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.�14�� .. .. ...___ "_. ._ _. . .. .._.... �.z- T- 1 .�. � . �. _ _ �� <br /> • . .. .,.n.. .� . :,... . ,ti�a•�.jis:.:.�'s��-= ._ - .-.,:�T:,-^=-i^..�. <br /> . . . , .- �•' :�:" ' � • . . ' ' , �'-,��i�. <br /> .. . . • � , �r� , : <br /> . , � , <br /> .. . .. $$d' �?'GSSi�'S. �}�4 '� �!!�!!!!!!�-�R . IO.I�-_. .:.:—��- <br /> --� • <br /> -- - �i�t � . � ��tfY'a'�'��5�� .- - . . ���. =-_,.•- <br /> ,�apiory abhi�op�w�Is raMat l.Mbrti�Yt IM'�w M�ooMd�a�p�Yt ji4b 7. <br /> AI!Y��fla polioMs Md nntV�nd�tiYl 6� 1D��i�d�1 iiciodt��d olrw. 1.wwMr , <br /> rWl h�w dM�i�t In liot4lM pololp��pd taa�wal�,�Le�d1r wq�ir�t.Do�o��p�mpUy�v��w �d�r aN r�� <br /> a•P�P��od naewal aoNoa. 1a dM wait ot IoN,�an�s1Mi1�iw p�npt uotla oo d�r Nw�r�rc�c�e�ad ` <br /> L.Ndx. L.�t�q m�lb�ool d ioK it�et aMdt p�aaiptfy by danow�r• ' <br /> Uniw Laider�nd Bonvwrr oil�rw►i�e aper i�wrkLy,itw�MOOep�o�o�a1W1 be applid to rptaation or np�ir d <br /> ^��r d�ed.if fbe ratorMio�a trpdt It eooaneipll�r fa� �td L+eMda'ti �eewlry b not braaied. Yf the <br /> a�apsir is aoe a�aoomk�lly laa�b a Lerider� �eaadty.YOUId bs lewened.the bMU�nee praoad�id16� <br /> �y 1�die'waM�eaued by d�Seoudty Imq►una�M, whether or aat thaa due�wlt��ny e�coa�pid to Honow�ar. U <br /> B�ab�ndorM tl�e dae�oot mwer rritWn 30 d�y�a natba fiom Lawler Ih�t Ibe buw�nce c�rrier b�a <br /> otreeed w utNe a cldm,�hen Laoder mny oo�lect tbe in�uranae peocaeds. l.ender m�y u�e the proceod�w�ep�pr r�atoie <br /> t6e ar to py aunu�curod by this Seauity 1nrp�meut.wltather ar nat�due. The 30�day perlod�rill be�in wba► <br /> 16e 1��iven. <br /> Unka�I.ender�ad Bomower othervvi�e�pee in writin�.mY+�PPlk�doa of poceede w principd shaU not extend a <br /> poapaio the dua dae ot the maNhly WYmenq nafated to ia p�h�1�nd 2 or clunge tbo unount of die pyrt�u. !t <br /> uaderprs�aph 21 the is aoquirod by l.ender�Bormwerti d�lu w aay in:urmca pollcies and pnaceed:ie�uldo� <br /> u <br /> from dmi�ge w the Pnoperty w tue acqui�itian siuiU p�ss to Lender w the exta�t of tho�um:sacurod by tbi�Security <br /> inurumait Immediuely prlor w tho daa. <br /> S. �P��Y. P�'e�n#MMr w�i �r+�ectio�o�fhe . �rnw�erl� 1.0� A�Yc�tia�i <br /> I.�e6eldt. Bomarrer ehaq aax.�py�.�md r�o die Flnopa�jr as Ronnwer��sideeoo�illwt a�qr dtys vkr _ <br /> ti�o cnccut�ao d Iha Sawacihr�eni�adl�w�lll omn�q�i�oo�}r R�a P1vpe�qr a�s 1Bpa�ic priaacipaE�e�ea�x far t <br /> lesst aoe yaa�ier �Le drie af oac�paoey. wdcss.L.c�de� ol�tso �, . •'A�rip�,.w1� c�se�t 3h�1 1� !� <br /> • " un�essaui6ly vrithdcld,a tmlass exte.n�i�l�drruuistnnoea Gxist�wl�ic�aro Ic�on�Ba'+qwetli wdui!otr. �i�i,s`�'�il�M'..,,.•: � � . <br /> dcsday.dam�ga o�inclP�w die�o�r�y;�llow the Property to oommit waste on the Prope�rl►;. 8�r�aq�er:sba�J' � � <br /> be in defauN i��ny#'oYfeitun a�a pma�eeding,whether clvil or criminal,is 6Ggun that in Lender�good faith jttdgm�� •'•.