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.._.n����r�r�I . , . .. . ...�i.. ..�.,► >�e�.lrt�.�'-��vT�,�.`y,���� ",. . . <br /> ' . .. .. . . ' . . ' . ' .. .���':a� ' r:.t!( y�'-i`j- .`pr�,i..R___. <br /> � .. '� � • ,r �4- <br /> I�'t y ;U. <br /> ���d�y►p!�+.ti.P�..��«wr,oawa,wai M wM d co�i�..►�r•4�Mr.��- — - <br /> �If �---.a.__._ <br /> i��M wMG d�Mad e�kiy o!�thio�ty. ie � b�ppl�id b iM �w.► �rY� � <br /> M�.�nMMr ar not iMn 4r�aYb�ay�1�P��� ln d�wMM d a pNiwi�oi M�� ' �� ,�; <br /> M�ir�1�Gdr awlnt w�w d tiM Prupaey imn�di�ly b�r da Wc1n�i��qwd a or fneMrr qu�n Mia�ano�e d wrw . ' . <br /> wctwd by Il�s S�c�w91Y 6�ent bnmediMely b�tose the talclnj.onlf+�8arowe��aA Lw�r�c�dia�wlM yn�b�+�ei1jN. � <br /> ,�w wiw�d b�►dd�S�cu�y biuwnau�U bs reduo�d by�he amount d tb«p n�dtiplMi b�r tM�olbwNii , <br /> Lraotlaa (a)die wlat r�w�aN,ol tbe wta��ocurod bnn�edlMdy bstaro�be uki�,divided��b)tbe Wr a+�et val�r d II� <br /> plopp�ty in�lydy Eotor�8M t�kinj. My bRt�noe dudi be p�id to Bormwar. In Ihe ewat oi'�prrtiri�o�Wo <br /> w�io wl►icb dM fidr m�rku v�d�e af dM Pnopa�ty itnmadluely Atfqn+tha�n{b lau duia d�e�o[ �an1 <br /> bamedia�ml! befo�a tba td�n�.w�leu Bartnvrer md Lender atl�nvi�a apee ia wridn�ar unle�t+�pptio�b�e!uw <br /> o�r�rf�p�rjdu.tbe poc�ed�iNd16e appliad to tde�tar secured by thir Security G�Wt�nleat wbetlKr or aat t11e��n <br /> ' �If d�t A+op4rty ie�b�tdoned by Bonowtc.a if,�fter nudce by I.endar to Bonower NW tho caadomnar oRets w nlake <br /> �aw�rd ar�enla�cl�im far d�nu�es.&xrower fiils w rap�nd o�Lron�br wUhin 30 d�ys�the daM tha notioa is�irea� <br /> Le�dee i�w�horiud eo calbct�ad�pply the proceeds.�t ius optian.eiti�at to rato�tinn a�i�of�ta Plroperty or W d�e . <br /> amr�cw�ed 6y d►ie Secw�ity In�uwr�atti wNather or no�d�an due. <br /> Uales�L.erda atd Bamawer o1l�rwi�e�groe!n wridng.�ny�ppltostian of pnocoaic to prL�cipal ahall not exta�d ar <br /> , po�tpaie 16e due date of the mauh�Y PyY��of'emal w ie l�nd 2 ar chmge�ho aaauit of wci�pymaks. . <br /> 11. �nwar Nat iqMwdi Fbrlwra�oe S l.�ier�Vat�s Wdvar. E�cta�un of titia �b��o fa p�ymeet a <br /> � modifiption of�roo�ti�doa at Il�e wm�mocurod by�t Sccurity Insuutnent gwnud by L.ende�W�ny�in intem�t <br /> of�atro�rer aWll iwt aperke w�elwe tho ti�bility of t'ne aiginal Barower a&xrowu�wvcasa�s ia inte�t.La�der <br /> shsU oot baraquined to cortunenco pmceedings against�y sncceswr in laterest ar refbsa m extsad timo fa p�yrr�t or <br /> ��oe modify amor�z+uion of Ihe sums+sauKd by this Secueity iastroment by ne�aon of�ny dem�nd made by the ori�nal <br /> Basrower a 8arower'�wcveuas in latet�est. My fofie�at�ce by Lender in exarcisinQ Any d�ht or remedy rhaU nat be a <br /> wdver M br pneelude the eaencIae of�ny right or remedy. <br /> 12. l�udae�ors aal Aa�ts Bau�i:JnW and Severa!Lbbilityi C� Tt�e covanants and t�gneen�ents of thia <br /> Security Gts�nuno�u shtll bfnd end benefit the successora md assigns of Lender and Bomower.subJeCl to Ihe pmvisidu of ;.r ;., ,, <br /> p 11. Bonowa� cover�ante and ag�e.ementa shall be Joint and seveml.Any Borrowa wha co-signs tiiis Security .. <br /> 6�t but does not exauoe the fYote: (a)is co-signing tt�is Sa�ur�ty Insuument oaly to matgege.6r�nt uid convey�tat <br /> Batowerh iatue�t in the PmpeRy undar the tarrns of tfiis Secudty Inshumenti lb)is oot Personrlly obligated to pay tho aums <br /> �ecuad by this Securlry inspn�rtient;and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Borrower may aBrx ro extend.modlfy.forbe�r <br /> or make �ay �amnodatlons wlth re�nnd to the tem�of �his Security In�tnunent or ti�es Note wid�out th�t Borrowert <br /> ooruem. . <br /> 13. Lae Cbaeya. If the loan seeumd by this Security Insuument is su6ject to a law which seta maximum loan � . , <br /> civages.wnd d�uE iawr