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� �_____ _�. � <br /> ---- . . _ <br />-- --- -_ _' ' , . ' . ��7— �� �r _". xu�.�_ <br /> i.�ri K l�rly b�ea�t�. iornuwer �WI low tl�e ie�pv�v�� riar �xiifl� or haie�{I�r�aoM� � � <br /> lr�rrty,l���i�t/o�dy 1ir. i�w�i�hcLd�d wldri�16�brw •awild oowiMl�� ��Y�t WMi.V�y _ <br /> - ----T� ----- �ju;r i,;�aw�iw:�r---�-,.i7 ��:�'�i^"...��5�tu� — - - - <br /> (Nt�Il�Ir II�IM�.7�C�1100 C��'pfON{�p�IM�IMIfM00�III��60 ChOMII��qIrOM�'Of Mll,�d ID�OQ�f�+�f0'1►� <br /> NrbIC� fw1 OOR UO Y111�YOIM�y N�lM1Lb. u 00ffDMb1 �It b 1�1 Opvp�O dNC1�bOd�OMO� l.�Of��. ��.��/. <br /> c�peioo.o6aln oo�eraje w pwect t�r�'s d�hb in.the PropMy in�000Mmoe.rith p� 7. . <br /> IiW in�t�noe pdick��d�eo�w►als �II b aoapta6M a I,�aiMr and �U brelyda a�audrd �met�s drw�e. L�d�e <br /> _ �b�ll6ave t6e dght to boW the polides Md reos�ls.if lrmder raquiro�.Bore�x�h�l!P�'omp�Y�iva to Landar dl�eoeiptr af ' <br /> P�P�'��+d�d nenewal�be evaa�t of lo��Hom�wer�114iws pi�p1 iwtia w tlr iawra�oe c�lK a�A I.�. <br /> ta�de�a�y m�ka proof of�if aot m�de P�P�Y tiY���. <br /> Udas La�der and Hotrower atbe�w�ise yree iu wrltin�.imuranoe qaceed�a4di be appUad W re�tioa or rop�ir a�Uw <br /> Prq�erty d�ed,if tbe rata�dan or repair 4 eoonon�Leally tadble md I.adar's�ecudty ia aat k�serMd.U the�a <br /> t�tr b not eoornrniadly fariblo or La�fa'�seairity w�ould be IeWe+red.the irouranoe praaeds�II be�pplied w Il�e Mun <br /> soa�ed by t4i� 3eariry Ludament. wbetha o�aot dren due� whh ary exc�u pid w Horto�rer. If Bon�war�tr�edo� fbe <br /> Ptoperty. or dvea aat�ntwa witbin 30 dny��notke frooll.cnder th�t tbo L�wranoe c�Iw uffer�ed to eettle M cWat.diea � <br /> La�der any oolka tha iaw�anoe pr0000da. I.ender may use tha procoods ta�ir ar�atore tbe Ptnpaty or to p�y a� <br /> �eau�d by thi�Socurity Ioat�nmeM,whetlfer ar nat tbat due.The 30�d�y period will be�in wlra the nadoa is sivea. <br /> Ualas Laider and Horrower aMMiwwi�e a�roc in writin8. �9 �PP�ic�tlon of qnoeed� w principd rhdl not eaclad a <br /> pootpone tbe due d�te of the maNhty p�yrants mfcnod to in p�ra�r�phs I aod 2 or c6�o�e tbe�t of the pymaM�. It ' <br /> under p�ragerph 2l'the Property ia�cqai�ed by l.ender,Borrowrr's ri�ht w a�ry inwraooe policies md pr+nceeda rnultin�fenm <br /> - --� dentige to the Pmp�rty prior to the�uiaitinn eiwll pr�tu i.ender to Ibe aatent of U�o swr�eav�sd by tAis 3ecmit�►�t <br /> inqaodi�ttly pr�or w tAe acquiaitlon. <br /> 6. Occ�p�a�.P�+e�ervWoa.M�i�n�aee�od NntecUoo at ttie Pro�qi�ornwer's l,w�Applkafioy I.ewviir. <br /> Borrower:twll oxupy.acwblieh.and use t�he Property as Bormwcr's prjncjpal maidcaoe within�xty day�after tbe eacecution of <br /> this Security I�tn�mart aad�hall oontlnua W oavpy the Property as Bomuwa's princip�l rcsldenoe for�t la�t a�e yar�Oet <br /> the datc of oua�w�cy.unless La�der alherwise agroes in writing.whicd rnnsent sh�!! aot be unnasonAMy wid�hdd,or nn{a� <br /> eatrnuadng circumstanoes exist which u+e beyond Bormwer': oornrol. Borrower sholl r�ot dadoy. dartu�e or imp�'v tbe <br /> Property. nllow the Pmperty w deteriorue.or commit wastc on the Property. Borrewer ahall bo in defsult if wy forfdtnre <br /> ' action or proceeding. whether civil or crimiind. is begun that in Leixler's good f�lth judgment cuuld rault ta forleiturc of the <br /> ' Property or dherwise nwteriplly in�air the lien crcated by this Socuriry Instrument or lender's son�rity intete�t.Bormw�ar mwy <br /> , . cure cuch a default aM provided in puagrnph puuing the action or procealiog to be disrais�sed�vith a tsitiag. <br /> _ � 'thet, io Lender's good;fait6 determination,precludes forfcituro of the Borrower's interost in �hc pm�ty tq�t+t�r m!