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�-+,+�ttcr^;� , _ .."'_R'_"""_-"""" .-..,+a4.� <br /> --- ,. 5 """T`�.nr .-Z^'!R'�'•"�..�.�.J,I�.tyLf��� -- <br /> , � n ., . ,. �. .. ^ _d,�•�:��.)'v�haY•t+�t Wii!�'!i14'.M++ '''l� ` �.� <br /> i � y��,�4~� .��'�. <br /> . l.- _. `1 f,�.�; ...; _..,. <br /> - � .. � .. . ' .. i] "�L��-` <br /> . � s � �R�4� ��� . ,�} � ,r�_F_v_�;t.'-.. <br /> j � � . ,J '.L L ��r....t..��,�. <br /> .� .. I����� M��� �,��5 .� � ��i7�:Ii; .. - <br /> �„ �roy�w�►+�ae..�r,��..M.��`��i»»a +�r�.+�r �,. .,:.. <br /> �. 1�Mwurt. l�e�■+!�. e�t aa 11p�MM/P�iraaw�ui.�.�'�; �.a tfi 'wer,qlo... � � " . <br /> nq�Y�a a�e dWt dre iM�a ai�sea�y�wmen�.L.a�Mt�ti{hp U dre llro�wty aY Da�a�wrlt o6M/rian � ' . , <br /> w+� we�rd b�t I w i t �r I�M w�w t i�o a e�i�w �o�/+d. I J p a u t�i n�I M�+t b!► 1 0��0�. �M <br /> $Mtn�aaMt ad 1i1 abli�oql s�Llped 11er�Oby�11 I�IIMi�11�}�O�GliM�a�if eo�ooeil�Mol�rd dN0111M. ROrM�1lr►. •� <br /> f�101��11 l101�Qlr�II 1�C�IO Q�`�QO�110i1Of�f�1 jZ. ' <br /> 1li.6Mi rt NMei Lr�M�=!�M�1�•''�M.No�e or• t�tht inM��at b IMe Nob(Id�aM�er�dAM 1f*Qeo�eMr <br /> 6q+drorr�eet)awY 6e aM twN p�''1�na�1i�ws.�itYhlt ptior uohae ta A nle ms�r Nwlt i�a cWtye tn Ihe a�t11�r , <br /> (Ialto�ve r tbe"Lrow�erviar').tlMtooNeots aia�nddy p�ja�ent�dae�der tlie Nwe a�d thii'9�arity 1n�nrn�M. 7bare�4a <br /> nup�be ae ae mae d�prt iM 6o�a�aMcar nnrelMad to�sde�tbe Note. U Ihe�e b�ch�eye dtl�Lam Sarvloet. �' � <br /> Bonowu�riU be dvat rri�ks a�otioe of the dw�in�oca�dmoo�v1tU p�h 14�ba�ve�nd i�pplicaiAe lmr. 7Ue notioe <br /> will uale d�e mwe�od ad3�a►aftAe aaw[ro�n Setvka�nd d�e addte��o whic6 p�ymerM�abould be m�de. 7Le natioe�rip <br /> stw oonain�ny otber iat0��ba roqui�od ioy�PPUcable law. <br /> � Nas�u S1�eea, Baitow+er d�all not cwie a penpit the p�enoe,auo.di�paai,sta�a�.a mk��e ot�oy <br /> Hitza�dow Snbatances a a is IMo Rfropm;y. �tona�er�b�ll not do.nor dbw aayooe el�e w do.�g�ffecNn�d�e <br /> /bpaty diat i�ia vlolaliar�d aapr 8�ri�oano�l l.�rv. '1'R�e prooeding t�vo�enim�rhan na appty a �aa�ce, . <br /> �ton�e m tbe A+npaty ds�i1 qinotitia ot'N�xadou�Subwaoa d�at a�a teMrd�Y rocop�iud a 6e approp�i�te to normV <br /> residaud�l u�es�d to�af tbo Pfroper�tY. . <br /> Bonow�a�6d1 psoaiptiy give L,erMer wdtum notioe oi�ay ieve�Han.cWm.dam�u��it or aher action b!'any <br /> jovanraaaal ar Rgolatay�a�cy a pdvata patty iavdving th�Pa�asy�n'a��r Ha�eN�ws Sut uooe ar F�vlroammtal <br /> Law of which Bo�mwa/dt� Imowiedge. If Ba�ow�r 1arns,.or is no�iad bY a�qr aare��na�ur nQulparY <br /> wt)prity,dua�ny rcnwval a aher iiamediaWon af any H�udous Subaau�oe afl'«.�ti�tbe Propaty u aeoec�ny:,8a�mwa <br /> sf�ll promptly uke all neoessuy temedid�cdona►in scca�d�t�e wub Eaviro�a�l xraw. ,, , <br /> As used ia t6ia pa�r�grapb 20."Hs�a�rdous Su6�tarkxs"are tt�osa supstna4ca defan�d as toxic ar IWZa�dou�sub�puwos�y. . <br /> EnvimmnenW and the foUm�viag sub�s,tuba: g�uoliae.ka+usea�,ati�f4mma61e a wxic pannlwm poducts.p►�i� ��, <br /> pestictdes and t�ibicicles, vduile solven[�terials cont�ining As6esms ar fonnaldehyde.