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____.,__,_r___ ___ __..__.� �.� . _ _____ <br /> . . . .:....�,:�:�°-_ <br /> . , - �t.;., .— - _ <br /> � 93• ��. . .,. _,.����� <br /> :;a.,���u���►€����,�.�,..�..�.�.�a�� , ,- . _ �s�_�=_�-= �= <br /> �w p.+a.o� . .. _ .- <br /> M d�e wa�d� wial qkia� d�M Plropwly��tMp �116e applNd to 1ho w�as rorrM y► i1i�io�tla . �.' <br /> �whether or aat diea dre.�ith�r�aar pld w��Dara�. In tlie sMaN o!'�pMttwl Mici�.d'i� N <br /> a <br /> whiel�dia hir mwrku valne d tbe P�opaty imanedi+aety bofae d�e Wcin�b 4qw1 ea ot�e�dra dM wewit d tMiqs <br /> . ww�ed b�t d�{S Sacuriql I�wneet lamnediMell beforo the u�lciq.unle�Ba��vrrer�nd trad�r ad��rf�s�i,w�Yii�„ .., <br /> �be wor�eeured b�►tkb SearitY 6���at�bdl be �etl�oed b�►die aaiowat ot tYe proce��ewhiplW b!�IM 1�NI�iy . . <br /> haeilaa: (a)t!�tott!tmom�af tbe s�mm etettrod in+medi�ely 6etaro tl�e utLq�.QivS�dirl by(b)�hi f�awMo�t vwo d siM <br /> p�opetr �e�Aely b�foee tho ul�. M+y ed..oe�all ba p�w w&rraw�ar. m die.wnt ot.p.rtw erkrlly d tIM� .� - . � <br /> �io�rhicb�6o E�ir ie�ukd vaWe at the Prbpaty imeaodLblY befae d�e al�is leu d�n tIM�mo�et d`1t�e� � � <br /> inamodl�ely b�fae�he p�t. mdess Banowrcr�ad t�trder�lhawt�e�pee iq writin�ar ualw�ili4tible!w"M , ' • <br /> qb,erwl�e p�nv�des,tbe prooeed:�nt16e appUed b tI1D 1na��OCUred by tbis Seeutity I�tlqmeat wMher�or�OR 1�0 fl�t an . . <br /> � U�t6e Propertv is�b�odoned by Barruwer�a U�atter uotioe by I�enda w 8a�mwe:�h�/tl�e oondemnor afl�rs b�a �� <br /> an aw�M ar r�tde a claim fa d�am�a.BaROwa iails w respond to l.a�det w�►30�yt afla the da�e the nwioe 4 jivm. �� <br /> La�der i�wthorixed w aoUoct aad appty tbe ia opdon.eitha to�oqotitjoo ar tep�it of d�e l�opa�y a Ki die <br /> wms recurod by tdis SeouriRy Ia�t.whpLer ct nat tEKa due. <br /> veiat Lender aad Barowa aherwiso apea ia writio�,aey applk�of pro�xeda to principd�11 no�exwd ar <br /> po�tpooe d�e due d�e ot d�e a�oathlY PY�t refened w io p�ag�s!no12 or chir{�e the atwunt of wcb pRymaMt. <br /> 11. Banwer Nol R�kase�i For6aurs�e dy l.e�ier Not • WaWer. Bx�uion of the ti�pe fa paymdit a <br /> modificadon of amoRizadan of the wa�s�ecmod by tAis Soc»rity iniaumau g�ed Dy I.eaAer to my�ar fa i�Me�t <br /> of Botrowa chail not aperate to teiease the liabitity of the original Barro�vu ar Sucrower0 aw�.vessor�in irt�est.La�der <br /> �hall na be�eq co oomd�enoe pmcxodings ag�ins�ao�r auoo�or In intercst ar nf�e w exta�►i fune for paymenr ar <br /> odr�wiso anodifY�amort�iaa of d�e sums secwed by this Socuriry Instrwnau by reison ef auy denand nnde by the ori�l . <br /> B«�a a eo��«���mo��. �y r«�by L.enda in exenclaiqg my riQh a raiatdy sh�ll nat be a <br /> wdver of or proclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Suooesso�es aN A�igw Boaadi Joi�t aad Several LiablWyi�-� 71ae oovuwit�and agroanaits of this <br /> Security Ins�vmau shaU bind and benefit the succea�as�nd a4signs of Lender�nd Bonower.wbJoct w the provuiaas of <br /> p�ph l7. Borrowenc�overwus and�gram�enu slull be joint wd severd. Any Baruwer who co-slgns tl�a Saa�rity <br /> Insuument but does not execute the Note: l�)is co-sign(ng this 5ecurity Ingarument only to mortgage.Srant ud convey th�t <br /> Barower s i�uemst in the Property under tbe terms of thia Sxurity inswment; (b)is not persaally obliguod ro pay Wo wms <br /> aecuiod by this Security Inswrt�en�and(c)a8►as that Lender and any od�Borrower�rwy�ee w exta�d,madlfY.fabear <br /> a make any aeconunod�tiom with re�ard w the termc of this Security Insdurt�au or the Nae wid�out dut Bormwer� <br /> ccnsq�t. <br /> 13. CY�e�n� If the loan securcd by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loaa <br /> charges.and dwt law�s finally interpreted so tMot the inoercsc ar othe�toan charges collected or w be ooikctod in connection <br /> with the loan exceed the pe�mitted limits.thea: (a)eny such loan charge sha!1 be reduood by the arnaunt necessery w reducx <br /> the charge w the