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�+'�� . .. .. . . . . - . -- <br /> ' ' , �• �� <br /> — ' ..�bie Isw�ayy�eclty for�)i�efoa�aie u�ii� Ruporty�ta oaY Fa�'es a��sle coai�.1 �d�dR ` <br /> __�' arecainiy u�Q�y��'*�::�:s c�ta:s��t:�r t�s. '�a�en±.�+�,s�„�,�►�er: �. <br /> P�Y+I.ender all wau which d�ea wauld be {tue w�da d�fs Security Inauurnent md the Nae r it no�oodenctioa h�d <br /> occ�rted:(b)cwe+imY Qefault of any a�Mr ooveo�ntt or�roana�b:(c)P�Y+all e�cpaues incwnd)n eefwrYi�thM S�auicY <br /> ` Inetnundtt�lacYudin�.M�t rwt limited to.ra�on�bb auammcys'fas:�nd (A) t�ke�such acdoa�e l.endet may reasawblY <br /> nequi�e m.sw�e th�t We uea otthi�s«arcicy In�truma�ti t,aWerti dghu in tho Pivpeny a�d Bamwert olslipuion a p�y we � <br /> twms�uausd by this Seautity ]nttntment �iWl oondnue unChanged. Upon �t by Bartowet, tlfit SecWity <br /> lnctrument and tbe obti�ions eecured herehY shall remaln fully effective as it no�ooakradap lu�d occurred. Howova�thh <br /> ri�M!o ninst�te�11 not�pply in the cue ot aocelaadan unda p�uag�aph 17. <br /> 1�. Stle of Notei C��ot I.o�&rvioer. T�e Note or�p�tdd inte�est in the Note tw�etber with thi�Saudty <br /> �)�Y be sold one a aoore timea without prbr nqdce to Bortower. A We m�y�esult in �chage in tha attiry <br /> <kiwwn as�ho"Lo�n Servica"a ttnt collacts monthlY WY�dnc under the Noto wid thi�Secur�ty Irohtinrnt. 7fiere�lso <br /> n�y be p�e or ma�e cy�es nf q�4wn Servicer wq�ei�ed ar�aale of tbe Note. If thene is a change of tde Lw�rt Sasvicer. <br /> Bot�ra wiU be gint�s MreitOCO no4c,�oi't6e c6�ge io�c�eocd�ace wi�p�c�graph 14 above and app�icabLe{�w. '[1Ms aotice <br /> wi1G sp�e the u�mc awc�ad�sss ofi t4e ttew�aaua Sesvieer tmd Ibo address 1v WA�i�ch payments shault!br wtr�e.''�he�oiiier will <br /> �ko 000bin�e�dt�a iafasantiaia roquircd bY�PP�+��w• , . <br /> 2�. Haxrrdo�S�ed�Y�ees. $ormwcr shall nat ca��e or permit t4e�cesznce.�se.c�spos�l.uot�,a cel�of�ny <br /> l�oua Subct�noes on a it�F�Y. �owa sh�not da.nor i8ow anyaue ekse to do�. ao�rffi�g affocaio6 the <br /> � Pro�efry dwt is�vioWio�a of�;+�auvironrt�a!Law. 'i'he'�ocoding two acntences sl'�Sl wvt appiY w tE�e�oe.wse.or <br /> awnge an the Ptope�ty ot sm�q 4qqnrtities oE Nazandaur Sub�ocas ttwit wre Qenerally recoraized w be�p�topiale lu�ormal <br /> ' � reaid��uai uses�nd to amintemnco of the Praperty. <br /> ' Barower ahell prampoly�ve•l.ender written notice of any investigarion.cleim.demand�lawsuit ar c�lla ac�ian by any <br /> • ' govemmental or�egulaWry agu�cy rn'private partY involving�he Property+�nd any Hezendous Su6ataaar ot Eevlronmentel <br /> Law of which Barower has aclwl knowledge. If Bor�owe� leams. or is notified by eny govenunenW or tCB�etury <br /> Authmityr,that any t�ernoval or other remediation of any Hezardous Substance affecting the Pmperty ia ne.cas4ry.Horrower <br /> �ai�prompdy take all nxessiuy remedial actions in accordance with E'nvirqnmeMal Law. <br /> As used in Ihis paragraph 20."Hazardous 5ubstances"a�those substances defined as toxic oc hazatcla�subswnces by <br /> F�►vironmental Law aad the following substances: gasoline.kerosene,olher flammable or toxic perrole�o praducts,toxic . , <br /> pesticidea And herbicidea. volatile solvents,matedals containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive mate�ls. Aa , <br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means