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---- _ ,_�, <br /> �,i� ,1 ,. ,., , . ... ,`_"�t ,. awr t _.- - <br /> �,�,,.. � <br /> _ __ ��..... �� ��q0� �� 1M�.��Of�O�1YK�{b�M����Of�w�war�l.�011�l�f.°-..�... - .--- <br /> � �.iMl�/f OQfj�.C�11 Ip pf�OM�'�IAM��fti f��I Ia0 MI�OOOI�M�w�l��1�. �a•A ' <br /> ��1ilYNQr��CjM�Ir01iM�/��60�oo�pt�e b�����af�d AIOff�p O�R- �.��If <br /> �Jl h�we the�lr a 6n{d tho polide�and rooewda. V t,a�der roquiro+,Banov►�ar�6d!peaup�q�µv�e a t.aKler d1 eec� � <br /> ' o!P�id p�niwe�r�d�a�e�l aotk�, tn tM swnc d lor.ia�uwR�li�iw p�t aa{o�lo t6�i�wtra oani�r�wd � <br /> La�der.l.a�der m�y m�be proof d lat 1t Mot m�de p�amplly bY!larou'�r• ' <br /> Ualea iAntler a�d flonm�othawi�e qroe ia wrieay.iawnaoa ro1MU be appiied w roitoratba or ieprir�r►f <br /> thep�p�ty ddnqed�if tbe re�aotMion�r rep�ir is woaoa�kaUy ie�Iraaderti bcwity b aa k�ned. .1t Ibe <br /> rostora�ian-a�epit i�nd eooaamically te�sible ar lrec�de�y�ecutity arautd be kuoned.d�e iaaumoe Aooeed��J,1 bp <br /> �ppliod ro the aan��eait+ed by tbi�Security l�nt.w6e�har ar nw tt►eo due,wit� aqy exoe�a p�W to 8annver. If, <br /> Aotrowar ab�ndaa tAe does�wt amw�er whhia 30 dqra�notioe haai l�eod�RhM the i�nce c�rier has , <br /> oftaed a a�tlb a cWm�thea L.axbrmay colbct 1bo b�uraoce p�000ed�. I.enda may use dw ptoeee�s to or aa�aa <br /> the Propaty ar w p�y�wns�ecwod b�r d�Socuiity In�tn�neat.wMqher a nat d�ea due. The 30�d�y pa�iod U be�ia w�6en <br /> ti�e riotfoe b�Iven�. <br /> uakts l��da.ea earow«ahe�wlae�roe in wiitin�,�ny ia�of poceeds w p�incipl shau na e�coeo�q <br /> postpono dre due d�ta d t6e moethly p�ymau�iekned ta�Oa pu�y�and 2 ar change U�e�maw�t of the p�ymeab, ff <br /> wxkr p�r�ph 21 the i�wyuired by I.ender.Bonaw�er�d�lu w any iruuranoe palkbs and p�naoods �aaltiq� <br /> 6oaa d�m�go w the Pmpaty��o tho aoquLition�11 p�n ta l.�mla to the extent of the swps iecurod by this Security <br /> loanuamt inimedi�ely oo tho don. <br /> i. Ooo�e� tioa. atl Pruf�clb� o�tbe Propert�► �orr+nw�ery Lo� APP�; <br /> I.eaebalds. Rarow�er sq�ll� u�e�be Pmnpaty as Bomnwe��ptiocipal residmce ar�thin sluY days�ter . <br /> the executioo of tbi�Se�uity I�sdument and ahall cauiaue to acapy the Ptoperty as eonnYrah principel roaldataa Bor�t <br /> least one yeu � th d+qe of occuptncy. unless I.eMer atl�ervvise a�roa ia wrltin�, w6ich coarasht ei�11 wot �re <br /> unrcapon�bly witi� unkas eatenwuing cineumstmoes ex�st which�ue beyand BorrowalR emtrol. Bon+q�wer!s�aal <br /> desboy.d�m�gc ot imPtir tbe PropatY.allow tho PropeAy to oommit waate an tbo Prope�ty. BptqNrr sbAll <br /> be in defiult if any fafeidue wctian ar prooeedtng�wl�ettier civil a be�un thac ia l.ender�good t�ph judgma�t <br /> — oould rwult in farfeitune of the P�opc�ty or otherwlse matcridiy imp�ir the Uen cnated by thk Securlty�mtrumwt a <br /> l.a�derti secwity in�erest. Bonower may cure such a dofwlt and neinstate,as provided in par�a�ph 18.bp causing tbe action <br /> or prooeeding to be dismis�ed with�ruling l�en�lals good f�ith determin�tion.P�'xludea forfeiture of d�e Barowerh <br /> intercst in the P'raperty or aher muerld impeLment of the lien c�eatod by this Socutity lasttument or I.rnder� sscuriry <br /> intercst. Rortawer shidl nlsa be io defiult if Horrowe�. during the Iwn �pplic�tion proxss, gave materially falae or <br /> inaccur�te infarnwion or satements to Lender(ar fdled to provide Lender wlth�ny mataial infamatio�)in oormecttan arlth <br /> the Iwn evidrneed by d�e Noce. including. but not limlted co. ations ca�oaaing Bamow�aL occupmcy of the <br /> Aa�rty as a pr�sxipa!sesi�esxe. !f tkis Stnssity lruxrumens ia as�a !salcl.Sa�s+o��sr sl:al!