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�_�:,� �� �-- .�.,. . � ...- . .. ., r. ' :'2�`� 'ii't..'�J�i,`,'�.i.y71C:.:'- .,.,."'_. <br /> .. ^ . . ... .. �•.a •�i:l.' _—' __��� <br /> . . , • . , ti at�,T--_-'.._:_--' -- <br /> . - � - .�.>. . .. n � . � '.- .-�,.,,,.. <br /> . .� �� ��..,{ ...t. '�'f" _. <br /> -- • r • "' i�•��r�ti i�io�irr�lr���1�! � ; <br /> �����1�I�w.'��iw�w�s���c�.�-..� or�=+'ir•-----�--. —�—� - ,,. ��. - <br />_ - - --- - --� ;-- aAa�!i wilioi���ta"'�"�*rr"":'��t�--�i' .i'r�v�-'w�.°."s'"�i"�.r""'in� ���'�,;, - <br /> ;r <br /> � �t��IM00 p01bi0t�la1MN�11 rMll bf '� M����i�1��.. Y fI�'.a�' . ' — <br /> i/N 11�M0!fW f�It IO 11111d Ih0�Id{C�Nd q�pM��.�IdIMNK f�IMM�1'dMIM�1x�O�ly'R�1���� ' . - <br /> d p�d p�emium��nd��I ao�ioe�. In tba�v�at or b�..earow�r�1)�iw P�a�p�a�Y i�r��M�ir�. � . <br /> I.�rAar l�der nu�y n�poof at tou U not�po�lp b�►�orro�M�: � , � . . <br /> . Unte�e lnender�nd sornnwr a�Mrwi�e��a b wdtbx,M�r�a�dyll be�ppii�d�o raMOtnio�a�t wpfr d , <br /> theP�op�e if da rorwntiat'or r�ir h aooaamially �nd l�det� �epNity u;e�M ie�oned. If�M <br /> nx�ta�rioe�a�not evoaoadc�lly'I�dble�irenderti se�urity.,M►orld be I�nad.die�p�aoe�M dall i� , - <br /> �ppliod eo die ama�ocwod ly Wh Savr�q� In�pnman.whell�er a na M�m due�wNh�ny e�p�id ta Ba�o�wrr. H <br /> !lo�mMee a6�ndow tbe Prcpe�ty.or does mil mwnr within 30 drya N notioe ftom Lwder thM tbe inMr�noe c�ni�r h�a . <br /> draed to seple�c1i6n.tben l.esder aNy oolka tbe iiuunu�oe pro�eed�.�der a�q►we the paoKxedi m ar reMOre <br /> die or a p�y w�ro�ecwad 67r this Secu�ity lo�aumaK.�or na diea dua 7!a 30�d�Y pes'1od be�a�Mw <br /> tbe n��lvca. <br /> Unlas l.ender a�d Bomower od�aw�e�ro�e io wrlda�.aaY of peoeed�w pincipd�ll aot ealead ar <br /> poqpooe dia due datc at�ho montldy p�y��rcfetrod lu ia p��y�a 1�2 a cfMp�e�he Mnant at die p�ymeaa. If <br /> mder 21 the Property is�equir�ed by l.e�d�a.Ho�rowerk ri�w any�oe palicfes�nd prooeed�� <br /> fran�w t6e Pmpaty prio�r w da�cquisition�ull pns�o[�der to d�e eukat d tbe swas�eu�nd by d�Sewrity <br /> Imorun�eat bar�edluely prior to�he aa�� <br /> f. Oocnp�qc� Pe+qenatlow, a�i Prdectio� a� He R1r���'� iw� A��Mcafl�i <br /> � �ebold�. Born�wet alu!!accupy.e�u616b�.ard we tlx+Ru�e�ty as Bo�o+v�erts rosiA�oe wi�l�tia�r A�� <br /> - ILe exxdkn o[Ih�Sex.-urity lashueaeot and rh�l1�ta occupy tde�a�Ba•mwut yuiaci�l a�esf�xaec <br /> lait one yar �Poer tLe d�te cf oocup�ncy. wdess La�der abawise +�roes writing. �hi�6 ooasart tlall not be <br /> unea�ao�bly wilN�eld.or tpiks�eatauadiae cinc�anoes exist wl�ic6 ue beya�d Ban+owecS�coRWOI. Nona�a iMll rrot <br /> datra9.dumge a•�mpair the Ptq�aty.allow the Proparty a detaiora�e,a canmlt waste an th Prapeity. Bam�er�1! <br /> be b�defwlt 1f anp�afeiw�a action a p�+aoeediog.whetl�r civil or crimi�al.u bcgun t6�t in I.e�lerl��ood fidh jadp�eot <br /> couW �ewlt in'#'dtfeidue oi aF,�.Praperty a otherwisc�a�erially unp�ir the lien c�ted by di[s Savrity last�apnant ar <br /> ` I.enderl�socuritq interea���inoWer may curc such a defaula aa�d rein,st� providod in pa�gr�ph c�using the actioc� <br /> a pr000eding t0 be dismiafed alth a ruling� Lender�gbod f�nth determin�tlon,Proclude:[aielha�e of the Ha�n+awet� <br /> interqt in the �'roperty a other matenaQ imµ�m�ait of tlte lien cneated by thi�Security Inwiwnea� ar I.a�derk caaaity <br /> intr{e�i. ��s�ower shall also ba in de�fuult if Bortower. dwing the toan applk;adon pmoess, g+ive nu�te�lly false ar <br /> inwccutqt�iiifomnation or st�te�pa�ta w Lender(a failed to provlde Lender with any m�erivl infaa�ation)in oo�cdaa wlth <br /> ' �t1�e lapt evldenced by the,Note, including, but not Iimlted to. rep�aenntiont vonceming Barowerl� of the <br /> - =-�- �P.ruperty�a��principwl.