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_,,.,,�.,�,,.,,. � <br /> -- �. ; . , - = . ^ �-;_ <br /> . ` � � 93-'�o� � �. ;� <br /> _ ��ra.�,��w�+a�.��---.,,�����._�a��.:�:�.� � . - . <br /> —_..— -- --_� . �.a t6aww�ow a�1�...IMr.M.B er a�i�ro�acy. Au��o�alr►Ma.uaition a�i wo a�+a��i�eai�r:�mos+�--; : <br /> iMtreent. AU d�h�e i�oY�b n/�nwt�o is tl�+t Sec�ity Ip�neM rt dre"Prape�tr."� . <br /> BORXOWBR CbNErNAMi'S d�t so�mwar 41�wfnlhr�e�d d d�e euqe liaeby ooe�ared wd la�d�e ri�t to/ra�t <br /> �nd tf�e ed tlW dre Pwperty h uma�nebered�exoept far a�cumbranoea o!r�ecad BornwMa wNradi and <br /> w�W�j�titV lo die Propaty�iaa all cl�as�ad da�.wbject lo any�a�curo6�anoes d�eoo�rd . � <br /> '!'f�S 9ECURITY IN31'itUMF1�7'oanWnes unitaa► oovawit� far nWio+�.il u�e and narunifatan c+araiuriw wi1M <br /> Ii�aUed varialio�u by Ju�oe w oo�tiwte a uNfann secmity�cov�abq rcal p�npaty. <br /> UNQ+�RM CO�FNAM'S. Bonuwar ad t.trickr core�tant�tid a�eo at fdlow�: <br /> l�wert u�Prise�a�d 1�tKMli Preps�a�ad s�d La�e Clur�a. Barower sh�U promplY P�l�wlka due d�s <br /> �1• otand inta�aR on�bo debt evldenc�ed by tho Note iad aaY P�WY�����'Bes duo under tbe Naa <br /> Flr�Ibr 11u�es a�d Iwraoes. Subject w spplk�bie law or w a written wdvu by I.ender.Barawer slaU pry w <br /> I.ender on tha day manth�Y P�Y�►tr aro duo wwler ihe Note,until the Note i�paW in tbll.a:um l"Funds")far:(a)Ywiy <br /> uxs ued usessanenu which m�y att�in prialry over this Socxuity inmunient as a lia�o�the Pmpaty:(b)Y�Y� <br /> p�y�aeats or wound tents o� tbe Propaty.if any: tc) Yeuiy fuira�d or pmpeity insuiaooe premiwna: (d)Yar1Y fbod <br /> i�t+aanc�poemiwnc.if aay:(e)Ye�ul mortpge incuramx pnmiums. if arty� +wd(�aqr s�n�Peyable by Harower to <br /> �a <br /> Leedec.fa ascvodt�pce with the provic ana oi pangrapb 8,in lieu of tbep�yma�t of mo�t,gage iasutasca prcmiwm. 7'hese <br /> ilmn are caLlod'Fse:ow Items." l.�rnder m�y.�t any dme�coAect wid hot�Frar�in an aaooGOt aat ao exceed the ma�cimum <br /> �aiowet a k�x�ei[ar�federally�eWed mottg�e loan m�y re�ufm fa BanaMest es�u�w �oroMoR.tmtldr the federsl Rea! <br /> Fsh�e Sdtkmeat prooediu+as Aat of 1974 as amended fnom m�oe bo time.12 U.S.C.¢2601 et�e�,(7F�S'P!1").unlas anolber <br /> --_- - taw tlt�t a�c�q t!��sets a le:sser amour�G It sQ.R�r� enY!lest�rr➢O�a1ai fiiad�in an anount not to <br /> e;ceed tl�e�smoami. l.a�Ser may es�ir�Ae i6e r�awot ot iivids dne a� ide �sis �f�m� �nd Raaonabk <br /> plin�tes of expa►d�dues of futwe Escrow l�ao�s or o�herwisee in accordam�e with applicaEle l�w. <br /> The Iia�ds sball he held in an in:tiwtioo whose depociu ate ins�ued by a feder�l agency,insuutnenWlty�or antlty <br /> (iacWdiurg Le�der,if t.eixfer is auch an inst�tudon)or in any Federal Home L�oan B�d�. Lender shall Apply tbe PWads w PaY <br /> the Esc�ow Items. I.ender may not cha►ge Hortower fa h�idin8��PWY�B the Funds,amtwlly analyzinj� the eserow <br /> ac�oamit.or verifying �he Escrow Items,unlesx L.eoder pvys Borrower interest on tt�c 6�unds and applicable law pem�its <br /> I.a�der w make such a chuge. However.Lender may requi�e Barrower to pAy a ooe•tir�ue,ch$r8c fa'q�inlePp�m rc�t <br />- estate wc mporting servlee used by Lender in conrcecdon wi�A�kis loon.ueless applicable labv provides o�tl�ervvise. Unlas an <br /> sg�oement is made or applicable I�w roquircs intercst w bc paid,l.rnder sR�til<not be req4.