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��-- . . . .' ,N• r . , ,tn.- f !•i • ..,. . . ��Y-" �—'� <br /> .. , , • . .y . .,,.y _-, _. <br /> � �� �� , : . , .. <br /> .-- -. . . _.��'!IlT�f d!!����_Ae�fl!!�w+�'�d a�.dr PnnP�tly.�dl W�a��!!wMO!a <br /> l�n�ent. A d ��irfarnd b�efdi Seauity 1�nr tl�e"�P�op�t�y�.,t Y�o bt ao��aro oy aw�oar�q► - <br /> • BORROWFR tOVPJVAM'S lb�t Barower lt l�wtWly�ehed ol tbe aaato 6ireby aarveyad aod hr ebe dahl tb�at <br /> �nd 000vay tbeprop�t�aad t1�t d�e Propaty i�wronaunbened,e�uxpt for a�cumbrarpes of recotd. Qonow�r w�arnnu apd <br /> w�il datend�I(y d�e titb�o die Pmpe�ty�in�t aU ctdau�nd deorod�.wbject b�uy m�un�noa d roc+o�d <br /> Ttps sECURrt'Y DNSTRUMBN r oambines wdt«m oovenaw r« e�lional iva ana noMUniram oo+i«iww wid� <br /> , lia�ed va�iatbnt bY jmi�i°'n w oa+�ciit�+ie a uniform securily iacUvu�er►t coveria��ieal propetty. <br /> ljNlF�ORM COVBNAN'I'S. Banawer md I.eeder covea�nt�d ap�ee�s follorv�: <br /> l. Pa,�sed d Prl�ti�l a�d GttreM;Perp�l�e�t Md�ie CMa�s. Romnwar�Il P�PUY PMY whep due tIN <br /> �af'wd inoe�t an the dedt cvidenoed by the Note aod any pep�ymont�od I�te cltatges due tutder d�e Note. <br /> Fl��ds tar'Il��a a�d l�s�o� 5ubject w�pplipble Uw or to�written waivcr by Irender.Bamwer+�Il p�y tv <br /> l.ender en tbe daY momhiY P�Y�+aro due�Wc Note,uatil the No1e it ptW in fuU.�wm("Fiu�")rix:(�)Y�Y <br /> puccs aad as:atmaus whic6 m�y uWn priariry over thit Security I�tnuna�t o a lien an tbe P�ropaty:lb)Y�Y� <br /> p or gnau�d ra�q an thc Propetty. if any: (o) YeulY hu.�ud ar propeny Ltwtt�nca pmmiums: (d) y�f 9 ikiod <br /> in,�pnaniums.if any; ta)Y�Y �B�Ba �P��•jf any;�nd l4�9�WY+�bY�amwrr w <br />� L�ender.ia acoord�nce whh the provl�aru of pa�grapit Ileu o!thepayment of mortgage inwnu►�e premiwro. 71�ese <br /> ite.ras nre called"Fscmw Itar►s." Lender any time.caUect�ud hold Flmds in�n amount noi ta oxoeed 1he mwc6aum <br /> anount�la�der for a kderally reWad mo�tgage laan may�oqui�e for BarmwaS�escnow�ocauat undes the fadetal Ra! <br /> F�wte Seuianent procedurq Ast of 1974 as s�mended from dme W time.12 U.3.C.4 Z601 er s�q.("[tESPA").unlcss arwtber <br /> law�hat applies to tho P�nd�seu a lesser�moun� If so.[.aider any tlnie.coUect and hotd 1iu�ds in an amount rwt w <br /> exceed thc luser unouat. [.aWer may estimate ttee amouat of Ponds due an�ho basis af cument d� �nd Ka�oml►b <br />� esriu�oes af expenditurcs of fuwie Eserow Items or otherwjse in acco�dnnce with Applicable law. <br /> The Fnods ahali be deld in�n institutiun whose depcwits a�e Insured by a fedeial agency.insdwna�allty.or a�tiry <br />• (including Lender,if l.ender is such an institution)ar in any Federal Home L.oan Bank. L.ender shall apply the Punds w pay <br /> d�e Esemw Items. La�der may not charge Bonuwer for faiding and applying�he F�nds.annually walycing tho esscrow <br /> �t�or verifying�he Escmw Items.unlesa l.ende�puy�Barower inte�st on the Flmds and applic�ble law permits <br />� I�ende�w ma�e such a charge. However,Lender may rerequirc Bomower to pay a one•t�me charge far an indepeodent iql <br /> estate tax reporting aervlve used by Lx,�ndtr i�connecHon with this loan.unless appilcablo law provides dhecwiso. Unless on <br /> �g�arr�ent js made or�pplicable law roquires intcnest w be�der slwll not be required to pay Bmrnwer any intenest or <br /> eamings an the Eimds. Bortawer a�d Lender may agree in writing.howevu.that intercst shall bep�id an Uk Funds. Lender <br /> �hall give to Bormwer.wi�hout annwl accaunting of�he Fi�nds.showing crodits end