�._ .. _ _ ___ _ . . _ �L.`.!-c_ _ . - a_ . � -— ..
<br /> _.." .- a."' : '. _
<br /> '— i_f?. . .. � _ ' ' < �� � ' . . � _ __- _
<br /> - - - :�`t _ -- . �` r� o` . _.. _ .- -° -
<br /> -_—'__ ._ . .... . .- � '__ _ - ...-. �.r�F ._. .3�..�� - - -_ .,- ' _.
<br /> � a. �
<br /> ...,_� .__ .,---- .. , .. _._ _ .. . — _ - ___- -_ _� ___._...._. ...
<br /> .�»..�.. - . . . . � . '__t y___ _' ... .' '. '-�•
<br /> _ . '_ --•..:<. - . � _ . . . - -_ -_ __ . � .., _' _' -_ _ - . — _ '
<br /> .'��.��'�i� . _ . . < . ... _ .. � �. • ' . - - .
<br /> � . ��: _ - _: - - � - - g��.. � �a��s� f �
<br /> 'I�O�ib'MER VYtTH�it the imqro+rcmeeta nuw or hece�Rer erx�ed on tNc p�openy.«nd dl ea�ement�.��p�ten�es.,
<br /> and fixtuca�wrv.a t�Kafkr a p�t of the p�opertY. All teplaoanents and.additiona shall also 6e cavsrcd by.�6is-Sa�uitY
<br /> tn�nnnp�t. AU�+oI the fo�e�oins ia retened to in th�s Sccuriry.tnstr�uncnt ss tha"Piapeay►•" . '
<br /> , BUltK�WPR CUVBNAI�if'S tfiat Bamw�is lawfWly seisod of the cstatc�eneb�conveyed and bas thc right co ganc
<br /> �d convey the�Propnt7r�d tlnt tlse Praparty is unencumbe�ed.except for encombtances of iocotd. Bamwer wamnts and
<br /> � __ --•__--9�JL�a�d a ly the titb w tbe PtopeA.Y a8rin.u_i�ll claims anddem�nd.s,sub}xc wany encusnbranots of�ecad.
<br /> ---_ — _.
<br /> - — TffIS SEGURj't'3t iPiSTRUMEN'T�unifa�m coven�nt� fo�aatioaaf ase m�i twa=�ain'eave�ts witH--__ � - --� —
<br /> limited vuiatiats bp jutisdiction to wnstitatc a naifotm secutity insuument covering ratt properiY•� : -.
<br /> � UNffORII�COYEN/1NCS. Hamwa aad�Lender coveaant and�e a9 fdlo�wer sLatl wl�en due ttx
<br /> 1. Yri�t d Pri�cip�l ard I�te�+es�Pre�a7�mt md Late Char�es. P�P�Y PaY
<br /> Principal of and intaest at the debt�b9►tbe Nae aad aaY p�epaYmen�aod latc chacges due wider t6e NWe.
<br /> = L F�ds tar Tues a�L�ara�oa Subject to applic�6be law or to a wnsten+wuver by Lender.Bamwer shaU pay w
<br /> - E,�ader aa tbe dag manlhlY�a aie due�mder tbe Nata.m�a'1 the Nae is p�id in firll:a sam("�iatds"i far:(a)YearlY�
<br /> taaes aad assessments whKh maY�PR'��Y aver this Socurity Ins�ument as a tien on tt�e P►vpercy:fbl Yeuly kasehold
<br /> :— -.�ad-�is�sx Sse-Pr�y.-if.an�-ls!Y�Y ���P��.in�»•,,�P_p�ns; (d)ye:uly.fload ---- — - --
<br /> � • ins�ar�nx p�emiums. if ang',t��YeuI�d�t8a8��P����if any.aad(�a�►Y s�uns PaYabta by Baiower to
<br /> _� I.eader.ia avo�dmca witb r�6e�xov�s of paragraph 8:in liw oE the paymeakof mnttgage insurance pnem�oms. '!'hese . --
<br /> dmc
<br />_°;��� � _ items ate called"EsCruw Items." �eraiay,at�►y tm�.coflect ana ltold tvuds in aa atrwuut aat w e�eed the�n�cirnum� �i _
<br />-::,;.r� _ a�t a leocfer for a foderaii�r ci�'a'ti�martgage Ioan may requuc for BorroK�s�cmw accamt under the feden�Real -
<br /> - �te Sartentept ptooed�ces F1�ct af t�7'��as amended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 etsey.("RESPA'7.uniess anaher _-
<br /> �=�.r." L-tw that.�m tde Eiunds sets a.t�mount�.If sa lender may.at any tim�collect aad dold Fm�ds in an amouat not w =—_-
<br /> -° � exceed tbe Iesser unauu.,i.ender�ray:�.tde amount of E'vnds due au t6e basis of cumenE data and reasooabie . . ---
<br />-_`��; e�es�f txp�es a€fatute ESCrnw ite�'ar�rwise iu accandance�t�iti��a�piica6k taw. ---
<br /> 'u are iasuced b�a federa!agency instrurr�a�lity,ar eutity '
<br /> � e :�. Tde Ttufd.s��a[Y be E�d•in an irutiuuititt•.Pgfia�dcposl :.• .
