. . .. �� _� . ----- - �_� . . - ---=`' .-- .- ,- - - . .- .. -
<br /> _�'�<:;d. . ' - - . . . . " . -_ '.V-.�.•�
<br /> i � ,
<br /> :':'�:: �. .._ . . "� � �� y. v-- _
<br /> _�. � _.. .. . _ . .. ..:: . _. . . .....� ..-.. .
<br /> .. . .. t� .. .�. __. .. '
<br /> . _ �-[S` ' _ ' _ _ " __ _ . -_,. . . .__ . __ . - _-__.'--.
<br /> .. ?�`ir31� . . .._". '.V' _-" .__ . ������� ' , _ _'�—
<br /> � • .. . . . . . � , - • , . _ . t'
<br /> . periods�t Lender�equines. The L►�nce carrier p�ovidinE tbe it�stu�r�ee stuili;de ti'l1as�1,1i�C-$�xfower sub,ject to�,e�de['x. , .
<br /> � � app[uvd whi�cb a6a1J not 6e uKe�san�6tY vrilhheid. tf$onower fails to maitMUi.n.cav�ugR QqsFri6ed slx►ve l.etder.n±�y,rµ'
<br /> I.a�der's option.a�in�ove�c to Pm�aK t.er�d�er3 riadts in the Ptapetty in�cu�dunce�vitl�p�r�ph 7.
<br /> IU!iawrrnoc pu1�and aqtwals shalt bc�cceptd►k to LeMec and slwl!inctqdu�t:�tiqtd��.mcxt�gecluuse. l,.cnder
<br /> shali Aaee thc rigl�totw�cl the policies y►d�rmewals. ff txndera9nires.Borr+or�ec��tl pmmpt�+���e.to Lender�tl recdpts
<br /> of p�id pmniWms and m�wat natias. Yn tNe event of lasc.8arrower shall g►vo p�ampt;ntttit;it t1��ttte ipsurance��rrier and
<br /> .;.
<br /> — — � ____. LeedeL_Lmder mav malce p�oof of lor�if not made ptomp�ly by Borrower. . . :
<br /> Us�tcsc Gende.r and Tolioa��agse ai vmmta�;�i►�c�uu�a:��lsc cq�t#i����c+f-rt�+aic. --- _ _ - � —_
<br /> the p�ty damaged.'if the zesta�tion or iepair is economkaiip feasibk atxt�l;,enAecy So,Oitrity is noe[cssened: it thc
<br /> restoratian or sep�it i��ecnnumicalty feas��e or Lendes's security would�be Tas�ened;:thti"ids�ittance pcaceeds sfiafl�.be
<br /> applied co the sums secu�by this Security Instrumen�wlxtixr or na[then,dwt.�ith,at�,°aii�ss paid to�o�tuwes.. Iti
<br /> Bomower abu�dons the Pkoperty.or das not at�swer within 3Q days�naticc fnom,taendt��n,thAti the wsurance rarries�fqs.
<br /> � offasd w settte a claim.then Leadei may colk�ct the insur�ce Qnaceed�. !en�kr ms�t.u�,a Ijl�.qNC�xda to apait,a:r�stot�
<br /> tbe P�mperty or to pay swac soc�ued by this Savrity Insttumeat,wbethec ar�at then due:'�71R 3Q�duy periad wili iiegin w�iea� .
<br /> the notice is given. .
<br /> -- Unkss i.tnder and Boemwer o�he�ise agtec in writing,any application•af pnoct�edf:to-PrinciPal-sdall r�.euend'ar•
<br /> -- po�tpoae�ltbed�e d�af th��ruhty�y�s re€erzd tcr i��agraph�!�aad�3 ur.ch�eg�tt�-�cnauu ef_the.�ay�nt��--I[_---- ---_—
<br /> =- ynder p�agr+p�21 the Prope�ty is acquired by i.ender.Borraweis rigbt•to�aav�in�maa�.poGries arsd proceed4 cesufting
<br /> -=- f�ont da�nage ra tha Ptoperty prior to the acqms�uon shall pass to Lr�der to ttfa e�cu�nt�af tha sums secunod by this Securi�y
<br /> e-- Instnn»ent imttgdiately prior to the acquuition.
