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_ ___ __ <br /> .. __ _ _ _ _ . _ __ ___ ___ � _ <br /> �- • ,-.-�...:,�. ; . . ., .. ,..•,,,,� ;.r , �. . . �r,�...r <br /> , . . _ . . , , : -- <br /> , . . . ���� , � <br /> �as et4xs te�d a�Y p�t��M�Y,or ior oawy�uor U 1i�1�of ccnd�dc4�w M�bY�kPl�!�� . .. . <br /> �ii br p�id ta I.e�dtr. - . . . . - - <br /> In dw ev�ut n��to�l t� d H�+!'ropeet�r�d�e �hdl be�pplial to tbe a�at �awed'by dda�y <br /> ev ut <br /> inqnnaiaf.wlwdier oP ewt dwe�a dre.r►�ith�ay ezoe� to Barower. Io the evem af�p�Aiv Weit�ot Ibe in <br /> whidt ths tdr nu�lcet v�ha ot'the Perpeety lnutwdidely betae tbe takins i�eqwl a a pe�er�hMn the emowot�wn� <br /> �ee�ned by tbls SectiuitY Inspument immedi�tely bofaro the ukin��unlas l8orrower and Lender Whorwise �e la wrldnj. <br /> �p����,��gec�u(ty[n�ument sl�l1 be reduc�d by the mwunt of tbeprouoals multiplled 6y the tdbwin� <br /> Itactiac (�)the wW�nt of�be wrot tecu�ed ImmodLtoly 6eforo the Wcina�divlded by(b)the fd�msrket valua o!�he <br /> pto�ety lnuaedi��ely bafore tbe hkla�. My bd�noe�hW be pRid to Aortnwet. In tho eva�t of a pa�tid tdcLi of the <br /> M�ty in which the filr miuka value of the Prope�ty immedi�tely bcforo the nkinQ is le�s Uw►the�mount of�wme <br /> ecure�immedi�tely betoro the t�king�unless Borrower and I.ender atheruvi�o pgroe in writin�or unks,s�ppliaibb bw <br /> od�a�vvl�e provides.the pocoed��hall be applied w tho wms�ecurod by this Secwity Lutrumenl vr4etA�or not tho w�nt�ae <br /> ti�u due. <br /> 1P Ihe ProQtr�y ia aDandone�f by Borrower.or i9,�Rar�by Lenda�W Borrower dwt�tic aodmmor affera ta ro�k�e <br /> ae�vu�rd or aetlb a cWm for dr�es.Hanower fails w�espond eo Lerder within 30 da��Rer d�o d�te the notioo ia�iren. <br /> L�endet is�Ihorlaod W coAloct�nd applyµho� its optan.eiiU�er to�wnm v��ep�ir af d�e F'ropen►y ar on.,tl�e . , <br /> wws aocwred by this SocMniry Iaspua�en� or tat t6en due. '�' <br /> � ' •., ,.. �:• ,Unkas L.a�der aatl Bac+p Mherafisz in writing.�ny appl�cau�n ud�P�ctcee(�s to.�r•i�cp�l.sf►�U n�C'�1�¢blad�� . , <br /> l.a der �ctce <br /> . �Ipone tho due data of ti►�a�non�iip�Ynnv��ts.i�ened R°ut pa�r�plw-1 am¢�ar ciwage the em�ix�,+�aurb P�Y��';'' ;';: ., - <br /> '11. Bvr�+a�eir,'1�Iaf+�ta`�e�fil;.� By l.eader J.Y4t;�.�iJvec. �aiensibn of the de� fo'pa,utri@�1C'ot . <br /> ��.�,,.: rnad��+ouo�'�iiraaiasation�qf.tha sums secu�ect�.tb�os S e c�l i�t�i n i l r ument g�ante d�y L e n d er to any s u c c c s�i t�n i n i e r e s t :� .' , <br /> � • o�Haiiower shnll�wl oyerate to��enre thc fiability of fhc aigina)��o�rower oi�Horrawerl�succeason in (ntetcst. Leniltli�. . <br /> - � ' i «....._�.�tµ. .- .� .��n.•f .wnu'r��^.:�c.a^.."1S!:nt�r�ef�r rrfi�cr tn rYtend t!►nc!f�fr otVmeflt o[ -. <br /> ..�tlllfll� IIU� UO�CA�ql�OU us wu��ui.i�w`. pw..v 'b`....b .. _ � r <br /> '�otherwiae modify amort'uatiot�of iho sums socured by this 3ecurity Inswment by reason of any demw�d made by the original <br /> Horrower or Barowarh wcceecors in intemst. Any forl�eearance by Lender in axe�ising�ny d�ht or remedy�IwU iwt be• <br /> w�iver of or preclude the exer+ciso af any�ight or romedy. <br /> 12. Suocenor�and Ac�l�w Bound=Jolnt tmd Several LIablUty;Co-�l�nera. The covenan�x and agreements of this <br /> Socurity Instrument ahall bind end benefit the succesco�s and s�ssigns of Lender and Bormwer.