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.. .. �...� . <br />_�� .�:- .��_ . � . :; :� "�� ,93• i� .. . <br /> ; 17.Trnnder o!the tMbi�y Q�'��.��dd Ltei�i la Bor�nwa�.If�II os�a prt oP the P�opeety or�ty 6tterort i�� <br /> b wld ar p�nsfc�rr,d(or if�6G•�e[iaiaT�iritorest in Honro�'rver i�ei�ld or t�runferrod and�rrower i�not r n�wral panon)wdtboW <br /> l�odet'� ptlor wrift�a� wu�x��lr I,��Ntae i►►�;Y, �t,tjon. r.qair+c lan�c paymant in!bH af ail w� r.xnr� Ly tl�a <br /> -- --- � Savdry Imwaa�nit. Howeve�y�Rhic opdan�h�11 na be'�xrrciaod by l.a�da if exa�ci�e u pioiaibioad�r fc�eni iaw M of ine d�rs • <br /> or tbi.aearrhy In�arumeat. � . : <br /> It La�Aer e�ca�cises thi�option.I.en�er rpell giv��orrower potla of ioocleratbn.The tatioa siyllpm vide a periad of not <br /> leud Ihan 30 d�yi from tho datc tt�a hoticc la dellv�d or mailod within whlch Borr+nwer rnuw pay dl wm�oowred by tl� <br /> 3acurity Inctrument. If Borrower fails�tucao anth.a.prior w the eapjrujon of thic period,l.eader may invoke any nnnedia <br /> pmnpted by this Security Inurpment without fUttt►ci nc�tice or dm�and on Borrower. <br /> 18. �tllrr011l�''� ltlgllt t0 RCI11i�M@. If Botrpwu meets ceruin rnnditiom, Bamnwer :hall h�vi the d�ht to lurve <br /> enforoetnent of Ihic Sccuriry Instnut�nt dlscontinued�at ar►y tia�o prbr ro the earlier oE (a)5 d+ty� (or such otl�pertod+w <br /> �ppllcabb law nwY apecify for reinstatement) he'ful�,sale.of the Propecty purswNt w any pawer af srle oontainal la thi� <br /> Secudty Itntrurnent: or(b)eatry of'a Judgi�ient et�'oici��s Se�urlty lncwmrnt. Tboce condltions are Wat Bomower:(�)py� <br /> L,endex all sums which tben wuuld 6e duo under this Secarity l�trumem ud the Noto os if no�ccelentlon hd aavrned;(b) <br /> curcs any defAUlt of aay oti�ar covenants or agr�ents: (c)pays all expenses incYmed in enforcing this Security Inswmant. <br /> including.but n�t limlted to,r+easonabla attarneya' fees:pnd(d)takes such acdon�s Lender may rwsonably requiro w assuio <br /> tlwt thc licn af thia Secur�ty Instrument. l.endc'r's sights in the Proputy end Bornower's obligation to pay�hc eums sxurod by <br /> this Security Inctrument chAll.canUnue. unchanged. Upon crinstatement by Bomower, �his Securf�y Instrument and the <br /> abli�atiaiu securod hereby sha/l remaln fuUy effective as if no aoceletitian had occurred.However,thi�riaht to�+einuate�all <br /> — not rpply in tho cace of aaxlmaNan under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale ot Note: Ciwqge oi Loaa Serviccr. 'I3ie Nate ar a partlai interc�t in the Nute ltogether with this Security <br /> Itu�tnimenc)may be sold one or more dmes.vvithout pdor notice to Bartvwer. A sale may rcsult in n chanQe in the endty lknown <br /> us Ihe "Loan Servlcer') that collects manthly payments due under the Note and�his Secvnty In�trument.Thero�Iso nwy bo ono <br /> ar mare changes oi tl�e Laan Servlcer unrelated to a++ale of the Note.lf therc is a ct�anBe of ti�e Loan Scrvice�. Borrower wfll ba <br /> given wrltte�notioe of the change in accordance Wilh puragraph 14 s�bove and epplicable law.The natiee will state the nwme atd <br /> oddress af the new Loan Serviar and the addn�sx to wluch payments should be rnode.The notice wfll also oonwin any other <br /> infamwtian roquirod by uppNcable law. <br /> 20, H�rdous Sub�wnces. Borrower shall not causc or permit �he pnsena, use,disposal. storage, or releasc of Any <br /> Hazurdaus Subatances on or in the Praperty. tbrnc�wer shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting tlrc <br /> Property thet is in violatlon of any Environmen�al�l,aw. The preceding twa s�mte�xes shall nat Apply to the presence. use.or <br /> ataroge on the Pn�p�rty af small qu�ntities of Hazardous Substances that ure gener�lly recagnizod to be apprapriate to narnwl <br /> rr�idemial uses�ar�d to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Bormwer shull pmmptly give l.ender written notice of any investigalion,claim.demsuid. luwsuit or ather ttctian by any <br /> gavernmenlal ar regulatory egency or private pariy invnlving th�Propeny and any H�ndous Substanre ur Bnvironmental law <br /> of which Borrower hax actuul