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---�n.�• ---_ _ _ . ___ _.�i 8'�w•�;.a._„ .. . .. . . , •- "'�°°_'_.. •- ---- <br /> „ �, , . . _ . .. _.. <br /> . . �t �� <br /> C�L4'C'�iCl����!!4'��l�s/II'���O11���1�0�11�r�1��- - ._i'.�_! , <br /> ������• � - S_----_ -..�.� -------— - -- .. � - . <br /> 1R i�.w�t d.�o�l�af�M.lMp�ty�q» pnoMd.,wa 6a�a�o Ar.�.,ea�a b�► a�l.�a�N! . <br /> lMa�t.wWer wr aa 11�d�,��!►e�ooeM p�id a ed�ow�ar. Ie,Mp rw�M d.prtw akiy d die��� <br /> �ic�NM hbr wnloit raM�d�Me f ho�wty in�meAi�aly be�ae die p�i�eqwl�n ar�rener 1!�da aa�aant d15c srr � . <br /> �ecwed bY N�3�arieY IMtrMmest imnodiw!y befae die tdci�.uole��Barowe��ttd[.eader ad�erwi�a�pe�e in wcitin�, <br /> ie �t wow�d by�l�rity�Mn�mwt�I!be rodYOed b�r d�e a�noret d dio ��P1����f . <br /> fr�ion: lt)dN twd�d d�e we�secowr+d inl�kly b�k�e tMe W�L��d!�)ti�e hk v�e dlMe <br /> p�tY Ms�retr bulore qie�. Aa�►bYaaoe.Wt�e pi+e w Bont�. w dre er�et d•p.c9�1t�pr c� <br /> Propaty h wli�l�tMe ta�ir a��et vdre cf die PtaQaty iw�ed�ldy befare d�e�ti�b le�d�tYe�ntornt of i�wm� <br /> o��ire�ooee�d�be ppl��wr�by d�Secwiry�lo�uu�w6qrer ar�ot�w�ias�a <br /> ��Plapaty b a6ridooed by if,af�a a�tioe by l.a�det ta Bonowa tl�t tbe aoodamnor o[tea to nnloe <br /> �s a+raed a sptle a c1�i�n tot drn�.Bano�a fiik a rapoad a Le�der wkldn 30 d�ys aha the�e tho a�a�loa i��iven, <br /> I.lQdli'$wibO�Od W OdlbCt�Id�pply 150�fIn00Ldf.a!�L tlplj00,E�IQ b l�O1M�p Of 1l��t d d1E PIOpQt�►Olr b(MO <br /> pnqi�OCWCd�ibi$ECY11[)I�1Y�Ot.M�C�I�Of IIO!t��IC. <br /> UNerc Lader�ool Bo:�+owa ad�a.vl�e�poe in Mritiog.�ny appiicatjan d pncaeds w priocipv sb.l!na exlasd a <br /> pwtparre lh�a d�e d�oo d dK�oad�ly pyimaKS►efeneA w in pan��phs 1�nd 2 a c�o Wo�nount otsacb pay�enrs. <br /> !L�e�er NM R�; �a�ce �� I.ader NN a Watrer. Bx�sion d tbe time far payme+t a <br /> mo�8adon d amo�dra�ian d ttie wm�seamed by d�ir SxuriQy Imtrim�a�t te�nt�od bY L�de�10 any aioassar ia iMe�t <br /> af Boeroxer s�aot uper�c to telea6e tha li+�bility of t6e ori�iaal Banorver ar Bam�1�suoowoe in i�l�pat.L.e�d�r <br /> chall aat�w com�aa�oo Pr000edtn�a� anY �c�ar in inter+e�t a ircW�e w e:tmd dme for Qtyuldp or <br /> ad�awise a�oiti�atioa o[tbe wmr�cun�d by thia Secu�iry lasonunent by reason of aay denw�d msde by the�i�nal <br /> Hamwa or Barrowerti wcoasors ia intaat. My forbennoe by t.a�der ia e�ercWnt�Y�a�Y�ll not be a <br /> vaiver d or peclude the exercise ot�ny right ar�emedy. <br /> 12.S�eoewont�d A�tlp�Baod;JW�t�wd 5evaal WbWty:Co-� 7Le covemnts aod ag�eana�s of this <br /> Secudty�dwnaN�up bind�nd baietit tbe succasors aid assi8as of[.ader iu�d Barower.wbject to tbe peovisiota of <br /> p�l�.Bamwal�cov�and sg�eemen�s ahall be joint and scverai.My Borrower who ca-signs this Security <br /> 6 6ut does aot execute tbe Na�e: (a)is oo-signing this Securiry laguunxnt aniy to mo�tg�ge.Brant�nd ooav�ey dut <br /> Harowa�i iivaat in the P�vpnty wWer the terms of this Security Instruman: (b)is not pea�sa�lly obligated W p�y tbc rums <br /> �ecu�ed by tf�Soctaity In�truma��and(c)a8�thu L�ender�nd any other Bot�awer may qgtee w exta�d.modify.fatbear <br /> or m�ice my�ceornmoduia�s wi�h rcgand w tAe tar�►s af �his Security Insn'w1�t a t�e Note wid�oiu dnt Borrowerl� <br /> ooa�au. <br /> 13.I.w�Clw�a. If the b�n cecurod by this Security Inswment is subjeet to a law which sets maximum kan <br /> cfia�es,md thu iaw is fawiiy ininpaoea so thu the irute�at or aiher t�n ciu�r�.�ileciad or ta bc ro!lecstd iss� <br /> wi�h tho la�n exoee�the pemuaod limits.d�rn: (a)any such loan clwrge ahall6e neduced by the amauu nooe�sary w�educe <br /> tbo cba�ge to tbe perntiaed liml�and(b)any sums�lieady col kcoed fram Borrower which eaceoded pem�itted limita w1ll b� <br /> �fw�ded W Bomower. I.ender may choose to mal�e�his rcfund by reducing the�ipal owed under the Note or by m�lcing a <br /> diroct payrt�ent to Boirower. If a refwd rcduces principal,tl�e reduction will be ar,�red rs a partial P�PRY���t+�y <br /> prcpaymau chorge under the 1Vote. <br /> 11`Nalloer. Any notice co Bomnwer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by��lelivedng