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.., <br /> _ . . . _ ...! _ ,,.,.,�.�-�:- : T� . �. <br /> . . . .. , . . ��;��'�YlM�►r ' �' — <br /> �S�'f�i s;t,i�svaa�+s�s r�t atl�o�a��paa�r.s�d��r�, _. <br /> --- .���r itliit�ll�'��t�i'r�iw-�- .... .��+�i�:.�.��:r�. • .:;e.. ��i�'�-�"` - --�= <br /> N��e. AN a�i�fbr�/ri�M�d b Y Wt�o�ell�r�M�rt r�r"ll�opon�r." <br /> �l��O�IV�R OOVBNAM9�t�ano�er is 1�nrA�lfy�d d tMe e�pila Meb�►oo�wsyed wd Ms de�t a p�t � <br /> ' Md oowvey Ibs �ud d�t Wa Propaty it�s�car�ed,exoep far�1pumM�nea o/reoard Bars�w�w�s ri . . � � <br /> ����ii 6d�a lbe�ropN'iy+ii�i�t ai1 cl�aod de�od�.�et w+�Y eacwb�r�at dnoad. . � <br /> THts SE9�lJRi!'Y QdS7'RUI�NT oaabiaa urtifam oovenrMs for dtjawl me and eoa�unifore�e oovN�als.,�rltb , <br /> W�Md v�rlrioMr by j�ri�d�oO�o c��a i��ty in�ameat c�uvain�ried poope�'q. � . <br /> IJN�RI�!CaVFNAM'S. 8ore+orrer snd I..cadar aove�nt�od q�ras�s toilo�w�: <br /> l. ly��N1�f hYeiMl aw��Ur�M:�'wpl�J�t a�i I.tM Llr�n. HanorMa s6�Il p�apdy pqr Mhs�d di�s�Me . <br /> p��p�1 ot�ad i�ae�t m 1ho�ebt evidencad byr��hp Nale aqd�nF�Ya�enGINN1.1�1MS ch�r�es dua mdet tl�e Nok. <br /> - f. I�Ir�i tbr 7yooer aw�I�wra�ee. Subjeet w�pplicsbM!aw or to a wrlttcmwairer by I.e�der.Ban�o�na'�II p�y 1u <br /> I�eoder an the dny aio�thiy p�pnaanta art due a�der tbe Naa�}p�lil,d�a Nata i�pliid�in�tutl�,�wm l"�")far:(a).Yariy � . <br /> wces md�wMcli ee�y Mtain prkKit�►over tbi�Seanity Inttnanent�sp«titln�dn,tbn Pre�erty;(b)i�er171a�dwW <br /> psymenu a�+ouod nsau on me Prop�y.�n (�) ye�rfy b.w�d a��napeny inwraaca p��:.(d> �arlr fbod . <br /> Lnir�ooe prcmiwws� if�ay; (a) ye�1Y nw�g�ge•mAUna�oe Prcmiuros.iP��p�yt aad(��uY�P�Y��b!►Baro�ra 1° <br /> L,aider.b�a000�dmoe with tbe povislaa of p�g�h��iau of d�ep�yn�nt of mo�tg�ge i�twraaoe p�emhnr�. 7'hete . , <br /> i1au��ae c�lled"Bwmw l�at�." L,a�la�ay tima.coUact atd hnid�nds ia an�tnouat nol to exceed 1be nuulbUutn' <br /> �aount� la�der fat a fedaaUy�elau:d mn�tQ�Be lo�n m#9�Nue for Boeower�eac�ow s000uat uoder�he fcderM��ttt�l <br /> F,�e&ttlpnent Frocodutes Att of 1974�unetnd�d�tt�om dnw to thne.l2 U.S.C.4 2601 e�seq.('RESPP►'.wtlr,ss�ad►� <br /> 1aw that a�pli�to the Rmas zea a lesxr emtx+Rt:;�ed�Lender aeay.t�an�dme.colled aod hold R�od�io�ra aatAiltqi nohto <br /> exoend tUe le�cer unoww. t�nximr rmy estlntata tha omaunt�of Fi►nds duo on the b�sis af cument dWa m�!c�le . <br /> �dnut�oteapa�dipnes of futune F.a�cmw Itmq�ar Whawiat iri��aco►dance wWt applicable law. <br /> The Fiu�ds sMll be haW�in�an�inqituNon wMae depodta urs�ins�aed by a feda�l�agency.i�dwasd►talUy. ar'mMfty <br /> (iacluding La�dcr.if LeAder is suab�su�institutionl or ln nu�y Ftidt�nl�Home Loan Banla. 4emder shall apply�bc Fund�w ppy <br /> the Fscmw Itemg. I.ender may aot ch�rge 8ortower far holdi�8�nd appll'�ng the Fupd6+.