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"*�`,'"'. , t_ ..wt''}o� . !� nt' f `i• . ,f_Ta:Tii<��';RT'�J.M....`._ Z -_y ,.')_ '^1P Tlvc+ .T --- __. . <br />- - . .. , . - '_ :x,.,.��-- <br /> _ . ��i�!±��_.n.-`„r+�#�#`S-�-==�._ <br /> __. . _., Y�I�rrYN�t��Rrr�L�1,�LCYit'-' i.^.rsn7^ 'a�ia' <br /> ..' <br /> � -r--.r � ; _�,., <br /> . . 11M�ii..��t�i - ��M►- is�ii�M� q r�a�''M�r�i�y� ���� �';'�;`�" .``;., <br /> K�IUO�N�t OOV�tAM7!tlw Sano��rer V MrMldly srlM�et d»�ale I��M�►voewy�i�d Iw�A��t la�11. =- <br /> �nd oonvhr 16e �nd dMt Ibe Pro�q i�aewlo�b�d.�xa�t 1br mo�b�moM d teootd. Dq���rrn��rh�MQ .. <br /> IYYI�d�•dAle ID d�0�IppqlQ��i1�t�II d�INt 111Ad dh1111M�,�Ilb�/Ct b�rA0M11�bM d b0� <br /> '[�$ ���rl'1�TRU�P COIt16�00t Ir1VOff11 OOMOfIMIp��Of t1�1�0�M�Q�Ild OOIF�iI�q���'1��� ;.: :. .���.: <br /> , IIIII�IM�n�1�Mn�t jF'.�1MieC1�011 W�aM�iFt11i0 il 4q�afl�l 10CiU3t��Iti11i1mi��fl GcliFillifi�R1�pl'p�l@i1y . . <br /> 1,1�11I�VBNAI��. �OIIOM�![Mld�.Q�IdOr CMlall�lK Md y104 M I�dM/: <br /> �., �j�W��kM�M�.�'�����w��.�Q�'�t �MfR�#� py�1N�1�� <br /> �d ad bMaioM ow Ilw dob�t drbde�cad bp tl�e Nale�d�Y P'�PY��d IMe�dMe�iiw Nole. � • <br /> I+M�is ti�r.'��M�wrM�ex.SW�joc.t w�pplic�bk yw ato awrriqea�fver Lendar.Barowdr�6aq pq 1� <br /> [�wd�r o�ibe d�y onanihly a�ue duc widet the Mae,w�W dre Nae is p�id in Rdl.4 aaa("Ei�adt'7 far.(a)Y�!' <br /> 'woa�d aaatnaAet�ts wl�m��y y dWnpriari!y ovcr d�it Secua►ity In�Rt at a lleo an t6e Ptopaty;(b)YearfX leaehoid . <br /> � a�vuld reaw on tbe Propany- � U�nY: (c)Ye+�l�!fw�ard a�prcpaty�aa�x pnantaau: (� y�eMb Aood <br /> n <br /> �Premivau. U any; (c) raoe�ie luuu�ace y�raniums.i f my;�nd(n�uY �P�Y��5►�� . <br /> u <br /> Ix�!'d1'r..M iioaKd�nce wiW Uw��avJ oi pwagr�ph 8.;h 11a�of We p�rr�ent at tqat�aBo Luurmoe pemiun�. 'I7iae <br /> 14�e iq�s c�llod"Facrvw Itana."'Lsender ua�y.�t auy cime,caUect ud 6al�0 R�nds in�n�mo�nt not w excaed thp amuclmuat <br />'�.•`�; ' nnouat a kader fa a federally rbUted macg�ge law may iequito for Horcovwxl�eeerow Accaunt midu the fedad &�1 <br /> Fsate Sealenaa�!P�+ocedwes Nct uf 1974 u�ded fian dme w tima�13 U.S.C.�2b01 etseq t'ItFSPA'�.wlku�Ipod�a <br /> Vw th�t appliei to tho Wnd�ss�'s e�le�er�oamu. IP w.l.ender m�y.�t a�y titqe,collec►and hold Fiu�In ai�taouat twt w <br /> ozeoed the la:er u�sount. I.c 'r�at nwy atim�ro tha mtouat of FWnds due tai tl�e:t��gir of c�pna2 dets tusd reR�ep�le <br /> .: poim�tos of expu�ditura of ti�tiao�sCrow Itenu or otherwise in+�card�nce w�tL aPl�nb'�.Maw. :� ' ,.r,. <br />�C°' The Hu�d� shal!be held in�n in�tiamimn.aM�e depodts a�e ine�ria�pAy�fedlr+i!mB�Y.lashwaa�tall�,,:ar.