��:.r. : <br /> � ' oould result In forfoiture of ihe P►ro�erty or atherwise muterifdly Lnpair the lkm c►�ate.l by thit Securlty Inotrument a . <br /> I.enderti secur�ty iateresG Hornower may cure euch�defwult and provlded In parn�raph c�ng the acdon <br /> or proceeding to ba dismissed witb u r+�Ut�g thu.jn Lender's good faith detenminatfon�p�cludes forfaitut+a of the Hormwer4 <br /> interest in the Property or other matodal imp�irtnent of tba lien o�ted by thls Securiry Insmimant or l.enderh securby <br /> irrterest. Horrower ahaU also ba in defaWt if Bomower. during the lo�n applfcation proccse. gave matedally false or <br /> inaccurat6 infortnatbn or swtcments to Lender(or failed to provide L.ender with any materisl lnform�tion)in cormecNon w1d� <br /> tho loan evldencod by the Nou. including. but not lim[ted to, tepiosentedona conceming Homower� axup�ay of the <br /> Prope�ty as a principel rr�idence. If this Security Lutrumcnt ie on a leuehold.Bamwer shell comply wlth all the provfeiau <br /> of the lease. If Borrower aoquira fee tide W the E'�nperty,d�e Iwehold and the fee ti�le�li not ma►�a uniw i�endor�oe+ <br /> ta the merger in writing. <br /> 7. ProtMba ot l.ender's RIQhb In We Pro�erty. It Bonowcr fAil�to perfotm the covqunts ind agroemaN� <br /> canwined in thfr 3xuriry lnsaumenti or�herc is� le�l proccedin�chu may si�nitic�ntly affxt Lenderh d�ht�in the <br /> Property(such a x procadin�in bankn�ptcy.prob�te.far condemns�ion or forfe{tum or to enforce t�ws or reauluion�).thm <br /> Lender may do u�d pay for whWever is neccswry�o protcct�he vduc of Ihc PropeAy�nd Lendertt�iQhts in Ihe Prope�'ty. <br /> l.rnderk sctions may include payin�any sums�ecn�ed by a Uen which hu priarlty over�his Security Inrwment.�ppeuin� <br /> in court,paYing nen�conible auwmeys'fas and enterin�on tha Nvperty w make�ep�in.AIUKwQh Lenda m�y uko�ctfon <br /> w�der this�wragraph 7.Lender daer not hwvc[o do co. <br /> Any anwuntu disburcod by Lender under this paragraph 7�hall becane addiUonal deM ot Bormwer�ocnrod by thf� <br /> Socurity Inatrument. Unkss Borrower and Lender agroe to dher terms of p�ymem.thase wnount�shall beu interest fiom the <br /> date of disburcemcnl at Ihc Note nte a�d shall be payable.wlth int�rest.upon notice from l�er�der to Bormwer roquestin� <br /> paymen� <br /> S. Mortpge Insur�nce. If Lender roquirod matgagc insurance as a condition of maldng the loan socarod by this <br /> Security Insuumen�. Bomower sFwll pay �he premiums tequircd to m�intain the mortgage insurance in effxt. If, for Any <br /> reason, the mortgage insurence coverage roquirod by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrowu shall pay the <br /> prcmiums requi�ed to obtan covernge substantially equivalent to the mongage insurance previowly G� effect. at� coal -- <br /> substontially equivalent�o the cost to Bortower of the mortgage insurance pt+eviously in effect,fmm an altemale mortgage <br /> insurer approved by L.ender. If substentially equivalent mortgage inswance coverage is not avajlable,Borrower shall pay w <br /> Lendcr