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r� -+�..w. - . . . _c :` �.r. <br /> ' i?J_it_ _ '. _ . . ... .... � - - ... . <br /> . .. . . . .�.. <br /> . _ _ <br /> . ..�..r. <br /> . � <br /> . __... ..._._- . ....--,,._.._-. .. ' . ' i .. . �. • �• • 1� <br /> �� _G . . • . . . O���f.��Iw�prl����r��•�� ,�� <br /> /1��0�K♦01������ (�I��`1011�O�.t1��l�V W h 0�/�.10l1�AR�. <br /> � t��'������b!,�.���� _ .. . <br /> ---- - -. i�3 . . -� �.���t�.J�`!'����� - . <br /> _ . _... .----•...' <br /> i�a wA�i��oon�edMw wMw�N w�M�y���'�"�farro�rir�i X�ar�o�M 6ii._._ ., . <br /> !.I�eM��.�.��cl�r a�r iu qe�1�w1Y a�oa iwe�Mble rMriw wa rd ie�p�etio�o/dw Riqilipr. t�if idl�w <br /> �to���atke K t4e dme of or peior w M io�ppotion�pedf,yM{rw��M awr�iot dM h�iaN. ' <br /> 1�.C�Mt�. The pnoc,�at+�uY.�rrd a cl�hn for d�M. dinct ar coarquaNd�l.ln oo�ioa w�� . <br /> caadeaa�aAioa ar od�er aicin�of any p�t at t6r P�vp�ty.or Jbr oo�wyMa ia lieu d�oodeartloR.�n 4 w w j l�M d r <br /> p�ll be pid 10 I.t�der. <br /> M the avaat of�tapd q�c+bK d thn,�'P'�Y��P'���tl!be�pptid b d�e�ma�rea�nd by tl�is 8�eity Ia�aAaM� <br /> wl�ha or not dian due� arith aay e�coen p�W 10 8onoa�er. ia�be evefdt a�a prtiai tak�ot t6�Y�upaty In whioh die b�' <br /> nwioet vdue of tbe Prope�ty inmiodl�elY betais tbe W�inj i�oqwl w or pat�tbaa the aaiount ot tbe�x�ewted by d� <br /> Secnrity Inwu�wM imrnedi�telY befa�s tbe nd�y�unle�Barnwar md l.aidtw'alberwl�e�ree in writiu�.the�unr�eaWVd by <br /> thh Seauity lntcnunant �hall bo reduoed bY tha amoutq ot tho p000eds nwltlplied by tbe foliowiqd itsctloe: (�)d�e tad <br /> amount of the aum��ecund inunedi�efY.bofaa the Wciag�divlded by N)tbe tdr m�rket vdue of tba Prapmty imm�edLt�ly <br /> befor�e tla takinQ. Any►bdsnoo�11 be p�id w Hocrow�r. W tbe evaq of a p�utial akiu6 of tbe Prnpo�y in wlileh tbe t� <br /> maket vtluo of Ihe Property iauaodi�tely before the Wcing i�Ia+�thw tlie amo�ua of tlus wm��cu�ed inmtediMely beforo tbe <br /> taldag, ude�Borrover ud Laider otharwf�c�ree in wrldn�or unlasa�pplicable I�w athecwise provide�.the pmaeeds�all <br /> be�ppliod w da wn�s�av�od by thl4 Sea��iry I�ttuma�t wha�her or not the wau ana Wcn due. <br /> U tbe Propeity i:abandoned by Bormwer.or lt.after aotia by LerMler w Borro�rer th�t the oondemnor of�are to m�an <br /> awmd ar�tile a cl�im fo�dmna8a. Borrow�er fails w rahond to t.e�er rvit�in 30 dtys�fh+r the d�te the nntioe is�iven, <br /> L.eMer is aothorixed co eoliect aad�pplY the pr0000da,at it�option.dther w rawtat�on or repir uf We Propaty or w tbe aau� <br /> oe�viced by ehis Sentdty inurwiaau.whether or not tha�due. <br /> Unlesa I.aider and Borrower otberwise sgroe in writin8. nnY spplicuion af proceade co principd �II not exteod or <br /> . patpone the due dab of the monthly pAymente mferred w in pua�aQhs 1�ad 2 or ciwnge tho�rnount oP such p�yment�. <br /> � ll,Bon+owar Not Rdea�ed;Forbe�ranoe By La�der Not a Wdver.Extension of the time for payment or modifipNon <br /> of amortisation of tho sums savrod by this Secu�ity Instnuaenc g�ant�d by L.ender w ony sua�ssor in inte�est of Bormwer�hall <br /> not oper�to to release tha liabitity of the origirwl Borrower or Borrower's sucxessors in iuterest. Lender e1Wl not be roquired w <br /> commenx procoodings aga�nst�ry sueoessor in interat or rcfi�se to extend dme for p�ymcnt or otherwise modify�mort�an <br /> of the sums aecuml by thls SSoccudty inshument by rason of any dem�nd