�� <br /> � � imp�irment of the licn created by this Socuriry Instrurt�ent or L.ender's securiry interest. Borrower shall �Iso be in default jf <br />� Bornower.duriog the loan application process,gave mwterially false or inaccuratc inforn�tion or atatemeats to I.ender(or failed <br /> to provide[.ender with any mnterial inforrn�lon)in connection with the loan evldonoed by the Note,including.but not liqrited <br />_ to.rcpnsentations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a pdncipal residence.if th�s Securiry insnument ia on a <br /> leasehold. Borrawcr shall comply with all the provis(ons of the lerue. li Borrower aoquires feo title to tho Propa�ty. the <br /> leagehold uxi the fve title ahall not merge unles� I.ender agrets to the merger in writi�g. <br /> 7.Protectioq o!I.ender's Righte in t6e Property.If Borrower fails to pert'orm the covenants and agreements oontainod in <br /> this Security Instrument. or there is a legal prncaecling that may significantly affert i.ender's righta in the Property (such as a <br /> pnx�ecik�g in bankroptcy.probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforcc laws or regulations). then I.ender may do end <br /> — pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.I.ender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument. appearing in coun, paying <br /> reasonable attornoys' fee.c and entering on the Property to make repajn�. Although Lender moy taka oction under lhis paregraph <br />_ 7.[.ender doa not have to do so. <br /> f Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionul debt of Borrower securod by ihis <br /> Sacur�ty Inslrument. Unless Borrower and Lender s�gree to other terms of payment, thesc umaunts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of diabursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with intcrest, upon notice trom Len�ler to Borrower roquestlag <br /> payment. <br />_ 8.Mortgege Incurance.If L.encicr requi�ed mnrtgage insuronce as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security <br />- ���.;.'•s'� Instturneru. 8orrower shall pay the premiums required tn maintvn the mongage insumnce in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> --1 mottgage insurance coverage required by Lender lupses or ceases ta bc in effect, &►rcower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> - — obtain mverage substantially equivnlent to thc mortgage insuranre previously in effect,ut u cas�substarNially equivalent to the <br /> _ -_.�.._,�.,_�,� <br />_-_��<� rnst to Borrower of the mongage insuronce previously in effect, frnm an altcmute mongogc insurer Approved by L.ender. If <br /> — —"— subslan�fally equivulent mongage insuronce rnveruge is not uvailAble,Borrower xh�ll pay to l.endcr e:ich rnonth a sum equal to <br /> � �`��ci;;:z: one-twelfth of the yeudy mortguge insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the intiurance covenge lapxed or cea.�ecl to <br /> �'"' ;���'`�� be in effect. I.ender will accept.use and retsun these payment�as a loss reserve in lieu af mortgage insurs�nce. Loss reserve <br /> �„., <br />. , ,t . � ;• , Fam 30Z8 8/80 <br /> 4 .�-o��� Pp�3 0�B -- <br /> � <br /> ii": <br />_-}. d :-7`�:l'i�: ':�.4:'�: `J:4. . ��1. .'.'i;,�f�jVp,C.Yf.�.,y.!'• ' � m1flhM,q+.�,� . , ' ' - . <br /> . . .�+m .�.c.�•�..�-.r.. . . <br /> —__ — • (• <br /> -�...� `36. .�': . . . - ..��) . , � . . '�'� .�-J 1*Mi � .. y .. <br /> , � �.• . ... .� •r <br /> � � yµ� .-:.... ! • �..•.:_ __r __.,_ -� ._�_•_- s '• . , ,C1:��� •:�:. ��,L ;��. . <br /> 41.. � �y � . <br /> .� ...�• <br /> .. • . �, � <br /> ' �' ..��.: "._���r <br /> �.u. <br /> -— --_._— _.__. .__._.. _ <br /> - i. N nal.f 'M .1' ' <br /> ,o .,jr..._ __. __ '"____—"._�___—'_,__--___'"_._.._..."___ .___.—___ .�n"_.--_ '__ . :.`c.: ___ _..._ _ _.__-_- _____—._._— . _—_ <br /> . __�� _ � <br /> � <br /> _.. _' . � --...., ._ .. _' - . <br /> L� AL_Y, ,�,����. ' . • . � ' " J • �' .. " � i. 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