i�i'uwiiy iut�eted so thai the 9aicrest ar oilxr!am chur�es co!lects�ot to be crolkcttd In cannr?aN�n <br /> with�he!wn exoeed the permitted limite,then: (a)aay such loan cha:ge shell be ceduced by the amount necessary to reduoe <br /> � the eharge w the permitted limit;and(b)any sams alrcady collected from Borrower which exceeded pem�ttod Umits will bo <br /> mfunded to&xrower. Lcnder may chaose to make this rofund by reducing the princip�l owed wwier the Note or by making� <br /> direct p4yment to Bortower. If a�efund reduces principal,the rcduction will be trrated as a pmia!'prcpryment without any <br /> prep�yment charge under the Note. • <br /> 14. Notka. Any noticc to Borcower provided For in this Seoudty Instrumen�sholl be givan by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first clne�mail unless applicable law requlres use of another method.The natice sha116e directed to 1he Property <br /> Addcess or any othcr address Borrower designates by notice to Lende�. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fitat class <br /> meil to Lender'a addtesx swted he�in or�ny othe�address Lender designates by noNce to Borrower. Any not�ce provided for <br /> in thie Secw3ty lnstrument shull be deemed to have 6een given to Bamwor or l.ender when given ax provided in this <br /> I�BT�Ph• <br /> 1S. Governing Law:Sevenbility. This Security Inslrument shull be gavomad by federnl law und thc law of the <br /> jutisdiction in which the Prapeny ia lucated. In Ihe event that any provision or clause af ihis Secudly Instrument or�he Note <br /> conflicts wilh ppplicubl�luw.guch conflict shnll not affect other provisions of this Security Insmrment or the Note which cun <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib�his end the pravisians of this Security Inshument and the Note ore <br /> declored to be severuble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note und of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. 7Yxnster ot Ihe Property or A BeneBcial Inte��t in Borrower. If ull or any pun oi ihe Property or uny interest in <br /> it is sold or uansferred(or if a 6eneticiul interest in Borrower is sold or trunsfemed und Borrower is not a nutural person) <br /> without Lender's prior wrinen conxent.Lender muy. ut its aption,reyuire immediAte puyment in full of all sums secured by <br /> this Security lnstrument. However,this option shull not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the date of this Security lnslrument. <br /> If Lender exercises thia optiun,L.ender shull give Borrower natice of uccelers�ion. The notice ghull provide a period af <br /> not leas than 30 days from Ihe da�e the notice is delivered or meikd wi�hin which Bartower must pay ull sums secured by thiR <br /> Security Instrument. If Borrower fuils tu pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any <br /> � nemedies pertnitled by thiti Security Instrumem wi�hout funher nn�ice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrowcr's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mee�x ceduin conditions. Bonower tihall have thc right to hs►ve <br /> enfor�mBn�of�his Security Instrumem diu;ontinued ut uny time prior to the curlicr ot: (a)S dayc(or such other period as <br /> ' Single F�amfly--Fhank M�elFTeddk N�c UNIFURM INtiTRUM�NT••L�niform Coveiwnls 9V9� Ipagt 4 oj6/x�ptal <br /> - -__ ...�-,.._....... �-�ic.-,r,"�7.N.t1,.. �n.�.. .(,,,.1wi.\�,»}i�l}�ro�: yt�,.��*,...c�H�#2'.-,M� .� ~ �1M'4' l�tii'�, ,. :f��. vi:,� '' <br /> :� ci�'- ;���.1..� lNl���:^�;�� - - � -� '���!.� �• ..•�>:S.i^..-� .�.` ' �`'.���Y��_�t�+ •��� >>� ��L:'Q.,+- <br /> �. - , . �.1 i . ...U� ' .�C:�i' .�• ���,..r��:'-ri... . <br /> :+ar,.����Y d . •• ��S �'%!�,� 'v' ! � ' .`.�:�s �� r . 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