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,:.:. ,:__ __ ___ ��.___ . _.a , ' _. ._ �. ., • . ... •_si•r-Tir..���:;r:��e�!t.'�ir:�r=.�:__� <br /> ',, • . y�' �� �. .�� <br /> �II�MIb IIMy!10�OQpI'b�fOQY�IW�.�(h0 Opt1qQ Ot(���/1110ff�M/��YY�1100 COYOl�(ffl dIQ�fA��d 1�Of 1�M�Of� ' <br /> �It I�d�t 1�Ibl1��DY��►y1}IMHIMt�1�'V���'�K��P�1M��II�����C�Od.�OIfOM�/l ��� �� <br />.. --. �p��y-�t��s wwlw�ls�+�a�s-lest�w�s�lral�ot.os lop+mlM�M!s�s've,�!t t� . . - - .�- <br /> lMUtece a��a�000rd�noi�aid�Mry�ipN�bit��arow��Nd 1�4�t a�iic�I�M Inv. .. . . <br /> !. In�i1M.L��x or iq�pit nry a�ts[won�bM M�1�Mpon INd b�rpa�ow ot die P�apaty.i�da rA�Y {�w <br /> Bora►wer iwtbe*t�e Nme ot a prior to w ia�prcllon�prdiyiiW�q�w Ibr Ihs lnpeotian. , <br /> #�. Catl�w�Mlee. 7'he pnooeedt o!+�ny aw�d ar alaim tar d�nr�a�direct or c�oMequentl�l. in 0000ectia�rvith my . <br /> oo�demoottoa or other talcia�uP�ay p�rt ar W� Piopwty,tx Ib�ooewyMa r Jbu of aa�dana�tloa.�+e ha�eby a�si�ned md .. <br /> ehdl he peid to l.eMer. <br /> In tbe avau ota tattl ukia�of tbe Property�tbe pmoeed��Iqdl be�ppli�d ta the wn��ecurod bp thia Siecuriry la�mart. <br /> wdether or not tt+an due. wlth my esoew p�id w Barcower. In We waM o��putlal t�idn�of 1he Propqty ia which the tdr <br /> miuket value of the Propecty immediueiy beforo Ibe tskirt� is equsl w ar�roMer Ihm the utw�uit of�tNb a�tr+s tecured by this <br /> Savriry Inatrument immodiudy befaro the t�k1n�.unk�u il�rtow�r md Letdx cMhorwhe a�roa in wrldn�i.tho•�w secumd by <br />: � �tbia Security Imtrument �II be reducat by the�munt of Ua pmoeeda muldpqad by Ibe followin� fi�ction: ��3�tl�e tota! ,, <br /> _ �' .;�� mriount of the sum��ecumd immediately beforo �be Wcing.divided by(b) the fiir m�rk�t v�lue of UKS Ptope�ty ltnmedlately : •':� <br /> . . �.�before the talcing. My balonce�twll ba}wid to Barrower. In 1he ovetN of�p�utW Wcfr�of�e Property ia whicTi tbe falr . <br /> � � maticet value of tbe Pmperty immediuely hefbre the takin�ie las th�n Ihe�mount ot Ihe wm�rocurod immediately beforo Use" � <br /> ' ,raking,unless Borrowcr and L�ender othcrwfse agroo in writin�or unlea app8cable I�w dherwLe provida.the procaeds alul! ' <br /> , � �.be�j►plied w the sums eecurod by thie Security InurumeM whtkr or nat the wnn�re then duo. <br /> � If the Pruperty ls abandonad by Borrnwer.or if,after notioe by Lender W Bom�wer tlw the condemnor of�era to make An - <br /> : ''' oward ar seufe a clsiu�tar damagcs. Borrower i�ils w resp a to l.ender wilhln 30 day�atkr Iho date the�wtice Is giver�, .. <br /> Lender is auttadzed w wllect wid apply tho� itr oFAinn.oitl�er W restoratla�ar tepair ot iho P�+nperty or��e suais � <br /> � kcurod by this 3ocudty Insnument,whether or not lhen duc. <br /> Unless [.ender and Borrower otherwise agroe in writin�, �y app;.cptian af pn�coed� ta principol d�all not eatend or <br /> postpono the due date of the monthly payments rofenYd to in�nphs I And 2 or rh�n�c�ho amounl of such paymante. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Rdeased;For6eaeance By l.ende�Not s Wdvar. 8xtemsion af tho tinte far payment�anmadlfioatian <br /> of emorti7ation of the sums securad by this Securlty Instrumcnt grantod by I.en�kr ta wny xuccewior in intercst o68umower shail <br /> not operata to r+clease the liability of the original Bormwer or Borr+uwcr'a rucceswr�in Mtcre�t. Lender�II not�he�quircd w <br /> wmmGUe prnaYdings agaiaet any successar in intcrest or refu�e io exten�l dme for pvyment or othenvi�:moditjr•artmrtiza�ion <br /> of the sums secured by this Sxurity Inctrument by «asan of any dctnand mrde by tho orf�inol Bornnwer or Bomowa's <br /> �sors in