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- -� . .-. �.�Y .� .; .� , ,-.f .:. . �., -- <br /> - — _ - --� " • . , ,- �'�*��.--- - _ _ <br /> . ' �,.� ia�c5 � ° . - _.. <br /> _ a.�+nuwea ar are�i.p er,w!►�a11M.p.u�.iy►.or ie aaa�ny�o.1��i�..wi.n�r.�.�i.��. .,.. . <br /> - - .. _ . �t�itti:Z'.�.-- - -- :-:-�•--- ---- - <br /> . 1�A IM sre�4 d�lotd�d IM ho�ty.d�s paoati�11 be applEed�w�be wa tecured�►..IW�e�efty � _ . <br /> �wbMlier or pot tbea due.Mr�b aqy azow Pdd b�anowar. !n die avat da pptW qtM�d�Mepy�opt�q�i�� <br /> aurk�t v�lwe al tlM Ptopa�y 1m�apdi�MdY befara ibe t�kin�is aqud to or p�s�dMn tbe aia�ewit af lie �wes <br /> �c�ted by d�it Srcrrity Imttim�mu Imtnedi�lely befare tAe Wcins.unle�s Bonv�er ind[.ender ad�enri�e qroe tn wridrl�. . <br /> IM an��eeu�ed!hr dd�SacaQity in�etwrrorat tl+ral M�e rod�reed by die�maunt af die p�o��awM�ipibd by tM followi� <br /> Lnctlo�t, (a)tAe wW ama�w d tbe wma securod taimedi�r befom d�e Wciag,div{dod by lb)IMe 1'iit a�tst vahie af d�e <br /> Propaty iaanedialely befae�bo akGy. My b�l�r�,+e�b�i!he p�id a Ban�owea In�ha evea o[�putWtakin�d tGe <br /> - PKOpaty fa wr6lch the f�ir nuirkat value ot tbe Ptoperty�nomodWcJy 6efom the nkin�L ku Ih�n tbe wr�owK d t�e�wm <br /> �ecurod itamediately befae tbe t�lciag.unlass Bonawer�nd l.en�kr athawise�ee in w�itin�oe unbst�pplic�ble I�w <br /> ad�an►r�e p�ovida.d�e poceeda s6d1 bo�pplied w t6o wrtu rocu�ad by tbi�Saciuity 1a�a�riart whetl�a aot d�e a�u am <br /> dian due. <br /> If the�y u ab�ndoned by Bortower.or if.afiar aot�a by Lender to Bamwm�t the co�dm�nar offas w m�ice <br /> an award or seitle�cinim for dtmsYa.Borrp�wer f�ils to nespo�d to L.a�der witbin 30 days Jter tbe d�e tbe natioe 4 6ivm. <br /> L.ender is authotized ta coUoct md apply the p�ceeds.u its opioa�eW�w rewo�tfoo ar mp�ir ot�be Fropaty a�w tba <br /> wa��ocu�od by tbla Securiry Im�alunea�whdl�er ar uot�hm due. <br /> Unksa l,rnder and Barnswer othenvise�groe in writGoB,mY a�ation of pmcads to principl slWl not exta�d or <br /> poslpa�e tUe duo dau of the manihlY PRY�ts refcmed w in pwn�pla�aad 2 ar ciw�go tt�a�rnaunt of.auci►payrtients. <br /> il. sorr�ower NM Rete�ned: Forbeanu�oe By I.eder Not a Wiiver. Fatea:ian nf tbe dme for p�ya�ent or <br /> �odificatian of a�aartizuion of the sums sacurod by thia Savrity lnstmment gnnted by Lender to any wc�esaar in inte�t <br /> of Borrower stull aot oper�te w mk�se Ihe liability of the a�gin�l Bomower or Barowerl�suocessas fn inte�at.[.endcr <br /> a�l�wt bor�q ited w canr��ce pr+oceedingc Against any s�ccessor in intetrst or reflisc to catertd timo fot paymcnt at <br /> Ot�rwjso modffy amo�o�9Fihe sumr secured by this Socur(ry Insaumait by rea4a�af any demand made by the origind <br /> Boeower a Bo�mwerh aucoes�ors in intcnest. My forbtat�u�ce by Lendet ln exerciring any ri�lu or�nedy�hall not be a <br /> waiver of ar p�eclude the eaercise of any dght or remedy. <br /> 12 Suocaron aod A�+Boundi JWut aad Severd IJabWty;Casi�ers. The covenants md ag�ement�of this <br /> Secudty Instnunent BhaU bintD and benefit the successors a��J assigns of Lender end Ba�ower.�ubject to tho provfisions of <br /> p l7. Bormwer�a cwenuats and agRements shall6e joint an�several.Any Sarower who co-slgns this Socurlty <br /> L�t but does not executa the Note: (a)is casigning this Security Insuument only�o mortgAge,grant and comey that <br /> Bonowak inurcst In the P►operty under tho tcims of lhis Security Insuyment; (b)is not penROnally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secwed by this Secnrlty Insmunent:and(c)agtees Ihat Lender and any att�cr Barower m�y ag�ee w ea�tend.mad)fy forbear <br /> or m�ke any accommodations with�gud to{he km�s af this Secudcy lnsuument or the Nde whhout.Uu►t Bomower�s <br /> cow�au. <br /> 13. I.a�n C6�a. If the loan secured by this Security Inspvment is subject to a law which sets ma�imum loan <br /> charges.And thwt law�s finally intarpreted so�hat the intenest or other loan charges callected or to be colleeted�n aannecaon <br /> with the loan eaceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan chargc shnll bc reduced by the amount aaceasmry to.reduce <br />— the charge to the pem�itted limit;and(b)any sums el�eady collected from Horrower which exceeded permitted limita will be <br /> r�fuoded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rcducing the principal owed under ltie Note or by making