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�+ �� <br /> --r - - po,:,wi'..Ztw.'.u��.."-�v3,�tC.��i�""+�M�c..:� w�'�L�.'�.�^�'�t '""LYlg►-�rt�4��'r�-�:�L - --"-_ - <br /> �111Ya1 N�1�011 IIMIh A01�MNM�0�1y M�Il�ld. ��4�f1i01M•f�1 b�/MI�II dN01��IN1R�J����r r <br /> �A�fti O�IM1�.�1�aaro�W p01/i'�1�011�Ot�1��/�11��IV►�0 ACLb1�M1��1��17. <br /> � Aq iMMraioe pdiCiet aad noanivai��6nY bi�ooeplal�ie b 11eA�b�ll inCMd�e�Mlsdlr�aof��1 chMpe. I.�ndK <br /> �baU bave efie risht a hold d�e policie��ad roa w�4. V c,a�r re�ine..eon�a+�►ar i.a a�aur tf�a t.endK.n noeip. <br /> d p�W pn�rMm�rd�w�awal w�ke�. M da aveat d bw�t�ow��WI iivs Pa�t nab�a ils irur�woe aal�rd <br /> [�wd��. t.aidn mry arke pod d lae if not n�praaptly Donow�er. <br /> und�t�enaer�a�on�wer aU�wi�e a�e b wrttia�,. sasu ba.pplicd w r�uceuloa or r�peir ot <br /> � tis�top� U tAe�ontjon a�pir ia�0000ia�r fe�Lendak �ec�ri�y i� not leueoed. 1/Ilr <br /> n�ponrian�a�not eoawnt�aUy Gauibk ar L�a�dert�ec�city wauW be k�reeed.die ineura�ce paoeedt a�Ga <br /> apDtied w t6e s� iecw�ed by�Sxuriry In�huma�t.whatbe�a aot tbia due�wrYb aay�xcw pid w Bono�ror. U <br /> Barrowa sb�fa�tie doa aot��►�er�30 day�a ootice fi�o�n L.a�d�r dut tbe iaswaaoe cniet iw <br /> Wtded W aedk t clwim.dr�Lender msy colbct tha iivauuice prv00034. I.arbt du�y u�e dw p�oceedr to ar�e� <br /> d�e Pfqnrty or to pay amu�ecwed b�r d�Srcwity 1n�maae�rt.w6etlw ar not li�aadurt.77ie 30�da7 P�+� �K�� <br /> tl�e ootice Ls�ivea. <br /> Unkss�da aid Bartower otbawi�yroe in wri�.any an of p�o�ceeds to pdacfp�l aAdl uoR exlad a <br /> pv�upone�he dnc due ot t6c moruhlY P�Y�Rfrmed w in s 1 ard 2 a clun�e t6a+�anount of the p�Ymanb. B <br /> under par�gr�ph 2t tbe Prapat�► is aoqWr�ed by l.eMcr,8arowerl�rlght w ny iuWUnce poifcks�nd p�oceedN rowltia� <br /> fi�c.��dunage to tbe PbQaty prwr to the acquisition�Itrll pius�o L�awkt b the catmi d the smns�ecwed by d�5ecu�ity <br /> inwumeot i�wnedWety wthe�cquW� tio�. <br /> f. Oa�pMe�.�'��rr�tlu�. MrMesrce a� Pro�ectio�ot tYe P��o�eei�i iorrowerl� LoIM ANliaillo�i <br /> L�werolas. Borrowrr dWl acupy.eslablW�.and wc tbe Pnope�ty�Bortowerl�pdr�ip�i reslda�oe witbin iduty dayt afler <br /> the eaccutian of�6is Setwity Insaumait�nd�lall continue to accupy tha P�operty�s Barrawal�principal residaioe for at <br /> least one year �Eer d�e due of axup�ncy. unlesR L�ender od�risc�g�ss in wridng, whkh cat�sent clWl eot bo <br /> w�asomMy wid�held,ar unle� e:tenwdag circumstances eaist which�re bryo�d Ba�owerl�conwl. Barower�U not <br /> destr�oY.dam�8c or impair tbe Propaty.allow the P�+npetty w da�eriaaoe.or ca�rimh w�cte on tbe Propaty Bortower slall <br /> be in defwlt If any fafeiwre rtion ar procading.whdher civil ar ctjm3nal.�be�un dMUUt in Ler�rlert�Rood 6ith� <br /> could rault in fafeinu�e of tde Piopeny or dhe�wise materiaUy Impair the Ikn creuod by dde Security 4wnunEnt or <br /> l�ender�sacurity lotenst. Bo�wa may cwe wch a default�nd rcinsl�e.w provfded �p�agraph 18.bY cau�in�Ihe�cttau <br /> or prooeeding�0 6e dis�nisscd witb�rul�n�[.ender�Qood faith deter�ainapao. P►xladea forfeiwre of d�e Hoia�nwerk <br /> lntae�t ia the Propeny or aher mue�iwl impairtnent of the I�en creued by this Security Instr�ment or l.rnderY savrity <br /> intercst. Bonower slull also be in default if Bamwcr. durin8 the lan �pplic�tian proces�, guve mataWly fslse ar <br /> inaccurate infornutiori or statemeaur to Lender(or f�to povWe Lender w iU�any atataiwl infait�don)in caor�ion witb <br /> d� loan evidenced by the Nate. including. but not 1[tnited w.neprescNadais ca�ceming Bamwatt of the <br /> Pr+o�ssy�s princt�ssl s+es�. If ttsis Ses�3iy I�t is Qa n k�ld.9vrrorrsr sha!!cusnply�+rith��+±vi�IQas <br /> of the kace. [f Banower�cquirc�ke title w the Ptqx�ty.the teasehoW and ttrc fce tNl�e:6all not a�e unlesa freader apoes <br /> w the merger in writing. <br /> 7. Pra�ectton