interest. Any forbearancc by Lender in cxerci�inQ any�iQht or rcmedy clwll not be�w�iver of or prcolUde the <br /> � oaercisc of any right ar remedy. <br /> !2. S�x°.ars atsd As�ag �; dalu!assd St�rera!LlaM!liy: Co--_l�ess. 17x crnettasM.s sts�! s�t+etmersss af this <br /> Securlty Instrument shall bind and 68nefit the succesROrs and ossigns of L.ender w�d Barrawcr, Nubjixt to Ihe provisiona of <br /> paragreph 17. Borrower's mvennnta and agroements shwll be Jolnt and scveral. Any Bormwrr wlu� ru-xi�n.v thia Security <br /> lns�n�ment but does nat execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Secu�ity In�w�ument only to mnrl�t�ye, �runl ond convey �hat <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property undar the terma oF this Security Inetrument; (b) i�nu pc�nolly ahliQwod tn pay the surtu <br /> secured by this Security Instnimenr and(c)ogroes Ihut Ixnder and any dher Bonowcr muy agrce to c�teml,moclify.farbear or <br /> mek�any accommodatiuns with regard to the ternns of thfs Security InR�rument nr tlws Note witfuwt�hql&�rr�wrr'R concent. <br /> 13. I.oan Clwrges. If the loan secured by this Security InKtrument ir wubject ui u luw which��r maximum I�wn charges. <br /> and that law is flnally interpreted so that the interest or ather loan chor�ex rallecteci or t��he rullc�t��) in contxtihion with Ihe � <br /> loan excerd the permitted limits,then: (a)uny such lann charge�hull be r+educ��J by th�um��unt nacuwry�o rcduce the charge <br /> to the permittal limit and (b) uny sums alreudy collected from Borrowcr whirh exreMlcJ permhtoJ Omitr wUl Ix;refunded to <br /> 8orrower. Lender may chaose to muke this refund by redueing the prfncipnl �iweJ wxkr the N�Nr ��r hy m�king a diroct <br /> payment to Borrower. If n refund rcduces principnl, tho rcdurtiun will bc treat��l �u; u p�uliul prcpuymcm withaut any <br /> prepayment charge under the Nute. <br /> 14. Notiees. Any notice to Barrower provided tbr in this Security Instrun�ent�hoil Ik given hy dcliverfng it�►r by mui8ng <br /> it by first class mail unless upplicublc luw reyuires use of anuthar nxth�xl. The noticc xhall in Jinti�eJ k�the Pn►perty Address <br /> or eny other address Borrower designates by notice to I.encler. Any Miticc to l.�:rxlcr �hall hc given My fint clw.a muil to <br /> l.ender's eddress stated herein or any other uddress Lender Jcslgnutey by notkc tu &►rruwcr. Any Mqicc pnwided ti�r in this <br /> Secur�ty lnstn�ment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower�x Lcndcr whrn given a�proviJ��J in thiti parugruph. <br /> 15.Governing Iaw; Severabllity. This Security lnstrument shull tx g�wcrn��l hy 1'��Icrul luw unJ IIk luw i�f ihc <br /> jurisdiction in whlch the Property is located. In the evenl that uny pmvisinn ur cluu+e ut'thi. S�YUrity Intilrunknl ur tFu Nntc <br /> conflicts with applicuble law,such conftict shull nat c�ffect��tlier pnwfsians uf�hi.Srcurity In��n�nwni��r Uk�N�Nr which cun he <br /> given effect without the conflicting provisiun.To this end the pn►viaiuna��f thl�S��uriry tn�truo�nt und Ihc N�NC urc J�rlareJ <br /> �o be severablc. <br /> 16.Botrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given onc canlittm�til ropy of thr N��tc unJ ui'Ihi���urity In.�runknl. <br /> Fam 302� YiYO <br /> Pp��ol 8 <br /> -- a _ - �b*fi:ny��$Ldl�is�+r'wlSr.l��:.,H;A".�G - - - --- - <br /> -,^� y• . .vi i�.� <br /> � .,�/d\l { '1 "7 r ' 1w1:�t^=�1�"r��.��wRS��w�v�pr�" <br /> ---- f F�y{ � [.� U��t���y\1�r{��(.r . . . . . - , :i� �• ... ,P �.�..�•. �� , ' <br /> ! - ' ' . . .`_'. �.�•'• . <br /> -:.����{1.a.� .s.sttW..1_ 1`7�� �l . 1 ']\A . . .. 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