�nou�liy walyting it�e 4�now <br /> aocoun�a vaify�ng the ESCrow ltcros,unles.c Lender pays Bormwer int�srest on thc Funds and �pplicable iaw patmlta . <br /> t,ada�to a�e such�ch�rge. However.Lender may�equire Bonower ta p�y a one-dme ct�rge fa tn,indep��dent�ql��, � <br /> eaque tax apoKing savIce used by lreoder in coruxcdon with thia loan.unl�a�pplicabk taw pmvldes atherwise. Udest�ap� , <br /> ag�oament is nnde or applicabla law raqufres inteRSt to be paid�[,ender shall nat be roquired to pay Bartowet aay ime�st ar� <br /> eaminga on tho PWMs. Bornnwer atM►der mwy�ee i�writiag,however.that inurest alhall be p�id m th Fi�nds. L,�arde.r <br /> ahall give to Bormwer.without chugo,an wa�ual�nCCOUn[ing af[ho timds.showing crodlts and debits w the fimds and the <br /> purpose far which esch debit to the Ruids wsn mde. The F�nds arc pledged as additia�al securiry fa dl tuau secured by <br /> Wi�Socwity Insdwna�t. <br /> If ihe P�nd:heCd by I�ender excad tha wnounts permiro�d to be hetd by applkabk iaw,i..ender shaii a000uae co <br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accardance with the requireme�'ts of appUcable law. If the mnauntof tha Wnds heW by <br /> L.ender u any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so�otify Bort4wer in <br /> auch case Borrower shall ps+y to I.ender the amount necessa�y to make up Ihe deficiency. Barowa shAU make up the <br /> deficiency in no nwie Uwn twelve monthly pa�ments,at Lenderk sole discretian. <br /> Upon payment in full af all sums secured by this Securiry Inswmenc,Lender shall promptly refund w Barower any <br /> F��held by I.ender. If,under pazagraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seli the PropeRy.Lender.pricxto Ihe aoquisit�on or <br /> sale of d�Prvpe�ty. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the ume of acqoisition or sale as a cndit ageinst the sans <br /> secumd by�itis Security Insdvment. <br /> 3. App�katbo of p�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments reccived by Lender under _ <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 sbaU be applied:first,to wny prepayment chnrges due under the Note;second.lo omounts payable under - <br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principul due:snd last,to any late charges due under tha Natc. <br /> 4. Cbpr�es;Lieaa Boirowcr shWl pay all taues,assesamen�s,charges. fines and imposiaans attributable to the <br /> Property which may attain priority over lhis Security Insuvmen4 and leasehold paymenis or ground ronts.if Any. BocTawer <br /> shall pay these obligations in Ute mnnner provided in pamgraph if not paid in thnt munner,Barower shall pay lhem on <br /> dme direcUy to tho peraon owed payment. Bomower shall promptly fumish to L.ender all notices of amants to be paid under <br /> this paragraph. !f Bomower mekes these payments di�ectly,Bormwer shall prompNy fumish to Lender�eoeipts cvidc�wing ° <br /> the payments. <br /> Barower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which hus priarity over�his Security Insuvment unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> in writing to the puyment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender,lb►contests in good faith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,IegAI proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�he iwlder of the lien en asrcement satisfac�ory to Lender wbo�dinating the lien <br /> to this Security inswment. If Lender determines that any pwt of the Pmperty is subject to a lien whkh may attain priority <br /> over this Security Inawment,L.ender may give Bonower a notice identifying the lien. Hcxrower shali eMisfy the lien ar�ake <br /> one ar morc of the actions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice. <br /> 5. Ha�'d or Properly Insurance. Borrower shAll keep the improvemems now existin� or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coveroge"und any other hazurds,including 4 <br /> tloods or tlooding,for which Lender requi�s insurance. This insurance shall be mnintained in the amounts and for the <br /> Fb►m JOb 9/�0 1/bRr 2�,jb poQe.rl — <br /> t" <br /> — -- np1��;R{�{'aie{�� .�t; . .�, r;}.A.t��. : {� '�1� � ! <br /> �^'T'-r.-'�'. ._ 1 ' ''/. . . . .1'c". � � P' i�!` YU,i.�� - � -. n>.' . -��'� <br /> �Rh.a �r ' • I� o '.�~,:.,i'.��f' � .. - -�y. •...n�����d.i.� 1h,t.,. _ ,��1��;�1� ! �� - <br /> �„.�:�... �..-._ av.L�`" ' •" - �c ,. _� •- . :' ,. . . <br /> . <br /> ;' ,�1�t <br /> _-'.• n,,.�+�irt.v'�+f."..:'. _,_- -"-` � ---"�_•_.._' ..- .��:_�-, ii• .� ,t'�_+-:a'lt1l�."�.'.�.i�.-.e.�.a"��:.:.-a!� •:�[•.a'�i1�rSii�.-.ri..,,.t.�s6� <br /> -- = '-- -: . :.- ------.-.- _- - ----- ---- - --- -- � . <br /> f4i,� . . - . . . . _.. . -.l: - ' . �`. -��'y;I'`..r . . . . . .. . _ . . <br />�-- i.�.ir., :.:r . - �j: 1•i% ., . � �� . . . .`y. . . '�ti�.� . <br /> : .. �r`,_�,. .... u ,�: „. . :.f,, • "ir^''� � � � ° <br /> t��- � � . . . .. , <br /> -- ,�:�;�,.-: . . `;�.. ,, • - � � .. <br />--___ _ . . � , .,1'_ . 'r•`� . <br /> _ _. j�� .• ~ � � . .. ��.F,,' , . .. . . . �, <br /> Ti ' ' , <br /> �`�.``.. <br /> Y � . ty,�,��iiR�J.'�+A.'.�I�:. . . . ' . - <br />.— __'"'�L�r���.�.F--1iY�.'�:.'.ti(�".r. ♦. . . ' ' • .. • <br /> _ _— u <br /> - �..=.h'`:v'��:w..r---°. �- . . - _ .. . . ._ . � � .. <br /> _ ..q�.,�'..' ' •.�,�,•: � . <br /> - "--'-`]iY'��F'si�:c v�' �:�a r,;,�. ., . . . ' . • . .. .. <br /> +--61�;`-':ti'3bei.�n.iLSSavL.�+� ...•a�. ,f.- - .. . . <br /> � -" , r.�._� �r..ti+ ,����, • . . _ . . .I , .. � .. .. .y..�� ` . . '`�`y .�.rt <br /> �-����t�i••ii l.�W,�-.K-..'� ''a'�l u���' . + ,.�. � , <br /> � . 4 i�: '.'�1. `.'"1S{4tt'• ;'��' <br /> - . � . . , �a� - . . - <br />_ ,.`.•��,�. . • � . .�.., J � •�„ � , <br /> :: ��-.�._..`....�_— ~ ��. - - - -— . � _ ` ._�_._,,.__��. _ _ _ <br />