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��ti+r� . 1 . �. . .�...:_.M� i�.:f���uz.. c.: �����krW�::� �+n7_ <br /> M•' ' ,,.rL.+.� +ec�e�..����F�.��wr•t�..v..�+r:'s• ..+v^y ,1 Fv3�Y� i•:y'�- M <br /> ' „ � ... � . .. . � ., , „ • ^ �r��s. .. <br /> . �_ rM, M�►wy►q!!a�fy►tar t�NMlewiat)albn�d th�1lro�iq�p�e p���o��litiii <br /> .._._-.—'��J�.q�i`'`r,�T'�-,.�.�;�1F .v�A _ _LL �-�S�ii.:or.:y...�� .!!! .�r'�!!"��i.ri�.dc.a.--=- - <br /> . • �l�Mrr w wirN.rrYdi�li . 6�dw�wdlt�M��► ��M �Qlr�s ii w� �,,:----' <br /> pp�e�(p)qqhs�r�it d�ny adMt Oo�rwl��or�MMM1K to)�sxpaw�inouRrMl Y `"; <br /> f�el�■�+A�iqe�d�a�.�t uot 1pniM�d w���le�Y�'ibes��e�d(�alow�b�ctioa�l.b�t� � �� .,� <br /> �Ip�Il�t d�ifrn d thir Securky Io�pnermit.l.a�da�1 r/�hls in�d�o Propb�ty�wf Barrowbtti obli�Mba b p�l Ibe . <br /> � �wdb� � S�arity ItM�w�c tlwq oastlew tioel�yb. Uptin � by !lormrwr. ihM��o�l�t7 . . . <br /> 1�wna�t�od 6ia obli�on recu�ed I�meb�r d�U renuM bxly sMa��ve u tt no�iooelaatlun hd ooewtrd. }ioM6v�r�W!i . <br /> ty4t 10�naMa�li not�pply ia thr aare o�aooeierntior+w�ler pu�n�ph 17. <br /> 1!. 8�1e af IV�M1 �{�0�1 J3�sk�r. 'Ibe Nooe a a p�rtt�l intarat in 1bo Nnte(to�C�with Ihi�Secu�ity <br /> Ima+anait)�ay t=i�41e at� �v! , prior notia to�on�owcr. A sdo msy mwlt�n a ch�n�e ire�ha eattty <br /> (laiown a�dia"l.o�a Kqu co�ja�P��+dae a�r tlie Naa�ad thb Sec�uity Inadumant. 71�cme d�o <br /> nuy be ana or mone ch�n�e.�ot the Lom Servker w�t�e�l w�tale of the No1e. It�Iwxe is i clwiga of�tha Lo�n Seivber, <br /> AaroMer will6n�Ivan writta►�otioe af the clw�o ia aoco�danoe with piu�r�ph 1�above w�0 ppPlicabb law. 'IUe aotice <br /> M�N atqn tQa n�mG�nd addnys of Ihe nevr La�a Sdviccr�nd tbo�k�aa q whic6 p�y�ts ihadd be a�d0. '11�e�aolice will <br /> '�ho carrtain�rny otircr infatnWUtian►alu�ted b�'�PPlicable I�w. <br /> 21�. H��s�r�ou�Snb�ces. Bomnwer ah�U oot cause or pertnit ti�e presence,use.dispo�+�l.ator+�e•os releam of�un►y <br /> wL..aous saauirrxa.a�or in tno Propat�r,, t5orrawer shdl au ao.mor.�uovy,�nyone else w ao.mymin�g.fraiiqg a�y;.;,� . , � � <br /> Ptope�ty th�t�idi�dop af aay.�!od�nc�ta�I�:�W,�p�ed,s� Q,�s�ri�,'�y'°���bo�ropr���;�+�f x a,al",• � �,�:'.': <br /> ; ��' �.'�ta�gcsif�:the ofsriw9l,u�wntitio's�tiP�lazatdqas M , �� �+Il . ���Na + , <br /> ',.t�iiidentiul+i��maintx�ls�ncaofiitacP'rt�p'eity; • � ., , ; . ,, . • ' • ' ' <br /> ;,� , �� � <br /> , �brrtiwer:shit]l;proniql.�ivc<i:erldex�vrltten ndtic4 uf any in�;�gatio�,cl�r dw�d,�►vr�u�i i±t bct�er Aeti�n fb�r any : <br /> . .ovet��ii��{;�f��i�r'�uluta�ty��geiliy or p�lvate pa�ty.lns�►3vlmg the�y.�d�n�r�HA�1�'W.�.5�1�9i9ltCd•A7�ri�'3i011911C7�T31I , --- <br /> .� „��,'.:�w, of�vVl�cA �cinvwot'l�us�,actual�dw�etlg8. If;�nrower 1P.ams, � by'��iy�'8nver�nmeatal or���re$q�;laloar�'���;�, � � <br /> . . authririsy,t�t my removal ao ott�er�atiop+a�t Any H�►sa►rdais Subsaqa�.a�e�g�e.aF�Opert�r.