^�ptity�.::�:��:�,., ,:�; <br /> ,.. Hu <br /> i•, 1:; � •...:;. <br /> : �. (including L.endar.if LaKfer is auch aA in�t+��tuu�)or in my Federat How�e;01o�d Bank. t.ender siu�ll A�ply.tbe t��y..�;•.. ; , <br /> uu � � <br />�t; , the Bacrow Itans. [.ender may nP�ch,as$�16wc►rNwer fa�laldin$atA A�pqylag the Fupds,�anw�tlY•anaQy�a��es �..� ;,.'' <br /> . ar�aw► verifyiag the Items;,ualess''C.ender pava 'borrower iaoaest on thw iitMa aqA.applIr`.iibya;law�p.eijp�p��''�'';:' .. , <br /> LEid4ZZ7,,�0 p1NkE 9UCB N Ctlif$0.. Howeveq,l,anc�r•pta+y'�►es,µ�¢re Homnwer to pay a aie-eime i��t for�initep�eiukt�'t�y1 . '. <br /> 'e»a'tq taa�po�ii�eervice uscd y t,et+der ia�o�nnccoioa wi�k�:�ds Iwn�uNess Applic�b��lUw pmvi�ks otherwis,o:;itwitc�ih , . <br /> p � i b <br /> �c+eemaM is�p�e�.�ppllcabk 1try,�►a�aures,mz�rest�to be�pld Lende�a1W1 not be ra�i�inetl W p�y Honower��a• <br /> :' . eardags w ttia'�.s. Aormwer and Lemder:may�agree ia�wntiag�hawever,tlut i�ntera�t sball be�d on the.. �4Mier. `.:', <br /> �ll giv�to Bormwer,without eharge.wi�anhual aoo`auar;u�of the Funds„at�awi�ng exe�ts uid blts to'the�w�dc s�d�be .. ';:.�i,.! <br /> . parpoFe fa which euch debit�o fhe�inids'waa'made. 111e Fuu�ds are pled'god�addit�iaaal�ecuriry for aU wms'sccWeA by ,, . , . <br /> �hie Sccurlry Lredua�ent. , <br /> • •ii dte Fwtda iie`id by Lender exceed the amounte permidod to be ircid by Applic�ble inw� Lemler shaii �c:anu�t in <br /> Bornower far the eacess Funda ia Accmdance wlth�he requlrements of applicabk law. If the amount of the Fimda hetd by <br /> Lender at�ny time is not autticknt to pay the Escmw Itema when dua,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,u�d�ln <br /> tuch caae Borrower slWl p�y w L.endar�he amount neccseary w mekcup the detkiency. Borrower ah�U mdce up the <br /> def�cicncy in na rtwne thon twelve monthlY PpY��•+�t L,ender�sole diecnedon. <br /> Upon payrnent in full of all sums securcd by lhis Security insdvntenl,Lrender�hall promptly�efund W Borrower arry <br /> Fundi heW by I.ende�. If.under par�graph 21.Lender shall acquirc or sell the P�vperty.Lender.prior to tl�e acquirition ar <br /> We of the Pmperty. slull�pply nny Fundo heW by Lender�t the time oi�cquisition a sak as a crodit yainst the swrn <br /> tecwed by thi�Security Instrutnenl. <br /> 3. Applkti�tloa o� Payn�ls. Unkas