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.� �__ _ _ . . .�. <br /> .�� , , , . :. -. . ,- <br /> �� . . � g3:a.o.�.. � <br /> , p�ioa�aw r.eaa�t nvri�w. 'i�.Y�r��ri�p�wb+a w•��•�•,w.0 be aw�m by aamw�«ie�a�t�ai�rl� , <br /> �;�!!�s6�Q iw b�wl�le, If Ae�rowe��f�!�� d..w�o.d ai.o�.. �r,ai � <br /> i.aed�ri�cpb�.a6ttla oair to proNat Lt�dK��ha ia dn�t�la�000id�n�p�rKrl�pli 7. <br /> Ail baar�le�uo P��+�iaian�al�e1Wl be�ep�b{��o �ud�bdl i�relyde�p�ndiu�d o1Mw. i.�e � <br /> ' �II i�tve the tisiM�0 6dd d�e policia�nd ta�ewal�, �t I.onder re4u�,���P�Y�w to aU n�ipf� <br /> of paid p�uni�au�nd�RI ilo�tic�. In the avant of lou,Bormwtr tluU ftve praaipt ewtioe a d�e is�raeoe c�rier aid <br /> L,�nder. i�a�der tnty q►wke pnaof at loa it aot md�P�'�PU!bY B�ver. <br /> unlou eaROwar ahe�wi�o,�roe in wrian�. inKU+u�oe�prooeed��uu be.pplioa co rouo�uio�«re�d <br /> the if the taaaatian ar tepir b eoano�t�aliq f iblo aid La�ia�s iocu�ity is na le�r+m�od. lf ehe <br /> a�tu�ar�e r f�nnt eva�omicaUy fe+ueibb ar I.anderti�ecqrity w�ouW be ia�abd.tbe iaau�noe pnoeedt dWl be <br /> applied ta the aumt aecund by ti�i�Secuiity Inarumea�whaher pr not tden due�with �ny exoas p�id w Barower U <br /> 8omnwar�bmdon�tbe Piopaty, �x daes aat a�awer witbin 30 d�ys a notk;o fi�an I.ender tb�t�he iawuanoe carrier ba <br /> Proppty or w p�y�aau�ecrred by�hi Sec�ity Inapwna�t,w�hathe�r or not tl��d e. 7Ue 30�d�y��w1U bejin wl�ea <br /> the notica i� ven. <br /> Ud�ss�wd Bonarer at6e�isree agroe in wrlting.anX cation of pooeaia to prfaciP� si�al!not ezoead aa <br /> oe <br /> postpoae die due dYie d the�oaaWy p�m�ts referred w in 1 and 2 or change tbc amouot of the paymeeAs If <br /> undsr pan�raph 21 the Pirope�ty is�oquired ay L.eoilet.Bonowrrl�r�ht w any ituurw�ce D��P�� <br /> fran d�un�e w the PMapr.rry pior to die aaryisipioa al�li pss�ou lx�rder w the extent of the sums seq�e6 t►Y��Y <br /> Inaauma�t imuned�atcly prior to the acquisitian. <br /> �. Occ�Wnc�y Pr�tla�..Mr�iiitew�ce aid Prot�dioo d IUe � eorr+o�rer'� I.ow Applkafio�: <br /> I.n�ebold�. !ilvt�uwer�hall oocuE+y.estAblisll.+�ad use the ProQerty s�Horiower�pd resideoca wlthin sfxty dayR dler <br /> the executiote,�l�fis Secei�i9Y lnspryp4erxt and�ahAll ooittinue t�occuPY�as F�pea�ws Borrau�r�p�rincipal rc�Cnco far�t <br /> leaae one ye�wr After � da¢e a� aocupuncy. unlws L,ender aherwise ag�+ag i� writing. which consenc ahall nat be ;. ` '. <br /> unreasonabl�.wdthho3d ar unless extcncu�2ong.circumatanoer exlst whlch we beyaw!Borrowenc�ontrol. Borrower�hall no� 4: <br /> desp,oy.dain3�gt or impair tha Propaty.a19oa the Property w deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall . <br /> be in default if any forfeiwro nccNon ar praceee�mg.whether civil or begun that in Leaderb good fdth.1�8� ' <br /> could reau➢a in forfeitwe of the Properay or otherwise materially Impair the lien created by this Sxtuity lasdurt�ent a � <br /> L,q�de�h security inte�est. Borrower rt�s►y�cuTC such a default and provided!n paragraph 1 causing the actim �' <br /> or pmceeding to be dismissed wlth a culing that�in l.endar's good f�ith detertninuion. prccludes forfeiture of t4e Horrowerh <br /> intercst in the Pmperty or otl�er mAterial impaimxnt of the lien cr+eated by t6fs Securfty Insdvment or LenderSa socurity <br /> inte�es� Sorrower sh�ll also be in defAUlt if Horrower. during the loan appliculon process, geve m�tedelly false a. <br /> inoccurate iniurtnadon or satemrnts to Le�nder<or failed to provlde Lender with any material infartnAtion)in camectlon aritb <br /> the loan evlei�nced by the Note. inciucling, but not limited w. repr�esentadona conceming Barower�s occupency of the <br /> as u,p►i�cip�residence. If this Seouriry[nswment is on a leasehold.Honrower ahall cdmply with a11 the provlciaVs <br /> ,.r o�Ir.