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_--,.a.� ,-_ . ..� -, .-�. . +..:a i:. r�(oa��et�n. '. <br /> - .. . , � . .. • �: ...�... ""' '" :..�p,F,- <br /> f93- i��:� .. <br /> .. Ibr Mw p�elod�thn l�udra nqrin�.'l1M M�r�o�caRMr ptoaidiN dn M�wra�WI M aYoow b�r�aro��iJ�oe r <br /> IMdar's�p,qaN whi�iWl nat!�wr�orl�ly wi1W{d.Itlanewr 6id to a�MV ao�r�eyt dMe�ib�d aDo'r�.lair <br /> *q►.�t lwndK'�optbn.o6teir b p�r�ct 1�t'�rida ia dM hap�et�i��oco�dMOr wM�anp�1. <br /> NI Mwrra Nalbier�ad t��ll se waphbie et►l�ider�d�11 iaelyd���rd�ao�t��Ww.l�d�r <br /> , �hll hw die TI�R b�oW die pdiciM rd neew�h.I/l�end�r nqoln�.��'owK�YI!PranPlbr�ire b lrMdlr r��OO�iplt <br /> of paia�aoa rme�rr!�otica. in d,e evnx otloes.eonoaer.A.11�iw�anpc eodo.b ir i..rr..oe c�..e <br /> L.�arr. 1.e.aer m.p mdae proor ot IoM u�ot mwa. e�►eo�rowa�. <br /> Uaka La�der aed Hoc�+caer athmwLe apee in .is�wanoa p+ccatl�ab�U ba appii�d a teMUrWa�ar�epdr <br /> at ttie Pnopar�y� 1ae re�taratba a npatr i�eoo�o�oiailt�ta�aible�ed l�eder's�ec�uity i��ot Ie�A.If tM <br /> �eMontio�as tnp�ir L not aooaomially kuibie or I�ader'��ecwit�►�raWd ba iMnwd.t6e Lwa�oe p+ooeed��MII br <br /> appiied�o tbe wms�ecurod by tld�Seauiqr Inonm�ant.wAed�a not lbeo�e.wtlh wy axaa�pdd a BurrawK.ttlono�er <br /> abadoas ebe Piropacy.a doeo oot w�er�30 d�y��notkx feam l.eader tht tbe in�un�s cmier 1�dhrod q <br /> wtle�cWm.tAen i+eader mry coUact•tae idw�oca pruaed�.I.eoder twy we die W ropir ar e�e�oro t�e PrapeAy <br /> a to py au��enurod by dib S�cwity l�ruseot.MrMe�her or eot t6ee due.The�perio¢wW be�in w6a�1�e rotioe <br /> i��Ivao. <br /> Uak�s l.a�der�od Borrowor ot6envLc yK+e ja wrkin���►Y���P��p R���tU aat a��ead <br /> ar po�paae d�due daoe o�tbe moathlY P�Y�refened w in p�n�npla 1�ad 2 ar c6m�e d�e�aiwuat af the pyaiab. <br /> U nnder p�rywph�1 t6e Pro�ert�r L�cquie�ed by l,e�der.Bat�o�er'�d�ht�o ory hwanoe policia a�,1 p�oeeeds r�e� <br /> fran d�upr�e b Ibe Propaiy p[ior W fbe�oquitifiaa sMU pW m L�r�D dle e�d�at of dlo�Im�rOCrred by IYi�Secreiry <br /> �trumeot imu�edi�ely priar to dse ac.�a• <br /> ri. OocMp�cr, pr�watio�, t►t.t�te�ca..a rha�.a w rrnpaty;eo��ow�r•.r.... ./�p�itaitM�s <br /> Lw�li. Bonarver�lqll accupy�aablish.aod we tf�ee Propaty a Botro�ver's prlocjpt�eddaioe widua�aY day+ <br /> afEer the e�oecudon of thi�Securiry Imtrumeat aad sMll ooatiaue o0 oc�py d�e Prope�ty a HoRUVNa�'�priocip�l rtaideaoe <br /> ' tot at la�t aie yar Wer Ihe dwe ot oocup�oc�r.uoku l�eader afbenvl�e a�ees in w�Itin�.�Yhich oatiea ihill eot be <br />.: ,pnraaao��hly uale�extmudin��aala whkb ua bryoad Dormwer'�uaatrol.Horrow+tr cWll aot <br /> , be in defaWt�it�aay fo�acti�or �Qtooeediag�w�bdh�er civv or crimind��it be�u�o d�t ia Le�drt's Qood jud�at <br /> ooWd�ewlt fa forfeipa�e old�e P�nperty a al�envl�e iwtaiaUy imp�ir tbe Iien cra�ed by d�Sa�rity Iauuaaeat or l�eider'� <br /> � �ecutity intare�t. Borrow�er msy curo sneb a defadt aad reiaqate.u Prm'ided n Para�r�p�18�bY c�u�tba action a <br /> P�o�roedin�to 6e di�miued with a ndin� 1.eader's good fiith dearmin�tioa.i�ech�da forfe[tuoe ot Wo Bar�o+rer'� <br /> L�ei+at ia tbe Prop�r a�odier n�terld imp�irmd�t of ibe lie�creatad by tl�Socurity Ia�ruaneaR or i.eader'a senuity <br /> f�t.