-..—E -� ___- -_ '— ' _- _-._ . -.
<br /> -— i��' . '�_ " _ ' '' '' "f. .. .. . .. .- '. —
<br /> ���._ ` i .��' :' "
<br /> -'—! 5' '. ' � . ' ' . .
<br /> . .�w� . ._. ��_
<br /> �—_"- _._.._..__ ___.____"_--__
<br /> __ .
<br /> .?��s __� ' _ " � _ __ _ --����_ _ -__ . .. . - . __-_ .-. .
<br /> __ • r �_ �-.i _ _'__ _ " .�. . . . . . . . ... " . .
<br /> f9lriif�� " '_ . _. .. . . . ' _ _._ _ __
<br /> . ... _.. :. � / :� �y .
<br /> . . 7�
<br /> - _ . . . . . . . ...., . > : . . ��� ...iO���•_;. ,. _ . �... ..-
<br /> cadano�tiaa ataher taking of a�.pnt of the Pmpetcy.or Cctr canveysnce in lieu af cademoati�rr.are i�eaby a�igncd an�t � ,,
<br /> s1�U!ie p�id w Irrnddr. � . �� :- sh�U be apptied�to the sumc secured by thiv Secuiity
<br /> in tltc everrt ef a:taa{tatcmg of tbc Propertys;. , Ffraxeds -
<br /> Inswment.whetber or nat thea.due.witd:astK eaccss R�itFto 8ormwer. In tht event of a partia�tai�iog�of thc PtnpertY.ia
<br /> wGicb the fair maricet valuc of thc Ptapectg.immcdislt�t!►.�G1efoRe tt�takin8 is eqva�to qr gre�tes tts�n thc amount of the svm.s
<br /> secuRd by this Secudr�.[nstnm�ent immediatBi�:6eFa��lhe tatcing,unless Bo�wer and Lender atherwise agn�in writiag.
<br /> , - ---_the_�m�s��eed_bk�S4cuti�n►:1�tu�n�sl�all;bei�duced by the at�wwnt oB.t6e prncced.g mulriplied by the foltowing
<br /> __ _
<br /> :
<br /> : :-_: ..c-- -- —
<br /> fraCau+� ta}1he total amount:of tha�nss see�u�ed�irt�aiu�i3sl�t��be�oie tFre.�:d'cvid�eh�:ti�1 ih�iau et . uc -
<br /> � Aoper�g.immediaaty l�efone the micing. An�r.baluncc stlalf�be paid,to Bcmnwer. in the evcm of a partiai taking o€,thc
<br /> p�y.ia which,the fsur a�arhet value af Elta Ptapestv,it�mediately 6efrn,a thr taicing is tess th�tI�e amAUnE of the sums
<br /> secuied immediately 6efore tha wking. uoluss.Barm�v�cii.�nd.Lender aherwcse agnee ia wricing or un1c�.5 applia►ble taw
<br /> d1�e�ise pmvi�de5,dte pmceed.t shall b�appGed.tc►tlta suiqs.secured by this Security[nstruaacnt wi�ether ar rwt the sums ate
<br /> d�en dne. .::.,
<br /> . !f tita peope�.is ab�ndorted b}�'Ensmwcr:an if:aftG�datice by l.ende�to�omsv�,tbae she.condemnar:offers to maice . . ..
<br /> an awatd ar�seitle a.claim fur:damages,Bumaw+cnsfw'lata-�to l.cndcr,wiihi�s 3U d�y�aftec the datc.che rwtice is givca
<br /> _- i�nder is.authatiud�to�coIlecc�and�apQt�alw pmceedsi:<ai�its aption�.eitbee;to rtstoratiaic ur.rtQ�iF.of thc ptaperty or to the ; '
<br /> --- '' --- - -- -_- -•- � - -- --
<br /> ' suutssectmdby:tbicSecurit�In.�tvin�►Rwfiaifioi�ornat�ttlenQue. - - -�
<br /> • _UNass�i.endt�and��rnrowersather!sisa ag,�eq in��itin�.any application o£:Qtvcoedv ta principat:shalt na extend ar •
<br /> -_ thc due dute of tit�man paymcmt�refacii¢.d!ta•�n paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tT�e amount of such:paymcrits.
<br /> �`� NtiG� • Fe iamca,:�, I:eader NoE a•Wp[�eu. 6xcen$iorn.o��the=t�e._for,paymenc•or,
<br /> ��i . .