�s�,�Sa�wMra'},. '�,. ,• .. <br /> e�h�ll prom'pdy toke all na:essary re� al actions in accoMance w;th�nvironmentel LaW. . <br /> ps uaed in lhis paragrstph 20�"�azardous Substances"nre those substances defina!�s taxic or hozardoua aubsuuiixe by <br /> FrvironmentW Law u►d the foHow�ng aubstances: gasoline.kerosene.other Brmmpble or toxic petrolwm producig.W�cic <br /> pesticides and herbicldes,volaUle solvcnts, materials contafning asbestos or formeldchyde.and radioacdve matedals. At <br /> ueod in thie par�graph 20."Bnvironmental Law"menna federal I�w�md Ipwa of the jwltdict�on whene the Proporty b loatod <br /> th�t relue w he�lth.u�fety or anv[ronment�l protecdon. • <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Bamwer and Lender fwther coven�n[and a�nce�s follows: <br /> 21. Ac�ekratbni Remedk�. I.eader�lull�ive aodoe to Barrower prbr to acoekr�tloa tofbwla�Bomo�'� <br /> b�cM d m�oove�nt or�neement la thb Se�w�ity indrnne�l tbut aot prlor to accekrrlloa u�der p�ryrapY 11 <br /> ndar applk�Ele 4w provida olherwfeel. 7be ootke�Msll�pectfjs (a)the defanit;lb)tbe�cllo�req�ked to cnre t!u <br /> +�i tc3��e•sies!�s tlsaa 39 days h�sn!!ss dals tl:e�stict b�lven!�Bor�x►�:by wbtcY tbe d�hult�wt be <br /> curodt�nd(d)that hllure to cure IIUe defiult oa or be�ore the d�te specifkd In tbe notke nw�r+ewll tn�a�ekratia at <br /> the sums�e¢urtd by tbis 3ecurlty In$trument�ad sde ot the Praperly. The aotice sball f�urther Infa�m Barruwer d <br /> tbe rf�bt W re4�tak ARer aecekratlon�nd We�IIIht to brtng a court�etbn to as�ert tl�e na��exbieoce af�default a <br /> �py other dekue of Borrow�er to�ccekratlon aad asle. I�Ihe def�ult is not curod on or be�ore the date sptdflM ii <br /> tUe oot{oe,l.ender at if�optbn msy requ(re immedi�te paymeot In Rull ot WI eums securod by thb 3ecurlty lmtramesit <br /> �vithont fWrther demaad and may tnvoke the power o�sak and aay other remedies permttted by appllable Isw <br /> I.edder shdl be eatttled to collecl all expenses Incurred in pursuieg the remediee provided b Wls p�rw�apM 21� <br /> iacludtag,but aot Nmited to,rex5onabk attorneys'fees aad casts ot ttlk evidenee. <br /> IP the power ot sale is invoked,7Yusta shsll record a ootice o�dehult in exb rnunty Ia whkb pay p�K d t6e <br /> ptoperty Is located aad s6a11 mall copies ot such notice in the nwooer presc�ibed by appUcabk law to Borrower� to <br /> the other penons prescribed by applicabie law Aber the I(me nquired by applicabk law,7lrosta shsM give puWie <br /> notioe ot s�le to the persons r+nd In Ihe awaner rescribed by�pplicable law. 't�ustee,withaut demand on Borraver, <br /> shaU sell We Property at publlc Auction to the h�ghest bidder ot Ihe time and place and under the termg designated i� <br /> the notice ot sale ta one or more parcels and in Any order'ilrustee determines. 