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_ _ _. _ __ _ _ _ _ <br /> . . . • _ �:f,e,_--- <br /> K ".V`: <br /> .. 1 _ ' •'� �� � .i ' lt1�. <br /> �!!!!�l�+!!G�!Af�IM Idt111�0�1111�1 QwA 0��1�/�!f tY�Qf�041W�11f10�jll uMl�COm11�OR�M/��1�� . ,:,i: <br /> �MPL�W�i31�. __ . __ <br /> Is da arwic d• taal t�kinj ot the P�aperty. ��poceecl��U be�pp�Md w tbs wm� seourod by tlilr!jec�rlty <br /> LMtrumant.wbetNu ar not tl�ai due�wilh my exoe�s pdd w Sonower. In the evant at�piatMl t�icin�of thep�p�y in . <br /> wWdi IM fair nwuiut vdue af tGe Propo:ty lnunedl�taly beforo the Wcin�is eqwl to ar srwtpr ih�n�ho�mount af ti�e _wnu <br /> �ei.yped!ry thb Socuriry Lutrwna�t immedi�tely 6etoro�ho udcina.unlee�Aomawer�nd Lev�ctet atherwl�o+i�eo in wrltin�� � <br /> IM wnu�ecu�ad by this Security Inwument�full be roduoed by dw�n►omx ot tho ptoceai�multipl{ed bY ths fdlowUy <br /> (n�ioq; (a)tbe 1oW aaqunt ot the wtn��ecared immedlNely before�he takin�.dlvide�!by tb)the fiir mukot vdue d the <br /> propqly immeduwely befaro the t�ki�. My b�Ww�e�h�ll be pdd w Baitovuer. In tho evan of a p�rtW t�kin �f tho <br /> Pnaperty in which die fair m�rket vdue of�he Propeity immedluely befare the t�kin�is kss dun�he�nount ot�wms <br /> �ecurod immedi�tely befom tho takin�.unla� 6arower�nci Leadar othenvice��nee in writin4 or unlar �pplk�ble I�w <br /> a�fietwl�e provides.dio procaet4�II be�pplled w the wnu:ecwed by lhis Secwity lasuument whether or not the wmr u�e <br /> dwqt dua <br /> If the PmQertyr i�Ab�ndoned by Barnwcr,or if.�fter nwica by L.endcr to Bonower lhat the condcmnor otfen to m�ko <br /> m aw�rd or settb a claiw fa dan�ea.8amwer fdla to reapond w Lende�withia 3f1 dsy�afAer 16e due t6e aio�ice is tf�reo. <br /> Lawte�i�autho�ud to aolioct aad apply�ho poca+ds.�t irs a�tiuo4 ei�6er a,�euanWion or nep�r oP me Pnopen{�ar p d�e <br /> wmi�ecurod by thia Soctviq�I�truetan.wl�herar not 8rcn due. <br /> Unkss Lendar and Bano�rer od�enrise�roe in�lication of procoeds to pdncipAl s1aiU�ex�and os <br /> postpono the duo da�e oi�4e montW9 P��ments refenmd q in p�rapbs 1 and 2 or chwnge the�mount of such paymau.�. <br /> l�. �oe�r,dw�r(1Tot Re�e�e�; I�rbe�ce By I.eader NM a W�Iver. Fatension ot the time fa paymed or <br /> nadificationi o!�aanartiutioa of the suna secw�ed by tliit 3ecwit�r Inanunent g�►ted by Lenda W any wax�or in intercst <br /> of Bamo�rsr a6�11 aot operue to rokase the IiabiNty of the aigu�l Barower or Barowerl� awxeasora fn intexest. l.ender <br /> �ba11 not bt req�eo commence proceed�ngs �gai�l eny successor in interest er�fuse ta eauaid tfaie fa payment or <br /> mheawieo modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Inswment by�eaxon of any demsnd m�de by the ai�inal <br /> Borrower ar garower�a suaxsson�in intercsl. Any forbearance by Lender iq exerci�in�any ri�ht a��edy shdl not be a <br /> wdver of os peclude the excrcise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12 Swece�ora aud As�ns Bouad;Jdnt wd 3everal LI�Aiity;Casi�ae�. The covea�nts aid agncments of thls <br /> Security InaQrument ahall bind and benefit�he successas aM assigns of Lender end Borrawer,subjoct to the provlsions of <br /> paragraph 1�. Bwtowerg covenantc end agreements shall be Joim end several.Any Borno+wer who co-signs this Security <br /> Inspument hut doea not eaecute tha Nae: (a)is co-signiog this Security Inatruimnt only to moitgAge,grant and convey that <br /> Bormwer�s interest in the I�roperty under the terma of thia Socudry Inspumeot: (b)ie not penonaNy obligated to pay the suma <br /> cecurod by ttds Security I�strumen�and(c)agrees that l.ender ond any othor Borrower maX agae to extenQ madify.forbear <br /> or mwke any accommoduions with reg�ud to du tem�s of �his Secutlty Inctnunent o�the Note without that Borrowar�s <br /> conrent. <br /> !3. Loan Chuge� if Ihe loan secured by this Securiry Inadumenl is st�bjoct to u law which seta mwcimum loan <br /> cherges,+md ti�at iaw is Gnaliy intc�tai so ihwi Ihe iniarcsi ur uu�r toe►i eiiiicgzs wolleCied oi to fsa Co!lCCir,d in CotulcCiiwt <br /> wlth tha loan esceed Ihe permitted I mits,then: (a)uny such loan charge shall be re.duced by the amaunt�ecessary to nduce <br /> ' the the permilted limit;and(b)any sutns already colkcted from Barawcr which exceeded permitted limils will be ' <br /> rcfunded to Horrow�r. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under thc Nota or by making a <br /> direct payment to Horrower. If n rofund reduces prinolpal.tha rcduction will be�reated as a panfal p�epayment without any <br /> prepayment cherge under the Note. <br /> lA. Natieea My notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> maidng it by P�rst class mail unless eppllcablo luw requires use of aaother method.Tha notice shall be directed to the Pmperty <br /> Addrcss or eny other sddress Borrower designntes by notice to Lender. Any notice 10 Lender ehall be given by tirst claes <br /> mail to Lender�s address s[eted hereln or any other address I.ender designetea by notico to Borrower. Any notice provlded for <br /> in thfs Security Inatrument shall be deemed to buve becn given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in thic <br /> �aj. (ioverniag Law; Severability. This Security Instrument sholl be governed by federal law and �ha law of the <br /> jurixdktion in whieh the Propetty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of t6is Security Insttument or tho Note <br />- conflicls with applic4ble law,such conflict shull not affect other provisions of this Security Instn�ment or the Note which can - <br /> be given effect without the contlicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisiuns of this Securiry Instrument and U�e Note are _ <br />- J�:lered to be scverablc. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one�onformed ropy of the Note and of thle Security Insttument. <br /> l7. 7YAnsfer ot the Property or a Beneiiclal Interest in Borrower. If ull or any part of the Property or uny interest in �: <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiul interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and 8orrower is not u natural person) - <br /> without Lender�a prior written consent,Lender rnay, ut its option,reyuire immedintc payment in full of All sums securcd by <br /> this Ser.urity Inshument. However,this option sholl not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal lew as of <br /> d►e date of this Securfty Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of accelera�ion. The naice shull provide a period of <br /> not less Ihan 30 days from the date�he notice is delivered or muiled within which Borrower must puy all�ums secured by this <br />_ Security Instrumcn� •If Borrower fnils to puy these sums prior to the expirt►tion of this periad, Lender may invoke any - <br /> remedies permiaed by this Security Inatrument wilhoul further notice or demund on Borrower. <br /> 18. Itorrower's Itlght to LteinsWte. If Borrower meels cenain conditions, Borrower shull hnve the right to have <br /> enforcement nf this Security Instrument discontinued�t c�ny timr prior tn the earlier oi': (ul S duyx 1or such other period ox <br /> . Single F�mfly•-�nnk�faelFfeddie Mac UNIFORN IVS'1'ItI�:N�N7'••Uniiom�Covenonu 9f9Y ��aRe�ofe�oRes► <br /> i ^ <br /> !f n, r - . = lil.� <br /> Neh �.�l 1�'FS�jt i'�Y+'.4�' ,a';lp!{wi�.� - . . � � � - ' t . ' � } �.��,fti� .� v.P lyt;�+��1 t�'. <br /> !� 1 �1 5 �47 ' ' • . - ' ' � t���M'� 1�� .�Y': �y,�t��`�1�.l.�' .11��:1 .�;�:'a.L'1.t1:�. <br /> �_n�� ��r` E�����F;�.> �`n , . . . ':,� �( .1 4 fr'! rr F . <br /> ----...U1 rcr.f�. . •:f •!. , �.' _.�n <br /> - •1'a,�;.:i���at�i'Sv4%iakS �>>� '1.�.,euusi�Y�..��i;.!x..s 'ra�..Lt.�i�a.i'�e �.da.i..�+ a �, fJ �?:<`�cE�..e.;.� <br /> - - _ - - <br /> -""'_ "]L.iY'."YICi^l�ry�y� C � - . 1� -� -- -- ------ -. � _ �_:t a . - i� � . -- y��y4; <br /> � ..y ! ('!t 1 <br /> -- -i..rr�r ?1'^t1 ' t' . � I i <br /> - � e�c.Y1�l`�.,iC�L�tR�e� . � � p _i� .�� l�f ._. � <br /> =1.� 4i!��y�G.Nr Aw•.• y.• , . „ ' . . 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