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� �___ _ __ _ _ <br /> -,. .�. � <br />, ;...:�.=as-� . A { ����.Q� , <br />' • �!N'�M h'"'wy�o�!}'1ac�i�tl Md'oee iat�d.W Pbopnty p�tw�at to+nX mw�r d wM ooY�rd 1N IW <br />' � �,��'i6;�p���t�a.°..stvsltY�. ilr�e e+�en}�9�er: tH . <br /> piq►s [.w�ber dl �er whf� 1F�y bs dw wd� Wb S�c�eity L�woaa nd IMe NoM a it Rlo�ceNla'ados Md <br /> i „ oocMn.ak(b)aw�..ey►eet.k a1�y ot6er aowa�na ur.p�:cc)pY+�Il eapeert�in�u�nd W eotaciaR th4 Sec,�iiY <br /> I hqrwnpr, iach�diu�.but npe 11m1�d w�tauorvbip�eabays'tees��od(d)Wca sucb acdon w l.eader u�y mawn�bly <br />! fpltira b�e t1Yt dN lbll Ot dlls SeCUrity Imaument.l.toderl�ri jhtt io tAC PbpaRy md 8ofi�Owety obliption t0 p�y th� <br />' �t secwbd b�► d�it 8ecurity Iro� �1! cantinua w�ed. Upon �talanmt by Hornower. thit Sec�rity <br />? la�auineat iad�be obiia�toor ieciu�ed�aebY�11 ntusin tu11Y of'fadva�a it oo�ccelasdon b�d accurred. I�ow�� <br />� ti�ht to t�tMe�Inll nd apply la the c�se of sccclenHon under p�rynpl�17. <br /> i 19�. S�le�NM�Ci�e af 1.ou Senicer. 'ltre N�ta a a Nq �1 intendt 1n the Note(w8etha wlth this Secudty . <br />- insawnent) any be:o1d one or aree�e I�es �rid�out pia�r notice w 8o�rower. A ale msy rcault in a clunge io tbe eadly <br />- (tno�vn n the" Savka")du�c collaKs rmonthly prya�ent�due uoder the Note iad this Sccuricy L�saumeau. 7t�ero 8a <br /> ma be oqe ar mae cbm�a of the[mn 3avker wurl�ted W a�le of the Noto. It the�+e is a clw�ge ot the Lwn Savlar. <br />� Bamwa will be given written notice of the chwge in+cxosdaooe with paragraph 14 ali�ovo u�J�pplicable law. 71�o nodce ,•'��':',..: <br /> will suue t6�avne�nd addn�ss ot Use new Lwn Servicu aM�he�dd�as ta wtiich pqyrnen[s�hauld,ba�mwda;The oafco•wUl.•., �•. . . <br />� al:o cqAWn aay Wher.ip�'ornut�ian regu�d by�ppllo�e l�w, . � ' � .:: . • . <br /> ?�1:Haaa�rrdous SaWa�ae�a. �ornowe�sh�u nai cs�use a.permi��t►e presonce�use.�dlsposal.atar�ge,ot rtkase of,noy`� . . . <br /> . a <br /> � on or ih the Pbperty. �arrower ehaU not cW��nor's►l7aw any�ne else to do.anythln8 +fiect�n8 the . <br /> `.•1'ipQariy ihW b'irt'vioi�tion of any Emirnnmenw!Law. 'ilie ptebaling twa sentences alull not ppply w the p�sence.usc�or <br /> ata�ase ba tbe Propaty of small guandtIcs of H�xerdouo Substnnas that an�eperally ra�dzod oo be appropiate to tMrmd <br /> raideadd usa aQd to m�intaunce af the Proputy. <br /> gortower dWl promptlY Qive i,endct writta�noticc of�ny iove�dgatton.cldm,dem��uit or dher acdon by+ny <br /> bC�. , .�.w � . ...... �.��., ».�.,tWy��pino Nv P�rr+rr�tv enA nnv Ha�anelmea Suhstassrr nr P.mfrnsstreet�ta! - <br /> n:::«.w:...» :..8i:.:.;�i=s�-� �^r� i^�-� -o <br /> I,�w ot which Bomowa hu Actu�l knawled�e. If Bor►ower Iearn�. or is notifkd by �ny 4ovunmenW a K�uluary <br /> �lull pm�ieptly take dl nece�aaiy romedi�tiena�accordure��e w1�h�Env�im�nmcmt�Lwwhe Property b nxe�ty.Barrower <br /> M wcd in thi�pm�r�ph 1U."Hiuc�nbur SubRw�cea"aro thoRO wb�u�ncee drilnal os u►xic i�hrx�►dou��ubstonveR by <br /> Bnvironment�) and the tallowfn suMum��: WM�lior.kero�ene.dher Itrmmablo cx u�xk pelroleum praluc��.tatic <br /> prttkide��u�d herbicider, vdallk w►�vcnt�. motcriuln conuinin��aberto�ur farmaklehy�k,�uW r�ull�wc�ive mqeri�le. A� <br /> u�od In Ihi�pra�r�ph Z0."Eavi�ontncnt�l l.