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._ -,�.�. . . .. . _ <br /> .. ; .. ,� <br /> _ _. -:�_ , . ,• A - __ <br /> �.—_� � . . . . ��� �. ,..�: <br /> — - , '�� _ <br /> � 11.'1YtrMir�t tW!�w.�1e�ilfeW I�M�wI N��rRrwrr.It d!at pKt ol dw h�oNrty or a�i��rt�k� ° <br /> � L wld ar Ir�Poe��ed(a it� i�M�M I�Earow�e�i�sold ar te�n�rr�d w��it�ot��wtM wN��t.. <br /> _ �p�lor wrilxa eessxa�, L,eedar erp►�t ia �, 1s�dtala.�■,�sMt lr rll d dl.� �. _. <br /> . ..___._�.------ - - , <br /> - i�s�wt.iioiierw�.tl�i�a�iai3t�aioe�w+i�y�.�.+:'�c�����+��� =M"`�'--=:�. <br /> -- � ct�ia�dumait. � � �� " <br /> it lmder ra�erc(re�tbi�apioa�L.adef t1�11�(ve Harrow�r aotica ot�ooelontloe.'1'lie antis�da�tlp�mide�petbd o�ao1 <br /> lat.dMn 30 ctqs Gom tbe cWe tbe nodce i�ddivered or an�llad withfa Mhkh Bonnv�+r aawt pq► W1 amr�wcutet bp Wt <br /> 9e�urky tmpuma�t.If Borrowa fdh w p�y Urae waw prla to ttda expindon ot tblt paiad.I.ader wy iavok�e rq'1'�� . <br /> p�od by thia Saari�tru�natait wid�oat 1Wrtba ootka ar dem�nd oa,�orm�r. <br /> 1�. 1lnrn►we�''s q �tt. If Bornowar meeu aaWa ooaditloas. Bocn�wer rhdl i�vo 1he ri�bt �o I�va <br /> eafdr�eaneot of thjs Seduity I�ant dlsoontinaed�t�ey ddie W the eulidt ot: (�)S Qqrs (at �otder prxiod ir <br /> applkybk (�w ra�Y:pocifY fa' �N) beforo sale of the P�r perty p� �+�►Y P�+�+ of:ale aonqdna! in t!b <br /> Sxutlty Irotnupa�t�or(b)�ttY ot�judqime�tea( t4i�Saority Inanunait.71io�e oonditiont an th�t e�tmwer:{�)p�c <br /> i�ender all e�uai w h i c h�h e a w a l d b e d u e w i d e r d�t��S e a u i t y L�ar u m a n�o d t b e i�a t e a s i f r w a o o e s l e n u i o n h a d o a c u n e d:@) <br /> wrcs�ny defaWt of aay Mher o�veoaats or�: (c)Pey�all wcpe�es Incunrod in enforcin� thi� Secudty Inwumeat. <br /> includiit�.but not Ihaited to. ta�soo�ble ettorn�s'feea:a a d(d)W c e a a c h a c t b n at L.c e d e r m�Y r e a w r i a l►�Y�n q u i ro t o t s e u ro <br /> th�t �he lien of this Security Imuumeot,le��der s dg6tc in the Propaty aad Borrower's abligstioa to p�y tho wms�ecunad by <br /> thia Socudty Insnumeat �{.oaMinuo•unchanged. Upon rei��st�taneiu bp Borrower. thi� Secudty Insuument aad the <br /> ubli�tioni iocured heroby shtiU seioain fully ett'ectiva as if na�ooela�Non had occumed. However.thls d�ht to mim�ale�lall <br /> not spply in tha case of aoor�ara{�on anda paragraph 17. <br /> -i!. Sde ot Notq C6tu�e ot�.pwa Sarvkar. The Nou or �pattial intcrest in the Note(to8ether�vith this Sec�uky <br /> LuuumaN)u�y be wld one or a�oro times�vithout prbr ndioe to Hormwu. A eAle may n�ult in a¢}�u�e in the enti►y(h'�own <br /> a tha"Lom Serviar")thAt oollects monthl9 PaYa�a due under the Note aad tdis Secudty Instiument.