applicable luw provides otherwfae. all payments reoeivod by L,ender unAer <br /> pau��nphs 1 and 2 eholl be applied:first.a anYp�paYment chargea duo under 1he Note; wnountr payable under <br /> pm�ph 2;thtrd,ro inte�st due; principal due;and lasl.lo any latc chuges due under the Notc. <br /> 4. CharQat Lkni. Borrower shall pAy all teaes.assessments, clwrges, fines and imposltiona atMbuable to tha <br /> P�vperty which may ettoinpr1ority over thic Sccurity insuume�ti and leasehold payments or grourM rcnts.lf any. Barower <br /> �hAll p�y dKSe oblfgatians in the manner provided in pamgaph 2.or if not paid in tl�t manner.Bomnwu sholl pay ttl�em on <br /> dme dicoctly w the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumisb to L.ender WI notices of sunounta W be paid under <br /> Iltis p�ragraph. U Borrower malce4 these payments directly,Borrower chall prompily fumisl�lo Lender recefpis evldencing - <br /> the ptyments. <br /> Bor�ower shall pmmptly dlscharge any lien which has priority over this Secu�ity Inswment unless Borrower.(a)ag�as <br /> in writing to the payment of�he obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good feith the <br /> lien by.or dafends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings whkh in the Lenderh opinion opernte to prevent tde <br /> enfacement of ttrc lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ngieement satisfactory to l.emkr subordineting the Iten <br /> to this Securiry lnawmen� If l.ender detmnines that any part of the Prope�ty is subject to a lien which may attain primity <br /> over thia Secu�ity lnsaumen�Lender may give Borrower a nntice idendfying the lien. Borrower shall setisfy 1he lia�or take <br /> one or mo�e of thc actlons set forlh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S. HwArd or Propertq lasunnce. Bo�rower shell keep the improvements now existing or hercafter erected on the <br /> Property insured agains�loss by fire.hazards included wlthin the term"extended coverage"and siny other hazAnls,including <br /> floods or flooding,for which l.ender requines insurance. This insurnnce shall be mainuaned in 1he amounts and for the <br /> RirA JO28 1190 fpngr 2�/6 pa�rtl <br /> - --n-,:...•.�n��^ i, '-- y����E <br /> --:+c."�...�5tl�hl�1»2Jix'.y.';.:1. �_ ._ . � � ' i.a� -t( �. - �-ai'��� • �LL'8�e 3ua1�n...�'�. _ <br /> �,�._.S.F_5,i,'�53r*;i�.�.,}._ .. ° ,; 3� ,. t ,,,,a..�ofilsif"'h" �u+w,rN_�r._a�e_,r�..,�.u�.�?�a�tu�.�R-�� • <br /> -- .;a. <br /> .,s � �,.���1r..r.�.