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---c�.,.:.Q.. _ .::T- zan.w�e...c�.».��.. . _._ _.- . r: •:�;-� __ <br /> _ � " _' .. • •• . !�^ti. .. <br /> . ._. . . _ . . _ . � , ... . . �� .. .... . .. .. . . . -f.' .. <br /> . '�� <br /> - -�.w r.w�t�i ie�iiw}r�iad d�rk Y+■�IR.t�}-1!'4+iI������.�lf�►�I!bao�li!iiis�r-- ;'-- _ <br /> � re r aMd�. eberow�e ill p�p►�p��r�Ytl a�ti �wnros Y�fia�ai a pivr�s�`�ow ._ -� <br /> rwuw.wtl!�Bs�IrM�a�t�alrx�i�wrMa�MM M eeoo�d�w�i�y MrW��n�swt b�'"'���0""� <br /> rd I.rda ar�pplic�blo.Mnr. <br /> f. t�liM�. ��d�t ar Yr�t a�ay p�twrawbV Mtria upan aid imp�ectlam otdb P�'oPen�y.U��dl <br /> �iw�ore�ow�r�loe�t�ha ei�ne A�ar prlor Ip M irpceb n�o�le auM 1br 16e • <br /> !�. �;b�rie�s�l.iee. 71rr pro�eed�ot�►�aaM or c tor dinct a .ip oo�necdaa wiih <br /> �yr oo�d�Mlo�a!e�Aer b��o!Mq►P��d�lrop�+tY.a 1bt ooavaYw�e i�lieu d caa�deaartioe�u�b�nr6y a�ip�d <br /> �■d id!60 ptW b I.e�det. . <br /> t�IMs ewnt da�oW trWa��pfd�e lrap�ty�the p��ooeed�dMd be appiiad ad�e�mt re�w�adb�tbh Securky IaM:umeat, <br /> .�fiau�ar.«dr•a�e. whb.ny ac�t p�id oo Barro�.Ia the eMeet or.p�t�l�of tl�e�op�Y la,rhie;h ehe <br /> li�e a�rioet vawe d die Propaty inmedl�ely Oeto�tbe hkin�i�equd w or�naMer dua da�ato�uk of d�e aurt�ieeured <br /> eqr�Yt,9ea�rity r�trui.r+t immedindy betore t6e nid�.uoks.ea,nower�na t.oaae�«herwi�e nn�ee ia writbv�tl�e wm� <br /> �ecand 1�►dd�9eanit�r Lrtrument thal be reduoed by.taa.arr�aaat ot die procood�multiplied by dia follawlas lfnctloe: <br /> (a)die eoal�nouat dd�e�w recurod ima�ediMdy betars d�a,t�idas�divided by(b)d�a l�ir�ic�vdue af die Prapatty <br /> hnmedWslY befv�r,�a�.My b�Wioe�h�ll be pdd�o Botto�t.Ia tha av�eat of�p�uti�l�d d�o P�vpaty ia <br /> Mhich ibe 4i�;e�t value d the Propeety immedi�oely betaa tba talda�i�las tlan d�o aaauat of d�e sunts�xund im- <br /> medYely be tip uH����Barrower aad L�a�der atberMri�e aase ia wridn�or unkss appllcable law o�bav�►be p� <br /> vidr.tbe �116e applied�u tbe a�saured by d�Sxn�itY I�+�t w4ed�er or not d�e amn ai�e tba►due, <br /> u Pno�eity b.b�ndonea ey Bore�ow�.ar it'..�r naioe by[�to eon�nwer mn a�e e�daemor olfer.�o <br /> nv�be a xple a d�ha tos�.Horrower fail�tu re�pond w Leabr witbin 30 dayi atEer the daro dto nntl�ee <br /> b=ive�.Lender b�uMbo�i�ed w collec�t aod�pply tbe proceads.�t its optlou.dd�to nrlorMioa�oc�ir of die Property <br /> or to th��sei,vied by tMt Sec�xity IawmnaK.wl�a or oot thn due. <br /> Uoles�L�ender�ad$orrower otherwlso+�ree in writla�.mY�PP����P��+tO P�P��sll not e�ctend <br /> ac po�q�000 d�e due d�oe ot tbe moMb1Y P�Y�rofareal to ia p�u 1 aad 2 ar d�mge the anooat ot wch psyment�• <br /> It, Doe�+ev�er Nat R�de�di Fa�ie�ra�oe B�Iwod�r Not a W�t�er. B�tan of d�a Wne for pryment or <br /> asnd�doa aF�mord�adoo ot tbe wnu�ecured by this Seeurity Intauniait�ntad by l.a�der to�ay auoocssor in interat <br /> ot Aoiro�wec�IF Isot ape�te w rekssa the Ilability of tde otigitu�l Hon�ower ur Bor�vwer's a�ooa�ore ia intsrat. Lender <br /> slall�at b4�d��P���Y��'ie iMerest a rot�ue w ex�sod timo for p�ymaK or <br /> dMawba mo�di�y�onitatioa of�he wa��ec�rad by this Security�Iamwnant by�on of aay demnd m�de by t6e ori�i�al <br /> Bonu�re,r a Horrower'�t ano�atsrxa ia i�u.My fo�beaianoe by Landor fn ezerciriny�ny r�t ur reaaedy�aU not be <br /> •w�iver ot ar preciude tM exuci�e of aay r�alrc or reroedy. <br /> !�.•��d�!+����i+��d����'�Co�n�s. Tho ooven�up�and a�reema►a of <br /> � ' d�it Sacnrity Ionnnneot siwU bind and beaeftt the suocescon and�sstgaz of L�ender md Bormw�er,subjeet to Me pwvisiau � . <br /> of parsgraph 17.Bortower':oovenuus wd agr�emetns sl�aU be jofat aod stwenJ. Any Bortower wh000-si�as tbit Security . <br /> � Inswmeat but doe�'aot eaeaue tha Naoe:(y i�oo-signina thia 3ecurity Iastnm�ent ady to moRg�e.