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`��Pr,°:j�'t�• 6 � � . . � ' . . . �•.�� . ..- .. .. , xn.: ,�,a•., .'q �t+3i1'r4�..."_.....N`���- �. . ..... <br /> . - .� � .. .. , .. _ . ,. . , .''ti: . . . � � '',�� r �.��.a�:_ �" �.� <br /> :.tla <br /> .. .. t'.�...^J. ,t I� � . '1� -- <br /> - - .s�_F- . .. . a--,-w_....R.«..s...�.w�..r�r.. � .. <br />._. ' _' -��' Y�!�r"iS`i�i i��.�tiii��I �r.i� __-_. <br /> - r-.. � ..�, <br />.__��_� �...�r�__. ' �-..��.-.F.������.._�_���_� T— J . __ �__ ___ _� ___ .. . . <br />=' ' ��NK��*�����. ��M�3����q�0��� . <br /> OiM� �1M�Af ti�r'Ibr�ir Ir�lY1*d i�l t�eiy Iwat�n[a dM"�lrap�y." • , �� ._ <br /> `�IdRRrOMVBR C'0�'V�t�1M'!�tl�t 8aat�h 4w(Wly'�Yed ot t�ie awe lw�6y oonw�►�d MO M�Ir r 1�M��p� . <br /> �1 p�nwy da �d IMt ee IhopMtty i�unenoun�liered.btap!ar�ul'rooad. Ikwl�,�wn�ls ad <br /> wiq delYA��1�b�IS�ie�aty�Mut vl dds�ad�i�.�1�a�U►�aownbnMio�dere�u�d,. <br /> 'I'1�.�SBL�JRTt1! W�'RUII�BN'i'�no�anAY� mafa�n�co�aeuw Got'a�ljotii�a1t 1p1A 11on�qlt�nll oONlh�ls wk11 . <br /> li�i�rd viiriMtoM b�►jrri+�taio�a oa�til�a�adto�at�eota�iry iostrra�t ao�wrLr��e�l�ropaty . <br /> [7MPORM OD�VBNAN'!'S.•Barowar�nd l.aMirr ooremert�od apee sr ldlo�n: �. <br /> ly4�r�t�t hl�clrl�Iwd 1MarMt�!�+��� Harrower�hdl pion�ptiyp�y wlwn drs ie <br /> �1• of�nd i�Nee�a�I�e.de6t cvWmioed by tho Nae aad�ay pepi4Ymmt aud�s�due w�d�t Ibe NaM. • <br /> FrMh Ila�'�b�o a�laa��a. Subjeat m�pp1k�able I�w or to a wrlt�t waiver by L.a�der.llarow�et�lall piy b . <br /> I.eode�aa tbe d�Y��Y P�Y�ne due w�det the�Nn1e.wuil the Nota is p�id In iWl.�eam t"�'�taa'tU Y�Y <br /> t�a�d a�anatu whicb m*y atain prlo�ity ovcr thi�Searity Iaamu�ent ae�Ua�aa t6e Prorert�,(b)y�early tt+�d�dd <br /> �a�raiap�ar g�ound�oau on tbe Prapaty. if�ny; (c)Yeul!►lui*,�nd ar p�o�etty ln�tar�noe prondunu:(d) y flo�d <br /> ms�u�aoe pioamiwns.if any: (01 Y�Y���P���►if aay:and(n+�ny wn�s PRY+�bb by onower q <br /> I.andrx.ia a000�d�nca witd the provWau of pusgraph lieu of tdep�yment ot malg�c inwrmce p�emiwos. 71e�e <br /> itam arc called"Bsaow Iteaa.' l.ender may�at�ny dme.collect and hoW FLnds ia aa�maunt n�N to excoal tUe mau�iwis <br /> �mow�t�laKler far�fedaaUY tehded mprt�e loaa auiy reqpire tor Barowerl�es�aow �ocw�N under Ihe f�denl fEe� <br /> Bq�ta Satipndrt pnocedutes Aq of 1974 u amonded from time to ti� 12 U.S.C.�2601 et xq.("RESPA"l.uoksa�d6er <br /> l�w dw.pplies ro a�c wMs seu�leaer.maur►t, u so�l.ender�ny time.couect ma now t'�nds in m,aqo�ax�t na e� <br /> eaceal dre lasa�amo�o�t. Lzadcr may atinuue tho �mount af Eimds due on �he�cis of cwrent dia a�d ne�o�ble <br /> . aNm�a of oxpa�d�wra ot'�uturo�ccrow Items or atbeN►►Ice in�witb r.ppl�csble l�w. <br /> , 'I'fia Ru�ds�1!bc hcW i�u►ia�tiadon whose depasits uie insured by a fede�al��a�cy. in�auraa�alih.a eatity <br /> :;•.': (including l.a�der.if La�der is anch m