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--------�—^h ' .. ,-_ _ : . . ., ".�'�''-`�'�' .... <br /> ��+�� , +� <br /> �i��Td��1�1�1._�ijifliiafi�i���ll�Q�������ll4�M!!'�!g.�.!Q� - <br /> + �wnal+ivWoi�YII Mr►M�b wlii�li. M���qra wi�i �otwQ�.1.e�eR�.� , ' <br /> � L�wlw1 q�Mioe,ob��ia 1e p�oM�t landlfti ri�llb 1b��ty M aoopid��pryr�ph 9. ' . <br /> A!I hw�+Ma poYof��rrr►+b�b� to �d�11 GcMid�a MMderd�wet�elw�..L�rbt <br /> . dwp h�w tlr ti�ie a 4oid Ire p�oll�ia�d n�wa1R' �ier t�quin�.�nowrr�hdl pra�apll�►dve b L�eii�r all lro�ipt <br /> d pW p�whrw+wd Ira�wN na�iow. In die avaut d loa.Scxer�er a1W�iw p�a�t solior a dr i�wnepr c�nia'�rd <br /> I�nIK. L��ru.iu{4�uatd ior�U aat mtle P�Y bY�� <br /> U�aless Laider aad Bo�rau^cr a�er+vl�c�m ie writ�,M�emaxr• rinll be�pplied a r�NOntiau ar np�ir d <br /> Uie f�dia�re�Miod a Rpir L eooaoa�i�ally h�I.aderti�enrity is not IowNed lt dio <br /> R�ar r ia nqt eoawmialty krtbk ar Lenderk�anity rrauW be I�n+�aied.tbe imu�w�ae proaads�hd!be <br /> app�kd a �be was�ec�aed by d�►SeavNy �.wh�a nal �ea duo.w�h iny e�ccas p�id q$a�row� U <br /> Boirrowrr ab�ndar the Ptope�ty.or doa not �w�wWiia 30 da�n s uot�ca from Lender th�t t6e�ina�raece cartier 6� <br /> off'ered a�atle a cWia.tba�Ladar�y odled d�o�ur�noc p�oceec� L.eodir may u�e d�e p000eJ�to �matare <br /> die�or w p�y wm�recund by tbi�Srcwiqr Ia�trumaot�wbell�r a not tlkn due. 71�e 30�d�Y P� �� <br /> We w v�. <br /> Unles� aad Homow�olbe�rwl�se qroe Fu wr�tinY��ny icatian of prooeatc to pin�ipl�il not�oead ar <br /> poatpone t!a due dNe of tba�a�o�Nhly P�►y�nta mfomd to in p�I and 2 or ch�o the amo�un of the p�y�aans. If <br /> WKia p�r�tyntph 21 da�upwty ia aoquin:d by Lender.Bormwal►riglM w any inwnmce policia aad p�uaoeds ta�ultiaj <br /> tro.n daau�e w d�e thoporty pdor w thir.oquici�on tl�u p�.a l.aad�r a tha e�ueat of tbe w�m�ecwed by dd+S�cu�ity <br /> lo�wnmt immedj�tely p�ior�o t6eaa�ic�8aa. <br /> i. Ooe��, Pir�aq'v I rstilw M��Ma a�d Proleefio� o� Nw Pr+�pM'tyi �rower'� l.alul AppWtiWon: <br /> I.�n�ds� Banaa�sr aEtalt acc�y.cs�blish.mad eur the Plnapeity n BarowerY pr�cipal raldaw�e withtA d�ys dler <br /> tbo cxecutian ot'tbis Securiry Instruiaan aod slall c�ontLwe w axupy tln Propaty ar Bonower�principal � far�t <br /> last one yar Joer d�e date of oocup�acy. unleso L.ender aWerwlse a�ea in wrtitiag. which coasau �hdl not be <br /> un�rno�bly witdheld.or unlass extawating circwnst�nces e�st wAich ua beyand Banowerk cantiol. Bo�mMer aAall d�t <br /> destroy.�ar impair the Plropdty.allow t6c Pmpe�ty to detaiarue�or commit wacte on the Pmperty Bomnwer slWt <br /> be in detwU' my fafeiwre actlan a p�oc�eeding,whaMr civil or crirnind.i�begun thst in l.eoderl�sood fiid�judgtnaK <br /> couW r�ault in forfeiw�e of tba PropMy or odKrwLu m�terially imp�ir tl�e Ikn cieated by �his Securiry Inurumer►t ar <br /> [�enderk secudty inte�st. Bamwer may cum such 4 default a�d minaau,as povWed ia pu�gnph causin�the�ctjan <br /> or p�ooading w be dismissed wid�a ndia� Lender'�good faith detenninuion.Procludes fad'eidue of the Banowal� <br /> intercst ia the Propeity a olhet m�erial impaitment of the lien cneued by Ihic Security In:q�ument or IrenderS�eecutity <br /> interest. Bonnwer slWl also be in default if Borrower. during the loan applicatiun p�ocess. gave materidly false or <br /> in�ccura�e infonnuian or st�temmts�o Lender(ar failed to provlde L.ender with any msteri�l inform�tion)in uomxdan with <br /> the loan evWenoed by tho Note�including� but not limited to. �epnesentations carceming Barower�occup�ncy of the <br />_ Pmre.rp..R�pieciQal residenoe. If thie 3ecurity Inswir�an is an a leasehold.Bomower shall canply with dl lbe pmvisions <br /> of tLo lease. If Hortower�oquit�fee dqe w the Pnnperty.