it or by <br /> mailing it by fust class meil unless applicabk law requires use of a�wther method.7Ue naice shall 6e dirccted to Ihe Prapecty <br /> Add�ess or any ather addrcss Borrower design�tes by notice to Lender. An�notice to Leoder shall be given by fust class <br /> mail w L,ender§address stated herein or�ny ather addness Lender designatea by notice to 9ortower. Any notice provided Por <br /> in thi� Saurity Insaument ghall be dcemed to have been given to Borrowec or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> �1S�Goveroing Law; Sevenbfitty. This Secur�ty instrument shnll be govemed by federal law and the law•of the <br /> juri�dictian in which Ihe PropeAy ia located. In the event that any provision or cl�use of this Seeurity Inswment or the Note <br /> conflicts w�th applicable law,such conflict shall not effect mher provisions af this Securiry lnstrument or the Note which can <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provisian. To�his end�he provisions of this Security Insuument and the Nou�+e <br /> decl�sd w be severable. <br /> 16r Borrower's Copy. Borrower shAll be given one confamed copy of the Note and of this Securlty lnstrument. <br /> 17.'IMa�fer o�tlx Property or a Beneflc(al Interest in BorrowPr. IP ul l or any part of�he Property ar any interest in <br /> it ia sold or trnnsfemed(or if a beneficiu! intcrest in Borrawer is sold or trrnsfemed und Bomower is not a�atural person) _ <br /> without Lender's prior w�itten consent.Lender may,at its option,reyuire immediate puyment in full of ull sums secur+ed by <br /> this Security Inswment. However,this option shall nd be exercised by Lender if exerci�e is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the data of this Secudty Instrument. <br /> If Lender exerciseg this option,Lender shull give Borrower notice of nccelemtion. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> not less�hun 30 days from the date the notice ix delivered a mailed within which Borrawer must pay all suma secured by this <br /> Security Instrumen� If Borrower fails to puy these surtw prior to Ihe expimtion of this period. Lender may invoko any <br /> • rernedies permitted by this Security Instnrment wfthout funher notice or demund on Borrower. <br /> l& Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate. lf Bortower meets cenain conditions.Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> enforcemea2 of this Sa:uiity iost�un�eni discontinucd at any time prior to!he e�rlier of: (a)S days(ar such other period as � <br /> ' Sin�k Family••Fbaak MwlFYeddie M�c UNIFORM I�STRUMBNT•-Unlform CovenanV 9l90 Ipoge 4 ojb poges! <br /> t <br /> --..._.__ . .. - _--- — _:�- �_ �,n..r�...z. -,�,;��-+7 k aS �� - • 7l�p� <br /> �--- �����'°�'1�'�"~"�-,Tr--- �•-. r�. .._.- .-.- _ f- .. ���.;`•` a . . .+� '` i.i,a t �'�7F"�+!.'•'t�.r - <br /> — [ ' r..,,�t^� :TN:i.-. ,... . ..�t' .rSf 2;-+ �.. <br /> -z:ia.._..w,`f� .. `, , i �, •t �.JCA_:_yrri?, _ <br /> '''!=A4_'.:d,�:-'_�_w_w�!�t'._4�]�:.�.— ��. �f�i't�� --- - - <br /> -� .-'�:, �.— _.. ,-.__���_. M1 ,. -��-�-�F-: .7�� �, - _ <br /> ...� <br /> - _ � _.rr°,r r�.- _.� . <br /> — "+�'�'L'1��.,. .. .t �t�n yf _ <br /> � � �$t�L 1�f7�- <br /> 4 � J-- ��r� 7t f�'�S�C�' 4TKraL�a, � . <br /> _ - � 1 - T��. ��:,•. vt 1't�. � ��'�1 �+y 'r / `:�'aV''�'�`YY�� <br />` -�.vrrva_A��.4�'�' �li•� . . .. +i�� + � S i�ta S� r ..J{' � � y <�^�T r.• �� � s _ <br /> � '��k' e � ,. e� <br /> _ _ ' ' .0 . J��1.� ,( ti/a.l.\•�.�'L". .���� � �� .JY... � TG:Zf'{:{i <br /> - — • n �_-�+~t r ..' :. . ' � - -'. . � _...*� =�r=-,�^iF-s ✓trw�.n:(ra �^• -::. z.p ' • +t <br /> �t+iL� � �f:t°��+wf +.��. :��'.a� . '��t . . .. �- ,' y`. =y'�� :i _ . . . � . <br /> __T T �y�--'.-�._' ''� f..V :'� i - •1 t. y• ' .`t,�1�� .�m ` ,. v�,..r�• ,.�i a 1.t ,t� r. <br /> .fA'ii�f���il' �`- . • • .. . . . , . . ., i' �t r ., d A�'rt•�i�`:;',�.i'-. � . r� V• '. <br /> �.40 . .�: .�t�ttcV4.Y�L:Y�e. . �l:l:� _. <br /> -- -.�4iI' .�. � ��`�.,-..i. , . <br /> a��rw= ".s�':��(1l;Zift:1 t ;' • . 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