a <br /> -_- di�ect payment to Bomower. If A refund reduces principal,the reduction wlll be treated as a parii�{prepayment wilhout any <br /> ---- propeyment charge under the Note. <br /> --- 14. Notices. Any notice to Bomower provided for in this Security Instrument ahaU be given by delivering it or by <br /> — mailing it by first class mail uniess applicabls law requires use of unother method.Thc ndice ahall be directed to�he PropeRy <br /> �� Address or any other address Bomower designAtes by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shell 6e given by first class <br /> mxil to Lender�s address stated hercin or any ather addr+ess Lendcr dosignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> in U�ia Socurity Inswment shall be deemed to hnve been given �o Borrower or l.ender when given as provided in ihie <br /> — P�B�Ph• <br /> ��� IS. Governing Law;SeverabNlty. This Security lnsuument shull be gavemed by federal law and the lAw of the <br />� jurisdicdon in which 1he Propeey is located. In the event that any provisioh ar claur,e of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />_ � conflicts with applicable luw,such conflict shull na uffect other provision�of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can <br /> _ - be given effect withaut the conflicting provision. To this end �he provision� of thih Security Inswment wid the Note are <br /> {�,i � declrre�l lo be sevemble. - <br />..;��t.� <br /> - -��•;•'.a�3�',i 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one caoformed copy of the Note and of this 3ecurity Instn�ment. <br /> ,� x 17. 7Fanster of the Property or n BeneRcial Interest in Borrowe� If ull ur uny pnrt ot thc Property or any in�erest in <br /> '' � it is sold or trunsfemed(or if u beneficial interest in Bomower is sold or tmnsfemed and Bonower is not�namral person) <br /> _ without i.ender�s pdor written coment.Lertde�may,m i1s option, require immediute puyment in full of All sums secur�ed by <br />- —�..� this Security Instrument. However.lhis option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercisc is prohibited by federel luw as of <br />���T�" the dete of this Secudty Inswment. <br /> ��� If Lender exercises this option,l.ender shull�ive Bumower nwice of uccelerutiun. 'Ihe notice whall provide a periad of <br /> � � not less thnn 30 duys from the date the notice is delivered or muiled within which Bomower rnust pay all sums secured by this <br /> _ �'> Security InsttUment. If Borrower fails to puy these sum�prior to the expirution af this period,l.ender mny invoke any <br />� — .,._"r..: <br />----��-":�+��r* � remodies permitted by this Security Instrument without f'unher notice or demond on Borrower. <br /> ��`•'•:� .� 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Bomower meets cenuin cunditions. Bortower �hall have the right �a huve <br /> ��,c�il��„�,. <br /> ., enforcement of this Secority Instcument dicc�ntinued at any tirne prior to the earGer of� (a?S�nyc(or a�ch other period as <br /> �;•�� - <br /> _,.R,..;� . <br /> "��� 8 Y•- Po 1 /b8e�► _ <br />-.� t• �.,.Y•�_ Sin le Fomil �i�nie M�elFYeddk Moc UNIFORM INtiTRI;M�SNT••Unform Cmenana 9l9Y 1 pt 4 n� = <br /> .� � <br /> 'r .;p^�r,r <br /> °� — <br />.;� <br /> :i��;',g���_--_ <br /> �-----�'f .� _ rt;�,—;.—js,----�-----•�._,;,,,.,�. ,.. � _.. _ _-. <br /> —___ _ ��}��:,T, L' �mv�tl;.`w.`�' .4'T�. ,,.s�17. t . �ri��� ��tt5{T.r �r.#��R. � �s�: � ` ._. <br /> p�,'-•"' . RY� ' - .i - . - �� . .�. �n�l � .. �,. -. <br /> "�f� ct�� � : , '•+ ' t�'1Ji ii4 . .• .: . }s.�'�£'?' ••--•--,-.--rT . <br /> p'+ ,�.< �u6te:�Y :C.� �i1is� ;�.1<_ �:(•:.�� ,� L�,+}_� .e�.:�i.�� -�.�31�.1��.i��r� .L__ t � ��'v��t:���s�.. <br /> . <br /> . - �� .--- .;.- ` `•fP -- 7 -t.`� - -- -.-_ ... _„ . .-- -- .-:� l ���- .�.. - . : — � _---s`�t - <br /> — � � <br /> _— -���l �W.. r.�, - �4. ... ��� �' . ,.�-�. . . ±t`� �jy�i,+� - . �c:l�.`�`v" ;t , .. , . .. <br /> - �cx'-"q -�..r:�. . � . .��!� .� ,v .�f ' ' .: � ` .. <br /> c� �'t�r"r- - . .. . , . ,'fs . �. �.r,_ . <br /> ._ a��k+.,k.�ir. � _ � � , ._ . . . , . <br /> - _cw�wc�w�<c•,•,i.... . , . , .i�:4• ,. ,, sti. - , . ., <br /> s..�1� ,� _ � . . .. • . �. <br /> -- _— � n. _ .. , ,. , ., <br /> •, <br /> . �. r.a ;_rs . _. -�' _:L:'_�.. � ., . �, . . � . - . . � , <br /> �-�.1 .t ti- v '� ' - -�1 } .. .n'• .. <br /> — --�11a7F_n � i. , . 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