<br /> �. f;1:."�un�ow�i' �:, �l.. �` � ted by l.ecs`,n�io any successoc ia incerest °
<br />_-_ . �uadit"r�itipiiAf:dm�i+tt'?�fq+t`o�tti��at�:Stx��cd�tiy:dJis Security instrun�c gran
<br /> � qE � �c�i�+�(iit�a�p��atetdt�i�l�s.�{1�{�It3.=��a�theorigiaat8orrawer.or,BonvweFSSS�sse�zi�i�terest...t:ec4des
<br /> � :�f��:�.s'�{;.��:�.�p���`�y�yE'X suc�ess�.in�i�".�eseor.teftr�e�t��ecsenYtun�����ayr�s'oc
<br /> �.z� , ` n�v{,G:i;iC�?�;��i�fl,.a�tf����:ts��'of�S�r����.-��•�iy�a�.4a�:QB�an3,d°-cra»t�a��s}xA�msr,ga�� �
<br /> :�:•x: :�ia�`�;�r��7±�?��.�`�ic�ircu�t+�: A.�y'x�zzia,n��`$:ea-.r��rm.;2z�in��a�r*:r?�r:�a�:sessi,�.�,� >st���a _
<br /> : �. :
<br /> .rY�y ��°:i �'�!:u►✓d�l��i7�;iL�,�'.�L�''i'.gF�j:,��}SL'3�Qy.'`� �a: ''v 2lFI'�' �i�A �B��Uq —__----
<br /> f; .. ���:,���<< '�`��?�����`c�-:��?i�3sever�t�ibi�;c�s:;�a,.e�.� .�,. r � s _ -- -..
<br /> : `� [�i�tl:b�s:�t.�3!�e.��s�'; ��sors and assigns of Le�de'r�a.'s�'Hriii��;!as;s�'���.;i:jaxk.,p�v�io�t. ,o�';� f — -
<br /> �, '':,• �` ,,,�,-`` .,�.�sh�ll be joint and seceaal."�►a��.Bi3�s�awes��a'.�vQ-���;--�5 tf�s Secsi'itj�;' , '�r `
<br /> pat�gt�}�h�I7�'Hucm�Yr.��iar��.�'r �-� �.
<br /> ` ' � °� . tnsuumc�rtbpt:dtlesnnt,�ul�f'ii'e'!tiat�:ta�es,xi�'signingthisSecuritykiti�iureittacsS�f��c:ei�sge�.$e���cxs*isiey-�S-;at• .�.�_
<br /> �`, •` Bo�m�v�s�nfiuust;iit.ih►�°Arapemj�pnder the terins�+=chis Securiry Instrumee� (b)is not peESanally o6tigatcd to pay tfre sisms �;°��L
<br /> pe s
<br /> " : 'secar�d.b'_ tfr,.Sccdriha�lhftfumantitmtd°(a)�4��at Lender and any other Soaowcrmay agrec to eaten3,modify.forbear 5
<br /> ';�'r'i . !`•1#li` ..,,._ ��.'.
<br /> ,;>J.'_ • � or mal:si aniy+•�aGenmmad�rtia�t�>1t�iNtiia�?ad+ta•th�terms of this Security.tnmument or thc Note withnnt.that BortowerF ��,�,,��,�.
<br /> ai��•,r .� .� ��" COilS�Jl1{ . .. •...:::.: ';7,;. :. �-,e.�.—w�.>i.�..�.-
<br /> t�• , 13, (:o�tiiCilp�{q9.: if�ttla'laan �ecured by this Security Instsument is subject to a law which seca mauimum taa» �;�=--
<br /> charges.;ud tt�atil4w;i�f�rn�qy intorpreted sQ that the interest or other toan charges coltected or ta tre wl[ected in connection . _---
<br /> ' with the Ic�an exceed the peRnined timitti,tben: lal any such toan charge shatl be reduced by the amauat necessary ta reduce �__
<br /> � ihe charge ta the pertnitled limi�:ux!Ib)any sums aiteady copected frc►m Borrawer wAirh eaceeded pctmitted limit�will be __
<br /> ' reCurxkd tp Horrower. l.cncki may choo�c to makc thi.refund by reducing tha princip�.�l ow��i undcr thc[Ynte nr by makia�a ��__.4__
<br /> � direct paYmem ta Borri�w�r. If u r�[unc!reduee+p�ncipal.thr reduction w�lt he a��uteQ uti a panial prepayment without any _---�=- ---
<br /> �,
<br /> �xepaymcrn rtwrgc undcr thc N��t�. "�!.•� '+�,';,
<br /> - !4. NMice�. Any nwicc tu Rarrowcr providcd for in d�ir- Sccurity Intitrun�cnt,h:�ll ix�givcn b dclivcrin it or b ���� � �•� r
<br /> Y R Y �`
<br /> � 4 m:tiling it by�nt rlar�mnil unic��applicable taw reyuirey ure��f annther meth�l.The nolice rhull 6e directed ta iho Ptoperty �"'`;;v?�'���.
