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<br /> - -applic�bk!aw mry epecify tor tel�t�daeag befaa sak d tbe Ptaperty purawat w'+uY Pn+�cr of s�k ca�d•in this
<br /> � 5ei�rity��tb)entrY of�a iu�nt enfa�cini t�s Secwiry Im�aaaN- 3trose crooditlora an th�Bacrewet: (s).
<br /> � . pys t�ier ail aums which tbea wo�td be due anda this Securiry Inguwnent ard the Nae as i!aa�accetenda►b�d
<br /> aocun�@>c�s mY defaalc of�ny atha coveuui�ts or ag�a�rnents:fc)P�Ys all expcnses incumd in eafarcing�his Sa�rrit�
<br /> Imonmkat.includin`.but not limited w.nasanabb attanseys'feas:aM(�nfces such xtiat as Lendcr ttuy teasC�Y
<br /> tequiee ta stwtG th�t tht lien ot thi.t Sectuity Iastrtmrenti Leedet�s rigi�[s ia tbe PlapeKl►�nd Borrowcr�s o6Ugadqn to psg the .
<br /> - _ � _ .---�an+►-s�cimed��i.i-Se�iq►���!!�—sha11 conanue!u�c!!an8et�UpaQ reinstatement by Bonowa. tlns Security, _
<br /> - - Iasfim�t ud tl�abGgsuons saimod herebY siwli rtiman�faiiy cff-aKivz s��tavaacftr�ttu�tl►�d.accu�reQ:-#iavrcvcr tlus- - _ -
<br /> rij6t to:eimvte sh�l!not apply in the case aiacc�aa under parsgr�plt 17: .
<br /> I!:Sde d LVofei�af LoY Ssr�icer. Tbe Nate or a partial iaterest ia the Nate(co8ettxr with this SavriiSr:
<br /> -- - Io.mument)may be sold ooe or mooe tirnes wit8out pria natia to Borrovrer. A sak may resuIt ia a ct�ange in the e�rtiry
<br /> -- `(Imown as tir"Lom Servioer")th�t collects monthly payments due undet the Note aad this Sccuriry Instrume�. Thene also•
<br />_-_= - may be aoe or ma�e chiages of the t oain Savica wuelated to a sak of the Nae. ff dseti is a change of the Losra Serviccr,
<br />:_'� 8amwer wID 6e givm writGen nolict af ttse ch�ge�acxosdanca with parag�s�ph 14 aDove aad applicable law. The natice.
<br />-: -_ w�71 stat�tbe a�tne aad add�ess of the rtew Lo�n Sa+ricer and tbe ad�ta wdich payments should be made.The nopce w�l� .
<br /> � __- at�o ccacu�itt aay odta infa�tion toquired by applicable Isw. , ---- -
<br /> - -
<br /> s -- j� �f$�6(/AL�i. BOl'[OVYCi S�110[qiLSC�FCRRIL T{��31C��IL';�.�iS�'►StOi3$t:UT� '�
<br /> -Nazudais Substwces on or m the Piopecty. Bortawer shail na da nor aUow anyone etse�o dn.�rthing;��?s,&:1� � ; -
<br /> e �epeEtg t�t is in violatian aF any[nviroameatal l.av�_%'��caalin$twa sente�seec sI�all nat ap�,aty W the��.,�s _
<br /> t� Y stor�ge on tbe Ptoputy of smari qu�ntities of Razuda�s :��aoes��a-'�B���QS��?���' ,����`' '* ' - ---
<br /> �i E nesidenpal nses�d to mai�en�ce of dse Propeny. °`�� , :�:;:' ::. �' , a`",':'t:? '� � _
<br /> '�� Batuaers6alRpivnt�3�'`L�vti.enderwcittenibtiee-eF���atcasi�lau�a,s���u.Yas�tss:��c�'#��fr4�.�.i { 1
<br /> "ra• govam�ai pr-t�ulat�y,'��ti,�c�c�tttva(e�part}r imr�Fvui,�•tTie#'Y�er^��azr��a�',�'.�t.�.'•.:ee��t".�- ' ' ` �
<br /> � � � :�• } �
<br /> ��""�` . : . iaw of w6I"cf.�:�`�:�-+�'��`'�� �S�sca��le,ar,�s:ar is�e�,�:�1.���±�.� J '
<br /> ��' an�pr�y,� t'r.mn �ous S�lisiauce 2�ffecdug tCse i�s�:is txcess�r�►,�i►t�� `% , •�..•�..,
<br /> ,,, . . . .
<br /> ,:. . .. . :•...
<br /> =r'�, -.:,� . .�s.:���;�� vq�������a..�b�aape v�rif[eEnvironmental i.aw. . ----
<br /> ;s - - • . '.�'As ased in s puaprapYi Z0. " s Substactia�"are�se substu�oes defined as to�cic or hs�zardaus substances bK:,:. ��£ -
<br />::r�,��s 5��: Envimnmenpl I.aw and�the following substances: gasoline,iccrc►sene.other flammabla or toxic petroleum producc.q.to�ic ��<<t-
<br />'��:�:.�{�:';<. .n .