�d a�y�Awer�ny interat ar <br /> eamings on the Funda. Bortower and Lender may ognoe in writing.however,�iOat inte�esl shall be paid on 1he Phr�ds. l,ender <br /> slWl give to Borrower,without charge.on annual accounrtng d the Fundy.showin8 c�aQits and debits to the Punds and the <br /> pu�pose fa which each debft to the F+md�was made. The�uods a�e pledged as additionul sacurity far all sums sxure0 by <br /> — tbis Sxurity Inswmep� <br /> -- If the iiuids betd by L.ender eacxed Ihe amow�ts pem�iqed to be held Dy apptkabie law.i.xaairr sinli �t to <br /> = Borrower for the eacess Funds ln accordance wf�h the reqni�naas oi aQplicable law. lf the a�raunt af the Phnds 4eld by <br />.1 L.ender at any time is not sut�icient to pay the Escrow Items atrcn due.l.ender may so notify Bormwer in writiag. <br /> such case Bomower sl�ll pay to L.ender the amount neassauy t��make ap the defrcimcy. Eiorr4wes�5w11 rnawe up t6e <br /> _- deficicncy In no mo�than twelve monthly paymenta,at Le�r's:co�e djsec�etion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thia Secar�ay�nstrumen�Lender s�tlpeompdy re'f�d so Ba+m��++e►any <br />;.� Purds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shdl acquire or selt the RopRct',�.ander.prior to thc acqaisiaan or <br /> sale of the P++npe�ty.slwll apply any Fbnds beld by I.ender at�he time of acq�cis`tiaa or sale as a credit ag�inst the wms . <br /> cecurcd by this Security Inswment. <br /> •- 3. Applkatloa af Paymeafa Unless applicable lew provides otherwi�e.a1T payments received by Lerder under <br /> - = p�uagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any pr�epayment charges due under d�e LYoot;second.lo amount�payable wder _ <br /> _ panigraph 2;lhird,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;�nd any tate charges due under the Nou. <br /> 4. Chargea; 1.iau�. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessment�. ct�rges. fines and impositions attributable to tbe <br /> Property which may attain priority ov�r this Sccurity Insdument,and Ue�sehald payments or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower <br />- . shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shal�pay ttKm un <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish�o Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> = this pazagraph. ff Bomower makes these payments directly.Bomower shall prompUy fumish to Lender tecefpts evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> "�i - - Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Borrower.(a)agrces <br /> .�;! in writing to the payment of�he obligation secured by the Ikn in a munner nccep�able to L.ender,(b)contests in good fai�h the <br />___ lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br />=- - --_-- = o o Le�er subordinatin the lien <br /> - enforcement of the Ikn•or e secures fmm Ihe holder of�he lien un u reement satisfact t g <br />-�;i� _ . ( ) B �Y <br /> . to this Security Invtrument. If I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain pdoriry _ <br /> '• over Ihis Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall saasfy�he lien or take <br /> '-" one or more of the actlons set forth above wilhin 10 days of the giving of naice. <br /> f'`= 5. Hazard or Property Iasurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereafrer erecoed on the <br /> ��:�;;,:,��_..-=� Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the tertn"extended coverage"nnd any other hazands,including <br /> '�,� — floods or tlooding.for which Lender requires insuromce. This insurance ahall be maimained in the amounts and for the <br />_ � <br /> d Fb►at J02i 9/90 (puRa 2 oj6 PnKts1 <br /> ;i; rt.w- <br /> �S. <br /> �di' <br /> s`r` �` - <br /> �Sf ..:w y�.�:•�.�,,�,4� ..n,�:..:':r.:�� ..-,-,-_:.r r z-,wa��� ` _ <br /> S 1,"�..} � f� , „ „, ,`�c',•"wrayy,`� <br /> �R�1 ;fJ�`}i'�+�~� � ' .. � �.. ' �-' ' . � +` , .. , .:-�+�. '��;)� tf iM. y .y. ...7�;��.nilS�.� > r, .i-. <br /> . l�!!��.{�,�s .-i.}i�y_� . ' '(. 1 � � � �� •i' � '�; r a '_SM '�A.' i .� <br /> ul� � i��'� /�.}., j.. 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