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_' ✓ 'I�*n,!1 1 � _._G' <br /> r' �..— <br /> .. � .. <br /> . R • . � . .._ __"__... . ._ _.. . .. . <br /> -.x�i� . ...j , -----. -__ __—` <br /> .-1,:-.. ,..,-' -id� ._.. . <br /> 93_ so.�,a <br /> -_ _ _ —_- - _ li. ew�rNrr'.G�r. eorw�e�N�.n oe pvaa me camarn�o copy►aP ttaae rk�co w+�s vf t�s:�;!�-'"!'�"!� ;- <br /> 17. 1�eMair rt/M lt�sty M'�M�d1eW 1dM+�t r�+�. !P dl or aiy p�ut ot die P�ap�Rf►ar My <br /> iMetwt is is is wW ar tr�arkrred(ot it�bmmflcW i�t in Horrower is roW ar tr�sfarrod�ad Bixtarwr V Mot�n�! <br /> pee�oa)withaut LeatleP�prior�vritoea a�san.LAader may,at in opion��equire immedfNa P�Ymeat ia 1411 d�II wm� <br /> �c�nd bY diL Sx�u�►1o�aYa�eot.HoMev�er.thi�a�ption�b�ll aat b�e�ca�cbed by l�der ita�trci�e b prubibtnd by fidR�l <br /> bw ao of the dwM of d�Securky 1�n�t• <br /> - �,�_.__ If L.aoder exerci�thi�aptioa.l.eader:bstl Qive Bortower n�tice ot�ooefan�ian.The uotjoe s4�U prarvldo�Perbd <br /> of aot ler dao 30 d�y�fraaa d�d�ee 1he nodoe b delivar�d ar n�ilad rvhbin whkb oBortower�P�i eadsr msy favok+r <br /> by t4b Sec�p�Ity Iait�ument.If BaeroMCr faW 10 p�y tbe�a wms pior e�pir�tioa <br /> �!►��eatedies Pa�mined bY tbi�Seau�'1�without t�rtber nctioe or dan�od on Bonower• <br /> li. ��+owec'�Rl�lit b Rei�M�. !t Borrowcr uieets oernia coadido�a�Bon+owe�rhdl6�ve the djht to Mve <br /> eaf'aroanaa�of U� Secu�iry laamunea�diSOOa�G�ued u any iin�e priar co�he earttera ��)�y+(or wd�aher petlod <br /> as applicabie{�w msy:pocify for�)beta�e�ale of tbe Prope�y purwant r of�ale eoapinod ia thi� <br /> Seaairy 1�neat;or(b)eatry of a judgment eaforcin��bi�Se�vritY Imtrua�e�. TM�ce�o�Ho�aee thut Borro+�er: <br /> U)P�Y���ll suau wbich d�oa waWd be due under thia SavritY Atutru�ndM ad the Ndo ac it no axekradoo b�d <br /> acau�ed:N)��i►defiult of any ad�er coven�ate or��Taemenu�(cl P�Y;all expeosea incun�ed in eaforcin��his Secwi[y <br /> Ia�rnt�iocludiay.but mt limitod ro� raron�blo utoroey�' fas:uid(d)Wc�s a�ch aclian as L�a�der m=y ro�w�bly <br /> rcqniro w m�u�a tb�t tbe iim of thL S�ecurtty 1o�nt�t� 1.a�r'i ri�hta in tho PrapeRY aud Bornower's abliptian¢o P�Y <br />--- tho w�as aecared by t6�i�SecuritY lo�nt�tW!ca�nue uach�ed.Upoa�by Botrower.tbf s Securjty In- <br /> �.�;;�, stnupeot aod ibe obllpdau�ecnred hxeby�bdl�in fliUy effacdvo u if ra aooelaatia►b�d aocurral.However.dw� <br /> ;;.;��� ei�la w rein�e rhau noc.pply in a�e ase oe wooek�ation uador puagr�ph n. - <br /> ;,;,;. wUh diis Secwity <br /> - ��` 1f. Sde a[Ndt:C'�e a[I�o�n Seniee'. Tha Note ar a p�rtf�l iuterost in tho Nota(w6etlKr <br /> :i� �)msY be wM oae a aore tiaxs widiout prioi'notice w Bormwer.A s�lc may rault in a clw�e ia t6e enlity <br />, �•%.{., �• �� roent�due uader t6e Nooe and this Savriry lastn�metp. 