knowlodge.If Borrower learns, ar is nati�ied by any govemmenwl or regulutory authority. that <br /> uny remaval�r rnher mmediation of ony Hazardous Substance affecting the Prnperty is necessuy.Borrower shall prompely take <br /> all necessury rcmediul•�c�ions in eccordance with 6nviranmental <br /> As ufod in this parugraph 20. "Ha�ardous Substances" are thosc substunces defined as toxic or hazardous subslunces by <br /> --- Hnvironmrntal Luw and tl�e fc�lbwing substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flummehle or toaic petroleum producls, toxic <br /> pexticides aixl hcrhicide�,valutile solvents,materials cantaining usbestos or farmaldehyde,und rudioacnve matedals.As ured in <br /> Ihis paragraPh 2U. "P.nviranmenwl Law" means federnl laws and laws oi the jurisdictian where the Property is lacated tlwt <br />. relute to hcnith.rwfcty or envimnmental protection. <br /> -- NON-UNI�QRM COVF.NANTS. &irrowcr nnd Lendcr further mvenanl und agree ati follows: <br /> ���� 21.Acceleratloni Rcmedies. I.e�der shall�ive notice to Ba�ower priar to acceleratlon following Borrower•x breach <br /> — — ot any a►ve�utnt or pRre�acnt In this Secu�Ity Instrument (but not prior to Acccleration under p�rAgraph 17 unkss <br /> - opplicable Ipw pruvkkw��tUerwi.5c).The nntice ahall specliy: (a)the default; (b) the action required ta cure the default; <br /> (c)A dAle. nat Iecr thvn 30 duyn frum the date the natice(s�iven to which the defwult must be rured; and <br /> (d1 tiwt fullut�e to cure the defwult on or beiore the date epecified in the notia may result in�cceleratlon of the sums <br /> �ecured b�• this tiecurity InWrument and�►ale oi'the Property. The notice shall i'uNher fnfonn Borrowe�of tho righl to <br /> relnstate af�er p�celeraUon und the�ight to bring a oourt action ta as.sert tfie non�existence of a defeult or any other <br /> detense of Bormw�er ta accclerwtion And wle. If Ihe default is not cured on or Uefare the dpte specified in the noNce. <br /> ,., [.ender. At itx optinn, mny reyuirc ImmediAtc payment in fUll of all cum�secured by this Securily Instrument withoul <br />::.{�•p�'A,� . further demwnd pnd m�y lavokc thc power uP wle and any ulher remedies permitted by epplicable law. Lender+shwll be <br /> .?y�a -�� enlllled la collect ail expensc!► inrurred In pursuing the remediev pmvkled in Ihia pnraRr�ph 21.includinp�.but not Ilmited <br /> ;��:�. to.reasotwble attorncys' f�Yw�nd ati►+tK oi'tillr evidence. <br /> �'�=° If ihepu wer of wle Iv fnrok�d. Truytee xhpll record a notice oi deta�lt in each rnunty in w•hich any pqrt of'thr <br /> =„���--::-;:K-:•.:'� ProperlY Iw I��c�led nnd vlwll nwN cupi�of such notice in the manner pre�cribed by appllcuble law to BorrnN•er and b <br />��??�••-•�•��• ' the other pen�m,prexrilxrl bv upplicablc law.A�tcr the time requir��d by applicn6le law.Trustce shall Rivc publtc nolice <br /> �°:c�:;:.��':`.;; af swlc to thc penonv w�d in t�c mynner prexcrflxrl by applicablc la��•.Tr�tee,�+ithuut dcmand nn Burrower.fihull eell <br /> ` `"'� ''-� ' t6e Pruperlv ut pubUc aurllnn In thc hlRhest bidder at the time and place and uxdcr the terms desianeled in the m�tice of <br /> - �.,, <br />��---���'�" �� <br /> _ _,�,,,,,.,�;, ssdc in onc��r morc purcciv und in wn�•nrdrr Trustee determines.Trustce may patitpnne�ale oi all or uny p�trel of the <br /> �,,��;;;� ��_,.,>=,,. P�operty by publlc unnoun��ment ul 1hc Ume und plACC oP any previously scpedul��d wlc. l.cnder or its d�iRn�r mwy <br /> �iFioc��.df• <br /> .,•..,::,�,,__;._�, pur�cha�the Propert� u1 uny wlc. <br /> .�1�t,.r�`�;: � <br /> ;�.__ .;� _'Y�� <br /> ri�.�%,":'°t'�•� Fo�m 3028 8180 <br /> 5;,�_..;�., .�•a. <br /> :�5:�'y�y.{.:N_.,•�s�� Pp�8 0l 0 <br /> i�',t.i ., ;1 - <br /> .:n�• <br /> .;r..^.,�,i' <br /> .��'.'�'.i�!��1 .`,y�_ <br /> ,f� �k,,�t��,��,.ty.�'��' . .�7!F�w,—.'fT.�lr"' . r. .... _� .' _ — .._'__—'_��T_T 7�{ol't. �.2 �q�� �lkt ! i_,_�.�_q�.�_'-�-_.__, <br /> ��qi'�' •V"'?' T'r..:.�• .,,i, - - .. ��- .�i7'��4. q�;�'� ���..�.-�-..- .. .. <br /> �r �w. , � 1 1\lh_.1 . __ __" ^ _ <br /> �S.'ll.��� t�Y'M4�., 1� + � _ �� : t ����.� {�;L,'..! � ��•�v �;1 <br /> . 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