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.,.�,....,�.� __: ,v ..�._�.�..� .,,..,.,,,.r,_...,...___ _ . . .,; .� •.- �,�.,9-.".........s . ., �___ _ <br /> 'V - ' ' - • i NfN.:... <br /> , ` ' ��� <br /> «' �Mel. �011�011'Or�� � iMt �YI�� AdM� Ot MI������ �.�'�� � „ <br /> , �. � h�4 ,. <br /> R�.tx 31tir1�i.r�ii.�irr.��-��w�sin!�?� 'dLe�d'!d�'0�'Qrae'�!���'�*� . -, <br /> . lbe4N ar f�,1ar w�ioi L+�it r�q��i�wP�.'llis i�e��p be a�m ia tis a�ooaa—�oar:�-�.i�w.••--�-� ,., <br /> drt I.aidet t+equi�:The Lwtneoe carrier previdiai the iawuanoe�il be cboMn by 6atow�w�o4'�b��deS���PO�'�'r <br /> which d�ll mt ba�aa�aabiy wiU�hOld, It Bneiower lii�ls to �a�inain oove+ye d�ctibed rww.l.radlr�q. M l+e�r'� <br /> qitia�,abpin ooverqe w�xota.9l.ender't ri�tM�in the Ptnpaty ia a000��ce wlth pra�raph 7. .. <br /> All iowra��iode�ad�ew�dW!be aooepable to Laidar aud t1Nll loc�ie��andiutd maril`e clw�e. L�alrl�r <br /> �6d1 Irve d�e riaht w hoW ttUse pdidos aod raoervals. If t.aider t�qulra�Bormwer�lull P�P�Y�ve to X,a�der ai1 no�ipl�a� <br /> P�P�ad�d aotloe�. la�he eveat ot kw�Borrv+�er�bap�ive q�aap�t notloe lo tbe lo�nrmo�arrkr�nd i�ct <br /> I,,ender m�y m�ca proof of las U not m�de pma�lly by Horrowa'. ' <br /> Unle�LeMler�md Botrower otlksrwfia�tm in writin�.inwtanoe Prooeeds�lall bo appliad w�e�tontlon a' rop�ir ot the . <br /> �Y�5�•if tbe ratotation or reair i.eoonardc�Uy fau!l�lo�nd L�eeder'a eacurity u not leuaied.It tbe natara�ion or <br /> rep�ir i�not eowwmic�l[y faislble or I.ader's recurity woWd be I�sened.tbe iaeur�noe pr�ooeed�alul!ba�ppliad to the auas <br /> �ea�red by thts Socur�tY Iruduma�t, wl�ther or n�t then due. with iny e�ccas ppid to Bormwer. if Borrower�bWdons Ihe <br /> Property.or daa not aruwa within 30 d�ys a notice from I.ader that the inaur+noo caurier her offcrad w aeula a daim. UKn <br /> Lader mMy callect the insuranoe praooeds. Lender au�y use the praroeds w repair or n�wn the Prope�ty or W py �uns <br /> sa�rod by thjs Secudty Iusttutaent.whdher or nnt t1�en due.The 30-day period wlll begi�when the noticc i��iva�. <br /> Un1w [.ender�ed Borrower otherwtse�ree ia writing. �ay ApplicAdon of prooaeds W prir�cipal stwli rwt e�ctand or <br /> poctpone the due date of t6e monthly poyments �eferrod w in pa�grapha 1 and 2 or changc the arnouat of tLo pwYmmte.If <br /> upder p�grap6 21�tho Property is.�etNired by I.rnder.Bornower't ri�ht to any insuru�oa policia and pmceed�rewltLsB&oan <br /> d�mage to d�e Propeicty prior to the��itfon ehall pass w L.epdcr ta tho oxtent of t6e�ume socuned by this Socudty Lutnuimnt <br /> immediately pdor w the acquisitlan. <br /> ' • 6.Occnp�ocy.Pt�ervatioa.lNalntenance�ncl Protectfon oi the Prnpatiyi Borrower's I.oan AppUpit�on: La�d�oY�. <br /> , Aorrowu shall acxupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Borrower's prfnclpal residenoe aithin sixty days aiter the executlon of <br />' lhia Sxurity Instrumeat'pnd eholl conHnue w occupy ihe Prapelriiy as Borrower's principal rcsidenco for at least ona yeu aRer <br /> the date of accupancy.unless Lender otherwise agroes in writing,which oorurnt shall not be a�reas6nablY withbeld,or unless <br /> extenuating ci�umstar�ces exist which ue beyond Borr+ower's control. Borrower xhall not destmy. darriaSe or imps►ir Ihe <br /> propetty. allow the Property w detedorue. or commit wASU on Ihe Praperty. Borrower slwll be in dofault if ariy forfeitare � <br /> nction or procceding. whetLer civil or crinunal, is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of Ihe <br /> Property or otherwise mated�lly impair�he Ilen created by Ihls Sccurity Instniment or Lendcr's sxudty Interest.Borrower mAy <br /> cure such a default and provided in paragraph 18,by caueing the ection or procading tu be dismirsod with a ruling <br /> �, }� Z,�.