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_ Y. , . <br /> �, . .,,}�. , . ., . .�-. , --- <br /> --.°�-,:,�� � � --- <br /> � � �9g�o� , � . . <br /> ,,p�WlYH�Il�irpmv..�we.Now ar k...�ll!r n.cMe o�I� ,iwd il!w+mw., � <br /> - �� �ib�ti�l�o bt cor�ni by�� <br />- - - - -.--- -- �nd A•w�a se�r at I�wwA�►�wt d 14 prapNtq. A!!�pl�orwM�Y1d - - <br /> - - + Ip�trumwitf MI o(dM tatepM�u nlYnrd a M�hi�9�nrity ltwnaYwM�dw"Prop�ety." • <br /> BQRROWBIt COVRlNAN'f'S ti�t 8oerower ir hwfWlly wei�ed ot tlw attle henby ooavey�d aad f�Ihe�id►t to 4rant <br /> � �nd canvey�he1h�op�y�nd�t IiM P�opary i�w�ancwnbored�exoept tor ancnmbwioei d rocad. B�xtnwer w�rnnts�p0 <br /> will de�end�aeNtd(y t!N dtie a tl+e IP�ropeRy�aln�t dl cl�lmi�nd dum�nd��Mubject a any enoumb�noei of raoord. <br /> 7'EIIS 9F.Ct1R17'Y INSTRUMBNT combiuei unifam Covatanb far ruitionN) u�e �nd non-uni�omt ooveeatM� w1d� <br /> limited vuWian by jud�dlcllue w caa�tippe a�miform�ecud�r i�aunm�ent covain�mal propoKy. <br /> UMPORM COVBNAFV'1'S. 8o�ower md L.endet covomnt awf yroe u fdbw�s <br /> 1. Paymeat o�Anc�lp�l aad latN'ati ProPs�ma�t�ad l.�h Ch�r�. Htxmwcr ahdl promPt�Y WY wbai due the <br /> princi of�utd ioteros�on the debt avldoncad by the Nwe�nd anY propnyn�ent�nd!uo ch�tae�due unde��he Nao. <br /> �Fand�tor 7Msa aad IMpr�nce. Subjoct to appNc�blo law or to�wtltten waivu by l.cnda,Barowcr tlull p�y w <br /> I,ender on the day monthly p�ymenu uo due under tho Nwe,undl tho Noto ie paid in iull.��um("Punds")for:(�)ye�dy <br /> wces and aesesamcnts which m�y�pain priaity over thi�Secudry In�trumeet ar�Uen on the Propeny:(b)Yeuly Ieuehald <br /> i ymenta ar ground naua an tho Propa�ty. if�ny: (c) Yeuly h�zud or property inwrance pramiumr, (d) yeAr1Y ilood <br /> � promiums. if�ny:(c) Yc+u�Y mo�t�� insurar�o promiums. if eny:and(�any suma p�yabb by Bon�owa w <br /> [,d�de��in�ccoM�Ce with the proviaions of pu�8raph lieu of tbe pyment af mongage i�RUr�aice p�+emiums. 7Leaa <br /> iteras ue callod"Escrow Roms." I.e+�dar m�y.�t Any�ime.collect and hoW Fimds in an amount mt 10 eaooed the maximwa <br /> unount� lander fu�fttlenlly �ehted�rwrtgsge lou�m�y requiro for Harrowerh escrow�ccount under the taleral Real <br /> Est�te Settlement Pmcedures Act oi'1974 as amended from time to time.l2 US.C.�26(11 et s�q.('RESPA").unkss awlhe�' <br /> law tlu�t�pplies w the Wnds sets a lesser amou�N. lf so.L.,ender any dme.cdloct and hold Rnds in�n�unount not to _ <br /> _ -° - �` eacoed the ic�snr x�uount. Lender may estimate the nmount �f£v� due wi U� basic of cwieat d�ta and�e�sonAble <br /> estim�tes of expenditures of futun Escrow Items or othervvise in accadance with applicabk law. <br /> The P+�nds ah�ll be heid in�n institution whose depoaits are lnsu�ed by A federal agency, inwwnenWity.or�endty <br /> (including l.ender.ii L.ender is such an institutionl or in any Federal Home Losn Bank. I.ender sha11 apply the Funds to pay - <br /> the EsCrow Items. Lender may rat chuge Borrower for holding and applying 1he FLnds,annually analyzing the escrow <br /> .._,�� accounG or verifying the Fscrow[tems, unless l.ender puys Borrower interest on the FLMs and�pplicable law pemniis <br /> l.ender to make such�t chsuge. However.Lender may rec�ui�Borrower to pny a one-time charge for nn independent rcal <br /> - e,�tate tax repo�ting service used by I..ender in connecdon w�ih this loan.unless ppplicable law providea oilierwise. Unless an <br /> _ agroement is made or applicable.lpw requims interest Io be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or <br /> � earnings on 1he Funds. Borroxer and l.ender may agree!n writing.however,that interest ahall be pafd on 1he F'unds. Lender <br /> ° —s:��x� shall give to Bomower.withaal annual accoundng of the FLnds,showing credils and debils to the PWnd.g and the <br /> �={���'� pu�pose for which each debit tv ihe FUnds wes made. 77ie Ponds ore pledged as addilional Fecurity for all sums securcd by <br /> +�� this 3ecurity Instrurtlen� <br />.:I�1 ,� If the Func►.s held by l.ender ezceed�i�e amaun�s permittai tu 6r i�id by appiiCabic law, Lcr,tla sl�s!!accQUni su <br />-'� "�' Borrower for the e.ccess Funds in eccordence with the requirements of applicable