<br /> _-- _ �, p�,, prexrvatioti Mainte�a�ce and Pr�otectioa.of tbe L�rapertg;.,Bucrnwu's /.aan Applit�tion;
<br /> _ -- I.easeUoids Saanwer sfiatl occu�y,establish,and use tbe Ptopercy as BoROwers prinaipal�tasid��ce withinsixty days after
<br />--_��.. 8 an
<br /> tbe eaavqon of tl�is Secarity(nstiumeat and shal!continue w occupy tbe Fmpeef!�•as�.�wati's pmicipal residrnce for ai
<br /> --- :• • teast a�e yeac afcet ei�e dace,of oacuQancy, unkss [.ender otbcrwise.agt�es:it�,�_WrFttn& whinc �oasene slsall na be ,:._
<br /> ` � �jziq�onablY witbheld,oF u�Ic��S�es exist wtiich.ace be.�`rb�£�i?Ir+nwer's controt.�BornnK'e�sTsait nat � , =:
<br /> ,,.-
<br /> , f , :�;�&���p'�r d}�;RLs�patY:allaw�the Fropert�y to,deurioru[��r.'c,4�.�v:�..'�on the Pm�ty- Bo�va+�s�k+ ''�•._
<br /> �; 7 _4,
<br /> _`� .,.>.i�e.�.. i��fatfeitu��iciie 4r p c a�i»�.:w'I�+;��i:v z 7 or c r�S ri:,f;:i s:f�r l u:�f t a t i n Lxnder's g o o d f�tt#�����. •�:.. --
<br /> z� '�- - �!'i;':. ,i
<br />�s ` :`,�.•�:=�:i�,#5�'eitun of tbe PFnp�en«r�:-ci,-i�.:.�e�aa;:�.�3Ji � �����-c�ed by this S�wnc}1��ant;�9!�;";::<:':" �_
<br /> J���•., �� Y � ,
<br /> '`�{ E � ��aui:����fsttenes� Boaawetma���r;�a��";�i>,��:�'..=:rc��idvidedin paragraph 18. �,�*���kt a:�;; �:-
<br /> 4�a1�� •,�.�, ;t ' :.�,;T�•.�9".�����.'.'�.i�a��smi.sedwiII�.ar�...�:�'1��era����"a.'��`�t,3i�t=rR�iitatiatw�prec1{tdesforfeawreofttzeB�cs���°s L
<br /> iit ,�,.. �,,,w,,.
<br /> r�rf1,� b , �.�iwiu�.,'�'z:f.�.�,L'�P.ertSr a other ivate�i�.,^��mt�[32�h��x:iz���i���s���ry`Ins�t[araerx a:Lert�e�'s�sec�r?+': ��`�
<br /> u
<br />`��`���i , i�ei� i�usce:r.�*shalt also be in ��#��cirtu�er.•d��i�'e:��s�''" 'c�ii'_Er.:pY?c�s� �:;�;is`ateriaAy falge or ��
<br /> �. ... �'��,
<br /> , ���,_;;. inaccurate asf+�ion or statemertstQ Le�icii'rEorfailed to pmvide���ini��aar�—�;a'.�aFiafaia[�wi)incannation wit6 �� _-_
<br />-:.�;f;u; tNe toatt evi�ra:j by the Nae,includissg_but not limited to. cepres�assd�ci'o'r�.�ti� Borrowers uccupancy of�f►e � ��
<br /> Ptvperty aq a priricipat residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehald:BdRb�v�shall camply wi�h all the provision9�.� ____-
<br /> � of the lease. If Bamwer�cquires fee tiQe to the Property.the lea+ehald and the fea titl�sfiall not merge unless Lender agrees __
<br /> � to the merger in writing. —___-_-.