�.,.:�xr..�.�.e+.:awi�.�=.�.�� _ . . <br /> - <br /> ��~^�-���i ' -� � . i'i -`.YaLiV�� .�r �,���x'�' 7^}'�.+"`�,LU�+�-�-�-_. <br /> �i iv , � � �- -. .r f .tiiF `�"f�l�r1-f a�'��t � j" � r�i AlT <br /> - �x�..�11Y'�3.A,r '. _i�_ !ti �. f� i� �}V I �� �,�+, �- ��, � ���t�1'�'R'�.J���C}i,�ls „� � },?��r <br /> . . � Y :�:- �' . .� � A f `` Ir i !f+ t � �'"G ,t•..;.t r� i S r�� � <br /> . _� '�1+�Jt 11�SN.Ji �•r.r:�4��� � i t .c . Y .m� � << tf' �1�i! I� �7m'� <br /> � .._c t •,1� u ff+a4 t�)1,�'It u� +{eti�,L:���,�...��� 1 �4`��+.a'}� !� -. �tY � V t. <br /> - �.�.. r n r � .�' t���!!' �y,,`l�[j�"4'r' .) ,� r��� '�( Ii�'... 5 �V� .r } � 1 V�y� <br /> —--�"` -_°, at .'r �� .i\ � ��7 'ti �1.; I n �l�l� I � .��E f I`Cti f�R� �� <br /> -�.-1-- - b't.�'{�' � .. "y'. �'S�j'd'.�� ��ir�4�1�1Si.{���u+`+1 f��„ ��l�ol���?�+� I (���)�`�}��(� jt� �Y- <br /> < t , �, �j�:`,:?6�• l�s ��,.�j�� � <br /> .�-- .,� � .- .�, �k,�.lL• {� .1,t� c ,Y„r,, �• y;t•A• e P.� ' ,.111•�P •1.:',l ,r�tI,' j' {5 c�t�r' f l. <br /> �„�r�vian�q,�Y�!yP����'1 IkJ. l `,•q,�,,r. ,�f1'yr';#%��4 �Z i �'{'�f�'.!�jr,�.� ��� <br /> . ' - +•�,:rN'u�...� J� �! µ,,r�,,�.. ` `� � .�l..j����1},It�. �. L ����.'��. k ... 14,I:Sft' �v-..f�+� +• <br /> il�� - : ly'��/) t �` F1' '� t4. ��,�•t,'r y....r 7'(r�} l,�`'\'+ ♦ � <br /> - .. c?inr . -x,rc'7-� ;.9..� . ��+�}`y��t ;�r -, t,, ti.SSY,F �}. l,��.�j'�� ' ����f rt 1 <br /> �-.: .7� - � Y� t �.i�,` �^.T�'��V}�flPs�:l •{>��S)��rNyn ,} ti':i L+� `4�tiL�`,�Y,�y1,a`tyl!ti�ru� <br /> � -�.br`�;..1+�4�l, ,�.�.�, i, t : �� �`, P�Y'`��e`t��� ,!1:` 1 c JAylpi.`'.. �'�.1.'� � � � �,,;: }� ' <br /> --�s�mr�...ti � . n.� cy 1;�1�f � / .';'. . �t "*•1 �c 'ii�v r� ��-� <br /> flZhLtV. i 7� � �/� uwiy,xillr.•iGY�'r��4�3i: � i' �5t �y tY l�� <br /> - �--�.�a. s w.f iks2t a {1f���d, a,) ty� • � f c`.�� V 1.� +� j■1�t . , ���y�;,�� � <br /> [dCii tlT':�f�yMll�li�� r,�a���Y7�-F7.f.1��/���:f�Y�� iIl �" , i <br /> ]. 15 Y t f. - - , �� �� �`� <br /> }�Vn C�' , .r, t . ti t �:•1 g,!Y <br /> �.,, . � � 31Fs��'i�i��� t "C.� lt.�_���Y,`y,' ��A�4 +�. t�:. t�'���� � `��i <br /> •wciplrl'"'[i9.rytL3A9}.Sl01�lS'�S'l?, `*n���. s���- ����:�t��`, , � _ ...e.� � _ <br /> ----- - -.,-zm �y��Y�I l�y� �r- : �r�,b'�cv«`.. s _ c+cs ... .. _. ,t.. ',� �h:+ ��'i. ,•�� �.� .q!•i '�, .��is:,'. <br /> .__�. ���l- h_�EAfIIA���y L i. . �. } � t...� , i�'r •� •L} i�J�1t�i�ll.l��i ;.�' . _ <br /> .�.��'�..-�'S.�tT1.-Jd1�P ..:/ ... . F • � . . .� - .}'i e..M/X�I:i�X�'1��� . ...����rlT���t � __. <br />