�sngly wish a!!s2�psovl� <br /> _ of the Iease. U Borrower acquires fee oitk to the Pmpecty,tl�leaselald�nd the fee titlo shall not mergo unkss l.ender�ees <br />-;, w the merger in wri�ing. <br /> �: 7. P�rokcttoa d Leader's Ri�s i� tAe R+�ert� Li Bwrower fails to perform the covaianis and agreemants <br />� --- , comnined in �his Security Insmunenk,ur d�enr �s a iegai aoc�die8 that may significantty affect Lender�s righta iri die <br /> Pk+opecty(such as a proceading in Da�o➢m�tcy.probar�r,for coucf emnatian or forfaiture or w enforoe laws or rogulAdons).tikn <br />_ t��r.. Lender mr�{yy do and pay for whatever is na;essary to p�otr,.*c�d�e value of the PropMy sind t.enrkr�rights in the Propetty. <br />_ '�:• ' Lender§a�ctions may Include paying any sums secured by x lien which has prioriry over thls Securiry Inswmen�appearIng <br /> in court,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering an the Property to make repairs.Al�hough Lender mey talce action <br /> under this para�;r,�pt 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> ;� Any amauncs disb�sed by Lender under this paragmph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securcd by this <br /> �. ;:;;I, Security Instniment. <<�less Borrower and Lender ugree to other terms of payment,these ariwunts shall bear intercst fram the <br /> _—:;�'�' date of disbursemeac at the Notc rate w�d shall be payable. with interest,upon notice from l.ender to B�xmwcr Rquesting - <br /> �.�ys•:r•..�,:k�• PaYmenG <br /> _ `''f;��' 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortguge insumnce us a conditio�of making the loan secured by this <br /> _ ;�,;.L:� Security Instnunent, Barrower shall pay �he premiums reyuired to malnuun the mongage insurance in cffect. If. for any <br />- :�;a�'� rcason. the mortgage insurnnce coverage requurd by Lxr�der lapses or ccases to be in effect, Borrovrer sA�ll pay the - <br /> - "'��ti� prcmiums r+equired to obtaln coverage substantially eqaivs�lent to the mortgage insurnnce previou4ly in effect, at a cost <br /> ,�_; ?,-• ' substantially equivalent to the cbst to Borrower of�he mortgage insurnnce previously in eftect,from on altemate mortgage <br />_ i,�,�,; <br /> � '--�'c:'»};� ;�� insu�er up�noved by Lender. If substAntially equivulent mortgage insurance coverage is�at�v�ilable,Borrower shall pay to <br /> ,;,��x�'1';��=' <br />,`;: y��l.� Lcnder each month o sum equal to one•twelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower whe�the <br />-�,. � , insurwtce coverage lapced or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use nnd retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> ;;:��� '�.'.�; of mortguge insnrance. Lass reserve pnyments may no longer be required,ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> �' �f�='� ��K".`'.'� coverage(in the Amoum and for the period that Lender rcquires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender ogain becomes <br />