<br /> ' 7. prukctio�of I,eAdes's Rights io f6e Prope�ty. !f Borrower fuilx ta petfartn the caveaants�nd agreements -
<br /> contairted in this Secarity incbvmen�.or there is u Iega! praceeding thut mny•significantly aifect Lender's rights in the . _ _
<br /> , property(such a�a pra:eeding in bankruptcy,prubate.for condemn�ticm or fi�rt'4iturr ar eo rnfnrce lav��nr regulationyl,then ��
<br /> l.ender may da attd pay for whatever iti neces�ary to protert the vatuc of tha irtoperty and i.cndcr:right.in the Pruperty. — �:
<br /> Lencler�actions may include pa}ing:u�y xwnti tiecured by a lieb�vhich hati priority aver thi.Sccurity Imtrumrpt.appcarmg _�K�.�;�.•
<br /> in coun,paying rca�nablc attomcy.r'fcc.and cntcring un Ihe Prapeny to�nt�kc rrp;�ir..Althuugh f.cndcr muy wkc-a�hiun :__„� �;:"j9
<br /> ur�det this p�ra�ph 7.Lendcr r�cx nnt havc to do+a. ' �:•
<br /> �. f;�--
<br /> Any amountc di�buned bp Lender under this paragmph 7 .rhu11 becama additionat debt oi Barmwec secumd hy thi� -
<br /> Security lnstrument. Unle�.r Bexrawer and Lcixkr agree to ather tcrtn�of paymanG these amauntx tihall l�rar inttrest irom the � � �=
<br /> date oY disbur3ement ut[he 1Vae rote and�haU he payablr.with interuyt.up��n romica fram l.ender to Barrower reyueyting "�Ati�;�:
<br /> •:%��
<br /> t „_!n�.:y°°,
<br /> ,. paymen. ._.,,r.
<br />- S, MortgAge tn.wrAnce. If Lender requit�ed mortgage imut�ncB as a candliiun af making tt�e tain secarect�y lhis '.{7::�r;-
<br /> .�..�
<br /> �, !,:.
<br /> '" Security Instrument.BaR6aer shatl pay the prcmium�reyuired to ms�inutin��ho mart�age insutancc in cifect. If.for any �. s,�:��,��•
<br /> a.�;
<br /> reasan, the mortgage in.sur�nce coveraga reyuircd by Ixnder tap.e� qr cea�e� to he in effect. R��rrawer .halt pay th� .:;.�.,;.:r.;,:.--t�_
<br /> � pc�emiums required to obtain covcrage tuMtuntialty cyuivalent to ihc rnnn�age incurancc previausty in cffcct,at a coyt '�:l�;�"'..-."':
<br /> •�"`��'''�� su6v-tanf[ally eqrivateni to the cost to Bnaowcr of the maagage ins:arai;u:�pi�viautity in effect.f'rom an alttmate mongagc �'-`•••;"`'T,'
<br /> "��'� ` insttrtr approvec0 by I.eader. Qti 4ubusintially eyuivalent murtgage iii:sait}n,����r.is not available.Bnrtnwer Shaq pay to ` _
<br /> ',�4,� l.endet cach month a 4urti s�a:.:i ti�one•�welfth of the)•�arl f m��n�:�:�t��+�r��u:;�r�n"rum beinb paid by Bacrower when ihe �+-„�'�'`�`,�_
<br /> t �' iacurance caverer.°�:tapced orc���d t��be Fn�ffcrt. lxad�r�::�{aW.�t+r.tti�`z,.�td is�.:�ai�li�'�e pa��mcnts ay u lo�v re�en•e i�tieu ,� _
<br /> . af martgage insorance. lass rr�er:e�5�:���r_t�may na(nng.�r�e re�in,'d..:tt ti�Y'�'+�t:on�f L.ender,iY mon�ge insuranee �=�„y ,;_
<br />: . cavetage(ia the amaunt and foT ttte�erio�cFtat Lcndcr ri�imkt rr�i��.ac�i�hy aninw;:r�r:�ppr�ved by Lender again beromes •.::`•-':��
<br />