�nd radioacNve rtu�tesials. J�a � <br /> uxod in diis puagaph 2p,^lEavironmental"means fe�etal lawa and lawa af the Jurl�diction whe�e tbe P�upe�t�•b locatod � . <br /> ti�at�elaoe to health,�at'ery oronvirona�tW protection. . <br /> NON-UNIFORM COY�AIi1M'S. Borrower aad Lender furttk�cavrnAnt wid agrce as foAows: <br /> Z�. ACOlI!l�NM��RlII�Itl. �@AA�T fAW�V!IIWIL'E�O BtN'1'O�YN p!�W s00llq'NIOY�OIIO�YIO�BOf'rOwl�'�{ <br /> - bre�c6 d ae'euve�ant or�reemeqt in �tbis 3ecnrit'I�trameat (bnt�ot prior to�ooekr�tio���der�pb 17 <br /> quks�applicaWe law provldRa otMer�vl9e� 'I'6e ootice sLall�y: (a)the defaniti(b)t4e attia�reqpiral to c�ue fbe <br /> , �t;(cl a�ale.�ut!t�l�sa 39 da�s!lro�a t!�d�r slse ssa�r!s gtvea to�e�arra.b7 e�t!x�m�t�mt�s <br /> �uredi aod(d)t6�t failw�e tucnre the defaWt ao or•�oro fbe d�te specMed ia Urc notke may nsnit ia aac�ernNon of <br /> tl�e wmu aecnral by tl�ls�curity Iastrumdit and s�le of We ProErerty. The notice shall(i�rther Infa'wi�arrower d <br /> the rigbt to reinatate afle�r accekration pnd the ri�hht to bring A rnuM actbn ta�ert t6e aoa�ext�tence A�i�de��Wt w <br /> any W6er defenre ot Barv-ower to acceleradon and sde. If the ddPaait b aot cured on or betare tlte date�peqlfied iw <br /> the eotla,Lender at ita ceq�tio�may require tmqiedt�te payment in?u9!at all auar►9 secured by tbis Securlty iaatrulaent <br /> wit6out(Wrt6er deuwod w�d awy iavoke Ihe power of sale aad any other re�nedks permitted b' ppplicAble I�w <br /> I.ender shWl be entitled W collecl �11 expensee incurred in pursuing the remedfes provided in thie parsigrap6 21, <br /> includiag,lwt nM Nmited to,reasonable atWrneys'fees and costs ot title evidence. <br /> - I�tue power of sale Is Invoked.71�usta s1�0 record a not(ce of defouR in each county in whkb any part ot the <br /> Property te located and shall mail rnples af auch not[ce in the manner prescribed by appikable law to Barrower aad to <br /> the other person�prescribed by appikabie Iww After the dme reqaired by npplkabk law,llrustee s6aU�ive public <br /> notict of snle to f6e penwas and in the miwner prescribed by applkable Inw 7Yustee,wifhout demaud on Barower, <br /> shal)seN the Property at pnblic auction to t6ee highest bWder at the dme and pfuce and under the terms deslgnated in <br /> tUe notke of sAle ia one or more parcels wnd in nny order 7Yustee determines. 1i'a�ustee r�wy postpone sak oi ell or any <br /> paral of the Property by public announcement At the Na�e And place of any prev(ously schedukd srk. I.eader or its <br /> _ deai�ee may pnrchase Ihe PropeHy at any sale. <br />- Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'I�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> Properfy. Tde reciw)s in the 7Fustee's deed shAN be prime facie evidence of the truth of Ihe sts�temenls made fherein. <br />= 7lrustee siwU apply Ihe procee�ds of the sale Ip the followiog order: (a1 to all costs and expenses of exerctvia�the power <br />.__a <br /> +.��� <br />.M <br /> a <br /> i <br />`i� <br />;� � <br />,:.;=a __- <br /> - Form J02R 9/9p (pu�te S��Jn puKesl �;;� <br /> ,: - <br />,,ri = <br />:;r <br />�.:� <br />'�I — <br /> �� " - �.. aY� . �)�.,;lY �(,Lyr��[S1i��4��h.''�Tj'j�7�I[�.\I � . . _ .' ... . •S, A . <br /> 7 'J"' .' -�.- I <br /> i/�� r .(y.. . . � . <br /> .�. <br /> �- - - -- . . . • , .Y:.�� � t�} tn.\} � � . � � -C �����1.-w�r'��- e f,i i. 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