�w"mcnn�fedanl l�wr�nd INww of�hc Jurirdkllo�whc�e Iho Propehy is lacued <br /> tA�t aluoto heatth,�afely aeovironment�l pralection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAMfS. Bortower and Lender iunher covenu�t u�d�r+ce wi followR: <br /> Z1. AcceitniNaAi Rew�dM�. LeMde�elqili�ive aotice to Borrower pMar to�ccelentbo tolb�vin Borrow�er's <br /> bre�ch of ao'covens�t or asnemenl la thb Secn�ity I�uiaeat Ibut nM prtar to accekradoo undar para�pi�17 <br /> �nka�ppllcable I�w provides WUerwbel. The notice siwll�pecltys (�1 the defaulli Ib)16e�ctfon nequired to cure tMe <br /> �eP.wn tci .�oot k,.t�.3e a.r�.���aoa�u�e��a��ve�a so�-��es,by svhk=s ilse det�nli mns!!�e <br /> cured;pad (d)tiut tailnre to cure the defaup on or 6efore the date specifled in Ihe notiae nuy�esult la Accderatioa of <br /> the sums secared by Wis Securtly Instrumeat And sale of the Property. T6ee nolice sh�ll fLrther intorm Borrowar ot <br /> We right to reinsfntc Aiter accekratbn nuud the�ight ta bring A court octlou to asserl thc non-existence of�defarlt or <br /> apy ather ddense ot Borrower to Acceleratba aad sale. If the de�aull Ls aot cured on or betore the date specitied in <br /> the notia,I.ender s►t its opdon mAy require ImmMtate payment in full ot nll sums secured by Wis Security lostrumeat <br /> without tuMher demand aad may invake Ihe power of sAle and any other remedtes permitted by applka6le laa <br /> Lender skwll be entitled to collect all ezpenses incurred in puraaing the remedies provided in tWe pa�raph 21, <br /> iacludin�,but not limited to.reasonable pttorneys'fees And easts ot title evidence. <br /> I�t4e power of sale is invoked�7Yustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which Aay part ot tde <br />� property is located and shall mAll copies of such notice iu the manper p�esc�ib�d by applicpble law to Borrower and!o <br /> the other persons prescribed by Applicable IAw ARer ihe Ume required by appllcnble law,7lrustee ahnll give pubik <br /> notiee of esHe to the persons s�nd in the monner prescribed by wpplicAble law 7lruslee.without demand oa Barrower, <br /> ahall s�l ihe Property at public auctbn to the hig6est bWder at the/ime and pace And under the terms designated in <br /> Ihe aotioe af sale in one or more parcels and in pny order 71�ustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of aU or aoy <br /> parcel af!he Property by public�nnouncement at tde time and place W apy previously scheduled s�k. l.ender or ils <br /> desiQnee o�y purchase the Property at pny salc. - <br />� Upon receipt ot pAyment of Ihe price bid.7lrustee shall delive�to ihe purchaser 1lruvtee's deed conveying t6e <br />� Propeirty. The recitals in the 7Fustee's deed shall be p�iaw iacie evidence of the truth of the statements made fharetn. <br />; 'IFustee sdall apply We proceeds of the sale in the folbwireg order: la)to wll costs and expenses of exerclsinQ the power <br /> Fwm 3028 9/90 �p.x�s nje�wgrs► <br /> ------ � . - <br /> _.±��xvra�a:^�-�Rd�k'. <br /> _." �l .. ����T . ..._ V . . ' a� h L . i'�l '1'..4. " 1 . . <br /> --_:. �•.14f _7�LG'Sr�.�! . , " ' .. . '� �~ '` �.t.1nk."� �� �w . • � �' - :--�. ' <br /> .au�.. . �.�t�.�liAr..r,r�. <br /> -_ --�° ...:'rz�.•m,c� ..r�i...�±r:� :.'.'s�L+hta.T'ai .�L?,�i�?'v ia:,:,w k J.�cz••_,:,.19vS-. <br /> __ � i-�r,.:,�.— - s:�.. .:, _ : . .' - � -c . - . —�,.-. �,� � �'Y�,rin••�c---- - -- -- ---------�------ <br />- ,._,..'.F� � �' ' .3ii,.L�.�... . - . 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