�ubject to the provi�ions of <br /> �n�g�aph t7. Borrowerg covemnw and agramenw shall bo jaint and several. My Borrower who co-signs thic Securiry <br /> nI `�nt but doe�not execute the Naa: (�)is co-signing thie Secudty Instrument only to mon�a�o.�rant+uid canvey thu <br /> Bamwer�intere�t in the Py+u�erty under the terms of this Security Inauument; (b)i�not perwnally obliQated to pay the wms <br /> socu�ed by thia Secadty Insttument;and(c)�grcea thrt l.ender and any other Borrowar moy o�ree to extend.mudify,fortxar <br /> or m�ko �ny accommod�tian�wllh re�And to �he tcrmr of Ihi�Securfty Inrtrument or the Note wi�hout th�t Bormwer's <br /> ca�neat. <br /> 13. l.o�n Clui�a. IF �he loan secured by this Secu�ity Insuument is subJect to u law which seta m�ximum loon <br /> eha�a.and thu I�w is tinally interpreto�so tiun[iro imerest or di�er iu+m ciim�caii�:ted or to be talkc,�t�d ia rau�tctiaa <br /> whh the Iwn ex000d the pemii�ud IimUs.then: lal any such laan charge ahall be reduced by the am�wm necessnry to reduce <br /> the chuge w the pem�ittod lirnit:and(b)any sums already colkcted from Borrower which exceeded pemdtted limlts will be <br /> refunded to Borrower. l.endar m�y choose to make this rofund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a <br /> diroct payment to Bomuwer. If a refund rcduces principal.the reduction will be d�eated as a p�rtial prepayment without ony <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Notiae. Any notice to Borrower provided far in thic Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> msiling it by firct clau mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.'lY+e notice shall 6e dirocted to the Property <br /> Address or any other address Borrower designates by nutice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by firat class <br /> ma�l to Lender�address swted herein or nny other address Lender designates by notice to Barrower. Any notice pravided for <br /> in this Security Instrument stwll be deemed to F�ve been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this <br /> P�S�Ph• <br /> IS. Coverning Law;SeverobilNy. 'Ihis Security Inswment shall be governed by federaf law And the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In�he event thAr uny provision or clause of this Securi�y Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable luw. such canflict shall not ufCect othar provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can - <br /> be given effecl without�he conflic[ing proviaian. To this end the pravisions of this Secudty Instrument and the Nae are <br /> declared ta be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security I nxtrument. <br /> 17. 