r any interest or carnings on the Funds. � <br /> - Borrower a�M l.ender :nay agree in writjng,however. that interest shwll be paid on the Funds. l.cndar shall give to Bornnwer, <br /> -_ - --° without chArge. un annuel accounting af�he Funda,ahawing credits and debits to tLe Funds•and the purpose for which eacb <br /> _.�� - aebit to the Funcia was inada Tho Funts we pi�igrr,�11 a�a�iitiouel r�ur3iy fai wi1 wt�s secured by il�i�5ccuriiy Ittsintssxssi. <br /> ",�n"-"`'�'� If the Funds heid by L.ender exceed the amaunts permitted to be held by applicable law. Lerder shall aomunt to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funda in accord�nce with the requiremenls of applicabk Iaw. Tf the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> - time ia not sufficlent to pay�he Fscrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in such c�ase Borrowu <br />- st�all poy to Lender the am�wnt ntcessary to m�lce up�he deticiemy.Borrower sl�ll m�ke up the deticiency in no mone lhan <br /> twelve monthly payments,at Lender'a r�le discretion. <br />--- � Upon payment in full of all sumti secured by thix Security Ins�rument, l.endcr shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by l.ender.If, under paragruph 21,Lender ahall acquire or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisitian or rale <br /> ••� of the Property. �:hall apply any Fundi held by Lender�t the time of a�quisition or swle as�credit�i�t the�ums cecur+od by <br /> — thi�Security Instrumcnt. <br /> 3.Applkation�t Payment�.Unkss upplicable I�w provideg otherwi�e,all payments received by Lender under paragaphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliod: first, w�ny prepayment charges duc under�he Note; seoond,ta amounts payable under par�raph 2; <br /> thi� interest due: fau�tb.�o principal due; wd lost,ta any late chargeg due under�he Note. <br /> ' 4.Ch�u�es;Llero.Borrowcr sh�ll pay all t�ces,a�sessmentc, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Properry <br /> which may attain priorfly over this Security InStrument, and Icaschold p�yn�ents or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> ' these obligations in the manner provided in p:�ragruph 2,or if not p•rid in that manner,Bc�rrower shall pay them on timc directly <br /> to the petson owed payment.Borrower stwll promplly furnish ro l.ender all nc►ticcs of+miounts to be paid under this paragrAph. <br /> If Borrower m�kes these payments direcNy,Barrowcr shall prompdy fumish�o L.endcr rcccipts evidencing the payments. <br /> -_ Borrower shall promptly dischnrge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ugrees in <br /> ``���V.� ' � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner uccepwble to Lender;(b►contesis in good faitb thc lien <br /> �-----•-- by, or defends aguinst enforcement uf the licn in, legal prnceedingc which in �he l.ender's opinian aperate to prevent the <br /> �—r�•��°^��°��� enforcement of the lien;or(c) secure�fram the holder of the lien an agreement wtisfactory to Lender subordinating tNe lien to <br /> -;F— ��r' this Security Instrument. If Lcnder deiermincr that uny part of the Property is �ubjcct to a licn which may attain priority over <br />- ��1 this Sc�urity Imtrument. L.�:nJcr nwy givc&�rrower a notice identifying the lien.&xrowcr tih�ll sati,fy thc lien ar take one or <br /> ��r, <br /> �� more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />_ �� ; �� Fam 3026 8/80 <br /> Pp�2 016 <br /> f. .. <br /> _ �.wws.r...w..�....--.,.- — ..a. <br /> — _ ��.�T� t'� 4 ' . .• . .. ' ' . ' .. _ '�. .f�1Y�- .���}.•• •• - ,. �` • . <br /> 1NyYX�L�'1R4_$!`y�t , ' - , - - <br /> ♦•� ! �-LeY ' i�ltii� 5��• Y . . .. <br /> `�'a1L].rL.�11�w`.,.._""l�e:.'. _tiC..41�. Y i 'SC.'�.'e��`�" .'6'•1 LL"'3f•.' , . <br /> _ ... , .._:- .,-_._�� _ ' _ __ ... _ __'_"_.__ � _ _ <br /> Z..—r;: .""_'___ ._. ._ _ _ ___.._. ._ _ _ _ . .__. . _ . .. <br />.�� '' f�•�'.[il`�.i•'rJ`'t ' ' . . ., ' i. � � <t:�',J'.,)'.1i' . ' . 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