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. ,-.� , 1 4 � :x-r�,v�,,.�.�.L_ •W. . ..:,-f•_ ._.._ . ����--- <br /> , � .. - "►T�^ti""r'IC�-�"i !7T'[�!n'•:+Y+�=•�'�iS.�r�,-rz <br /> . . . . . : ^�r��v 31`� .. �.r� , .�iarr� . .it.,t4�1R2'�:1'��)!t����� � ��r.�h��1Ti�( <br />_ � . ' . . . . . . . •� _ .� '�'!71R.•�[� .. �, <br /> . . . . <br /> ' <br /> . , <br /> - --- -��1���e�d�qr Drt dilrl�Mw4.a►,fM�w��+4 M�a i�e�l�lw��w MiN1� '" <br /> �����., - '-.. _.:_� - .. �... .-�.JL..4-p ' - � �4,.s <br /> ' r�MN lNl�t d r bai)M11�4M d Ilr�MI!'•.4�.�Iill t1 �t i���iww�i�1 ''� s�..�yr-- . ., <br /> . �wr��fMdMe o1'not Aw�br. rrbi�Mqr�twu p�f d Ib eonaw�."���iwrt af�a P■���h IM ���iai . .� <br /> �MYoti i�hk iMrlw v�lw d dM Prap�ty tn�n�bly beAon ds�t�ki� �q�wl p�t .�o , <br /> Ncun�d Ir�d�i1 Sacuttty Inawre�eat�bsfon dn a��unlw san�wr andiwe�de'aq�wlM�1�weMMw. <br /> dr wa�Mcwed by Ihl�S�cwilY 1n�a�ana�t dirll b�red��ad by N�Nnount d dMp mult�llyd b�AN Ibilow9n� .. ` <br /> (InaNan: (�)NM�apil�nowM o[dw��ecund�ia�e�dhMly befan the pki�.dirid�d b�y(�b)d»r�it nMnt«v�1M d Iw . <br /> . �Y �Y���� �'baUntcc eh�ll bc+ �M.u� Aonower. ln d�s ev�nt d�p�rtl�l Wci� d dM . : <br /> u� <br /> ptappty�n�fikl�die ttiir m�k'et v�Iua d�he Property imtndiwly befaU�he ukins b Iw th�n tM rnowM ot wqM <br /> �eaured inunedl�uly beta�e�bs akiut� un{esr Baruwar and i.aidar Ml�ri�e �pee in wdtinQ or unka�pplica6i�law• <br /> adbrwl�e provlds+.d�e praceed�tlrU i�e applied to the uan��ecurod bY thb Secu�iry Luaument a!�lNr a aot Ihe�wsM an <br /> t4a�due. � . . <br /> If the Pe�operty i��b�ndoned by Borrower�or U.Jter trodoe by Lende�to Borrower rh�t Ibe candrn�na alfen w mal�e � <br /> �n awad a ieWe a cWm fa dtm�,Borrowar f�ils w rospaod w L�ler w��hin 30 d�ys after the d�►te the natice ie jivan. <br /> Len�ler is wtborizeQ w coqoct�nd�pply���at 19i apioo.either ta roewration or rap�i�of�he Property or to tM <br /> a�o�s�ecured by thi�SocuElty Ins�w�t. or nw tha�dwe. <br /> Ifalas L��nd Bartowa aKf�wI�e�pee in writ�,any�pplic.�tioo a�pmooeds eo principd�i►wll aoR axMad"a <br /> po�tpo�o the deo d�te of tbe montNY WY�B�ofemed w i��1 imd 2 or cha�e tho�mount ot aech pynKnts. . . <br /> 11. Ilo�rwrer Nut ReleMedi ��oe �� LRaier Not • W�Iver. Ex�onia� of the dme tar p�ynnan ar <br /> qiadifla�tba of�tnaoizuian o[tba aua�s exwod by q�'Sy�urity I�aw�►t�nted by Lenda�to my wvcawor in�i�rt <br /> wu�elWl not vpo[�te tQ rele�ee t#�e il�b}liry.+�#':��origin�l Bamwer or Bamwerti wooawo�in iata�c�t�c.,.. ; <br /> , ,. , 1 aat be rt�1.t9 cAmm��C;Ps�a�+�s a;Ain y euccesscx in lnteroat or mtuse w eutend Hnae fariqxyl'qbAR Qr .; � `,; - <br /> ' �i',viliiy At�tti�x'tion 6�'the s��s seCW�bd b!!'��'��cutity Insqntment by�tm ot'�ny c�tm�j�t1 up�rin Dy,.'�1, b ar1�J] , {) t;. <br /> x <br /> � �awef':�u;�orsowcr'�tuoccssvra i�interesi.}:',�unx.tFarl�e�r�uice by Lenda Iaexerd�,+ny tl�t�fr,j�miedy,. b�ul;�►Q�p: ,,`�;�:, <br /> ' � 'WAIV�CIQ���C����1C�87CE;�'tSCOfAlI}i�$r1/0P�'lI1CQy. � � �: �f'• i�' , ' •{� :tj;���+�� � �r' <br /> : �. b�ca�essora at+�l�sslg�a�r�B�ut�;J'vd�ik i�bd SeNcr�il�[.�blNtp t;a-�±i�`s "7�ee�ti!tF�ww�+la.�qd ilg�anfs•d�'�p[ ,`t'• <br /> t <br /> , Socarity�lpstrumenl qh,�Il.bincl.i�i+�b�++eFa ta�a successors arrd.AS Y�n�l.ecidec��(a�l.�arowbt �e►ib,ja,t�l;Ro 1f�d:�fU}i�1tt�,' �, ::;� , � <br /> . }wrA 17.Borru�er�'c6variants anQ �ra�iemsr shaU be jb�d et�l:;.�iY'�o�t+a�G►e� �v�Q,w►�si�tIi18:�1�� ` ' ° �`:' <br /> ���, �c I <br /> ' inRr�anem but daee nof cxecute tho Note: (a)!e�a�signin$this Secur�fy!�.dattuMent tmlq w mott�t�e.grw►t�hd�tcoti�!ey tlu�c ,. <br /> ' �iomewar�interest in the Property under tho terms of this Se�tlrity�t�i�trumeaf; Yb)is hot peraondly ob1i�+UOd t6}tiay tfie am� <br /> secured by thia Secudty Ineaumenr,and(c)ag�eea that Lender and Any otircr Horrower rru�y�roe to extend�modify.forl�eu <br /> a make �ny accanmadetlam wNh roga�d to the terma oi thiQ Securlty Insuument or the Note wt�hout dwt Homower9 <br /> can�enG <br /> 13. Lo�a Cd�w 1F U►e loan sccurod by thi�3ecudty Inetr+iment is eubject to R IRw which�ets mucimum laa <br /> cwrgw,an�l th�[taw��r MaUy in�mpRted w tlwt the interest or other loan chartat colleCtod or w be oollect4d la oonaectioo ,- - _ <br /> with the lwn oRCOOd the permftted limit�.