7Fansfer ot tlie Propeny or n Beneticial Interest In Borrower. If;�II or any pc►rt of the Property or any interest in <br /> it is sold or transferred (or if a 6eneficial imerest in Borrower is�old or uansferred and Borrower i4 not a natural person) <br /> without Lender's prior wrinen consent,Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in full af all sums secured by <br /> this Securiry Inswment. However,this option shall not be exer�cixed by Lender if exercisie i�prohibited by federal law a.v of <br /> the date of this Securiry In�trument. <br /> If Lender exercises this aption,Lender xhall give Borrower notice af accelerution. The notice shall provide u period of <br /> not leas than 30 days from the date the notice is delivened or mailed within whirh Borrower mugt pay all sums,ecured by this <br /> Security lnstrument. If Borrower fuils to puy thc,e sums prior to the expira�ioa of this period. Lender may invoke uny <br /> remedies permined by this Security Instnrment withnut funher nutice ur demund un Hc�rrower. <br /> • 18. Borrower's Rt�ht to Reinstete. If Borrowcr mcets certuin conditions, Bormwer xhall huve the right to havc <br />- enforcemCnt of this St�urily Invtrumcnt dixcontinueJ ut any lime prinr ti�the eurlier of: Ial S duys lor such other perial ax <br /> Sbpk Family•-�oanle iNodl�Yeddk Mwc UNIFORN IN!i'1'1!L'M�N'1'-•Unlfortn Covenonuc 9�90 1►bR����In na.a«► <br /> ---'_..�.�.;:i�r�Ln���r1�nR��i�q�"�+:sx t?G.�h�:v"}�"} ��lt'R�:M`' ++yweyF�Rt.�,vY•41LY�y�,�L.� <br /> �.i. ?-..y..rc.y...Xapyrv� -.—. <br /> .-ii�r�I�:'.':-_:. �%.�1� --.�.r i �t2 1 . . � <br /> — ' �Y. . ' .. .. . � . . . . _ ._�. ._... .��'1. �l�ly�:9�'a11 �I':...". �.--...-.... .. • . ' ' � • <br /> �---. _ .y - • . .� - . - • '•' .a�. , , . , <br /> . �.• , <br /> � .�.'•..J - � �. . - . . . - <br /> +_,a . - . � .��.J...�6i1Rr:kti�w , �• <br /> , � . - <br /> .. <br /> 1.4ai-..u...' �_.L�._� � __ ` �L�,t..:..�_."',x.�', �..-i••se�teiM�2t2.� !�flii}�o�r,�i.�3�4:h��Li..t - ..�:�_i.l.-•�.�l�' <br /> -- ` - <br /> -- -�- - -- � - -•- � --T--------- .-_.___- — ------.-_...-- - - -� -------- ---aPr — ._. ---- - �-- - <br /> -_" ..`�' .. r � _ - . . . . . .. .. . <br /> �'�`5'X.h.X'. f . . . .. . .. � n . _ .. <br /> � <br /> �.._ii Fµ .�. . -.. . ' � _ <br /> y � .:. <br /> t> � �'. . .. � . . � <br /> ��y! • • <br /> � -�#��'.L:�_-���J�����y}'j���+Ji1�.��'/'.Pl' . I- � __" . ' .t'. "_'_ _ . . . 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'S . �+r�rr:. �. . . � ..:t,trp�1'd,�/� ,l ft'(f(��f,y� w/�� i(.F•! �I;. . 11�1} <br /> _IAltil���1 .\� �-,�E1[ 1! �{_L��S(I�f 1:;,�.%' � `)• r``.' 1- ;If/ 1� f�� I/j(`A��(��`iF�bP�i�r���tS����IF�4 � �.•�i <br /> I�r , i• y � Jti t � � 1 or, ��;' ti � �..., <br /> - ,.ir �...-��^rv'Y��i�s r�l4�r s�f tir���y b ; � '. i' '�� �s �y,��.�,r t ��„{At.t �,�r��,,�;,,;���t�, �. � �� .�,,, <br /> i�r�l� � � ��ft�i.`�-�'��/tit';/;•.+ .,.4f� 't��� . -I .Ik� ���. i�t�l���'lft�^It� •i'�;�;m,S4�yt���,ai;��wn.wy.l^.�ttiy1F1'�trnrrp.r••` -i�e�1�+��tti„ ����. <br /> "?�' _ _� v•• .ia •4i.),�t - ;_-. 4" - ., . r 1;(" . • �. . ' - , d ` . <br /> .. t-' . .. � 1 i �.1�' � • . _ _ � - . <br /> . acs ,s.'a w.v e- iF���. r +�.� • . ., . . . . . <br /> • . .�. - J.a N-� - . <br /> . ... .r <br /> � <br /> .;` .,�t.�. .. •' . a�`�..���t., f' '� . �.._._..._ �..,__ . .. . __ . .__. _. <br />