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___,a'�•^� _ , ,. �}:Y3`:'�':I:�'�a:�w..�y��'..�1....► ....r�.,....s6... ...:"a- -- -- <br /> , , � „ . . ., ��� ��li/^ ' +.. <br /> ' �,. • <br /> _.. .-•-- - l�w�r1Y�l�.�_�w bda�t�uN d�Pyoany p�nuMK w ao�Y Po'M'w ol�`onW�d i iW <br /> � _�a�{i►��ya��-a�io�d���it.�rlWsr�uii. l�iet�c�ii���a_� �- - _-=. <br /> ' .. �pr�L�ir� �NaM wMiab qla w dw iNiw iis���iod 11�1�1011 ai if NR.�M1w�ia MM <br /> . , eoprr�(b)c�rot aay d�uk af rry olrr aor�wwret ar� w,1�r�w'(t)P����P����°���y <br /> � �u�ment.6ic�,bt not IIMM�d 1a rwoMbM���Re�:�(4) h!a weh actk�a as l.ader sary wMO�wb1y.. <br /> ��ectrad b�► d�ia 3�a�rity 6Mrt�M�b�ll caiMi����i�ndw��. U ���BaioMror.thi��.Rear�it�r <br /> Lw�steiM�nd th0 obli�MioM�vred�e�aby�hll rem�la tk�Up eRacdve a it ao�coelxalion h�d acw�nd. lio�wt,tW <br /> ri�ht Iatein�we�inll a0�+�P'P�Y ia da cae af�cCeler�doe wwla pra�raph i7_ <br /> 1�. �M a�N�Mi C���f LeM 8wlc�r. Tbe No�e or a p�rWl�inl�nat ie d�e Na�te(Io�ther witb d�Sacrrity <br /> hutrumanl m�y be wld ant a�e�ae dses+wltlqYt pior notke w Boeo A a{e m�y mwft in a ct�a�e in dre eosiiy <br /> (ianown M We 9.o�n Savioa")d�at ooibats aio�rl�ly p�yma�u due unda the Nob and thi�Sacu�fty Insdutnent. 71K[e ilso <br /> m�y be one or mae cbaiym�o!'IMe I.o�n�ervkw Winl�ted W a s�le ot the.Na�e. If tbe�e i�a ciante of tQe Lain Sarioer� <br /> Barmwer wiU be�ven wt(tun� d d�e chanje ia aaotd�nce widi p�ph 14�bove+�nd applicable taw. 'Ib�notioe <br /> �vill q�ea the atme�nd aAd�u d tta new Lan Servkar�nd the�ddras w which p�ymenu�houW ba mde. 7Le mtioe wiU <br /> �Lo oont�in iny odkr inf�oa req►iirod 6y applic;bte I�w. <br /> 20. ��dow SN6�a�oer. Borrower st1rN rwt cwse a petmit the presence�use.di�poal.aton�e.or relwe oF�ny <br /> l�aza�dot�s Sub�t�oa oa oc fn die Prnperty. Barower�dall not da.rar oq�w�►yaae dse w do.�nything attactia�H�e <br /> Pro4aAy th�t l4 in vIolatlan of�ay Env�onma�tal I.�w. 7be procoding two�ente�as�11 rat�pply w tbe <br /> �ttar a va tho Propaty of vt�ll qu�ntida of Hw,�ndous Subsuurces dwt m�anernUy reco�nized to be�pp�opd�te w normal <br /> t�al usa apd tn tn�nten�nce of the Pmpe�ry. <br /> Bmvwa:h�U PwmPtly�ive Lenda writtea rwtke of any investlgulon.cWm.dan��uit or otbar�cdan by�uy <br /> govaflmet►tal�r reg��luay aga�y ar prlvate party invaiving d�a Properiy utid any Hpzardous Su�or Bnvha�mental <br /> Law of wMch Bamwer has actud l�aowledge. If i3ortowar leams.or is naified by �ny aovaime�tsl oc reguWory <br /> ��t any rcarovd a aher remaliuton of any Nv.atdou:Subst�urxi aPfccting tfre Pra¢aty h neoes�uy�Ba�rower <br /> �p�PUY t�ke�11 naxs.9ary remedld acUons in accadance with Envlroiunental Law. <br /> As used in thiq pprAgraph Z0. "Hr+v.udous Sub�wices"are those cubswnces defukd a$toxic or Iw�ardous substarxxs by <br /> ',. � ' • FnviroamenW 1:nw and�he following wbsunces:�osene,wlier flwnmable or toxic peaolwm products,wxic , <br /> , � pesticldes an�l Nafiicides,volatik solvents.maurials cantaining eabestos or formddehydo,and rs►diopctive mataials. As . <br /> ', used U�thb parngruph 20."Farvironmentol Iaw"means feidernl Isws ond I�v►n of the Juricdiction whete tha'Ptoperty is la�ted <br /> •. , :Uwt relato w or envlr+onmrntal protatlon. <br /> ' '• NON•UMFORM COVENAM'S. Borrowa and Lender fu�ther coven�nt and agrx as followa: . <br /> 2Y. Accekradon; Rem�dfes. [.eader shdl g lve�oda to Borrower pNor to aoceterAdan followto� BorroWer's <br /> ' 6resch d��y ooveeant or a�reement In tbis Secu�ity Instrument(but aot prbr W s�oceleration ander pyr�raph 17 • . <br /> unlecs applicabk Iww provtdes�tQer�viie). The aotice shell�peclfy: (a11he defiutl;(b)the AclWn re�quired to cure Ux <br /> �t�tc)a dalr�iHi��ir8�ii �B 3�l�"d�!'OSlI l�!!