'I'hen <br />°����'h. (known a�the laan Servker )dut collectn monthlY p�Y <br /> •�i� <br /> :• also mny 6e a�e ar nwre ch*ages of tde ia�n Servicer unrel�ted oo a s�lo of the N000. If�ls a chuge of the Los�a <br /> �n <br />'�11;... Servlcer.Barower wW be giva�writtea moHoo of the clwnge in�ccadanoe with puagraph 14 above and appUpbb�w. <br /> The aotico�vW�uta the aaaae aqd addrcss of the aew Lwa Servk�er rnd the ddiess w wbich pa�ymera�s6oWd 6e rnde. _ <br /> '•�. � 7'he oottce w�ll�lw coa4ia a�q cther inform�don roqulred bY �Plicablo law. <br /> . •�.. , • Z0. Hmnlow SabAanca. Borruwer shdl not cause or permit the presence.use.dispoc�l•+w�a,�e.a relase <br /> ,����!,1 �; of aay H�r�da�s SubWancos on or ia die PropertY.Bartower slWl not do�nor aUow myoae elsc to do.+w9��8���i <br /> -�;�:: <br />�,. ; tbe pouperty thu is fa viol�Noo of�ay Bnvlramrcnqd preading two srntena�s aholl not spply w prcseaoe. <br /> .d�t';`, of snwU of Hazardous Subtanas th�t arc generally reco�nized w bo�ppropdate <br /> :���,�vc u�.or e�oraga oa the Prope�ty 9�� <br /> ,,,_ --,.,�` ��o noma�i reei�wtiol��io ass�a�aE ske Propaty- <br /> � Hutrawer�U PrompllY Sive i�ender writtea notico of any investigNioa.claim,demwnd.lawauit a wde��ctiaa by <br /> . puY �OVeraroe°tal or regulatory aseacy or private p�ty involving the PcoperlY ard u►Y liazardous S�bstar�ce or = <br /> nu <br /> �'`i.+ ,,.... • � Eavironn�tW Law of wWah Borrower daa actual kaowledge. If Borrower lams.or is not�tied by any gov�prunenN ar <br />_--°;,,,. - . <br />-- ; x•i����,:»� � neguluory awhoriry�dut aaY�emoval or ather ramediation of any Hazudous Subatance affectiag the Propeny a naeswy — <br />,-,�w'e;�, . ''`. w:_��:�;`1r'�� Bonower�hall PromP�Y take aU nace�ry rcmedi�l actions in accordanoo wlth Environmentol Law. <br /> - � �:�'i��:,::.::.. As used in this par�grsph 20.••Hauraous Substanca"are�hose substw�ces deMed as toxk or haurdouc substaaca .. <br /> - :`�'v:w��::�;.����� by EaviroaaienW I.�w�nd tbe followfag subswncxs:gasoline.kerosene.other Flsuamable or tozle pevoleum proclucts.wxie ��-- <br /> yt�•..:, 1 � � � <br /> - :�h,�s_ paticWes and berbicides.volodla�olvents,materlals cont�ining asbestos or foraialdehyde.and radiwctive mAterials.As <br /> uoed ia t63s par�gtaph 20�••EnviroamenW law"nxans feder�l laws and laws of the jurisdiction whene the Prope+ty 1s loGted �- <br /> -,.�,�, ' ��"�'��'":?°"�' dW nlata W Nealth� s�fety or envlronmennl protection. — <br /> �.� ?' 'w+�;'."y�' NON-UA1�oRM COVENANT S.B orrower a n d l.e n d e r f u n h e r c ov e n a n t w�d a g r e e as follows: �s,•,: <br />' 6'' +� �'••�^^` fIG�M����� � �� <br />- . , �5 ":w, �a•. ve notke w Bon+ower to�xekration falbwic�Bomaaer's = <br /> `'�r �-, �.t;i+°.:y:��-i:E'�r.k•�`�.':Y �rl. �i <br /> �::' .r,�ak^.;;,*�•_,. brnch ot�ny oove�nt or a�reement in Wla SauritY I�u�eat(but nol prlor to�ciekratbn uader pr�{rap6 17 � <br /> . � r �'�'"� noks�pplicaWe law provides ot6erwise).1be aotice sh�tl spaity:(a)t6e defAnH;(b)t6e actbn reqnired to cun tLe �,� <br /> d�,: . r 4r#��,�„�, <br /> �o.