debits w the Rinds and the <br /> purpose for which each debit to Ihe Plmds was made. The Funds�ue plodged As addlHanal cecutity for�II sums•sxurcd by <br /> this Secur�ty Instrwnent. <br /> (t' U1e Fuildi ileid by I.ellder extxed iiie t�mounls penniiie�i iu i� issltl DY y�tiiCebk IaW, L2tidii�h�11 aCCW1it t0 <br /> Borrower for the exceas Funds in eccardunce wlth the requiRments of applicabk law. If the amaunt af the Fi�ndc held by <br /> Lerder�t any ume is not su�cient w pay the F.scrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,In <br />� such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to mAke up the deficiency. Borrower shall malra up tt�e <br /> de�iciency in no more than twelve monthlY I.ender�s sole discretion. • <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by�his Security Instrumenl,Lender shall promptly refund ro Horrower any <br /> p�nds IxW by C.,ender. U undcr paragraph 21.Lender shxli xquire or sell the P�operty.l.ender.prior to the aoq�l�ition or <br /> aak of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale s�s a cnedlt against the aums' <br /> tocwed by this Security InstrumenG <br />� 3. Appiicatioa ot Ppyuxnts. Unkss upplicable law provides otherwisc, s�ll payments received by Lendcr wder <br /> puAgraph: t and 2 shall be a�licd:first,to any prepayment charges due under the amounta payable undex <br /> para�rAph 2;lhird,to intere+t clue; principul due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. C6ary�es; Liena Borrower shall pay all teaes. assessments, charges, fines and imposi�ons attribumble to the <br /> Property which may attain priority over this Secu�ity Instrument.end leasehold payments or ground r�ents,ff any. Barrowu <br />. shall pay�hese obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that munner,Borrower shall pay them on <br /> time dirocdy to tt�e person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this paregraph. [f Burrower mAkes�he�payrr�ents directly.Borruwer shall promplly furni�h to l.ender receipts evidencing <br /> �WY�nts. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over Ihis Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)ogrees <br /> in writing to 1he payment oi the obligatian secured by the lien in u manner uccepteble to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of�he lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender�s opinion operate to prevent tha <br /> enfacement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Securiry Inatrument. If Lender determines that nny purt of 1he Properry is subject lo a lien which may attain prioriry <br /> over this Secueity lnstru�enl,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the Uen. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or lake <br /> one or mone of the actlons set forth above wi�hin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S. Hatard or Property insurance. Borrower slwll keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured against lass by fire,hazards included within the term"extended covemge"and any other hazards,including <br /> floods or floodjng, for•which l.etder requires insumnce. This insuronce shull be maintuined in the amounts and for the <br /> F'ir+�Jrli 9f90 IPaRe 2 af 6 pugesl <br /> ;7• �san�'.c�-+. �'""";'°".v.. . ...� .., rt� �,��t _ r�-�-+s-^�-r-"�"---...y�-.,.....w,..a s.....,�_. <br /> V -..t ��_�__.,.t�l�., ;(�T .1 , � ' •ti, ., . '�(.��,t'� �4 I `!� �:t�� , '�_y�,`M�:Rtit�y�-,r;i�:.. - <br /> '_��y`�14�� .7 it�r� - � ..' 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