fedcral Isws and lawa of the jurfsdiction where the Properry•is�ta1 <br /> tl�at relate w health,safery or environmcntel protection. <br /> NON-UME'ORM COVENANTS. [3urtower end I.ender fuKher covenent and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Acceleratioa:Itemedtaw. Lender�Iw�l Btve notia to Borrower prior to AcaelerAdas folloelag Berrower'e <br /> breach of sny covenant or agreement in this Security Instrumeat(but not prior to acceleration under psrcs�apb 17 <br /> _ wlesa applicabk law pruvides othervrlse). 7'he notice s6W1 epecity: (a)the defaulti(b)Ihe nctton required lo cure the <br /> deiiwalt;(c)A date.�at less Ihan 30 doys trom the dwte Ihe notke ie given to Isorrower,by�vfiic6 thedeiadi m�u►i ix <br /> cured;and(d)tlwt tsdlure!o cure the default on or beiore the date speci8ed io the nattce may resYlt ia acceleration of <br /> the sums securnl by tbis Security lastrument nad sAle ot ihe Property. The notke shAll further Inteim Borruwer of <br /> the right to reln8tate adter accelerallon s�nd the right to bring a court action to�ssert t6e non�existence o�a detault w <br /> Aay other detense af Borrower to Arceleration aad sWe. If the defwult is not cured on or be�ore the dwte specifted in <br /> lhe notiue.L,ender pt(fs option rn�ly�qul�e immediwte pnyment in f'ull of sdl sumg secured by this Security Instrument <br /> wlWout furtlkr demond and may iavake the power oF sale and any other remedies permttted 6�opplkable It�w <br /> Lender shall be entiUed to rnllect all expenses incurred io purRUMg the remedies provided ia tt�b para�raph 21. <br /> inclnding,but aot Iimited tq reagonable altorneys'Pceg and costs ot title evldence. <br /> 1�the power of as►le is invoked.71�ustee shall record a notice oP default fn each county in x�h[ch any pArt of the <br /> --- prnperty is lac�ted s�nd shaM maN copies oi such notke in the mwnner prescribed by applicable Iww to Borrower and to <br /> the other persens prescribed by applicable law ARer the time required by npplkable law,'I�ustee�hall give publk <br /> nottoe of st�le to the persons and in the monner prescribed by AppllcAble law 7lrustee.without demand on Harrower� <br /> — shaq sell the Property at pablic euctbn to the highest bidder At the time and place and under the tern�v deaignated ia <br /> tde aotke of sale in oxc or more parccls and in any orde�71�ustee determines. 7Fustee may postpon��le of�II or any <br /> --T�� paral ot fhe Property by pubtic announcement at the tlme and place af�ny previowly schedWed ssJe. Leader or its <br /> desi�nee may purchase the Property At Any sale. <br /> - Upon receipt of p�yment of the price bid.7lrustee shall deliver lo the purch�ser 7lruslee•s detd conveying the <br /> - _---- Property. The recilals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be prima fucie evidence of the trulh of the stateme�ls made therein. <br />__--_ -� 'IYurtee shWl apply the proceeds ot the sak in the i'oMowing order: la)to ell costs and expenses vPexercLsing lhe power <br />- =;�ic�a� <br /> y-��� <br /> �'�:�r•'irsw�°.:.=�� <br />--=�b.,�,,�.�� - <br /> ..__'_ �n i� <br /> .,_59� —. <br /> ;='},ia�,,:� Porm 3028 9/�0 q�uxr t uje puxcs► <br /> :,��Wi1��;.a�•� . <br />�- _... a.��.".' - <br /> �— .. _ .�cqyR�.�...���vv.=,•�r,4,r i��F , . 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