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'�' �, ,��,,,,�,��-.�. <br /> - ':� . .. . ., r. .�,.�.M �'• � .Y.1- -r'_.�.�_.__.. <br /> , _. _ .. .. .. ^ ' •�. •.r. �•�:�_u_._ <br /> . . � . � ' . � 'f1=__ '":. <br /> . <br /> --- - �������.rnti.�i�ri��t�e���h�---� -- — •� • ,� ., t�.er <br /> "�" ,j� -____�"',—�.�ar:.. � <br /> _ - -- — �i,d'�b,�d�r�id i0�-,. -�: ,.:-- • . ------ •: _ - — - _- - -- - _ -_.._ <br /> � 1� i..w�t or,ww Wd�y at t1e l�I�a�rty,II�,p i4f r.�Il.a a d�.r�M aar�+by aiti �� .�• <br /> l�aM,wM�or�ot dre�4ue.Milb ary exa�pd�!w��aon�n�re�r; b�Ut aw�t d�pqt�l�kM��[�,�`�'""=�. <br /> «hicb die Wr n�rka v�We d'dre Pro�iy i�a�l�►b�ota�s n,e 1�tiq is eq�W.o orpoa�er dyn tM.�o.t'��e ws�� � <br /> �x�uiced by d�SacuRity Iast�woaN immediWeliiadl be rednoe�by �d tl�epooq�da nwkiplbd!��y bIM�� ^ <br /> �Ye s�ens�ecu�sd by d��ecurit�r Iatuumem . � <br /> haction: (a)the wi�l�naiat o[tbe wna socut�d imo�odiately 6�efao the toklq�.dirltied bry(b)d�e t+iit�rk�et vllrs vf IMe <br /> Pwpaty ia�neQi�dy bofao the t�lcin�. Aay b�Wroe #1ap bc p�W eo Bafrower. In die ev�aat of�� Wdpt at�qie. . <br /> lbpaty ia which d�e Mr mukat v�lue d�he Propaty i�med�telY belae�ha t�ldn�b lea dan the amo�nt d d'is�w ��: • , . <br /> sa.�twed iantiediately befaro the uking.unla� Ban�er and l.a�der ad�erwlre�ee in writlty or wnka�plkaible Is�v� <br /> ndia�vLe proviaes,a�e proceed��II be�pptlea�o tbe s�s�ocwea by t6�sxuaty lmau,nau wbe�or iwt die wan�n+e � <br /> tben due. <br /> U the Prapaty is�bandooed by BarovNer.or if.�Ru natica by L,ender to Bonawet tlut tba ooadan�of�'as to m�k�e <br /> �n awud a satle�cWm far d�nuges.Barrower faila w�spond to t.ender wit6in 30 drya�flcr the dMe tha notia is�iva�. <br /> i.ender is wthorized to collact and�pply the proceed�. �t ite optiao�eitha to tmta�tWr or iep�ir of�e Ptope�ty ar W 1ha <br /> wms�auned by d►ic Security losbument,wf�cttrer or not thea due. <br /> Ua{ess lrender�nd Aomower ahetwise agroe in writing,any app1icaR�oa af p�ocoeds a piacipl a►aU uot eztend ar <br /> portpone�6e due dNe of the moothlY P�Y��cefer�od w in pare�aph 1�nd 2 or cl�n�e t1�e irno�o�t af sr�i�xymenu. <br /> ll. iarawer N�t RelnMei; I�b�beor�wae �� I.eMar Nd a Wi�irer Fa�ta�ian of d�e 6noo fvr'pg�aent a <br /> mod�tialloe of�qta�tion oi the suma cecu�ed by d�is Sec�rity Inqnrra�t Qr�nced by L.ender to ao�suooas�or in islpea�t <br /> - -- of Annov+e��hall na[opera�e b releaee the 1(a6iWy of the origiaal Barower a Bomowerl�wooessas in inlerai.,�.+k�der • <br /> �II nat be aquirc�i eo eomn�oe prooxdings agao�st any suc�in eoterest ur refuso to catend wn�e for p�ry�c�Y.or <br /> othetwise modify�qt�o�tiz�tion of the�ums sxurod by�his Securiry Instnaneiat by rcason of my dem�nd�rade by the o'ri�nl <br /> Barrawer ar Banoaenc�uccessors in intenest. Aay forbeaance by Letder in e�in�any ri�ht ar reat�+dy sh�U a <br /> waiver of or proclude the exer�cise of any right ar r�medY• <br /> � 12. S�aoes�o�s aad A�ns Boaad:Joiat nnd Seve�ll.bibWty;Co-�nero. 71ie covenaats ard�greemeats of tl�i.s <br /> :� Security L�suument shWl bind and benefit tho�ucxessars a�id acsigns of Lrnder w�d Borrower.subjoct w the proviatons af <br /> p 17.Hcxrower�s wvenaeyts�and agrcements ahall be joint and severpt.Any Bomower who co-signa thie Secarity <br /> L�str� but doea not execute the Note: (A)is co-sfgning 11�i�3ecurity Insnuntent only to mortgage.Brant and convoy�tl�t <br /> � Borrowerh intercst ia f�e�rope�ty under Ihe terms of U�is Security instrumer�t: (b)is not per�a�ally obligatod to pay the wma ' <br /> secuzed by this Sacurity in�nt;and(c)agrcxs thet Lentfer and eny ahtr Bomnwer may Agnx to extend.modify.fabear ' . <br /> ::x�� or m�ke �ny accomnwdation.4 wi�h�egard to the trnns of�t6is Security Instnument or tha Note wldiuut thu BormWety .• � ., � <br /> - "���� Co�lsent. ' ,' <br /> `�w�� , 13. La� Clw�e. !f th� )oan secured by this Se�:i�itk_�nstnimmt is subjoct w a law which seta mauimum loat�.:., ' <br /> _ ci�arges.and duu iaw.�a,finaiiy imerp�ud u►�ii�e imeres�ar wi�er Iam ci�es�viiec�xl ur zo bc wtia.