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��F.:_ �.-_ . . . <br /> ,. . ,. , . . . . ...Y,.^,•-�r—^+r,,, <br /> . , � . . . , . , . ,".j-r- <br /> � , � � • , <br /> � . . �3:io;�o : . ,. .. <br /> _ � =��t��:�. �w�������u����� �..+� : -- :, <br /> • �iI�iirdu ea b� '�w�o��wi�i�id. if�a�r,�ow�i�iMi a adnadao�w�i..aiio.d�bow.�� <br /> � .i��drfrti aptb�,abai� #o P�wa 1.�tk ri�im b d�Pr�ty iq+ioocMd��vith�r�npb�• <br /> ' A1l haara�o�polcid��isnrwaM�II be b LtadK and s1Wl Idolude��pind�d rJw�s. La� ., <br /> .IM,� the tl�Ft w anid u�e poliale.«ia neaewdp0°pd`bi°r.�naar�equire.�ec�rrowx�iau PremP�r t�m�vl no�pa <br /> d ptld padun��ad�abwd notba. Ia tbe evmi a�l lor,8amower�q�iw poaipt aodc�w tb�we cani�r�sd � <br /> L,wrd�r. l�a�n►�y m�te�rqo�ot bst U not rrMde pro�npl!bg�Harower. <br /> Unkar L.axkr�►d boimwat Wherw�o a�rca In�ttraaca�proceeds�U ba tpplkd to restar�tion or repolr o[ <br /> ���y d�d, #t�he roatar�eian ot ropwir i�eooaombdly ible wd l..aaderti�ewairy l�not leaeeed It the <br /> or b nat ecahtxnia�lly teuible ar Lenderlt�ecudty wauld be kWabd�tha imunnca prooeeds tb�ll be <br /> �ppljpd w the�wns recu�ed by thi�Seeurlty Iaanurwu.whdher or nat tlKU due�wlth my axcase paW w Ba�rmwer. It <br /> Borrower�b�ndons Qia lhoperry.a daa not nawer witMn 30 days �notloe trom Lendor d�t the inour�r►oe ca�rle�lw <br /> offcrod to aettle a aldm.d�en Lenda nuy collect the inwnutico pnoceed�. l,endcr may use the pooeeds w�ir a re:ta�ne <br /> tho Property or to p�y aw tacurod by d�is Socurity Ioeuu�ae�u,wbether or not tAan due. 71io 34d�y ptrwd arill be,Qio virhea <br /> tbo notbe is�re�. , <br /> Unkss l.a�dcr�nd Hon�o�rer otlmiwise�groc ia w�idng.�ny of pcocoods to principd chtl!aot cxtend ar <br /> postpane tho da dwle o�the mo�uNy 'p�yma�ta rcfenod to ia pr�gn�l a�nd 2 ar cWngc Ide:vnwmt of the p�yrnena. If <br /> undor patagrap6 21 tho P�opwty is�cquirod by I.erder.Bamwerb night to any iaauau�ce�nSiciw wd praxeds�auNoag <br /> �rom d� �o thc Napc+ty priar to tbe acqw'iwNoe�dwU pw to i,ender W ara�t0eat V�'tde sumt%ecwed b�r thls Sec�tY <br /> � 1n�numait immedi�k�Y�to the u(aidaa . . , . �: ,';� " �. .�:� � •�,; , <br /> �n <br /> . 6. wcy� . ��t1aa, atea�� nad Pt�otql�laM ol tbe �'�r►�perty,��orra�ser�:Loqn /l�plk�tNini: <br /> LaMYoli��trawer ehall bccuPY�cs�bli�h.aad•uoc the Ptoperty as 8arrower�a pdncipai rzsidencc tvitl�in sixty�dAy�a�teY• <br /> ' t4e execudon� of lhig Secutiry Inswmem aad ehall comfpn�,W occupy Iha Froperty�s 8orfower§principw reQwence�'or at �' <br /> ' ' leaet one year aftcr the data of pc�upanC�. unle:s Lender athmwiso agrcxs in writi�u8. whiq� coasent shal].nai ba. .' , <br /> , unr�asonsbly withheld,or tmlesa extenwting cir�cumstancei enbt whlah are bcyond Homawanc�antrnL 8orrower,sba14 not'. ' � •. <br /> . • destroy.damage or linpuir the Propaty,allow tho Property to detedorate,or commlt waste on the Pro�erty. Borrower ahall <br /> 'be in dcfauit if any forfeitune actian or procee�ing.whedier civU or crlminpl,i�begun that in Lcnder�good faith judgment <br /> could result in forfeiwro of the Propedy ar otherwise materfwlly impaic the lien c�ented by thie Security inswment or <br /> Lenderb security inta�esG Borrower may curo such a default and oeinstete,as providal in paragreph 18,by caueing the acdon <br /> or proceeding ro be diembced with�ruling thet�in Lendesrh good faith determinedon,precludes forfeiture of the Borrowerb <br /> inte�+eat ia tha Ptuperty or other motedd impairment of the Ikn created by tbis Security lnstrument or Lendarla axurity <br /> interr,at. Borrower ahell also be in default if Bmrower,dwin� �ho loan applic�tlanproce w, �ave moterially fNl�e or <br /> inaccurata infartutjon or ttRtemenu w Lendar(ot fi�iled to provide Lender wlth any muerid infamatfon)in connecdan with <br /> the lan evlda�cod b the Nae. ineludin�, but not Bmitod