�. V Bo�o�.a��ai��s f�z tittz ta t1�e Prup�rty.tfie leasehold uxf ihc tix t�s�a!!ssoi mer�a uttl�s i.r�s�ec a� . <br />-- to the ma�ger in wridbg. � <br /> __ 7. Protadon of,Ler�der's Rig'hts ta the Property. If Homower fails to pedotm the eavenants and agreements <br /> -_— contained in this Security [o�saument,or the�+e is a legal proceeding thQt may sigoificandy affect I.ender�rights in th¢ <br /> -= Property(such as a proceecling in ban�Cruptcy,probate.for condemnation or foiYeitwe or to enfor+ce laws or regulations),then <br /> ���- Lender may do and poiy far whatevet is necessary to protect the v�fue of tne �iroperty and LendPr'�rights,in the Property. <br /> ' l,ender's actions may inclade paying any sums secured by a lien whieh has�pciority over�his Security lnstrument,appearing <br /> in court,paying reasonoble attome��s'fees and entering on�he Prapertly�o make repairs.Although i,end�r may take action <br /> under this paregraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> -- - My amounts disbursed by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shatl become additionnl debc of Bonrower secured by this <br /> _ Securi�y Insqvment. Unless Bortower and l.ender agrec to othcr urms of payment,these amounts shaDi�SU intercst from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be puyable,with ia[cres4 upon nodce from Lender to�ower requesting <br /> -,� payment. � <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requircd moAgaga Insurance as a conditian of making,ltie laan secured by this <br /> -_:,L;� Securiry Insaument. Borrower shall puy the premiums required co maintain the mongage inaurAnce in effecG If,for eny <br /> -- — mason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender �apses ar ceases to be in effect, Bomower shall pay the <br /> �`_-� p�miums requircd to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage )nsurance prcviausly in eBect. at n cost <br /> '��=- substnntiully equivalent to�he cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect.from an altemate mongage <br /> �;;� insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvailable,Borrower shall pay to <br />;�� Lender each monlh a sum equal to one•twelflh of the yearly matgage insurancc premium being paid by Barrower when the <br />.:;,,,,,� insurance coverage lapsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br />-,=;.;� of mortgage insurnnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at �he option of Lender,if mortgage insurannce <br /> •�����p covernge(in Ihe nmoum and fur the period�hat Lender reyuires)provided by nn insurer upproved by Lender again becomes <br />`-„r� avuiluble and is obtained. Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to muintuin martgage intiumnce in effect,or t�provide a <br />;L;,.;� loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in uccordunce wi�h any written agrcement between Borrower <br /> -'-�;' and Lender or applicable luw. <br />''�`' 9. Inspection. Lender a i�c agent may make rewonuble entries upon und inspections af the Property. Lender shall <br />'���°�r give Bortower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cAUSe for the inspection. <br /> '''; 10. Condemaatlon. The proceeds of nny awurd or clairn far dameges,direct or conaequential,in cunnection with uny <br /> s.,; <br />- Singk Famuy••FLaek MadFYeddk Mac UNIFORM IN5TRUMENT•-Unifam CovenuntR 9l90 IpaR�i njA�Kexl <br />.;'., Girat 1�te�BuMan Far.Ine.■ <br /> 1b Otd�CW:I�iD6�6Y8p3 O PA1I 6t&18411]I <br /> ,. ,a'. <br />;'t, <br /> .l .+lP, .,�. „ �ic*'Mi1N'b�y�� .:.a..�n'....:. . ^^�----r— - . .. . ..'.�i:+'.. Y' . ;.w;-,t.;'...t.-�«,',�r"'",-':`.r,—. .. <br /> -Y`%'p 8r•4�.• • ^ . _ . . � . .. . :vi'r4il'{�����h.t. . � � . . -., . <br /> �h: .:� ' - . � � . <br /> 11�r:... iG.��9� itir. _ . . ' . , • . � <br /> —�-��v,. .. __' ' _�...._.'- . . ' . _:�'.._. ..'_'.__��1:..�.45:`�I�'id•r.... y 1 .�• <br />^r,-r•' . . . , . .� . ' . .. . � . <br /> ��r" G � .� •—._.-•--- � ._?'.• . �- — - .. ,._.--- - -- • - --�- - .. - ----� - ° . . __ . <br /> d l" "rGG t��ti:::�'..�:: , � . <br /> , <br /> i • _5�ii ' , . � . `? I w•. . • . . `' { . . . _ <br /> ��,� tAt<i,<;.• ,� . , ti�j �..� , .:� • , , ' <br /> < < � <br /> ,t. ��ti �rl:;. ' „ t,f� • ' - ' �. • ., <br /> ti c;;l:l.- .. 1rl Y�,' ;r:� -r <br /> �..�..� t,''t;��''.' . -. .: • .. . ',�. ' ' . '. . . . .. . <br /> �Q:���j� :'�.•,i... <br />- 'T�°ti'. � �. '� .. ��r, ' ' . . �. . .�� . �i <br />�_���i'1%.r �- . . . . • , � J � . ' - ' ' .. <br /> _•�- . . ' , " .. . .i i ' . ' .' ' . _ ♦��..r..� , ( '` '__ "�.Y <br />--_:�r7Y._,� . ' ' ' + .. "_ " � .• ' .. <br /> �'- •. � . �,.v..� � <br /> � <br />: . w �. <br />-::�...� __..:.:._.-.��.�:. ...._ . �a.. L.�. ....�.�..�. . . ._ . <br />