permiaeA limit;and(b)any sums alneady co�lected i'ram Borrower wluch exceeded permitted limits wiU be <br /> �efunded to Bornower. Lender may chaose to make lhis refund by reducing the principul owed w�der the Note or by m�king a <br /> dircct payment to Bomower. If a rcfund rcduces principal,the nduction will be ves�teG as a pa�tial p�epayment wlthout any <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Nodces. My notice to Borrower provided for in�his Security Inawment ahall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by t"ust cless mail unless epplicable law r+equias use of another method.The natice shall be dirccted to the P�upe�ty <br /> Address or any other address Burrower designates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be given by flrst class <br /> mail to Lenderk address stated herein or any aher address Lender designntes by notice to Barrower. My noUce provided for <br /> in thia Security Inst�ument ahall be deemed to have been given ta Barrower or Lendcr when given as provided In this <br /> P�B�Ph• <br /> 1S. Coverofng Law; Severability. Thia Security lostrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of thc <br /> ju�isdiction in which the Property ia lceated. In the event that uny provisioa or cluuse of this Securi�y Insuvment or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such contlic�shall not uffect other provisions of�his Security Instn�ment or the Note which can <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provi4ion. 'R> thia en�i the provisMna�f�hic Security Inslrument and the Note are <br /> declarcd to be sever�ble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Horrower shall bc given cne conformrd copy of�he Note and uf this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 'llrptisfer of the Properly or a&neflcial Interest in Borrower. If all or vny part of the Property or any interes[in <br /> lt is sold or transferred(or If a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or uanwferred und Borcower is not o natural person) <br /> without l.ender's prior wdtten consenl,Lender ms�y,ut its+op�ion,reyuire immediate puyment in full of nll sums securcd by <br /> this Security Inetrument. However,this option shall na be exerei�ced by Lender if exerc ise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the date of this Security lnatrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option.Lender shull give Botrowe�notice of arceler.�tion. The notice shall provide u period of <br /> not less than 30 days from the dute the notice is delivered or muiled wiUiin which Burrowcr must pay:dl sums secu�ed by this <br /> Security Instrument. If Burrower fvilx to puy Ihe�e sums prior to the expirution af thi. period, Lender muy invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further nutice or dems�nd cxi Bortower. <br /> 1& Borrower's Ri�ht tu Reinstate. If Born►wer mretx crnuin cM�dilions, Bortower,hall huve the right to have <br /> • enforeement of thf�Secur�ty Instmment discuntinucd ul any time prior�o�he eurlicr oL• (u)5 days(or tiuch other period us <br /> 5ingle Family•-Fannle MuelFrcddk Mac UNIFQRSI I��TRUMF.NT••Unifam Covennts 9l9i Ipage 4 nj6paRrsi <br /> Y <br /> -�. .._.. . --. , .n��ileFqlt?�I.�Ah"5��,rn.�;-;;:.'.;.s . . . 2... , nl�;',: °',�:• -.--.��r�_�-.:�.o-r,5.:.`�`�"�„K.}-. <br /> � � �i .��� •�� . i1tit..�J�.♦ _ ' .. ��' `;ii:,�;.'. i i,�.��.:� _.a.:;;..>.. _ <br /> . . , „ <br /> �. <br /> .,. � �. ... . .:: y,• .. .....� . „ <br /> --�_ �w... , -. . ,, , � . . . , !1�.s.r5.r,' u.t,r, r <br /> , <br /> ��._�:..:.,.).� _ ___�.'— LL________._ ___ _ � _.___,['�_r'' : _�1t. ,_�.,_"_s:.�i=Syld� ._t..,1•c7�a_: .`$}aS�:tSAEIL'lM.t:s. <br /> i <br /> . i <br /> . _.. -_------r--- — -ti`-. . -r----- — --------------- -� � - ��:.#-.-��r -�--�------ ----- -�-- -- . .. . <br /> y .. . ---- r . . � ., " ' �^'4t. •. _ . . . , <br /> � � -_ ..t��` ' . � . � � . �.'i'\l� � _. 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