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"� .. .� �- �.o�so� ,1�_�- <br /> , 8 : <br /> , -. raoen�fe wrn�,�u ie rnp�vamaN.n�►a��u un a»p,ope,,,,,u�e�e�aeab.�w�op, <br /> _-- a.M3 fLiiuiu�iii►':Y+6tt�'ti put of tkC Aii wpi��ir�i i('a�iiiai�aii�il+ibw Tirt uu+reawtb�r.6�i�t_SVwi.�y _ "',.. -':'�. <br /> ��. M��aM. All d Ihe Ibi�i�rd�e�ed�o�9ee�ib'G�MM�r tY"Rnpeity.' � - <br /> sORRQWB�t C�OMHNAT�1'1'S t!w Boeow�or i�I�rrfbli�sehed at die ea�Me heteEy aonveyed�ad iaa die d�tt to paot <br /> T aad oonvey d�ePro�t��ad dut dio Propaty is tneai,vnberod�exapt for�of recad Bano�rer w�r�a aad <br /> ; wW defawl Sa�eralfy dM d�b�►da Pmp�nY.,�a�a�all cldnu and demaod.�wejax a�ny a�cumbnnoe•ot e�cona. <br /> TlpB 38GURT['Y iNS7RUMBNI'arnbina� udfami covawntt fnr t�dond use a�d non-ueifam omraunta wftb <br /> : Wbiied viri�itiass by jutlsdictioa w ca�stituk a m�iform eecatity in!Knurbnt oovering red propeny. <br /> IINIPORM OOV@iAMI'3.Baaow�a md l.a�da oovanaat�nd�ree u idlows: <br /> !. 1l,j�t or M�dpsl�d l�e�+nti�iM+��C�l� Ba�o��ta�ll P�PUY WY wbmi due 16e .. <br /> �ot ana i�a�t on tAe eaa avWenoea by�no rlote.m aay wo du�rges aae w�aer�ha riae. <br /> EL�4 kr'Iynes a�Gwra�oe.Subject w tppiiablo law ar w a writ�en waiver by l.eader.8onowa�shdl py q <br /> La�da oa d�e d�y moplilY P+�Y�t+�re due uader�do Nde.uaql Ibe Nate is pdd in tup.�sum t"Raidt")far.(a)Y�Y <br /> � tua�ad�Whi¢h may�tWn pria�ity mner tdis Securiry laurwnaa as�liea oa the Propag.(b)Y�Y��� <br /> p a around raats aa Me Property. if aay: (o) Yarcly hazard or pmpa�ty iasuarwe p�raniums: (d)Y�Y � - <br /> i��r�inoe pra�niwm. if aar (e)yeuly mat�e I�oO P��as,if n►y; ad(0 any w�payabb by Bortow�ar q <br /> a000td�noe with the povisbas of pa+�gr�ph Iku of the pymau of mo�tgaYe ins�rcanoe promiwns. 7bae <br /> itans ato called"Rsc�orr itans." I.�ender any lime.collect and tald FiuMs in an amo�mt not to exceed the mauimum <br /> � �mouot a knd�er for a iod�erallY reiated mort8sge !wa may nequire for Banowat exaow+�ocawu w►der the federal Ral <br /> y 8�te gqtiqnpN pr000dura Act of 1974 as anx�ded from dme w dme.l2 U.S.C.�Z601 er scq.("RBSPA'7.unkss wnotha <br /> 4 law dnt appUes to d�e Wnds sea�lecser amount. If s0.I.ander msy.�1 wy Wpe.colkct�nd bdld iiuMs in an�mount aot to <br /> - -_- eaoeed ihe k.sser anoant. I.eader dwy atim�te the wnount oi Wu�ds dua an the basia of cw�ent dsta aad rr.a:aabb <br /> �'. es�ta of eapmdiunes of future Escrow Itea�s or dhetwlse in�cco�dmoe wiW applicabk law. <br /> 71�e Rmda s1aU 6e heW in an instiadon wiase depo�its are insu�d by a fedeial agency.inswmau�llty.or entby <br /> (includit�g[.ender.ii I.ender is such�n insdtutioti)or in any Fcderal Hane l.oan Bank. l.ender shall apply the P�nds to WY <br /> the F.acrow Items. L.ader may not charge Barrower for holding and applyL�g the Hu�da.annwlly analyzing the escmw <br /> sxount,ar verifying �he Fscrow items. uNess L.ender p�ys Borrower inta+est on the PUnds and appUcable law pertNu � �. <br /> � I,ender W mak��ucb a charge. Nawever.Lender �rwyrequire Borrower to pay a one-tL►x cfwrge far an i�dent n�l <br /> eante nx neporting serviee used by La�der in co�u�ection wlth this loan.unless app4cable law provides dherwi�e. Unlas�n <br /> sgroert�eat i:made or+�pplicAble Mw roqui�es inta�e.ct to be paid L.ender shall not be requirod to pay Borrower�ny interest a <br /> ' eamings o�the F�nds. Bomoweru�d Lender may agiee in writing.however,that interest ahall be paid an the F+utds. .I.enda <br /> � shalt give to Botmwer�wltDout�nnual acoounting of the R�nds.showing crodits and debits w the Funds and tAe . , <br /> , pwpose for which each debit to 1�e P�nds was made. 71�e I�nds are pledged As wdditional security for al)gwns secwed by � <br /> this Securiry Insaumax. <br /> if tt�e �usds!ield�;Latdes eaceed the emounta �nined �a 6e held by apQUcable law, Lender siull aocamt w . <br /> --- BoROwer for the excess Fw�ds in xecordance with the�clui�ments of npplieabk IAw. If the amount of the P1�nds held by <br /> , l�encler at any time is not sufticient ro pay the Fscrow Items wben duc,I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing. and,in <br /> ! such case Bormwer sd�ll p�y to L.ender 1he anwunt necessary to make up tl►e def ciency. Borrower shall rtwke up the <br /> deficiency in no more�an twa�ve monthly payments.a L.enderk sole discretion. <br /> °°° Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Inswment,Lender shell promptly�iund to Borrower any <br />--_=�-°I Funds held by l,ender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquirc or sell the Properry.L.ender.pdor to the acquisitbn or <br /> ='�-�� sale of�he Pn►perty. siiall epply any Fu�s held by Lender at Ihe lime of acquisition or sale as a crcdlt against the suan <br /> -___ secwCd by this Security Instrument. <br /> -_—i 3. Applkadon ot Paymmta. Unkss applicabk law provides otherwise.all payments roceived by Lender under <br /> �-�n,nm paragraphs l and 2 shall be applkd:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Nde;second,to amaunta payable under <br /> __-`'""e puagraph 2; interest due; principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> �"-'=�_�' 4. Char�es;Lkns. Bortowcr shall pay all taxes,ussessments, churges, fines nnd imposidons attributeble �o the <br />�-:'`�`�.�I Proporty which may atlain p�ioriry over this Security Instrument,nnd leasehold ps►ymenis or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> �g�, shall pay these obligations in themanner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay thcm on <br />`-:=I?��� time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shnll promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br />'`'''��' this ara ra If ernmwer makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing <br /> '�"�''�" d�e payment�s.h <br />_ o"'�•'-..���°��� Bo�rower shall p�ompUy diacharge ony lien which has priority over this Security Instniment unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> a�'���--� ���� in wridng to the payment of the obl igation secured by�he lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contcsw in good fai�h the <br /> _�,���"_�� lien by.or defends egainst enforcement of the lien in,kgal prcrczedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br />•_,�-.� enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of�he 9ien an agrcxment sutisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien <br />__.�,••,:::�., ; to thls Security Instrument. If Lender dete�mines that aoy part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attein prioriry <br /> • over this Security Insdument.Leader may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bomower shall satisfy the lien or take <br />=_.^`��••�;+:x' one or more of the actions set'�acth above within 10 days of Ihe giving of nolice. <br />�:,�;� ;�, ,y S. HarArd or Propert�lasur�nce• Borro�*'er shall keep the improvemems now•existing or hercefter erected on the <br />`�. : ;' I Property insured against loss by Cve,hazards included within the tertn"extended covemge"und�ny other hazords,including <br /> floods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurence. This insurance shs►II be maintained in �he amounts and for ihe <br /> " �!' I <br /> �, i{•..-a'�Fr `an 3028 9/90 fPoX�3 ut�6Pr+Ra1 <br />' ;•�t'r I♦ <br /> ,, l 7. �.,;1�`�� <br /> �i,1 N�"J�j:� . <br /> - :-Ifci._�� . <br /> . '� I <br />��.�1J4%�n��t:�{ � <br /> ���„i�•• � ��-t 'L,I� IT'��"f�Tr,,�l�j•�"}M'��1w�el�fr•M<•ti•.d�'T.�l':'�T i�l�{Ill�'�`�� .—. �•.,r�.-.R� ._ _°_ <br /> .. >r:. ,V . ;., . � -nt. . . ,.� �_� <br /> .-�L� .`)�.4., � rl�i`�' . � ,�, • � . <br /> ,�� ' �.{ <br /> ,����s�.i.�.o a �,,.:;,,f , . . ,,y � <br /> ,., . . . �, 1 :, � c <br /> . <br /> -� - � , e� ,. � 1 ` . `� <br /> , <br /> s�a.�7.,e.�.. ...�,..�i�a,1 , rl i , ;�. ,:� t. <br /> —--.�,.. <br /> v,is r +s.b - - `_ _ !r _'- <br /> �.cr s ��,n{1 : �3 � : _- _ - - _-- __ �� . , , v�;y =- - <br /> ti6. 5 IN� /L ! n � ; . . <br /> ��� S�� i t.S 1��� � . ! i�.. ° � p i� �. ' _ .`_�(1,� <br /> 1 i� � t � i 1 i(�i Jt '�k ,��} � � �1 <br /> •`.� �� Ijii��{j� .t �111����f- . .r--�.S', . .�. _� �� , ,fz5���,: • � . �S�7�i <br /> ����i{�{� io�G.$da A,�:�'.��:i:[7; i. •;� ' ' ,�(`,�'t�.�.�,' .. 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