m�de by tha o�ginai Borrower or Bortower'a <br /> sucaasor�in iaueat. Any focbearana by Lender in exerciaing any�ight or remedy shall not be a w�ivu of or pt�ecludo tbe <br /> __ __ asercise of any dght or,nmody. <br /> -- f2.S�loceasors ahd•A��ndi Joint aad SeverAl L111Mtltyi l=o-si�s. The covenants and agroemans oi this <br /> Security i�strument shall bind and benefit the successocs and essigns of I.ender and Borrower. sub,�xt to the provisiops of <br />__ paragraph I'7. Borrower's covenants and agrcements ahell be joint and several. My Bortower who co-signs this Sacurity — <br /> Instrument but does nat execute the Nate: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> - Borrower's intenest in the Property under the terms of this Securlty Instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay thc sums <br /> — securod by this Secudty Instcument;ar�d(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to exund,modify.forbar or <br /> �- mako any eccommodations with regerd to the tern�s of this Security Instrumen�or the Note without that Borrower's consem. <br /> ��ti 13.I.oan Charges.If the loan secured by this Secu�ity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or dher loan charges collectod or to be collected in oonrection wlth the <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, then:(n1�y such loan clwrge shall be reduced by the umount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from liorrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> Burrower. I.ender muy choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br />` payment to Barrower. If a refund reduees principal. the reduction will be ttr.ated us a purtiel prepayment without nny <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br />,- 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Se�urity Instrument siwll be given by delivering it ur by nwil[ng � <br /> it by first class rtwil unless applicable luw requires use of unother method.The notice shull be directed to the Propeny Address <br /> , or any other stddress Borrower designntea by notice ta I.ender. Any natice to Lender shull be siven by first clasc moil to <br /> ' L I.ender's uddress stated herein nr any ather nddress l.endcr desig rrtex by natire to Horrowcr. Any notice provided far in this <br />-� Security Instrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Bormwer or Ixnder when given us provided in this paragraph. _� <br /> `�`�;� i�, y � 15.Governing Law; Sevembillty. This Securiry Imtrument sh:ill be govcrneJ by federal law and the law of the <br /> �� r,,:� jurisdiction in which the Property is locute�l. In thc cvent thut an��pravision or cluuk of this Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> �' ''''� con(licts with applicuble law,yuch rnnflict shull not affect othcr pruviniam of thi,Seruriry Instrun�ent or the Note which can be __ <br />�.,.:��".,... <br />-- �'�������� given effect without the conflicting provision. Tu this end the pn�vision+��f this Security Instrument s�nnd the Note are declared <br />— --�;'F. ` to bo severable. — <br /> �: -`''� • 16.Borrower's Copy. Burnower shall be given one canli►rmal c��py oi'the Note und of this 5ecurity Inatrument. <br />-�;. �w•,�,� Form 3028 9/80 <br /> :'Y.�.ri:_...::�":,.- _ <br /> Ppe1o18 <br /> ,r��'''�3�' —. <br /> L"f�.'1 Fx� � ' _ <br /> �° _. <br /> �'if• �� <br />_= t �.•• - :Y. 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