<br /> `s G'. • �r ..,{�cludirt$�.e�de[',if�.e�dc�is slxfi�i�I..�;t:or��az►y F�e�l HomC 1.�Ba�. l�de�sha11 app[y d�e Fwlds to pag;.:`;..,:',';, �;
<br /> ;, . ` .:=tbe Esc�w Iiems. L.e�uki`�a�a,aE t�is�Eatni�for holding and applyir,�tf�e`.Fwtds,an�ually ana1Y�8����� �•
<br /> � � s Borm�uer�nterest an the Fu�cts and applicabte taw penmir� �`� F
<br /> + ` ' "accoant,orverifY'mS tise•Esc�z'�'�;n�i�:'-i°��.shder pay �,�;-` -
<br /> �� :�. ` ` Lcader to matce such a�';�ria��.�c may�eyuire Barower to pay a one-tira�cfi�arge for an independeiit�.a1;,, . i �f^„
<br /> F � ,`,estate tax seporting ses�i�������`�ca�on witli t h is loari.un tess appTioabte Iaw p i ovides a5etwise. iTntess� , ;,,,,,g�
<br /> •' ' ; . . -
<br /> ,,,,, r ,�. ::��oement is made uc;�".c��.��+ze�:_.�:�wc�st ro be paid,•Lender shaU not 6e required to pay S�v�•ar�r inteces�or' � ._�
<br /> 7t,, _ t �s�i•the�a�s.��:��r�s'�s.I�t��ra�ag�in wnGng.howeves,thaz interest straff be�a:��"tt�e�s:. i,�c�41� ` �� �
<br /> .y, ���,t
<br /> r� �;.:sTi,��uet�.�osrua�r,vc�c� �,.�accaiatiaguftbeFunds.shoRingcreditsau��b.4.'�„to�9 Y���i�7rt �,caj�w�.�� ----__
<br /> ` �`•{�� ;�s'��?�t.�fich eacis aeb�C r;�t t6e.�r•t�,wac mad� 'f[ie Fand�aiae pledged as add'it�'anat�'s�y foi al�s�s.5��c ':�Taxwr
<br />-„ . • . .. . ,, ... ..�..... . . , ...: • �, ., : s�
<br /> •':�i;.�rs S�curtty Insaumeni. ' : � . . -
<br /> If tho Funda hetd by Lertder excsed't�e a�s•permiued to be held by appiicabla law: Leader�sf�;Il account to + .--
<br /> . Barower for tho excess Funds irt accond�nce with the nequiriements of applicable law. if the amaunt o€tfi�'�unds held by -',�-�-
<br />__'. . " L,enAor at any time is not suffcient to pay the Escrow ltems when due.L.ender muy sa notify Barrower in writing.and.in •�i:�_
<br /> • �*�� such rase Bomnwer stiall pay to i,ender tha amount necessary to make uP tho deficicncy. Borrawer shall make up ti�e Q,,,. ;=��--
<br /> deficietfcy in no mone lhan twelve monthly paymenu.at Lender's sole disrcetion. ,,.