�a�a uid wnvey tlat <br /> Bortawer's i�roet+at 9n the Property uador the terms of thio Securiry Ia�rumeiM; (b)is rat Per�°°dly°b1�8�ted w p�y da <br /> sumr seaumd by tbfe Saurky T�uvarcnt:aad(c)a�ee�dut[.endor and Any other Bix�mwPr may agroe to e�end. cdodi#'y. <br /> forbe�r or mate�u►y accanmodadom wlth rcaard w the term�of thi�Savrity laarumgnt ar the Nae wfthout that Borrower'� <br /> oonteat� <br /> 13. Lopa C4ir�a. If the loan acurod by this Secu�ity Inswment ic subJoct w a I�w which sea m�ueimum la�n <br /> chu�p.and th�t l�w is Mally interprded so that the iaurest or dher lan chargts colleMed or w be collectod(n conncct�on <br /> wlth the lan exceed the pennitted 1Lnite.then:(�)any such loan ciur�e�h�il be reduoed by tho unoum aeass�rY to redua <br /> tbe chuga to d�a permitwd limit:smd(b)any sums�lready colloctod from Bonower whioh e�r�cadcd pendttad limiu will <br /> be roPonded w Bo�rowrr.Lender may choae m make this reflu�d by roducin�the principal owod uadar the Nate or by nukioS <br /> � a direct pymrnt W Horrower.lf a refund raluces principal,the reduction wil!be treated as a P�rtial prep�Ymeat without <br /> aay prepaymeM chsrge under the Note. <br /> 14. Natiee�. My natice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or <br /> by mafling it by flrst claas mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notia aApll be directad w tfia � <br /> Prope�ty Addrcss or aay other address Horrower daignues by naice to Lender. Any notice to Lender ahall be given by <br /> fir�t clias mail to Lcndet's adtircse�ated hercin or any other addrcss Lender designates by notice to Borrower.My aoda <br /> provided for en thb 5ecurity Iasuument shall be damed to iwve ban given to Borrawer or Lender wlien given�s provided — <br /> in thi�p�graph. <br /> 1S. GoverduQ I.ow;5everabUity. 7'hls Secudty Inswment shaU be govemed by federW law aad the law of the <br /> jurisdlction in which the I'roperty is focated.In the event that any proviaion or clause of this 3ecuriry insavn�ent or tl�e Note <br /> cwnflicts wlth�pplieable law.such conflict ahall not affect other provlaions of this Security Insaument or the Note ahich <br /> can be given effext wfthout the rnnflicting provfsion. To this end the provisions of U�is Security lnsttimrnt aad the Note <br /> uie declared W be aeverable. <br /> FNI11�/ MM (pap 1 oj 6 pu�ul - <br /> .� , ? <br /> � <br /> ,__ ,,�, .. . .�w-��--.c..;.=— . ��.�. <br /> . .. � � _� '�-- � • ' y • • . � �� �' •yy''.- _ . �' .. <br /> � �.� �•f - .' !i, �. � = A1 "��C7Nc_�',l..:fr ' , ''#�4.,�.' � f( <br /> ��r'_�v'�� .Ur ��� l 1 •�Yd1i�Sii�.��iL� °' ( Y . �'���f1� t; . <br /> '��w�.e�[i�ti�'t_. `.L_;. �l� _1. .�+ii_ti.7a'iilS�l'., .oe�i.._�_ �?4i�_�4�R�4k'�-- <br /> ��n�. � " • ' . . -- - -�- _ - -- - -,---- ----- . .:-r ,,-,.--__� ....�:..-. j�a - , --�.-r`---- . .r-_ _. . <br /> �T.AYD'P. . '� }`i�P . . ' Q. . ' - t-�lt:. . ' . ' i , <br /> �-` . � '..Y f . . , <br /> _y;. 4� �t�F 1. ttyt„y�,,�,�.-..eei;, - ,r. .. . � .' .. .. . � .. . ° .. � -•,1, <br /> -- -S�S.� .WiYf't . .. . . . � . . <br /> ..�. � ,.. _.. <br /> Y � rF FHp. :•> .. . , . _ __ <br /> .-.�':��.�: <br /> .__— . . ,. . � . .. . . . � .. ;._-_' ...,.r. <br /> _-—'—.'�-.�v�.,-s.-�y.;ri.r,:. .-____.�"'_ ' . . . � . - � - <br /> _I"_L1��j�. ..-� -'..._..._...-. , .. ' . , . ' . , .�'.. <br />�_��a_ . . . . . ' . . I ' • . , . <br />�. ._....�_.Z+LF�•.1f�14�'...a.J.►�..�. .ro.,. . . • . . . . . � . . .... . ' �' .. . . .� <br /> '_'� _SJ�� .. - � " . , - - , - . . . <br /> '�c.�:_:.. �[y 4���b$]w_�..Y'.��, .:lrii.y�„»�w2:' .. . . . . - . ... . . <br /> ���(`d ` �TT__ . .. .. - . . ' . . - • ' , , '. ... J.r <br />�7tia�i l� -- .`• , . . . , " .� . �`-:i.i,;;y,�� � •. ��: ' •, .. <br /> `y`` _^d,'}r :9S`�".oL•r;sN�i:�P`ia1��.i..:.r� _._. ' .. "'�'y'�. 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