inulwtian)or in aay Rak�nl Home Lo�m H�ak. Lenda shali appC�r�he fiand��o psY <br /> � the Fscmw ltem4. La�der may aot cha�e Barowa fac laldiag and applying tbe F+p�ds.uatwiUy an�lyzi��6e esciov�+ <br /> a000tmt�or verif�ng the Bccrnw IWaa.unks:l.ender pays Aarmwer intcrost on the Runds and app�Qic�We Isw peiwits <br /> I.a�der to m�a sacb�cbage. Hawever.Lender may uina Bornower to pa�y a one-dme chargc far ao fodependeat�qd . , <br /> es�ate tu repo�iing servioa ur�ed by La�der in caubctbn�lll tI1�8�0�11.WIICSB A�IIqI1IE INW PIOV�CS OII1�Rl. U�IE.44�il <br /> •gi!ecn�a�t is m�de or applicable law roquLes intet�est to be�wid,t�ender shwll�at be roquired to p�y Barnwer any inlaYSt or <br /> eu�ing�oa�he Alt�da. Borrowor Ard l.ender may agroe in writlag.however.Uut Inteiest shaU be p�id on the Flp►ds.�der <br /> rhaU give to iiomuwer.wldwut clw� a�uwal�nting of the Pbnds.showing credite�nd debita to�he Ponds�nd�he <br /> ' • pi��ose for which e�ch debit to the Ru�da w�it�de. 7Le fi�nd�a�e pledgod�additiaul sxurity for all wms caciued by <br /> • ' this Socuriry Instruroep� <br /> � • if tlie FiuWc held by i.cader eaooed the amounte.pemdtted w be hcld by applipble low.L.cnder sl�p A000uat w <br /> Bamwer for the exc.eas Punds ia accm+dance with the reqauements of AppUcable law. If the amount of the Fiwds t�9�by <br /> La�der at aay Hme i�nat rufticknt W pay the Escrow Ueme when due.Lender rrwy so notify Bomower in wridr�g.u�+J,in <br /> ., such caio Borrower ihell pay to C.ender 1he amount nocessary to make up the deficiency. Ba�uwcr sMll m�ke up the <br /> • . deficiency in no mone than twelve monthly L.ender�sole discretion. <br /> , • Upon paymet�t in fuU of all sums secund by thia Securiry Inswment,Lender sh�ll pmmptly�efund w Barrowet any <br /> PUndc held by Lender. If,under parograph 21.Lender ehall acquirc or sell the Proper[y.Lender.prior to die aoquisition or <br /> eWc of the Piope�ty,shall apply any FLnd� held by I.e�der at the time of acquisition a sale as a credit�gainst tbe sums <br /> �ecurod by this Securiry Instrumcnt. <br /> 3. Apptic�tloa ot PMyments. Unless applicable law provides olherwise.all payments necxived by Lender uoder <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 slwll be applicd:first,w anY pr�epayment cherges due under the Note:second.w amounts payabk under <br /> paragreph 2; intereat due; princlpal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. ChsrQa; Liena. Borrov►er shell pay all texes, assessments. charges. fines md imposltions attributable tu thc <br /> Propeny which may attain prioriry over thia Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground�ents,if any. Boirower <br /> shall pny thesc obligadons in the manner provided in pnregraph 2,or if not paid in thet menner.Borrower ahall pay them on <br /> time diroctly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly f�nish to Lender ull notices of umounts to be paid under <br /> tlus paragraph.. If Bomower makes tbese payments direcdY,tianower sY�all promptly fumish to I..ender seceipts evidencing <br /> . ��Y�� <br /> 8cmower ahall promply discharge smy lien which has�prinrinr over this Security Instrument unkss Bortower:(�)a�rees <br /> . in.wrising to the payment of th�obligation secuted by the Uaen in a manner ucceptable to I.ender.