each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly moAgagc insurancc premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance wverege lepsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss r+eaerve in lieu <br /> of mmtgyge insurcurce. Loss reserve paymen�s may no longer be re�uired,at Ihe option of Lender.if mortgage insurana <br /> coverege(in the amount and for the periad that Lender roquires)provlded by an insurer approved by Lender again becornes <br /> avnilable and is obtalned.Borrower shall pay the prcmiums requiRd to maintain mongage insurance in effect,or to pmvide A <br /> loss reserve,until the requlrement for mortgage insurance ends ia accadance with any written agrcement betwan Bomnwer <br /> and Lender or appllcable law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. I.ender shall <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying resssonable cs�use for the inspection. <br /> IA, �'�ndemnAtfon. 'R�proceeds of any nwerd or claim for damrgea,dinrt�r cnnwv�u�ntial,in connection with any = <br /> Singk Family--Fl�o�te Madtlrcddle Mae UNIFORM INS'fRUMENT-•Uniform Coven�nts !1!0 Ipo�tt 3 ojb pa�el <br /> acx u►a va+r.I�� - <br /> T�Q�/r GI:Ia0Yd�90971D O MR�INfI•1111 <br /> :"': w.•T»T'�'�"�w.:.r.u,wv,�•'-=•r.n,.-.� . 'rS"�.' _ _ <br /> �;, . . � •..n- .. �,�f,-.'�3��� � .,f �,� .ti `.�L y '.tr�.,t - <br /> � . <br /> ' _.�,.f.t2 ..:,.t_�v'ezi:.__ . ._. '�_vr-ps ..�.t:,La'..tirni3i�hk�.�k`�`''S��S4,iki�Y'— _._:.{_..L�".= _- <br /> __ ..__ ��il.i'_ � <br /> ,._ . <br /> �_�. _T-__ ___ ._ ___._. _ _ <br /> �..w �_ . . . __ .. . . ._-____-_ ___�. _ . _ _ . ":fr, .c�aL - ___ __ <br /> ts!"�il�_uayC'f1,8(w .,.i... . � ,. . 'i� .�'� _ . . _ ._ . <br /> ��'.;t`�J '�'-*'— . . 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A �i �i lr ' �`�y� •iY� � t I r�i" ���f� r ��ti�ti <br /> �'��'""'�.{�i�+tl����). �r � t.- .. � Slil;�.� . . �tljf�t�:�` 1 �.-j� tt . �r��:':. � r4' i-�� Fi„t1�iU)� {r`� ,`f l�� il�,. <br /> ..A �'�;..�l { �� �� .t• .. ��_ .�� � ,�1. � .. - �. .��� '1���,�t� -4}>f(��+.s y�'1 � ��i'i .; <br /> �/' l� � , � �_ �"`.y�� `'. 1,`�!'.�' . •�4 .I';�•`,1`.i e�i . t�( 1,����'+,1',i�^5dt�� 1i�t� . <br /> .�5�.�±:1.4�: ::;� - ` :.)_{,L'K7'E{Y��➢t[��^S>�1.�.' r. < �:+::: . , .. 'J�.t11'S . ���f����d��+(VK�;rY�:Y�'�A ti+1 I���Y . ... Y� <br /> �x , �+" - i. ._ a�. -f�,;Z� . ' . - ._� � ' r(yr}`.�.���1 t•':;`:,?,�.,- � iF ��� 11�4�,' . <br /> u f�t a- • y, j . ` _� r, _ - _ . . h 1 1-11 7. it c�a -(�i ;,J`�. . <br /> � :�w.,ii:i:Ix11'+n�+b�C^"+Zti�i�l.'s...f,tJS�at>-, i � . . � ��+},.'f����� 4 t (�i��'�.; ;`�"�''' ' . <br /> �rYS� - . . . .. - .- , . . .- . . . .. f _ ➢fl?�v t�+,�jK� ,j� 'K¢}� . . .� .. <br /> -.•ii-.. — .1.. ,i+, �- .,,. . -_ ' . . . • _ <br /> � . .. <br /> . . <br /> , � _�' ' _ ' - . . <br /> . •. � .. <br /> .- �M�kt.:'.,...'. _. ,i � ' . ._. . . . - . . <br /> � � <br /> .5"K� K�f�«,. . <br /> .�+a 46 • . •�• <br /> _._ ..�. . . � �. <br /> . <br /> -� � , _•"'i'!'Fd�J1. _`�r-rC' ::�_ <br />