�essa�rx�ha!!also�Se�n�!t!f Porratxs.�s�rin�the leen eppl�tkx��■,�ve maoaiaUy t�Le ar iaaoa�r�os <br /> info�a�rtio�ar�tateaawts w Lepder(or hlled�o puvide 1.ender with aay m�terW infor�puiaa)in conaection whh da lap <br /> evidenoed py tbe lYote.includlaQ.but nat limtted t4,repraeeatton�conoernia8 Borrower's accupanoy of tbe Praperty b <br /> a pdncipd raideeoe.lf difs 5ecurlty lnmumeut is oa�ks�elwld,Borrower�11 comply wltb�ll tbe provi�iom of the k�e. <br /> If Borrower acquira fee tWe w t6e Prope�ty,tha jewehold u�d tbe fee dtk�hall not�aer�e unlas Lender�nas to tha <br /> mer�er in wrltia�. <br /> 7. Protectloo of Lerda�'s Ri�ts i�tDe Praperty. 1P Homower fails w perfora►�he eavea�nta and a�reaneaa <br /> oo�ined in this Securiry Insbument�a�there is�leQal pr000eding t1Wt uuy dQaificartdy atYect L�ender'e ri�lq�ia the Fropeny <br /> (wcb u s prooeedinQ in b�mkn�ptay,probata,for condemnuion or forfeiture or w enfaca laws or regul�tioa�).d�en Lender <br /> duy do�nd p�y for wtuunver is necwary to pmtect the value of the Property and ltnder's ri�bta ia tbe Praperty.Leader's <br /> actioo�may include p�ying ray aau seturod by�lien which hsu prbciry over this Security I�trumeat,appeadn8 in oou�t. <br /> P�Y��rea:onable utotneys'fea�nd enterL�Q oo tLe Propeety to make Rpaics. Altbou�hh La�det m�y ulre�ction under <br /> diit p�r�r�ph 7. l�a�der does aoR luve w do w. <br /> My amounq di�buned by Lender uader thie pragraph 7 shall bec�mme sdditional debt uf Bort�owar�oa�rad by thie <br /> Sxurity Inarument.Unlas Borrower and Lcnder agn,e to ahor urms af p�yment,d�ese amounn dull be�r intere�from <br /> the d�of disbursemeat at tbe Note nte�od�haU be p�yoble�witA inte�+at.upon uotfce from l.ender ut Borroaer reque�dn� <br /> ar�• � <br /> 8. MoM�,s�e lmunoee. If Leoder required mortg�ge incurance as a condition of making the loan�ecurid by this <br /> Secudty Instrumem. Borrower�Iwll pAy the premiums raquirod w mair►tain the mortgage incurance in effioct. If� for aay <br /> rea�on.the moRga�e uuuranoe oovenge requirod by I.ender I�pses or ce�ses to be in ef�'xt�Borrower slwll p�y the pnemiums <br /> requirod to obuin covenges w6�antWly equivalent to the moctgaga insuranoe previously in effext. at a c�et tub�tantially <br /> equiv�la�t to the coat to Borrower of the mon�a�e iawrance prevlously in eRoct�from an altonute moit�e insurar�pproved <br /> by Lender.If wbsantiaUy equiv�lent mortg�ge inwrance covorage L not avaWbla,Bomower�hWl p�y w Lendet ach mumh <br /> a aum eqwl�o oae-twelflh of the yearly mortgage inaurance pnemium bein�paid by Borrower when the in:uraace cavenge <br /> lapsod or ccased to be in effect. Lender will accept. use and retwin tlkse payments�a a loss r+e:erve in lieu of mo�tgage <br /> i�uunnoe.t.o�rc��►e�y��m.r �o►o�e�n� the opion of I.ender� if mon�a�e inw�anoe covera�e(in <br /> fM�iW IIN (palt!oJ 0pq�ul <br /> i -�� . <br /> •�, <br /> . _ ------ - -- ----- --t' <br /> ... --�- ��cc,z�. 7^:3x�^^r-.r •��.,,......r�s!`o.�.� -., . �..... <br />