<br /> -- .pestiddes.and•tw�cbicides,volatile.solvents.muerials containing asbestos oc focmaldehyde.and radioactive materSala. As �.-
<br /> �''%;2�'.� :r used in this ia located� -:�' _
<br /> -., � - ----
<br /> ,:.:�.. pxtagtaph 20."Envimn�nentai Law"means federal laws arxllaws of the�uris�ictian where ttie Roperty ;�;:
<br /> `'`� that relate[o health.safety ot environmontal protecdon. ' ;,.�T ° "
<br /> NQN-UNIFORM COVfiNANTS. Borroweo and Lender furtiier covenant and agrec as foilowa: . :.:'.•
<br /> r�,,•b.��:-_----
<br />. � 21. Accek�Noe;Remcdia. Leades s6a11�ive aotke to Borrower prlor to nccskraNan fdbwi��arco�re�'� � ` .��;�.��
<br /> � 6racM a!asy carrsaet or sQreeiaent iw tUis Securily Imtrua�e�t(but not prior to�eeleration Wndee p�i�'sp�17 `4.: '�=k .`----
<br /> � ��tps�PPiicabte i�w provida otMerwi�el.TAe aaNce alWl epecHy: (al IAe defaYlt:lb1 the Actiaa req�ked to cacs the `.�;`-,-„.
<br /> � de�a�M:lc)a date.�ot las tha�3�d�ys trow tMe date the notice b�ve�to Barru+rer.b�r wMtcit tt�e defaYk�be . �-
<br /> � r cMrods a�d id1 tlat f�iMro to cure tMe defaolt os or 6efore the dste specUkd in tUe notice msy rc�k in�cceTerstbn of
<br /> t.
<br /> tMe��seerred 6r tMis Secorlty l�sln��t a�d sale of tMe Properq. 7'Me notice�all t�Nier i�taria 6ac�ower ae. ����,.`.-_ -
<br /> �,_��_.
<br /> tMe etske to rei�stste stter accelerntion and the cight to brins a court sctioo to a�ert the non�e�iakece aEn defarltan . ,_ ::�.;:�_
<br /> � �' �y attier defenx d Borrower to acakeAtion aad ssale. If the default ts not cursd on ar betare tbe date spec�ified�Ia„ �� �',<�,•,�_
<br /> U'� ,... -�_�`;-:.�="'t---
<br /> tlie�fk�e,Lender at its option nu�y require immMiate payment in full of all suma secu�ed by thia SS�curlry Insfrumend ; ;;;.�=.� ,-;�
<br /> �".�+ withaut furthee demand and map.invaks the pa�rer af sale and any Mher remedi4w permitted by appiicwbie lu�s• ,'• ��;•�';,.y.;;;,�-_
<br /> ,., �, �^.
<br /> l,ende�shalt�be entitkd to cdfect�1 1-espenses incurr e d i n p u r s v i n g t h e re m e d i e s pravlded in�thi�par a g r a ph�ZRr . .•,.,;,„ ;
<br /> -�'_���.'. inciadis�,iwt nat limited tu,reasonAble attoraeys'tees and costs ot titk evidenca : ��•�`, :,�` ,?�:Y=
<br /> It tMe pow�er of sale ts invoked,7lrustee sh�ll record a notice of detault in wch couaty.ia�vNkh an�pa�t a!the � _ • '�
<br /> .� Property is located aod sbatl mAil copies at snch notke in t6e manner presc�lbed 6y app1icnWe Is►w ta Borrnw,ee aad to� � ,.� _-
<br /> sb
<br /> *�,p, t6e otUer persons prescribed 6Y�PBlicabk Is►w. ARe�the time required by applkable(a�v,:T�ustee��giv��fablic _-
<br /> �;; sotia a(ssla to the peesons a�d in t6e maaner prescdbed bY aDWicable Istw Trustee.�vitt�aa�demaad•oq,�arrawe�, Y. � ' ,y �
<br /> �1i�y:� + . 3': ;,_
<br /> 4, shaQ sdl the P�pecty at public aac[ioa�to the dighest bWder at the time and place and•und�ttie tera�s d�ignated t�t ,��r��
<br /> , ..�',., t6e notice dPsa�e im one ar nare parce�s aed tn any orde�Tru��e determinea Trustee roag{�stpaae sa1e otall ar aa� ,.,,._,�.�,�.,E.:
<br /> . _ •` parcd ot t�e Ptoperty(�y�ubiic anaauncemeet at the time and¢�ace ot any previousig sc��ul�d satr. Lender ar u�s: p •.r�rt:d:�`,�::.:
<br /> � Y�` i •'. !�'�f �.1l.
<br />._r� " ` •� � .
<br /> -' �;. �ee�r 8arcl�e tie Property�t any sak. � , . . . • .;,; � .���-
<br />,,,�.;,", � '�, I7poec e�veipt ot PaYment at t![�gric+ee bid,Trustee siwQ deEive�to the parchaser Trut�5`deed��ransegta[g t�e�:� : �,�g!, .
<br /> `, .: . ±• � property. '�e,�ecitats ie the Trnsbe�e sdetd s6aU be prima fx��s�idence otfda trpth�af�ie�:ut�ments made thereae::�.. �. . .,a��._
<br /> ��;��5p'x,�r
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