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� � �g�_ i�i� . .. <br /> � �e�±±�.�rr�!� _.r�;»�!r!. '�n!r�!*!*�!�+�+!n�r�+*•b�.�c.a r�i 1�r�r.�r�t 8arriwa�w�i io t�'� , <br /> � �ppovallMhic!►�II twt b�uro�wo�uiNy witl�beld. If Barow�fiW to m�inWo daaibed a6we.l.Nidu wq►.M <br /> umiw <br /> L�widul�eiption.o6uinoorv�t�o ta pe�n�ect Laxlerl�ti�i�In tla in� �h 7. <br /> • All iawnrtoe poifdes u�d renewali�h�U be aooept�6le w f�Yiod d�sll include� mortp�e cl�aue, L.ada� ' <br /> riWl tavo the d�ln w hold the policies�nd ra�ewal�. U Lender�equir+ei�f�otmwer�iull l�►P�Y Rive to I.ender aU reoeipq <br /> d pidd pnmiwna�nd�m�ew�oatbea. In the avan of loa. 6amwer�hdl�ivo prompt aot�ae w tla inwr�noe c+�rier�od <br /> l.euder. lrender nuY mdc4 Praof of loa if not m�de prompUY bY HarroweT. <br /> Uniw Leada aad Barower otberw��a�oe ia weidng.Lwuonca�p�aceoJc shall ba a�►plied w tiswnttiwf or ngatr of <br /> ry�;Pn�perty dun d�if drc resta�atian or�ep�ir i�ewnomiaally f ibb and Leedery�nauity i� rat le�eaed. U d�a <br /> tohtjan a is nat aronamicaliy fwibb or l.e�dery�ecurity would be les�a�a4 the inwnu�oe Psnoeed�t1Wl 6e <br /> .pptioa w tha wm� by thts Skcudty uwn�enL wnaner or not tben auo. wien my e�p�ta w ea�owtr. u <br /> B�rnwa ab�odo��e the Prope� doa not antwer wlthin 3d d�ys�notica from l.ender tbu Ua imuranoe curier has <br /> offaed a�eule a cl�im,then Lender m�y collect tha insuru�ce pnoeeda. Lender m�y uia the procaeda to mp�ir�a� <br /> the Pioperty or ta Wy swm�nned by�bis Security In�uaient.whether or not then dYe_ 7b 30�d�y period wUl <br /> tho notia is given. <br /> Unksa I.ender and Harower wlrcnvlce uu�roe in writin�.anY�PPlicuion of pta�eod�w qinclpal�hall aot extend ar <br /> posepone tbe due duo of the man�hlY MY��refened w in puagraphs 1 and 2 or clw�e tt�e anamt of the p�ymena. If <br /> under paragr�ph 21 the i�Acquired by L,a�der.Bortowuti riglrt�u aqy i�rs�noe pol(cia�nd proceedi�esulting <br /> u <br /> fmm dam�ge w the P�operty or w the aoquisition�Fiwll pau to I.e�der to t�e ex�eat of IIe apns iecwed by tW�Secarity <br /> Insuumet�t immediuely prior to the don. <br /> 6. Oanpu�. P��aervatio�. and PratecHoa d /re Pr�apet�r:bnw�e�•s I.o� Applieatla�: <br /> Lai.9e6olde. Borrower eh�ll oxupy,eaabli�h..�ad use tha Properry�s Hono+ver'e princip�)i+es�leaoe vKithio sixtar d��aQer <br /> the exocution of this 5ecurity t�t aod alpol continue to oocup��r iho Pnope�ty aa Harowa�princ.ipa�t raidmoe fa at <br /> least ono ye�r aftu the d�te of oc�a�.7r. arless I.a�da o�lawise �es in wrldng. whieh c�o�srm shall not be <br /> unreaconably witlYield,or unkss e:�ennwting circumstar�ces ezist whi�ch airo�oyand Borrowerti caNrol. Botrnwer shxll not <br /> dest�oy�damage or impair the Phope�ty,allow tLe Prope�ty to detetiorate,or commit wasoe on�he Pirope�ty. Bormwer ahall <br /> be in default if any forFeiwro acdon or procadin�.whether civU or begun ti�t In Lendarl�good f�ith judgment <br /> could reault ln fart'eiture of�he Prope�ty or otherwise meterfelly irnPair the Uen crcated by thla Security lnswment or <br /> l.enderb security intercst. Bortower rtuy cw�e sueh a default and�einst� providod in poraghph cauiing the acdon <br /> or procading w be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender�a good feith determimuton�Precludes fodefdue of�he Harrnweri� <br /> i�te�est in the Property or ather nwt�erial impaimnent of the lien c�eated by thls Socudty Insuumeat or l.enderk security <br /> interes� Borrower shall also be in default if Barrower. during thc loan applicadon procecs. g�ve matetially false or <br /> inoccucate infom�tion or stuemente to Lender(or falled W provide Lender wlth any matetiel informadon)in c�onadon wlth <br /> tJfe Wa�evidenced by tl�e Note.including, but not limi►ed to. representationa conceming Borrowerh occupa�y of tho <br /> �t�,rrry as p princip�i resfder�ca. If