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�-r"iS.i.a'�Tii� � T T �:�ZS��::3;i'F`TiFti���.:;�ro.r-��sy■,Ft+w-:.�.-;rr�: z ,� ._,,.�, .„ . <br /> • "`!':r}.£!+or�----- � <br /> ; . •• � .. , . . , � • , ' ., .' . <br /> � � � <br /> —_' . . , <br /> . . ' " ' _ —__ _ _ ._ <br /> '_ '_. <br /> _. __.. • �ny.rqr.p��-nr�i.i::in�j�bol'ae,wie i;t�- �nvpo�ir awwuwd iu�r pvw.r is'::ta °"�'�'s-.--.- -- <br /> - -- -- _- �1�MnmN�n�or(��t�r d• oefa�cby Ihis�a�rk�b�men� 'ILoM oodtfa� IM�t innn�Y'�r: t� <br /> i ' Mpr� I.aider NI wa�w�ih�hw�dnA unda�r d�t �ec�ity Iu�honnent aM Nob ��eb �c+aat�tlaM h�d �� . <br /> • aocirre�N)naa ia�r d�fi�aM af'�ay aMer�o�veiaaN�ar�pee M�n�eee;Cc)pYi��P����t��!' <br /> • �e a a�ra� 1��it dis IMe d �umak.La�dKl�tti¢a iA�da Fiq�xiy Barnwett oWi�pt�oa b� <br /> am� wxwed bY �h4 Sac+rity bruumieat slwp caatlnue undw�od. Upa► mtnaaeanerrt bY Barowu� dd� 9acor�ty . <br /> Lpwa�lt�d die oWi�O+nr�ec�ua�Irerely auU�fntty opfecdve a lf ba�acdatiaa Ird acaimod. Hawe.ror�tLir <br /> ri�bt talditatllo drlp oot�ppiy ia d�e aae ef smelet�tlat wrder p�r�fh!7. <br /> �� }.8�N�/N�i.1�e d Iwr 9�rtfoa:'The Nole os a prtid i�Mereat in tho NaOe(�wflh tldr Secudty <br /> . 1�)t�b�wb a�e ar mor�a tima witbout prior notioo w Bara�a: A:ate ea�y resnit a c h�n�e i a�h e a�t l t y. <br /> - (�nawia�s die'7roin Seivioa")dp�t oolbcp u�omhlY P�Y��due�mder tho Nab aad thia Secnr3ty Imtrument. 71�e alw <br /> may tio one or ma+e cb�ajea of die l.o�a Savker wu�latad w��W of d�e Alute. If drcae is a chaige of the L�n Sc�vloer. <br /> Borrower wW bo given writim nolioe af the clwlge in�oco�d�noe with p�u�niph 14�bove�a�d applic�bb yw. '11w nolioo <br /> Mill uqe tbe mm�e md addr�s ot tde new I.oan Serviar aad tbo�ddrrs�to which p�ymeAU choWd 6a m�de.Tbe notice will <br /> atso oaaain�a,y atber infam�tion�equtted by�pplic�bb I�w. <br /> • � Huudoo 8�6Na�oes. Bamwer stuU not cause ar pennit�6e presenca.use.diiPasal.uo�Be.or nWeue of wy <br /> Hazudou.s�an ar in t6e Yrope�ty. BaROwer shall not do,nor�llow myaie elso w do. �oyd►ing wtfxting the <br /> Pr»petty tMt Is in violstian ot any 6avhotunenW 4w. The p�axding two sentences sLa11 not�pply to tbe p�sence.u�c.or <br /> uow,;eon tliee Ptoperty of amill qwotides oi Hua�dous Substanva tiWt are ge�te�ally rocojnized W be�ppropri�te w nom�l <br /> - _: raidaMld usa aad to mainten�o�ot�de Property. _ <br /> � Bamawer ahaU p�am{M1Y give�.enda writoa�nottce of�y it►vesdgadop,cleim.dem�ad.lawsuit a other action by�ny <br /> governa4ermil or t+egul�tory aga�cy or privuo pury imolving the Propaty And any H�rstdous Substsu�ae or F.nvfronmenW <br /> Law of which Bm�oanx has sctwl hwwledge. If[3arower lCams� cx is natiRed by any gova�mennl or�eSuluo*Y <br /> �WMriry. thu aay romov�l a ott�,r�emedinion of�ny Hu.ardous Su6stance at�bcting the Pruparty is neoa:ary,Barowa <br /> �P�PU9 qke aU neoess�ry canedid actions ln accordanca wlth Fnvironrmental Iaw. <br /> As usad In this par+�graph 20."Hv,srdous Subst�ncac"a�dwse substances defined as toxia a hazudou:aubstarKxs by <br /> Brninaim�enW law and th� following subatances: gAwlLie.rerosene.other flammable or Wxic petroleum prndi�cts.toxic <br /> patici�ks �nd herbkides,volatile solvents,muerials cantaining asbatos or fomialdehyde.and Mio�ctive mataials. As <br /> used in ihis paragra�ph 20."F�vi�onnrcnwl I.