to, r�epne�entadona concemin� Bonoweri� occup�cy ot the <br /> of t� ee e pdnriga�reeldr�nct. It�hi�Securi�y Inauume�u ia on�leasehold.Barmwer alull comQly with dl tho proviaiau <br /> kYaac. IiBamwer�cquircs tee ti�le w Ihe Propeny.the lwehold uid the fee dtle�hall not mer�e unlen�l�ender�roe� <br /> a the nxxger ia writing. <br /> 7. Protectbn ot l,eader•� Rl�hte In Ihe Property. If Barowar f4fls to perform the coven�nts and agroemente <br /> cantained in this Secur�ry Ineuument.or thero is a legel procoeding that may significantly affect Lenderk righte in tha <br /> Property(sucM as a proceeding in b�nkruptcy,probate,for condemnetion or forfeitum or ta enforce Iaws or rcguladone).then <br /> Lender mwy do and pay for whatever la necxssary to protat the value af the Propeny and Lende�'s dghts in the Propeny. <br /> Lender's acdons may include paying any sums secur�ed by e lien whtch has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing <br /> in court,paying rr.asonabk attomeys'fas and entering on the Pmperty to make repairs. Although Lender may wke action <br /> under thia paragraph 7,l.ender daea not have to do so. <br /> Any emonnts disbutaed by Lender under this pangraph 1 shall become addidonal debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> Secudry Ins�rument. Unksa Bomower and Lender agree to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disburaement at �hc Note rue and shall be payable,wilh tnterest,upon notice from Lendcr to Bomower rcquesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Morlgage Insuranee. ff Lender required mortgege insurance ati a ronditian of mnking the loan secured by this = <br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums reguired to maintain t�e mongage insurance in eFfect. If,for any _ <br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverage requimd b} l,end�rr lnpses or censes to be in efFect. 8ortower ahall pay the <br /> premiums requim! to obtain coverage substa�eda'.ly ea�uova��nt [o �he mnnguge insurance previously in effec�, ai a cust <br />' subswntially equivalent lo the cost to Borrowec ot the mongage insurance previousl�r ln eifect,from an alternate mortgage <br /> inaurer approved by Lender. If substandaUy equivtilent mortsage insurnnce coverage iw not availabte.Barrower shall pay to <br /> Lender each rnornh a sum equal to one-twelfth of th e yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrower when the <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or c�eased to he jn effect Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of maRgage insurance. Losa reserve puyments mny no longer be the option of�der,lf mortgage insurance <br /> coverage(in the sunount uKt for the period thut Lender requires)provided by un insurer�pproved by Lender again becomes <br /> ovailable and ia obtained.Borruwer shall pay the prcmiums required to maintain mortgage iaswtu►:e in eifect,or to provide a <br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage insuranee ends in accordunce with uny wricoe�agreement hetwcen Bomower <br /> ond Lender or applicuble lew. - <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its�gent mny muke reasanablo entries upon and inspections of�he 1'ropeny. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reusonable cnuse for Ihe inspection. <br />� 10. ConAemnation. The procerds oi'�u�y awurJ ur clai�n fo� Jamages,di�ect o� coiu�cw:liun with any <br /> Singk Famlly--Fiaak Madl�Ysddk IMu UNIFORM INSTRUMENT•-Uniform Coremnb 9/90 lpuR�3 nj6 pa�tesl <br /> arat latei ewe.Fane..�n�■ -: <br /> T�QdaCW�I�YODWD'qRi O►Ax{1�T91•1131 <br /> - --- <br /> , <br /> - _ ---- -_ ..._�.a�_ _ • � • ���• <br /> -- --- :ir.=' - ---�- .w,�". <br /> _�s�s--�--;;`.---..._.-. -__.._--� °° .i�T ' .�' �. ... , ... ^ �i��iL�.�'7�x .a,�. 5�.,�: . 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