�he kssshald aiM the fee tida ahall not merQe unless[.mder agnes <br /> to sM n�ager in writing. <br /> 7. Protectbo of I.ecider's RigiAs in t6e Prvperir If Barower fails to perform the covenants and agrcements <br /> conwinad in this Socurity Incdrumen�.or Uie� is a Iegal proceeding that mny significantly affxt Lendec S dgi�ts in �he <br /> Property(such as a prooeeding in bankruptcy,probate,for cademnation or forfeihu+�or w enfor�ce laws ar�egulstions).then <br /> I.ender mc�y do wid pay for whatover is necessary to pnotect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the P�operty. <br /> Lender's actbns may includa paying any sums secured by a lien which lias prioriry ova this Security Inatrumrn� Appearing <br /> in court,paying rcasonable anornoys'fees ond entering on the Property w make nep�in.Although l.endcr m�y tAke Action <br /> wder this poragraph?,Lender das not have to do so. <br /> Any nmounts disburaed by Lender under�his paregruph 7 shall become additional debt of Bormwer secured by this <br /> Security Insdvment. Unless Borrower and Lender ogoee to other terms of puyment.these amounts shall bear intenest from the <br /> dete of dis6wsement su tha Note rate and sMall be payoble.with inte�est,upon notice fmm L.cnder to Borrower requesting <br /> paymen4 <br /> S. Mortg�ge Iosunaa. If Lender rcquired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loen secut+ed by this <br /> Security insuvment. Borrower sholi puy the premiums required to muintain the mortgoge insurance in effect. If,for any _ <br /> reason. �he mongege insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or censes to be in effect, Bo�wer shall pay the _ <br /> premiums �equired to obtuin coverage aubstandally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost - <br /> subsu►ntfelly equivalent ta the cost to Borrower of the roortgage insurance pr+eviously in effect, from an altema�e mortgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insur��nce coverage is not avoilable.Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender euch rnonth A sum equal to one-twelith of ihe yearly mortgoge insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance covernge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. L.ender will uccept,use nnd retnin these pnymenl�as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve puyments may no longer be required,at�he option of Lender. if mongege insurance <br /> covemge(in the wnount and for�he period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by I.ender again becomes <br /> availabk und is obtuined.Bamowa shall pay Ihe premiums nequired to rn�intain mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a _ <br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordance with any wrinen agreement be[ween Borrower <br /> and Lendor or applicable luw. <br /> 9. inspecdon. Lender or ils agent may make reusonable entrie� upon und inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br /> give Bonower notice n�the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cuu�for the inspection. <br /> 10� Cw�Jrmnaliun. 'f7�e pnwc�ed+of uny award or cluim for damagea dinwl or cunacyueMial, in connection with any - <br /> Sfngle Fmify••I�oak M�dEI'eddk M�c UNIFORM�NSTRUMENT-•Uniform Cavenan�s 9I40 �pug�B nf 6�ges! <br /> cmet wn�nmeae var.�ne■ <br /> 1b QW CN:I�BOD83DYC193 O M7I�1&'N1d191 - <br /> ._ . ._ . — �._ � .o�..:..c�;��ya�c�y.v.��v:ac7-.•-Y--•ra:.-.:. . -�- .�ar... <br /> -fv?-t. - _�i ' . �-�``---� rrg�- y'� ��� '.r'.. �. ��..-..{r 4�?� �-!�e n 5 S��l�t��� .. c��Fr �. �va�. <br /> �,`- _'4:� t t - , S�Jt;hr.-��+� . • . �-i�.� r _ -�,.��t(� st�'� - � , „ .,f : <br /> . . . . <br /> a r��c�, >t . � � i r� t..�. +•.; <br /> . <br /> . . <br /> _ �; . <br /> -----_. .. � � �� d 1., - '' '---- •''-��'-`. '"t-�. �,. _::,t::.C�1:�d.��}f?I�?�tF�f' .J����.�nFi�.�� <br /> � <br /> — ertl.� 1i .�e.1.i_ `t-.. <br /> -T_ - T '� ----�--�..__ __. . . -_-. _-_ _ _ <br /> -__". <br /> __ `' <br /> _J � _r . ____��._.. _.. - . . - -.L�.L� i.�].�.� f �'�N���t t�I.- . • - _- ' .. <br /> -. l> .. -> ' ..��1. , ' ,t, ' - 1..• �rv�lt5 1 _ . ._ ., - <br /> .-���'�_ , ,� , l.�.! <br /> �v��,�..�R::ti � . .. � ' , � . ' . ' , „ . ..y.�: - ' . , <br /> —_—_�w��•_-•.1.� :��- . . • . � .. '�-�Z� �� . <br /> =_-.+�• ,:} ! ,� .. .il. - - -- <br /> .'i�(�_tb'�f •r.'•a•'�'r''.'l,^�.,'• �'. . .. . 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