+iw"means federal l�ws and law�oi the jurisdktion where the Property 1� lorated <br /> � �hat relqe w or envjronmenwl protxNon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Bortowet and l.ender Porther covenAnt and agroe as follows: <br /> 21. Actderadoa; Remedia. Leuda�shaU give notice to BanoWer priar to accekratioa tdbvvl� Borro�ver'a <br /> brarcb ot a�y oovawt or ap�eemeat ia lhb 3ecnrlty Inshomeat(but aa prbr to accekration uader para�rapM 17 <br /> uniess p�wbie i�w prnrWa.Aba�w�ri• Tae�e�BaN s�ecit�• ial t�ie�iei�uit:ib)iije�rc:W�!ia c�!!sc <br /> .= ddanl�(c)�date,dat las than 3A days fhoai tbe dnte We aotke fe given lo whieh We detault muet be . <br /> -� rnr+ed;aad ld)tbst t�tlure to curo t6e defiult on or before tUe date specified tu tbe notke mny rcswt io scc�d�adoo of <br />_--- the aiumv secured by this Securlty I�Iromenl and sate oP the Property. The notice sbWl furl6er id'urd Bnra�er of <br /> _ � lhe rigW to reinstate aRer acceleratbn aad the rlght to briag a cuurt�ssert 14e non���e of a dc�s�lt ar <br /> '° — any Mqer defense ot Borrower to a��celerntbn and sale. 1�Ihe defaWt is aot cured on or betae tl�e date=s�eci�li�a <br /> ; I the notke,Lender at it�aption may rcquire immediate payment in Ilill oi ull sums secnred by t�isi SMnuiiy l�strup�ent <br /> �` without furlher demand and may invoke the power of sale and nny o9qer remedies permiKed'bg�applNcaOs�e Inw <br /> � I I.ender sh�ll be endtkd to callect all expenses incurred in pnrsuing the remedies provlded in this parngr�+pb�l. <br />��:'.• IncludMg,but eot Iimlted to.reasonable attorneys'Pees and cests of litle evidence. <br /> If Ihe power of sale is invaked,7lrustee shall record a�tice of detault in each county in which any p�rY�i'the _ <br /> Prope►ly is Iocated and shs�ll maN rnpies of such notice In the manner prescribed by applkable IAw to Borrower s�i to <br />_ the ot6er persons presc�lbed by appl(cnble law ARer the dme required by npplkabk luw,7Fustee sholl glve public <br />- nodce of sak to the persons and io the manner prescribed by applk�ble taw. 7lrustee,�vithort demond on Borrower, <br /> shsll sdl the Propertv At public puction to the htghest bidder�t the time and place and under Ihe term4 deslgns�led io <br /> ,., We aotke of sale in one or more parcels and in any order'[l�ustee determines. 7lruslee may pastpone sole of�II or any <br />- ps�rce!of i6r Pru�rty by p�u�:�r�iuuu+ke�nent at the tlrosr aad pface u!sA,prrviaush Fcheduled ssde. L.eodes or its <br />