�I�aae tlso msy be aoe <br /> or more ch�te�of the Loa►Serviar uarolated W a sak of Ihe Note.If tl�erc is a cl�nge of the I.oan Servioa.Homnwer will be <br /> — given written nodce of tha du�e in soomdance with parAgnph 14 nbove ud apptic�ble law.Tde mtice will ctato the rwma�1 _ <br /> address of the new[.oan Scrvker and the rddress to which payrt�rnta should be made.The�wtia wlll rrlco aontain any atba <br /> infornwtlon required by appUcsble I�w. <br /> 20. Naa�rdous S�bsRwqoaa.Burrower shall not causo or permit the presence, use. disposrd, sWraye. or release of aay <br /> liazwdous S1�bstances on pr in the Property. Borrower elwll not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affeaiag 1he <br /> property that is in violation of any Emironmentel Law. The prenoding two sentenaes shall notapply to Ihe presence. uce.or <br /> stnrage on the Propc�ty of small quAntities of Ha�dous Subswnces that iue generally raognizod to be appropri�te to nornW <br /> resfdentiel uses and to tnaiqtenaaceof the Property. <br /> Borrowet shall promplly give L,ender written notice of any investigation.claim,demand.Iawsuil or wher action by+ any <br /> -- govemmental or reguletory agency or rivate pany involving the Pmperty end eny Haxardous Substa�xx or Environmental Law ° ' <br /> of which Borrower has actuel knowl�ge; If Horrower leams. or is notit7ed by eny governrt�entnl or reguletory authonry. that: � <br /> any rcmoval or otha remediation oiany Haxaniais Substance affxting the Property is ne�essary.Borrower slwll.PrompdY trk� .,, • : .� <br /> all necessary romedia� 'ictians ia aaourdance with Environma�tal Law. .. <br /> - As uscd�is thls g3ra8raph?4, "Hazar�ass Substances' are those!��h�tana�c ciefi�ed aq coxic or hezardous substanoea by , � <br />- - Environmental Law and the follawing substences: gasoUne, kerosene. other flammable or taslc petroleum products, toxic � <br /> ' pesticides and herbicides.volalUe solvents, materiols rnntoining asbestas or fortt�eldehyde.and radioacUve materiels.As used in <br /> this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federel laws end laws of the jurisdiction whcre tha Pro�eRy is located tlwt • <br /> relata to or environmrntal protectian. . <br /> i NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and[.ender further rnvenant and agree as followR: <br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedles.Lender shWl glve nottce to Borrower prlar to aoceleratlon tollowing Borrower's breach <br />•.;� ot Any covennnt ar Agreement fn thls Securlty Instrument (but not prlor to acceleratbn uader p�ragrapb 17 uale� <br /> applkable I�w provides otherwise). The notice shell speclfy: (A)the detoult;(b)the actioa reqWred to cure the default; <br /> (c) a date.not less ti�n 30 dnys trom the date the noUa Is glven to which the detault must be cured;�1 <br />- (� that tallure to cure the de�ault on or before the date speciiied in the notice may result In acceleratlon oi the swns <br />'-� securcd by this Security Instrument and sale ot tUe Propevty. The notice shell furlher intorm BamoN�er of t4e rl�ht lo <br /> reinstate aRer accelPratlon and Ihe �ight to bring a court nction to assert tha aon-exlstence o�A defoult or any otl�er <br /> defence of Bormwer to aoceleratbn and sa!e. If the dei�ult is not cured on or beiore the date speclfled in the notke, <br /> I.e»der. at its optbn,mpy requtre immedlate peyment In full of ull sums secured by this Securlty Instn�ment wlthoul <br /> further demand end may invake the