�8!!1!!!AQ1ItY R�!gIYlQ�4 B4!'!4Wl��I!}'WRIICII t11!dE�i11U I�Ud b! <br /> cured;aad(d)that failure to cure Ihe defiult on or before the dwte speclffed Ia the notke may result Ia acc�krwtbn ot <br /> We sams s�ecund by tdls Secudty Instrument and sale ot!he P�operty. 7'he aotloe shall brther in�orm Borrower of <br /> � the right to reinstate aRer accelention ond the right to brMg a couM actioa to asseM Ide non-exlstena of n detaalt or <br /> nny ot4er ddense d Dorrower to pcceleratbn pnd ss�le. If the detault Is aot cund od or 6etore the date specilicd ta <br /> tGe aalke,l.ender at its opibn auy requirc immedlwte pnymen!ia full of All sums secured by this Security I�trament <br /> witbout•IhHher denumd and may invoke the power ot sale and nny otper remedies permltted by �pplkaWe law <br /> Lender shaN be entltled to coUect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided la thb para�rs�pb 21. <br /> includMg,but nW limited to,rasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evldence. <br /> lt/he power of sale is(nvoked.7Fustee shall record p notice of dePault tn each county in whicf�say part of the <br /> Prope�ty(s lacs�ted And shsdl m�il mpies of such notice In the m�nner presc�ibed by applicable Ipw to Sorrower and to <br /> the otber pe�soas presc�ibed 6y �ppUcnble IAw. Aner the tlme required by Applkable law,7lrustce ahall glve public <br /> aotia of cale to the persons and ia the mnaner prescrlbed by pppllcable IAw. 'Irustee,without demand on Borrawer� <br /> aMaY sell the Property At pub8c�uctlon to the highest bWder at the time and place and under the terms deslgnated ia <br /> t6e notice of sale in one or more parcds and in any order 71�ustee determines. 'Irustee may postpone s�k of all or any <br /> parcel ot the Property by pubNc announcement sN!he time and place of any previously schedukd e�le. I.ender or ils <br /> desl�nee awy purchase!he Prapehy ot any sak. <br /> Upon receipt of payment oi the price bW. 7Yustee slwll deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the <br /> Property. The recitals In the 7Fustee's deed sdw116e prlms�facie evideece of the truth oP the sfntements made t4erein. <br /> 71�uetee�all apply the proceeds of the sale in 1he following order: (a)lo�11 costs and expeoses ot exercising the puwer <br /> Fwm3o28 9/9� �puKr3ujnp,�cpri <br /> i ' <br /> I <br /> 15(J�'�1�� �d'Rr.TN�'^!•+aswrb�RL1"lfA6.iYt4'icc,v�nl�'�F?,'.,'�t.+rw�.. . r. - . ; rr � y <br /> —r 7�a5�a f�i( (�� ' . +, '_�'` �`1.jF^'�`}`�t\+� . <br /> �-- ,,.�'Iyy��[.a 1{�ivr' - .� . . .. :t- �'�t.u'l�! • yii� .�')t !��`. <br /> ♦2i.n,���9_i�-i� ,� �. , . _ .� .1TM ..'''� �Si��._.T�1 ', .. :;` t / • r ' <br /> :�ti. �Lf .�.t�. -. <br /> — —arr;,Su.v:�.-.' -.9h'fL�.�Y1:! •^�1.•l.�i...�.__l i[i�v__1 .:_�SIIOL_t��..sdd.�,1!►ti ��ei;• `v`�-- - ��:�.�3_i;.�Ymar��..:r�__ f.�[c:t.�-„1IiC••. <br /> u _ <br /> ---- '�-- ----- -%---- <br /> ------------ -� <br /> ^!"3fSTP' _„ _.. . -- . . .. _ �f._._,___ -- : .. �...y11'G"vg'7;.'+'�. 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