�hen: (a)�ny auch Iwm charge s1u116e roduced by the�mount neoeuay to ra-tuoe , <br /> the chuga to the permined Nmlt;and(b)any�um�wlrc�dy collected from Barrowet whkh exceodedpem�itted Umitx will be <br /> �efWndod ro Bomower. Lender may choaso to mako lhiw refund by reducing�ha princip�l owed iu�der the Note a by m�kin�� <br /> direct p�yn�ent to Botmwe�. If A rcfund neducxs pdncipal.the�eduction wlll bo tro+itod u a p�Aid pr�ep�ymqit wW�out�ny <br /> prepsymait cf urQo under tho Note. <br /> l4. Natices. Any naice �o Bomower pravided far ia this Secudty Inapument ehrll 6e given by delivertng it or by <br /> m�lling it by Mt clars mail unlesa appllcuble low rryui�s uee of Another method.71►e nalce shdl bo dirxtod w tho P�operty <br /> Add�+eee a any Whor addr�ese Bortower deeignates by ootice ro Lcnder. My notice to Lender�dl be glvan by Mt cl�u <br /> m�il w L.enderti address stated herein or any other add�ss L.endcr designates by notice to Borrower. My notjce provldod for <br /> in thi�Secur�ty Inctrument shpll be deemed to hove been glvcn to Borrower or Lender when given w provldod in thi� <br /> ��1�(ioverning Law; Severnblllty. This Sccurity lnstrument shall be govcmed by fedeml law wnd Ihe I�w of the <br /> jurisdict�on in which the Property ie located. In tho event that any provision ar clausa of this Secudty Instrumcnt a tha Noto <br /> contlicus wilh applicable law,such conflict shall not affcct other provisions of this Socurity Insdument or the Note which cen __ <br /> 6e given eflect wlthaut the confllcti�g provlsion. 'Ib this end the provisians of this Sacurity 6�:wment and the Note aro , , . <br /> dxlared w be severable. . <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one co�form«i copy of the Note and o('tiiis Secud�y instrument. <br /> 17. 7tantFer of the Prope�ly or a BeneOclal lnterest in Borrower. If ull or any pert of the Property or any intereat in <br /> it is sold or trensfemed(or ff p beneticial interest in Borrower is sold or Uansferred and Borrower Is not a natural petson) <br /> withoul Lender�s prior written consern,Lender may,At itt optian,require immediate payment in full of ell sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. However,thfs option shall not be exercixed by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal low as of <br /> the date of this Security InstrumeM. <br /> If L.ender exercises this option. L.ender shall give Borrower notice uf eccelcrotion. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> not less then 30 days from the date the notice is delfvered or mailed wilhin which Borrower mus�pay all sums secured by this <br /> Security Ineuument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to �he expirntion of thls period. l.ender moy jnvoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further nutice or demend on Bornower. <br /> l8. Borrower•s Rlght to Reinstnte. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Bortower shull have the right to heve <br /> enfo�cement of this Security Instrument disconlinued ut uny time prior to the enrlier af: (a)5 dAys(or such other period as <br /> Slnpk Fnmily»I+�nak M�dMreddk M�c UNIFORM INbTRUMI{NT•-Unlfmm Covpunls 9/90 (page 1 ojA paR�s) <br />, . t <br /> . , <br /> - -� .�..- :..7.ty:.v-.�;,zfr'1''r,,.T .4.r�.�.�. l <br /> eT'�•_ „ . . -- - -. . . . _. � oT=r ri; v 5 -� 'ri e.'�q�uu)c s�r�. v id: <br /> �,,,..1M1��. ����, � • . _ . . y�{ �� �'� ;�l':•14R'i,S.y�F:�yLC�-.. <br /> .4="r . � • ,n�n�a��� ��� <br /> ... . . <br /> �._� ._.lG�.s� .. .: . . � h• . - •', � .�_ .n:�yv�4a _�. <br /> — '�?;;�t.w. i- � ' . c..s.w�.�;�°°� - <br />