�idance. If�his Secudty G�swbuman i:on a teasehold.Borrower ehall camply with�provisians <br /> _ _:.._ _. .. ' <br /> --- -- of the ka:e. IB BmYOwer ncqui�a tea titk w the iheperty.the kasehoW and the fee titie�iwii not mer�e w�ias Lader a�oes <br />;:_:��,�n�. w the merger in writitig. <br />:;:���� 7. Proteclbn of Leader'a RiQWs to t6e Property. [f Borrower fails to pedortn the cova�ants �nd agreen�ents <br />_���=� cantained in thia Security Insuument,or thene is a legal proceeding that may eignificwnUy affect L.enderh righta in the <br /> ,������ Property(such as a procading in bankruptcy,pr�obate.for condemnatfon�or forfeitunc or to cnforcc laas cx rcgulatiana).rhen <br /> - L.rnder msy do and pay for whatever is necessary W protect the value of the 1'mperty and L.ender�s rights in the�ropetty <br />- I.aiderk�etions may include paying any sums securcd by a lien which has priorlty over this Sec►iri�ty Utsuument,Appearing <br /> in caun. paYing rcasonable atwmeys'fees and entcdng on the P�operty to make�epairs.Although Lender moy take acdon <br /> under tbia paragraph 7,Ltnder das not have to do so. <br />_; My emounts dlsbursed by l.ender under thie paragaph 7 shall becomc nddidonal debt of Bomnwer secu�d by this <br /> Security Inswmmt. Unless Borrower and L.ender agee to other terms of payment,these emounrs shall bear intere�x�'rom�he <br /> date of diabursement at the Note rats end shall be payable,witi�interes�upon notirc from Lender to Bomower nquesl3ng <br />- payment. <br /> & Mortg�ge Inwrance. If Lender rcquircd mortgage insurnnce as a condition of making 1he loan secwed by thls <br /> Socurity Insttument,Borrower shall pay ihe premiums required to maintain the mortgoge insunnce in effecG If.for any <br /> rcasot►, the mortgage insumnce coverage royuired by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, porrower shall pey Ihe <br /> .}x premiums nequi�ecf to obtain coverage substantielly equivulent to the mongage insuronce previously in effect. at a cost <br /> suhstaMially oquivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect,ftom an altemate mortgage <br /> insurer approved by l.ender. If substuntinlly equivulent moAgage insutance coverage is not availab��.,'Borrower shell pay to <br /> Lender each month u sum equal to one-Iwe1Gh of the yearly mortgage insurunce premium being paiti by Borrower when the <br /> insurance coverage lap.4ed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,usc ond retnin these payments as p loss reserve in lieu <br /> - oi mortgage insurance. Losa reserve payments may no longer be reyuired,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insw�ance <br /> coverage(in the amount end for the period thnt Lende�rrc�uires)provided by sm insurer approved by Lender agein becomes <br /> available end is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premium.required to mnintain mortgoge insurnnce in effect,or to provide a <br />��� =� � loss reserve,until the requirement for morlgage inxurance ends in s�ccordance with uny written agreement between Borrower <br />- , mid Lender or applicuble luw. <br /> �" - ' •"`�'�"Y 9. Inspect(on. Lender or its agent muy muke reusonable entrier upnn and impectinns o!the Property. Lender shall <br /> �"•��"'��`�'<x give Bortower notice nt the time of or prior lo an in�pection specifying reasonable cau�e for the inxpeciion. _- <br />� 1r•�����`=���?�=}u•' 10. Con�lemnotion. The pmceeds of uny uwurd i�r claim for dumages,direct or consequentiul,in connec�ion with any = <br /> {,fP.r �:�.. _ <br /> � ;,'"`Y: Singk Family--FAnnk Mae/FYeddit Mac I�NIFOR�IIYS'1'RUMENT••lMifortn Cmenunt� 9l90 f/wge 3 nf b ptgesl � <br /> ' k�r.J.�`,�1rn^' _ <br /> ���t.X.... C� �i1tE{�.1�M Alllb[A oA�.��[.� <br />�`.i• (((��y '':��.`- ToOnkrCY1: IdOO69GY0Y00 YAX6f67Y1•1131 ... <br /> .I�(,j'� L .�A.�� - <br /> '/:% v <br /> N,,l',a„�{�l�~�..:.�T:,.. 6 <br /> a.�,��1",`� 5 ' , . ��n r <br /> - � �� �}is . .,��5�.� . 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