<br /> � • �`,� }� -
<br /> . Upon payment in fuli af all sums secured by this Security lnsttument.Lender shall promptly nefund to Borrower any y��'. ._Y�,.
<br /> �' Fund4 hek!by l.�nder. If.under '1.Lcndcr�hall acquire or seU tde Propeny.L.cnder.prior to the acquisition or . -- - -�- _
<br /> P�B�Ph�
<br /> � � sak af the Prnperty.shal!apply�ny Funds hcld by L.ender at the limc of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums . _, : :�:=
<br /> secu�ed by this Sxuriry Instrument. • �?_�=�`—
<br /> ,: 3. A�plicalio�d PaynKwts. Unle�s applic:►ble law provides otherwise. ali paymen�s received by Lender under . . ,:�-��-
<br /> �•' pan�grApbs l and 2 shal!be ApplieQ:f�r�b to any prepaYmcnt charges due under the Nae:second.to amounts payabic unckr =�
<br /> '.�:-. pu�graph 2:IhiM.to interrst duc:faurth.to princip�i due:and las�to any late ch�rges Que under the Nae. _•�
<br /> � 4, Chse�;UeAS. Borruwer shall pay atl taxe�,assc.smenGs.charges, finer.and imppsidans attribuutbto to the , ___.
<br /> �:�'� proprny which may unain paodty over this Security Insttument.and leasehold pAymcnty o�grouad rents.if any. Ba�rowcr `��_�.�
<br /> _' � ,,� shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in patagraph 2.ar if nat puid in that monner.Botrower shait psiy thcm on ;�;,...
<br /> � time dirccUy to the penaon awed ps►ymcnt. Borrower shail promptly fumish to Lender all naticcw of amounxv to bo paid undcr � ,. ��.�_
<br /> =�;,: this parrgraph. lf Barower maices tl�ese payments direcQy.Barrawer shall pmmptly fumish to Lender teceiqs evideneing s'•'��-
<br /> ,;,�.
<br /> ,� thepayme � •�;�.;�.,�.�
<br /> �,- Borrowet shall p[ompdy djs�charge aay lien which hag priority aver this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees . . :: . ?_�,��
<br /> � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by ihe lien�n a ma�mer acceptablo to l.ender.(b)contests in ood faiih 11�e :, %'�` ----
<br /> 8 .,r.,�;;��;a
<br /> �•.���
<br /> tiea by.or defends against eniorcement oP the lien in,legal proceedings which in the l.ender's opinian operate to prcvent ehe � � ,s�r:
<br /> ��: •.;•.."',. .�
<br /> � enfoncement o!tho lien:or(c)secures from�he holder of the lien an agreem�ent satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien '',.,::=-=_
<br /> , �;-;:��,;�.•
<br />• , �, to�his Sxurity Insttumen�. If Lender detertnines that eny part of tho Property is subject.to a lien which may attain prioriry , : �;�tit,,.�`'�''�. ':'
<br /> over this Socurity lnstrument.l.ender may give Bar�wer a notice identifying the lien. Barower shall saeisiy,the lien or talce ��'�"�. •.'
<br /> : � ,• 'µ t.�';•=.
<br /> ,' . oae or mone of the acum�s set forth above within��S diays af the giving af notice. • ' . '
<br /> m
<br /> �� � `'" S. Huard or Insuraeet. Bani+�sccrar shall kee the�m rovements now eaistin or he�ereeted an the ; ,. � �' �� ��` �.`
<br /> � ' '` .`�`�A;� � �b?:+perty � P P � �., ,. r;,,(,'.;4t:.�
<br /> • Propetty insured aga6z��Coss by fire,haz3►tds iac.u�k�within the tcm�"eatendeA coverage'and any otitet f�zards.including , , ,, .„ t.
<br /> ', � floods or floading.fix.at:ich Lender requires iccs;-caace. ThiS in�urance shall be m�inrained in�he amounts and for the � �^.:;:�:' •• ;`:'' �.+'
<br /> .. ,.,. ��,,� `�.
<br /> !L;�-. �. �,i�S ji. ' �.%i�,�
<br /> !i- �:.."..
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