7lrustee mAy postpone sak ot all or Any <br /> paree!o!the Property by public announcement At the dme wid place of any prevlausly schedukd sale. Lender or ita <br /> des[gnee may purchase the Properly At Any sale. _ <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,'I�ustee shall deltver to the pu�chaser 7lrustee's deed conveyfng the <br /> Property. The reCitals in the 71�ustee's deed shaN be p�ima i�cie evidence of Ihe lruth ot the smtements mwde therein, <br /> 1lrusieP c6W1 apply Ihe proceeds oi the sale in the tollowing order: la)to all cosis aad expenses otexercisin�the power <br /> Fbrm 3Y2Y 919D Ipa![�S oj6 puxra► <br /> t � ' <br /> t ' <br /> __.i.Hrw-.. .-rn-- . � .— -- r . ,r-o'-- .- ?.� i�� - ��n�8e�-..�.....�-z � � <br /> ! � j. �L.x'�-�_-""��W'— —� <br /> -.�c:�}`� 7�[ it'''. . - .... -.. �_ •; .�. •..'< l�{ :i��}v[z'�M 1 __ —_ _--' <br /> � . �/��� <br /> _ta�.a.c_:_,.''',�i6:t�aili_.�ei..sts._�, . •u � �.i:,�i��`=:h�ti�-'y.3'-�—t�t�-dh..�.�'�' -----. — <br /> y.n:.._.a:SN�N'�f <br /> __-,_. -. _— __—__—_i_. . __. ..__ . . __ _ <br /> `-- ;�,�.s+�-31 _ —---—_ -—— --_-- ..d°4�'���ti7�_r�� '�j:r''�-(��-s� �r� -- <br /> .�BJrtt L� t - ? . � , t ' .Y•' r � . `,i'rRC�^ <br /> __ 1� "�s�s � • 1 �. �~ '�'�" xGiG�^L:�f'�t�.MC� ._ <br /> ., 1, . a�a��"^ �kr+� <br /> �.,xi, �;. o , � �:� .;... ,j , � > . „ <br /> ,.6.,; ��.�.._. .. . . <br /> =---a� :�irZ.a�-n ���� ". . ' . • •�.q��t�lt Y 1�'trt�f,�l' J `r.'}',t�'�� ��.�„r�`� ,+i�LCw:n it� 77,t dta1,..�i�'`��''r ^ a_��r� r " <br /> rq ,�l�{�E,.1f;< ��?�t, �. �q � '�� �' r a ._. <br /> v°=;�..`i�iJS 195��5'��.3t..�`.2�."::t:•sL::::.... .+d;u�.,a'.�w.�^1;.��`tttl'�I`I`I�i,�i�l,s r�i�` ���1`j„`�t�N M,� i,.emZ�.�i�J��l'Ar1'\'1�r��j�+r� v�'���{��--`T_- <br /> � ( y t '/+ • _ '� iS�, � 11��_� s�,�t ,� ,,�i � 1• „� �i ( � � � �`, �: fs l <br /> ` R Iv )1� ' - �rf-l� 1 I � - I v 'I 1 1� '.. 11� f�,. <br /> 1�f_H����lcYr'.(J �f �� 'f'F� r CY d I 1'c' 1 fy���ti:�,! '�i`!.l�i�; �}� =,h�-�";1.S�tLf,it�'�.iJ' \ yr•t• � .�° <br /> � ? ;''•• �t� . ` 'j131,.i�'fvt c i,.ty�'�`..::`��r s: . <br /> ��,-5/� `Y.r, ,�,�{k,.,?`;�}. l�•',: .�'; � i ,���� t!r}�i~ ��:I.:i.ittM -r��r} �ik.Y�.. �./� 4' \ 4�y�iy2. <br /> - -\ I ""I':.• . `r ti�•� +t. , , av a� � .. yi -y {.} � <br /> ��. t t 1�Cfi P;� � !�Y�'N I!� .1 ai'-6•..,.. •�!;...•:' t . ��tay��f .; { y�'(� t 5i'\l�;r <br /> '�'�i Ai• �{ � .��'�y�' .4iFC�i��``Mc c� =c -'-ti1�2f' ��"�";r'7, 41� �a .•ta' �{�)jr_��.,-t ,ty..7�q�:,..; - <br /> � f ��x�'r7 .N L <br /> . v k`�.t �,. `t Ap+.,�N j � ; �, � �l'y�L �.+ 2�rp'x i;.� yro���l` - -i <br /> _ _ — t,4At_ ,.�'�.�t$fn i Y �.;1�^• ,�� : , �.'���ti,. Y,� ��. � � ,.. �t r <br /> ._._-..��.�.�.�:..:EiV� a�.�/- ��a��cG��'.e.:ur_�',�`Jr,'4�1���11�'i�.. i.. ,��1� �` <br /> �.. .,,� - — i__ '. �w..`r ��tf�C.� ..� � t,i4�1�.y.�MrA � , ��iFe)14��.��.. 1• , ,��,+� i�5� — <br /> ,t � �� _ . � ( - �e� p `v }� � ; <br /> �.7i�� ri��Fi�� n �MN4 t�.� � �IJ\�'y �., . .... 7 , . �. �•. •T,`t;�lyT ' � ;. � -1 . _ C <br /> l a�� ', t � - .♦'.�� � . �.,h. 1�ti� 'l't - A�. <br /> es,r. �-s-�-.3' •-- - • ��1�� i��A'.- . �._.�t.. �t. .�.t �...�,. t'�t�Nt;'}� .,�.... � '''�.,�;R�'.. � . <br /> ':.;'��M'.�k�ii�:3 �4 ii L .t ,(�.,- ' .R3 .,.:�+; • - • ' <br />