of 1.eoder's Ri�6t� io t6e Property. If Bo�mwcr faila w pedam the covenants and ag�anaits <br /> conwined in thia Sxurity I�suumen�or the�e ia a legal proceeding that rn�y significandy aflf'ect L.ender'a r�glqs in d�e <br /> Pnnperty(auch as o proceeding ln bonkruptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiwrc or w enfa�ce laws or r�egulation�).thea <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatcver is neccssary to protect the value of the Propaty and Lendcrb ri�hts in the P�up�ty. <br /> Lender's ocdons may include pay�ng any sums secwtd by a I�en which has prioriey over this Security Inswmen��ppeuing <br /> in court.PBY�B rcasawble attomeys'fees and entcring on the RopeAy to mwke reps�iR.Although Lendar may tal�e aedon <br /> under lhie paragnph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> My amaunts diabunsed by Lmder undar this paragraph 7 shaQ become additional debt of Bomnwer secund by this <br /> Securiry Insmunen� Unless Bomowcr and Lendcr agnoe to other te�ms of pvyment.these amounts ssha116ear inlenest finm the <br /> date of dis6ursement at the Note rnts and shell bc paysblB.with int�nest,apon nodx from L�mder w Bomowcr roquestin� <br /> paymen4 <br /> 8. Matgage Iqsurance. If Lender required matgage insurance as a condNion of making the loan secu�ed by thie <br /> Secu�iry Inatrutnent. Bomower shall pay the premiums required�o mantain the mortgege insurance in effect. If,for any <br /> ��i, (IIC Il1U�t88gC II1fiUlitllOC wverag� reyui�ul by L.ender lapses or c�a6es w 1�in effect. Borrower shall pay the <br /> premiuma required to obtain coverage substantielly equival�nt to the moRgage insurmice pr�eviously in effxt,�t a cost <br /> substantiWly equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage insurana previously in effect.from an altemate morlgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If subslantially equivaleat mortgege insurance coverage is not availabk,Borrower sfu�ll pay to <br /> Lendcr cac h monlh a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongnge insurancc prcmium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and rewin chese payments as a loss rcserve in Iku <br /> of mortgage inswanca. Loss reserve paymenus may no longer be roquired, at the option of L.ender,if moctgege insurance <br /> coverage(in Ihe tunount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by L.ender agstin becomes <br /> avallable and is obtained.Borrower ahell pay the premiums required to m�intain mongage insurnnce in eifect.a to provide a <br /> loss reserve,until the requirernent for mortgage insurance ends in accondaice with any written agreement between Borrower = <br /> and Lender or applicable lnw. <br /> 9. Inepectton. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br /> give Rnrmwrr naiice at the iirne of nr prior to an inspection specifying reamn ahlP�mic�fnr thr inspectian <br /> 19. Cendetpaallon. The pr+oceeds of nny award or clnim for dwnages. dlrect or consequenlial,in connection with any <br /> 51r�k Famlly--Rroak INadMYeddle Moc UNIPORM INSTRUMENT•-Unlform Covemnu !/90 (puRc 3 nj6 puget) - <br /> Cuat Wn E�uae Mw.Nc.■ ° <br /> 1bOrderCW�4100�q10900 MAl/1�701•1131 = <br />--- -- - -- - -� - � � �. . .�. ..,:.: °�,c,u�c- --.:.� .-:.-- -- — _. <br /> � n � <br /> — . �5,� ����..�... --n...,..�..wvJ+.f,w�w.�t�,-L 3'�� wi rn r,4I'1` z (� ��.rs` — <br /> __ .'� ff�'�y' •I�`���11 �� � (• . / ... ; . ... . � `...�_�I..�IYI;,i.~iJ�, ���. <br /> � "" — �.�t�.r1 f.x..��.s�.r�i�:11'1_+5.^�'��.�!):�1.'•'._G:�1��`—'�!� —:1Li:ti,ui��+xB�`���.ii,.��edl�`,�e�k.��}SA�Fl�4��+etY�Y�•'U'�f:'i,ry?". _i%fQ'- e'—�`—- <br /> „� l/ :f.._ , _-' - --� 'r� -T ------ �--— - T'.T � tNS:`i•P-,-�i-�-= � . _ - � . <br /> . `:�L�\]�.F ri�r . ' '� 1 . `,`, 1�����A ��j�' } .� __ <br /> _ _ ` . 'LxO�tf! . t n ' .� tR ; :. � . 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