power ot sale and any other remedi�permltted by applkable law. I.ender shall be <br /> entitled to rnllect all expen�es incurred in pursui�the remedkc provlded in thia pa�raph 21,includi�.but not limited <br /> -_ to, reasonable attome�s'tees�nd cosls of tiNe e��idence. . <br /> It Ihepo w•er of sale is invoked,Trustce shall recard a notice of defuult In each couaty in wMch eny p�rt of the <br /> 1"r� Prcrperty is I�ted And�huil mafl copies of such notke In the munner prescribed by opplicable IAw to Borrower and to <br /> �� • ?..* tqe other persons presc�ibed by applicuble Ipw.After IIM time requind by eppltc�ble law•.7'rostee chall give publlc notke <br /> ot sa�e to the persons and in the manner pr�c�ibed by applicable I�w�.Trustee.�vithout demand on Borrower,slwll sell <br /> � � the Property at public auction to thc hiahest bidder at the time and place and under the terms dccignated In the notice of <br /> �. ,"._r:.., sale in one or more pArcels und tn anv nrder Trustee determin�.7'rustee mey postpone sale of all nr�ny parcel oi Ihe <br /> - '- "�`' ' Pro b ublic annnuncement al the time and lace oP an reviousl �cheduled sale. I.ende� or its desl nee me <br /> ��f !�'�'�.. purch�ase the Property at eny sale. p Y P Y • B Y <br /> � ; <br /> .i«o,� ��:�;�,�r ' <br /> ,'r.. <br /> �t�.�;..ayc,,:::,�y �wm�02II 8l90 <br />. r4--;;.-�--�;- <br /> �7ur f 1?�/L�.Ytii. <br /> _ Pp�S ot 6 <br /> =cl��a-�_-ri�, •Y <br /> �..�'��- �•�t�_' <br /> u�-��� ��> -. <br /> �.jh����W __ <br /> ��•-^�a T 4 1•'�- _ —' _:--7-.,..-.^. _ P.a.: �lmr_.:._. <br /> � � v. 5�- . :��.� . .�• _•'"}'�':2.�.: •�:�.:r.. �.t.0 . . _ �.n+w'... ��•� <br /> _ ,`.,��r.�'T r . ,. � _ ,i, ., � '''���� , . . . : .,: . . . <br /> . ., <br /> .. <br /> • . . <br /> . � t . ,. _ ����� { ���;. <br /> �• � <br /> .,,� <br /> • . < . . . . • <br /> _ , . ,. ,�� � . <br /> �tcasetix:�l�r. - _ . . _ . - . .��i•�..:..:,rii' • _ _� r�' r..�wn._� - <br />- ,, - -���- -N. . .._ -:`-r.,na - - ---- -.-.— _..---- ---` -_ � - _- _-_ ------ � 'l� ,_ -�a��,�..t.,;�_ ,. �� -�w. v.� <br /> .. „� , . �_. 4 y��'� ' '��,;:Ta�c7t�X'�'�.'y . w n�. -?v.. <br />�.� �.�►(�"`Sti ' � _ hr -v , , �;,. •: . ,>.�ppt`�C�{�,;,.4.y:.s;:i.� _ v - , r: -,. . • <br /> ��.�,i�±i �-j .�u,y,. ��i7r o � <br /> �- yj}• j, �, <br /> i y�v,.,�,r�y;���,�'a: • 1;',�� �`tt� - q -.r <br /> — -i9i1:��a���•. �� � . � . 't',` . . . - . . . ' . <br /> . u_�.. .. . �f�.�:,5' <br /> svrtFt^::r.r.x.�.'�s'-5��� .r: - .� "��i, . . <br /> _, � - . _ . ` . . . . <br /> ���,.��J�y`�- . .. . - -' r�r� _ . ... ., ., , • <br /> � ���-�`� .�� ..� r � .. - .. �+ . � <br /> _ a�i.a'_'s�"" • " . ��.. . 1�:' ... . .. „ _ <br /> �___ 4Yd�.�Ci?3l.=J�S[_ - .sa�ir\r�i� .._. . . .- .r , .. .. . . �t`�f.. 'l _ . . <br />' �,�`` '�1 . . � . . � ,�.� •iA - . . ' ' .. ., ' ' , . ' <br /> �. •f`\^ � . . � - . ...1. ... " .. .. . -t.u^ .. <br /> �.�i I't+ 4' . ' . � �, •/'n�� .v�V'� ..��w , <br /> 1�1�. .. . . .r. ' .'�i - .. <br /> ).� <br /> :� ` � J . . ' ' - .�__.. . � . J ... .. ._.._.___.._..—.__ ___—_ . . _ ..__ . .. . _ .�.—.._—_"_ ._ .__ <br /> v. �. ,y •_ <br />