{b)contests in goal i'atth the <br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,lega0 proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lirn;or(c)secures from the holdar of 1he lien an agreement sntisfaclory to L.ender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security Inswmen� If Lender dekr+nnines that any part of the Property is subjec�to a lien which may attain priority <br /> qver lhis Security Inswment.Lender may give Borrower a natice identifying the lien. Borrower sh�ll setisiy the lien or take <br /> oae ar mo�e of the acliuns set fonh above within 10 days aff tQie giving of notice. <br /> 6. Ha�rd or Property Iasurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> ' Prope�ty insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended covernge"w�d any other 6azards,including <br /> floods or floodipg. for which Lrnder�rquirea insurance. 71�is insuma�ce shall be mainteined i�the amounts and for the <br /> , �m 3028 !/90 /poRe 2 of6 pogtsl <br />- --- �iXi id'��irv,-, . .'.1 .E ,�•r:....�'T��' . .. . . ..._ .,.., � . �.,'I. <br /> - �'ht���j�';`JK .�° . .. . rr,� � � '�'S�t�`'� �Y , :t.d.ras++ � • ��f.�.7ru.. .. ., -.�.. :.:. �•..,-� .�l a ` - <br /> ---YUU��r . . . . , - . .I . • i. <br /> _----}-- L -c.�eaa.r.a�.�.�r� Li�H4 x a�� �.. . x,^�1�.���f�Lk��'.tilti`te� ' •,ti,•r_,�►..:.• v,',.i s`.. ��;�r.;. <br /> - — ?x 1}C',.P�.�G:..��.t,�y�t'r1na�Lki,:i.';1s�SL4'.���liiii.Y"ri� � �.y-�'��CcYv: <br /> .._.__. _-. <br /> �� ..r. ---a, - ------ ._•� �°--'-------- ---- -� � ----Y� ��-� `.'-T.g_-- - - ------ -- - <br /> '_ —l]-.�t-f�T-� s .�,., � , . 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' . � . - , . <br /> _ 'G,Tai•r�yi - � F �: -� - h 0 1! I ��+ '. . ,.. i• *' i.V w'( <br /> .. �, t_Fn.iL__ artilf_. 1. a�. 'yt1�ilQq.:�� ..J- ��NR�Yv��i�, ' .:4�ii��i.'i„ � . <br /> --�''�'� `'-�.i.'�.�i�9r'ri �►r$.v.��.x �,:�r y �t'�-Lti;�'.'�.s� .'i . _..l;!�'•��s�� . . j• - . ;Y4��{y��',.y;-'_-",�i�►�. <br /> 1 R <br /> ..—"'L�.��•1 � a"::5� .."��Y�S s�,. "' ,.. . � .. �, �4 • i:'+t!.:. �lM'r. <br /> �� .�2 - -- _ __m6U:.N.l4_ '�..MpY}Jw - . .�`�.'..,a {�1! �� 'v. �i9.; • . <br /> �1 �`1�� �������y���� v� ''1MLU�� 'a'--vti, .f''':.Yu,r: u.._ a ....... . <br /> " 1�1Lt - Y�1 f. eJl����lt:�Gi�LI.'MYI l L , � � . � <br /> _� �ItY��I�{�..w�♦ . . . � .r.'t';. ..Vw�.� � <br /> �'°�[.�4.,'.� __1'_ "Sb-'�'r�c���;Y __ ... _ ... . _ . " � _ .. . _ _" ._� . ....�__��. .__ .. _ - <br />