�'A g�x�d-faith detern�3nation. prccludes forPeiwie of �he Borrower's interest in the Property or other material <br /> impaim�ent of the lien created by ihis Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in ddfaull if <br /> Horrower.du�ng the loan applicatian praess.gave materielly false or inaccurate infarmation or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> to pmvide Lender with any material infi�miation)in connection with the loen evide�ced 6y the Note,includin$.but not limited <br /> to,repr�esentations rnnceming Borrawer'e occupancy of the Property ac a pr�ncipal residence.If this Secut�ty Instrument is on a • <br /> Icasehold. Borrower shell cornply with dl the provisions of the lease. If Botrower acqufres foo tiqe to tt►a Property. th� <br /> leasehold and the fce titic shall not merge unless Lcndcr ag�es to the merger in wdting. <br /> 7.Protectb»ot Lewder's Rigdts ip lhe Property.If Borrower fells to perform the covenants and agre�me�Ms cantaitud in <br /> this Security Instrument,or there is a lega! proceeding thet mey significantly affect Lender's r�ghts in the Propeity(such as a <br /> proc.�eeding in bankruptcy. probate, for candemnation or farfeiture or to enforce Iaws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Property and Lender's rightx in the Property. Lender's actbns may <br /> include paying any sums securod by a lien which has prlority over this Secu�ity Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> rcasonable anorneys'fees and entering on tha Property to make rcpairs. Although l.ender may.wlce actian under this paragroph <br /> 7,Lender daes�ot have ta do so. <br />_ ,�..� s.�,w�n�a rltaFu�rakl hy 1 rruier u�xler this paragraph 7 sMall become additiona{ debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Socudty Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be peyable. with interest, upon notic� from Lender to Horrower requesling <br /> prYment. <br /> 8. MortgAge insurance. (f Lender required mongage insurance�s a condition of making the loan secured by this Security <br /> Instrument. Borrower shali pay the premiurns required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for eny reacon,1he <br /> mortgage insuronce coverage requiraf by Lender lapses or ceases ro be in effert,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausly in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to Ihe <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insarance previously in effect, fram nn alternate mongage insurer approved by L.ender. if <br /> substantially equivalent mattgnge insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month u sum equW to <br /> one•twetfth of the yearly mongage insurence premium being paid by Bnrroa�er when the insuraace coverage lapsed or ceasad to <br /> be in efiect. l.o�uler wiU accept,use and rctsun these p�yments as a loss rescn•c in licu oE mortgage insurance. Lae: tesen•e <br /> iam 3028 1180 <br /> Pp�3 018 <br /> . -- ,5 r_�'Tr•--••--•• ___ -. ___._ _._.... '..,�1(�,�i.J> . .�?^'.. . 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