�6�c���;ii�� ' � , <br />_� wiih the loan exceed•�he pem�iaed limits.then: lal any such loen charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to ralt�ce , <br />;;� the charg�to Ihe permitted limit;and(b)any sumx alrcady cdlceted fmm Bon+ower which exceeded pertnitted limits will be , <br /> refunded to Barnwer. I.eqder msay choosc to malce this nefund by�educing the principr!owed under the Note or by malcing a <br /> _ ;��.?� direct payment[a Borrower. If a re�und reduces principal,the reductbn witl be treated ns a partial prepayment withaw any <br /> -_ :n"`° prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> " l4. Natkes. Any notice to Borrower provided far in this Sccuriry Ingd�ument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> _ mailing it by first cluss mail unless applicable law requires ure of another method.The ndice shall be directed to the Property <br /> - Addrxss or any other ald�ss Borrower designules by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by fi�at class <br /> •��, mail to Lender's address stated hcr+cin or ony other address Lender designales by notice to�artower. Any notice provided fcir <br /> _ . {4�t.r in �his Secudty Instrument shull be deemed to have been give� to Bamower or Lender when given aa provided in ul�is <br />_ �i; �lS�Governing; Severabllity. Thiti Security Inshument +hall be gov�med by fedeml law and the law of the , <br /> y jurisdiction in which ttie Pmperty is locnted. In�he event thut uny provi�ion or clnuse of this Security ln�aament or the Note <br /> -���� ` contlicts with opplicnble low,such conflict shull not nffect�ither provixions of this Security InstrurrKtnt or 4he Note whioh can <br /> �: '_ be given effect wilhout the conflicting provision. 'R►this end the provisions of triiR Security In�trumem and the Note ane <br /> - �, . Ja decl:ued to be x:vemble. <br /> :���- 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one confnnned copy of Ihe Note und of Ihis Serudty lnxtrument. <br /> ��;�,����;�, 17. 7FAnsfer ot the Property or a Beneficis�l Inlerest in Borrowe� 1 f ull or:uiy part of the Property or nny incerest in <br /> it is sold or trunsferred(or if a benefirial in�eres� in Borrowcr i+sold or�runsFerred und Bormwer is nrn a nutural person) <br />_ '~ ''' '� without Lender'.s prior written consent. Lendcr muy,ut it+option,reyuire immediute p•ryment in ful) of all tiums secured by <br />"`�: '?'�"'�'�"''�:'�' this Securky Instrument. However.�his option xhull not be exenised by Lender if exercise is prohibfted by federal law as of <br /> ���''°`� �� the date oPthis Sscu�ity Instrumen�. <br /> , ..... . . <br />__ _' �:,; � If Lendor exercises this option,Lender shull give BoROwer notice of uccelerntion. The nntice sholl provide a period of <br /> ° ` "��''"�' not less Ihan 30 d�ys from the date the notire i,dclivercd or muiled within wfiich Borrower rnu.t pay aN sumx secured by�his <br />�;�,�� y�a �� � Securlry Ins�rument. If Borrower fails to pay ihese sum� prior to the expiratiun af thi. periad. Lender mc�y invoke uny <br /> "�` `,. � remedie�permiued by Ihis Security lmtrument w•ithom further nrnice or demanJ on Burrower. <br /> � �I•.�' ��s'•'. '. ' , IS, Borrower's Right to Reinstale. If Borroaer mcet�crnuin rondi�ionx,Bormwer �hull huve Ihe right to huve <br /> ,6;�;.;„ti'''s,<f�:,,c�ti� enfonnn�ent uf t8i�,Securiiy Instnuncnt discont inucd at um timc prior to thc esrlirr oC: lu)S�inyc Mr.uch other periex)uz <br /> --4f.t;r,T . <br /> ^`������' ' SingkFumity--Fannlel►1ne�Freddle�lacl'NIFt1RNIN5TRCMENT-•Unifurmc�wenum� 9/90 qx�urJ.�Jn�wgrsl <br />- ' ,�� ..f_�'Ys'�t.t i: • _. <br />� ,�i ��i �1!t.':.r�����;��t: '.k:` <br /> :�,a , ��'',`�:;.;;:j�,;?;�'; <br /> , ie ':%y�t r 7 - <br /> � ,, f + � ..�t . ,,, . _ . .�• .,. . r- -- -�,�<<�, .. ,�•=`w�'.t._ ' «'�,�.:�''��''.�� <br /> �N _ .�„ ,'Mh- >- �.:aro•.o r.4ne„` _ . . �� ' ����} .�Y�1�. <br /> � : ,/ �'7 � _� • , . '1- - . � 1i..:;, "�' . .. :i•J�'�s � .IF`R^ , . '�'iy.T 1''`..'/';`.�r.;;.er <br /> -r�. 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