� , '" u � „,. �it;(c)a d�te.not less t6ae 3�d��hbm the d�te fhe mtice Is giveo to whkb Ihe deLaWt�ou! _ <br /> ��� • : �;±��'s•� . n��he�. be cnred:wd(�tiat failare to care the de[�Wt o0 or betore the date specUkd In t6e ootioe may result[o�ocelerWaa _,_ <br /> �t`;�:�,` .• ot tbe a�ms secured by tAis Secnrfq'Instrwnent�nd eale of the Property.lUe natice s6s11 fUrther lofora�Borrowa ___. <br /> � •a•.", .��� . ,.• ot the rigbt to reiMate atter�ccekritlon and t!�right to bring a cowt octba to assert the nontxiste+ree of�defi�dt — <br />� �� s4..� ' .' � �t:� <br /> ,�<,: 7 �' , ar aoy d�er deten�e o�Bortower to accekr�tion and de.U the detault is aot enred un or betore 1he dWe ipecUted �. <br /> _`"'~�.i .,°_�',``�►. ''� to the notioe,l,endec st im optloo may require�te PaYmeat lo WU oi all sums�ecured by tdts Secu�ity In�teumeot �� <br /> '��:.;.:�.�'.' �'R;:-� . without(�tlaer daw�ad aad m�y invoke t6e power ot sale wd any otUer ranedies pendtted by applk�ble I�w�I.eder <br /> •J• " �• r�be eWitkd to cdlect aU expen+a iocunYd in pu�win�We rnnedies provided lo th4 pra�aph 21, i�cludl�y. �- <br /> ,,� �. �:�,_ � ein noe umued a.ra�onawe.aorneys'r« oosts ot tNk evwenoe. ;k <br /> � �i�J': �•. �:. <br /> ,s.,,�� ,�: , � - <br />-�..; � <br /> FOnU i0l� lIIO (patt 3 oj 6 pc8erl �-- <br />�li'��� ; � �fi,,���,� �, <br />�tt•�� :.1 t,'t.'r .. �Ib �._ <br /> Y'. ' k '�� ' �_` <br /> r � {I'"'S.. <br />= � ,4��••.n. . � . . . . } f <br />-4:.�'.'f _ta1�b�_ . . , ' :-� <br /> _ .,� <br />--'`-ii.�` �;tlrfl — T—-- — • -+ <br /> �..'�` f. ��i�wtwJ�� .cr.•±.v:-�-_-:'i�—+.:i':_.:-T__"�_.-_.-.-- . • �_.. . :�t�,� .. .t. .1. <br /> '�' F/ 4+`' t . . 1.:.. J �r.�'��'�; �;I' <br /> - �� .tC � a. _ .. . . . . . :J.�-I_�i, � . . ' . . .� i- <br /> , .. . <br /> •�. <br /> . i' , � . <br /> . W�:i.� y,. � • � . . - .- � - . <br /> � �• ' .. <br /> °-� � .r.... ._. ' . }lJ. <br /> fL. .t�` _ ___"_ c ,.•._ _. _' _' " _ _ _'_ n r' �i,c '..c_ ` .., - -.._... <br /> 1 ���, � _. ,. ., �5' _�V � ` I ��):. . <br /> 'lir�� �.• • „ -�.' . �' ` �( <br />-�,.:a '�ij��Y.. �t�.��� ._ �.��---_______..---- - - �--• - - . . _.... - ..- -. .� � .�_: <br />� ' . . o.. , ' . .. . ; .. <br /> • ''�(. . ., . .. ., � � . . <br /> �+ it�:i.:a,',.:,;e'tA��+.. . . ... . <br />_ ,�i-.. ���y;-_v,.vd��I • , ' ' . . 1 <br /> r r,ee y� v . . _ _ ." •. ' . <br /> � �'�',�' . ' � • ,) ,. • ; � . ' <br /> _ ,�a�.w-��•. „ .. . .._ <br /> � � ;a . . <br /> :. � ;' J . , � <br /> � - � -- --- ------ <br /> ,. : . � <br /> �.e�. __ � .. -- - <br />