law. If Ihe amount of the Ftinds held by <br />'at <br /> • I.ender at eny Ume is not sufticient ro pay the Escrow Rems when due,Lender may so notify Bortower in wridng,and.m <br />=:� such case Borrower shall puy to L.ender the amount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower aha11 make up ttre <br />-- deticiency in no more lhen twclve monthly l.enderk sole discretion. <br /> " Upon payment in tull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Boirower any <br /> , Funds held by l.ender. If.under parngraph 21,Lender shall ucquire or seU the Property,Lender, p�c►r to the acquisition or <br /> sale of the Pmperty.shall apply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisi�ion or sale ac u c�edit against 1he sums <br /> -- � secured by this Secutity Inswment. <br /> ��: �;r�, 3. ApplkaHon at Paytraents. Unkss upplicuble Iaw provides otherwise. ell payments received by Lender under <br /> �����;'�:. paregraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:tirs4 to any prepayment chnrges due under the Notc;second,to amounta payable under <br /> - � ' F�y� paragcaph 2;third,to interest due;fouAh,to principai due;and last,�o any late churges due under ihe Note. <br /> `_` � i. 4. C6arges; Wens. Borrower shull uy all taxes, assessments, chazges, 6nes and impusitions attributeble to the <br /> •,•..tit` �� , Properiy which may attain priority over�his�ecuriry Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground re�ts,if any. Borrower <br />?'.'� ! ,, . shait pay these obligations in Che manner provided in paragruph 2,or if not paid in that msmner,Bortower shall pay Ihem on <br />��` ���:j;r?•�;��• .�� time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shall pramptly furnish to Lender All notices of amaunts to be puid under = <br /> - ,,;,;.;:1. .,.: <br /> ,•r• �f ��. lhis paragraph. If Borrower mai�es these payments directly.Borrower shull promptly fumish to Lender receipts ev�dencing <br /> ��+�x f'�'���; �he payments. _ <br /> �,,�',;�.,•. ... ,. :, _ <br /> .»'.;,�1; Bomower shall promptl}•discharge uny fien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrces <br /> � z '�-' � -��?� in writing to the payment of Ihe obligatian secured by the lien in a mnnner Acceptable to Lender.(bl contes�s in good faith the <br />- ��`` ' '�''��'`�' lien by,or defends ngainst entorcement of the lien in,legAl proceedings which in the I.ender�s opinion operate to pTevent the <br />�� � 'h}'�'�'��%�•'%?i: enforcement of the lien;or'(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactory ta Leader subordinating the lien <br /> �,:�'1��;�;`>':r ':�.. - <br /> • k to this Security Instrument. If Lender detemiines that any part of the Property is subjec�to a lien which may attain priority <br /> "��' '-�-"" � ` over this Security lnstrument,Lender may give Borrower A notice identityin�the lien. Botrower shall saUsiy 1he lien or take _ <br /> _�, � ' �:n� - <br />�_,t r�„��..�.;h� one or more ot t�he actions set forih above wUhin 10 dnys of the giving ot notice. <br /> ' '�'�' == -=�'": S. HAa�rd or property Insurance. Bortower shall keep the improvements now existing qr hereafter erected on the <br />'t �`�� �"� Property insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended coveroge"und an)�othet{uding _ <br /> . ';��� � �• • �` flc�o�.c or Ooading, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurunce sholl be muintnined in �he amounts tu�d for the - <br /> �_. <br /> iJ. �. � <br /> .w•a:�.v--nC �.I��.�.H'a+ ' <br />. -- �, ;=r-----",- Fonn 3128 9190 IPoRr 2 nj6�agrsl --- <br /> �o}�' - <br /> •p-�:-. . .�4' _. <br /> .� ,1`. . . _ . <br /> �JYj.4,i1,_.�,.�.• , .�� _ <br /> .wl',tM., .,f. ' . •,• • ' � <br /> � � � ,��. .T__�_'� T_�_'__.. ... -._ . IM.NY.+;-.{ y .-J <br /> .P r` ,�� . i ,!•: ii,w!:,h:».. � , .. � i. ' .. _ `,,n .��{�,�...yf�'�.��(�`�t ... . �'. ._ Z'p"..}'� . .�:Ki.. <br /> z!n�'i+t. ,_.-. . � �p,. ..�,,..,,�.u=1c.._ . . , . , . <br /> L ,�. . . . .. • . . <br /> ._. ... ,: . � ., <br /> � <br /> ., . . " � <br /> �d_., <br /> , <br /> �4 � •>t�{ <br />- � Gti9' ':_�. _ . . _ _. ��i.�:_.._.�."_St.1:1'Y�._ _ .�.� . . <br /> •- .-- __-:-_-�---_-'-----� ------- ----- .-.-_=.= _ ---_ - - <br />