<br /> f Addre�ti ar any��thet:�ddresr Rarcawer designui�s by nutice to t.�ndcr. Any nntice to l.ender tihall be siven by first ctasc �`"�"""^'�-'" '
<br /> ma�il to Lendcrk uddrc��.rtuted herein ar any o�her addresc l.ender desibmates by noticc t�Borrawcr. Any n�ticc provi d e d for " " � �
<br /> in thiy 5ecurity Instrumcnt �h:dl he Qt:emed to hAVr bcen given [o B��rrawer ar l.cndrr when given ay providea in �his _ ,;;�-,�;i1 :"�
<br /> .., �uu ra '���`'�''",°
<br />_ P 8 Ph. - :k��::�
<br /> 15..Goveening Law;Severabllity. Thiti Security /nti�rument.hall hr govemed by federal law and tho law of the :_, z
<br /> - • jurisdiation in which thv Property ir I�xated. In the evem that any provitiiun��r ctau�c of thi�Sccurit��tn+trument ar 1he Nute �-'�:�--n.rfi,.,:
<br /> ,,,,�
<br /> 7 COI1f�iCI!i W IIII APPJtCAI1IC IAw.au�h rnnflict�hull aat affcct uther pravi`iom of this Serurity(nylruntent ur the Nole whinc��n "��;��._:��-._
<br /> �' . _�.:;; ..
<br /> be givco eifect withaut tho cunilicting p�uvi+ioa To this cstd the prnvi�ionti o!'this 5rcurity ln+trument and�hc Nate:►re �...• .....,,?r+,;,.r•�-t:=
<br /> .•:,�,y�:,.-.:-.�a
<br /> � declaced to bc�everabl�s. ��:�`:.,.:.�
<br /> � lf. Borrowee's Copy. Bnrrawer�hail bc givea one canfnrmed capy��f thc Note and af shis Security(nstrt�ment. • .:?:;�;'h�•}�fi•'�k
<br />...Y3.� ..�� :. I• /�
<br /> ri.
<br /> 11: Tnnsfe�of the Prope�'ty a�Benef���nte�est ia�orrawer. If ull or any part af thc PrapeAy or any intcrect in •'i��t,�,�,:,;
<br /> - it is sold or transfetred(or iP:�beneficial in[erest in Borraaer i.r•tiuld c�r trantifcrtcd and Bormwer is nvt A natural pertion> �''��'�'� ``.'"
<br /> , Wf•��'�i;a:..
<br />� �f without i.endery prior written rex�senl.L,cnde�nray.at its option.reyuirc immediatc payment in full of zll•tium9 secured by •• �a'��=--
<br /> »..��
<br />� this Secudty(ntiuument. However.this option ahali nex tse exercised by L.cnder if exercise is prohibit�:d Qry ieder.�l!aw ag af ,-��- -'
<br /> the date of this Security InstrumenG � . . _ '.��
<br /> . i�f.endec exercises this option,l.cnde��ha1F give Bnnower nutice of acceleratian. Ttic notice�hptt pravide a perioJ of
<br /> � na fe�.,y than 30 doy�from the date the notice is delivered or m.�iled within whirh Borcower muxt pay aIl sum��ecured�by�hiy • . . . ,-
<br /> . � ' Secunty Instrument. lf Borrower Pailv to pay these.ums priar to ihc cxpiratian ui thiy peri�xl. Lendcr nmy invoke any i, . ,
<br /> remedias permittcxt by this Security ln�,trument«�ithout further natice or den��nd nn R�rtowcr. .. _
<br /> 18. Borrowee`s Ripht to Rdnst�te. tf Hc,rrowcr mcct� cectain cunditiun�,. Borrawcr�hall huve thc right to hvvr �;- --' -`�-'
<br /> � enforcement of thiti Sccudry tn.rtrument di.rcuntinued a�any timc priur to thc carlicr uf: la►S duy�I�r�uch�ther{+eriad as ,
<br /> • . Singkl:�mdy•-VannktfaerkYeddkllairl'�IFI)R�tl%tit(!lStY.�'i-•l•�titunti{'u�cn�nt� 9M/B �yace���(h��i4r�� r!� .
<br /> ( .
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