shis Scxurity Issstnss�ass is on a leasthnM.Aotrower sl�ll comQly w4th all�he}wavisianc <br /> . c�Qthe lease. If Bortower acquires fee Ude w the Property,the leasehold ond Ihe fee ti11a sih�ll not merge unlesa Lender agtow <br /> • atbe merger in writing. <br /> 7. Protectlon at Leader's Rights in tlie Property. If Bomowcr tails ta perfonn the cuvenents and agrcements <br /> contairKd in this Security Inetrument,or there is a Iegel proceeding that may significaatly�ffect Lenderk righ�s in the <br /> Property(such as a praceeding in baniwptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeitune or to onfo�e laws or ragulatione),then <br /> L.cnder may do and pny for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and l.enderk rights in tha Propetty. <br /> l.ender'�nctians may include paying eny sums secured by a 8en which has priority over this Securiry Instiument.appearing <br /> in court.paying reasonable uttomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make rgpairs.Althaugh Lender mey take action <br /> under thia paragraph 7,Lendcr does nw have to do so. <br /> Aoy amounts disbursed by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shatl become additional debt of Bomnwer securcd by this <br /> Security Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree a other tem�y of pAyment,these amoun�s shall besr intcrcst fmm the <br /> dMe of disbursement at Ua Nota rate and shall6e payabk. with inte�est.upon notica from Lender to Borrower roquesting <br /> , paymen� <br /> 8. Mortgage Iasu�nce. Ii Lender reyuired mongage insurance as a conditfon of malung the loan secu�ed by this <br /> Security Instrument, Borrowe�shall pay the premlums rcquired to maintain the mongage iosurance in effect. If,for any <br /> neason. the mortgage insurnnce rnVP►a�� r��oircri Ay I.ender lapses ar ceuses to be in effect. Borrower shall pay tite _ <br /> premiums reyuired to obtain coverage substantielly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausly in eifect, at a coat <br /> � substantiully equivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgoge insurnn�e previously in effect,from un altemate morlgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substsmtially equivalent mortgage insurance covemge is not available, Borzower siwll pay to <br /> � Lender ench month a surn cqual lo one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurancc premium being paid by Horrower when the <br /> '• insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use und re�ain ihese paymen�s as u loss reserve ln lieu <br /> � of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,nt the option of Lender, if mortgage lnsurance <br /> coverage(in the amaunt and for Ihe period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> available and is ubwined.Bomower shall pay the premiums r+equired to mnints�in mongnge insurance in effect,or to provide a <br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in occordence with any wrilten agrezment 6etween Borrower <br /> and 4ender or applicable luw. <br /> 9. Inspecdon. Lender or i�.c agent muy muke reasonable entries upon und i�s�ctions of ihe f'toperty. Lende�ahall <br /> gi�e Bomower notice At the time nf or prior to an inspection specifying reusonable cau�r for th�inapection. <br /> !0. 400demoation. The�roaeedx of any uwnrd or claim for damages,direct or consequenti�l,io connection with any <br /> Singl�F�mily»fL�ie Mae/F1'eddk Moc UNIFOR M INSYRU�7E1V'f••l�nifortn Covenanu 9�90 I�wRe 3 n/'h paResi <br /> frdt I�ta N�Mer va�.IK.■ <br /> , to ws cM i�ooi3o-x+ao o vex a��.�i•na� <br /> -- -- - -- - - �^-r... - .c.—�r-•�.r.clacw�r�s5v'�opl7U�{,1P�'RaYFF+�•'... � , •�t� . .- <br />.�tli��i. -'i� . _. .. . • , .'l� . � ��Iw�LA(R "nIJ:L�a4cA'.+:..A{a:w.xi�i1R��1rn�FA.v-:i..�-. <br /> __. , <br /> :.. 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